
I’m still on full recovery from the time difference and a killer 16 hour non-stop flight from Johannesburg to Atlanta.  It was brutal on the way home.  By the time I landed in Nashville I did some math and I had been awake for 36 hours with about 2 hours sleep.  Crazy town people, crazy town.  Plus on the airplane I was in an intense arm rest battle with the old South African lady who sat next to me.  She did not want to share.  I was cracking up on more than one occasion during the long flight at her dedication and pushing abilities, plus her ability to ignore me.  It was intense.

The last few nights I’ve been asleep by 8pm.  That’s a freakin’ record right there.  I’ve been cashing in 9+ hour sleep nights…and yet I’m still exhausted.  How can this be.  It’s nice to be home though and of course I was over the moon to see Josh and the kids.  They’re my jam.

I’m happy to report that Josh did not cut Amon’s hair, but he did make him grow up some which I am completely unenthused about.  Amon now sits at the table like a big kid with his plate and large fork.  It’s redonkulous.  Amon’s redonkulous.  It’s just all redonkulous.

And he took the front part of Amon’s crib off too.  Geeze.  Right before I left Amon had gotten out of his crib and he continued in his escape route while I was away.  He’s so big…I mean, he’s sleeping on a real legit pillow.  I’m slightly mortified, but then over come by the cuteness of it all.

Josh also takes it upon himself to change all the things he really hates that I do to the house whenever I go on a trip.  This time he hid several of my favorite couch pillows and one of the old quilts I love in the top of our closet.  He also hid our owl cookie jar.  Did you gasp too?  What’s not to love about an owl cookie jar…especially when it’s holding cookies.  When confronted about the changes he made, he responded with, “I was just trying to make things easier on myself while you were away.”  In which I responded with, “Yeah because an owl cookie jar causes you all kinds of problems.”  Whatevs.  Can’t wait for him to get home from work today.  Pillows…check.  Quilt…check.  Owl cookie jar…check.  #thebattlecontinues

And now I’m getting down to business again.  Making changes and decisions and getting all for realz up in the Kelley house.  Setting back into our daily routine, but yet, thinking things won’t exactly remain the same for much longer.  It’s all complicated in our hearts and heads…we’re having lots of debriefings…lots.  And I’m going to get back down to the business of Saturday Sales as well…especially with Christmas around the corner.  I have lots of new ideas swirling around in my head…any canvases you’d guys be interested purchasing?  I’m all ears.

So here’s to a new week…here’s to a new day.  I think it’s going to be good.

Happy Monday.


  1. My idea is some Shane & Shane lyrics…. Though you slay me… Love that song!!

  2. KELLYE bELT says:

    Welcome home, Laura! The story about the cookie jar was hilarious! You should drape it in some police crime scene tape since it seems to be hazardous! LOL!

  3. Tracy Long says:

    What an awesome trip and a blessing…. the blessing goes both ways!! However, the jet lag stinks! My husband, two girls and I were fortunate to go to Kenya this past Summer. We worked in an orphanage… was life changing! Thanks for sharing your experience!

  4. Canvas idea (from a list made after reading Power of a Positive Mom):
    Mom’s To-Do List
    1. Pray
    2. Love
    3. Listen
    4. Teach
    5. Praise

  5. I died laughing with the pillows, quilt, cookie jar…died.

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