
Sickness is running rampart through our little brood of both big and small humans.  Sinus infections, ears full of fluid, strep, a weird body infection which then infected an eye, etc, etc, etc.  We get the weirdest stuff around these parts.  Feeling like death is for the birds.

Can I tell you when a sweet friend brought us all dinner last night and I opened a small extra bag which contained some yummy chocolate bars, I got all teary.  Yes, teary.  Over chocolate bars.  This is my current mental state.  Just give me all the chocolate of the world and kind friends and I’ll cry you a river.

And Wednesday when I was feeling most like death and Harper was as well, I sat in the parking lot of our pediatricians office and read an email from another friend who was letting me know with the  kindest words she was in on the Swaziland trip…like she wants to go with me…and you guys, I kid you not, I sobbed.  Like heaving, ugly cry sobbed.  Harper asked softly “Are you going to be alright?”  We’re going to pull this off and it’s crazy awesome and joyful and I am so flippin’ excited.  I’m going to share a few more re-posts next week to hopefully lure a few more of you in 🙂  You know you want in on this wonderfully wild trip to Swaziland, Africa.

In other random Friday news I feel like I should report to you…I made THESE BROWNIES last week and I am permanently madly in love with a  brownie now.  We even got all wild a few times and heated them up for a few seconds in the microwave and added a scoop of vanilla ice-cream.  Just slap me right in the face because I wanted to eat the entire pan.  So good.

You know one of the easiest and cheapest kind things you can do?!?!?  Buy a friend, stranger, co-worker, teacher, family member, any person will do, their favorite drink at Sonic during happy hour and make them feel a little extra loved on.  Less than a dollar and you can make someone smile a little bigger today.  Crazy easy.  Just do it.  It’s Friday.

I’m going to attempt to fanagile <——real word, some kind of brownie, ice cream cake up for Solomon for Sunday.  Dude loves brownies.  10 out of 10 times he will request a brownie.  This time he asked if I could make a brownie ice cream cake.  Absolutely.  I’m on it.  Anything for my about to be 2nd 6-year-old in the house.  And Monday he wants to take brownies with M&Ms to school.  I’m going to give THESE a shot.

I’m venturing into Acts now.  John oddly enough was my favorite gospel…I think.  I’m kind of pretty confident awarding this to John.  My most favorite last things I read in John were:

John 16:22 “So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.”  Can we just all Amen together in unison via the inter webs?!?!  I have so many friends walking hard roads right now and this is just such a promise from Jesus…our hearts will rejoice and no one will take our joy from us.

And John 21:4-7 “Just as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.  Jesus said to them, “Children, do you have any fish?” They answered him, “No.”  He said to them, “Cast the net on the other side of the boat, and you will find some.”  So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish.  That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, “It is the Lord!”  When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the sea.”

Everyday I want to be so excited to see Jesus in my day…so eager to be apart of His works…to love Him that madly…that I throw myself right into the sea.

And my random Friday post is now complete.  There are two sleeping wee ones in their beds right now and approximately 1 hour and 31 minutes before I pack both their small bodies in the car and head for the car rider line for the big 3 Kelley kids.  Despite sickness looming, Sonic happy hour is in our future and this Friday is looking up.

Happy Weekend you favorite people of mine.


  1. Onna Withrow says:

    You continue to lift my day and fill it full of God’s Word and pleasantries! I adore you! Simply adore! Thank you for your always wonderful perspective and honesty! You are amazing! Hope your weekend is fantastic and the sickness is short! HUGS!

  2. I’m a little late to be in unison on that Amen on John 16:22, but I am so with you. “I *will* see you again and your hearts *will* rejoice…” Not maybe, not perhaps, not if you’ve been a good person – I *will* see you again. Such a wonderful, heart-filling promise.

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