I Like Her

She is getting too big.  I see it everyday and time is turning our little girl into a little lady.  Every single day she is changing more and more and getting bigger and bigger.  It makes my heart kind of achey, but also excited because I love the little lady she is turning into.  The way she talks and laughs and goes into great detail explaining even the tiniest of subjects.  The way she wants to help with anything and everything.  Her imagination is delightful and she’s sure to be an artist or teacher or both when she grows up.  I just really really like her.

She asks me to play all the time.  And truth is, it just does not always happen.  Not near enough.  There are 4 children in our household all needing Mom or Dad in one way or another and carving out real play time is just tough sometimes.  I’ve really been trying to enjoy the kids more this summer because it seems if all at once they look, feel and act older.  Just in a blink.

And it happened at just the right time we were able to knock out an entire old Lego set together.  Why yes we do keep all our Legos all jumbled up in one big bin, so I always assist in the sifting and finding pieces department.  The boys all came in and out while we worked…staying for little stints here and there.  Sometimes to try and bother or annoy, but sometimes to ask if they could help or just build on their own.

As we worked she talked.  And talked and talked and talked.  It’s kind of what she does.  She does the same thing when we run together.  I adore it and I learn so much as I listen to her mind think, work and communicate.  At one point I just sat there and stared at her working and I knew I wanted to hold this time with her a little longer.  Sear it in my memory.  Stamp it on my heart.

Unruly Legos.  The sifting sound.  Her chatty words and sweet 7-year-old voice.  Cookie in hand.  And a “thank you Mom” when we finished.  She’s my jam!

Happy Wednesday.

Ha. How about happy Tuesday!


  1. charlie says:

    Sounds like she will be a very impressive young woman like her Mom. 🙂

  2. Margie Novota says:

    That is the BEST!

  3. Beth Stanford says:

    Love it! I have been thinking it’s Tuesday all morning…yay for one day closer to the weekend!!

  4. Oh I so get this . I have a sweet girl and two boys and I realize how much she needs this mom time even if it is not long. She loves to just have me near to chat as she processes her little world. Sometimes I just want to stop time and just take it all in. What a blessing they are.

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