Hey Hey

Swaziland prep is in full swing.  Supplies are arriving and I’ve loaded the back for Marcie’s van with two giant boxes because she so kindly offered to house all supplies in her spare bedroom.  Raise the roof.  I might have been most excited about these One World Play indestructible soccer balls.  The orange and pink have me swooning.

Amon has been asking for the last Sprite from Harper’s birthday.  Oddly enough, he refers to all sodas as “taffy” which we figured out he was trying to say “caffeine”.  This morning he also asked me for a real live sea turtle.  He can be very convincing.

Yesterday Amon had school and our littlest had an extra long visitation.  I had one goal and one goal only…do my business taxes.  I am numero uno procrastinator when it comes to my taxes.  It took me almost the whole 5 hours, but I finished.  I instantly felt better.  I’m headed to Camp Create next week and I told myself I would go with my taxes completed.  Now, it’s on.

 Nashville is quite the place to live…never lacking in amazing food and amazing companies reaching beyond themselves and into the world.  Project 615 is always a favorite.  I have had my eye on two of their newer tees.  Pizza, Tennessee and spreading love?!?!?  Yes, please.

Harper and I have been working on some more paintings.  We have two to finish up tonight so hopefully I’ll share them tomorrow or Saturday.  Again, all the money will head into Harper’s Swazi fund.

 I’m not much of a coconut fan, but I really want to make these Chewy Coconut Cookies.  They look delicious and I love a chewy thin cookie.  If you make them before I do, tell me how they are 🙂

picture source

 And I’m still making my way through Revelations.  It is by far been the heaviest book for me to read.  Not really your book full of sunshines and rainbows.  More like the most convicting book and the book which has me reevaluating lots of things in my life and heart.  Truthfully, I’ve never really taken God’s hatred for sin that seriously and Revelations makes no bones about it.  God hates sin.  It’s also crazy clear no one or no thing can change a heart…only God.  This is His business.  Only He can wreak that precious havoc in someones heart.

Revelations is full of hard truths and big love.  I am a ridiculous sinner.  I sin every day over and over and over again.  If only I listed out every sin for you to read…well, we’d be here a while.  What I deserve is hell.  What I’ve earned is hell, but then there’s God in all His mercy, love and grace when I choose Him.  When I said, “Yes Jesus.  I’m all in.” He snatched me right up.  His mercy flows and He saves.  His hand reaches down for me.  I do not deserve His love and grace, but He literally dumps it out in buckets full.  Over and over and over again.  What an amazing God who so intensely and purposefully loves us.

I am reading through Revelations while listening to Fracis Chan’s series on the book.  You can find it HERE.

 Happy Thursday.


  1. kristenkerwin says:

    Sister…your posts are so good for my soul (thank you for continuing to blog, though the world might tend towards tweets…I love how & what you write!). I pin every recipe you share (and drool..). I am asking for a journalling Bible for my birthday – you just make it look ‘doable’ and lovely, and I SO need to find more ways to let Scripture seep into my heart. I am SO jealous that you get to go play with Meg Duerksen at Camp Create…I found you through her blog, and am addicted to her rainbow world (and steps!). I hope she gets Harper’s heart canvas…it’s perfect for her. I am a professional, awkward sinner, too…”but then Jesus arose with my freedom in hand.” BEAUTIFUL! Carry on, love warrior! 🙂

  2. Carol Short says:

    Love reading all of your posts. Any updates on your online Bible journaling class?

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