Huddy Is Four!

Today is Huddy’s 4th birthday.  When Huddy was born it was such a grand day, but boy did he make his momma work to meet him.  He is just such an incredible little boy and I am so in love with this guy and his infectious spirit.

We usually do birthday parties for our kiddos with just our families, but we decided after Harper’s birthday in March, we’d ditch the parties all together and focus on something with just out little family of 6.  Turns out it ended up just like that anyways since Amon and I are still in the hospital.

I will be truthful in the fact that today was a hard day for me.  Josh and I have certain birthday traditions and I didn’t get to be apart of them which totally bummed me out.  We let the birthday kid pick their breakfast…anything they would like.  It can be cake, cookies, ice cream sundaes, anything their little birthday heart desires.  Huddy chose Green Lantern waffles.  Josh took care of that.  He even colored his waffle mix with lime green food coloring…I have taught him well 🙂

(photo taken with Josh’s 1980s cell phone.  It’s not really from the 1980s, but you get the picture)

We also decorate the birthday kid’s door while they are sleeping, so they wake up on their birthday with a killer decorated door.  Again, Josh totally rocked this as well.  Again with the 1980s phone.  I hated to not be apart of these moments today, but so thankful for the incredibly, crazy awesome dad Josh Kelley is.

We all had lunch together in the hospital cafeteria, opened presents and ate cake.  I did something I’ve never done before…bought a birthday cake 🙂  Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a store bought cake, but my Mom always made our birthday cakes and I LOVED that about her.  I decided long before Harper was even born that I would make all my kids cakes too…just like my Mom did for me.  Well, there’s a first time for everything.  Leave it up to open heart surgery to change my ways.

And you know what…Huddy loved it.  And it was pretty tasty too.  Publix makes a mighty fine whipped frosting.

So even though Huddy’s birthday didn’t go as I had envisioned, we still celebrated Huddy and spent some time together.  This will probably be a birthday he always remembers.

Amon had a nice day today too.

And hands down, my most favorite pictures from today.  I think I am raising little creepers who know how to photo bomb.  Sol’s is definitely my favorite.  They both clearly knew what they were up to.  I give them props for succeeding.

So here’s to Hudson Hall Kelley and his 4th year.  You are one incredible little guy who I completely adore.  You crack me up and make me feel like the only mama in the world with your sweet words, tight hugs and tenderness.  The world is already better because you are in it.  I cannot wait to see what God has planned for you.  I love you so very, very much, sweet, sweet Huddy!  Oh and I do really think your love of swords and knives and anything else with a blade is pretty rad.

Happy 4th Birthday Huddy!


  1. rhonda finchum says:

    Happy Birthday to Huddy!!

  2. What an absolute precious post!!! What a special day for Huddy!! And yes-I’m sure he will remember this day forever!! His dad is one special daddy–but then again so is his mom!! Someday he’ll realize just how lucky he is that God chose you guys to be his parents!! (And Amon looks great, too!)

  3. Too funny. I love Sols creepy pose. Happy Birthday Huddy!!! Also, Amon’s face, oh, I bet the nurses are in love! You’re doing great mama!

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday to Hudson! Your kids are adorable. Your photos and stories always make me smile. 🙂 Oh, and MAJOR props to Josh for rockin’ the birthday parent role! What a guy…

  5. Happy Birthday Huddy! 🙂 (sorry I am late)

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