Hudson’s Bag

I must share my most recent creation for my little boy who’s on his way. I feel sort of bad because when Harper was on her way I made her all kinds of things….all her bedding (which if you are interested will be for sale soon) two paintings and a giant H. Poor little Hudson has nothing from mom so far, but after today I can say I at least put a special effort in for his baby bag. I recently found this great navy and white striped bag for only $9.99 at Target and thought it would be perfect for Hudson’s bag, but it was just a little too plain for my taste. So of course I needed to jazz it up a little. I also recently read a tutorial on a really great art project involving sandpaper, fabric and crayons…I had to try it out. So today I set to work and this is what I got. I ended up using my sewing machine to add a little extra something to the already special fabric crayon patch just for Hudson. I am excited to try this on a few other items and I think Harper is going to use her creative crayon juices to make a special little brother shirt just for Hudson from his big sister. I’ll let you know how it turns out.


  1. OK, so this is super cute, and you made it with crayons and sandpaper? That is so neat. You’ll have to explain it to me exactly how this works. And I’m sure baby Hudson will not be lacking in the super-awesome artsy stuff department. GIve it time, you did just build an entire room for him : )

  2. I have to know how you did that. You are so creative. And do not worry about Hudson. We all know that Hudson will get many sweet gifts from Mom. Hudson is just as loved as sweet Harper.

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