Hey Batter Batter

Baseball is kind of a big deal in our house.  Josh has played his entire life, still plays and does a baseball ministry called Full Count.  You should most definitely check them out.  I grew up on baseball and softball as well.  We kind of totally still dig a good wiffle ball game.  And I won’t lie, it sometimes gets intense.

And now Hudson and Solomon are playing their first year of baseball…and it may be the most fun ever.  There first game was Sunday and then they played again Monday night.  It’s seriously the cutest and funniest thing ever.  All the kids are just super fun to watch.

I’m a cheerer.  I like to cheer them on.  And every other kid.  Even on the other team.  You can’t help but want every single kid out on the field to do awesome and to feel good and encouraged.  I found myself crying about another kid who hit a “home run”…aka…a ball to the outfield.  He was so proud and he was good…like real good.  I wanted to find his parents and give them a hug.  The first game I may have been a tad way over emotional, but for real, cutest stinkin’ thing ever.  Like ever ever.

And those flat bills…don’t even get me started.

I want them to be good.  Josh and I both love athletics and played sports and each have a pretty competitive streak in us.  And what parent doesn’t want their kid to be good at something they love to do?!?!  So we’ll practice and give it our all, but more than anything…more than being good or winning or playing their hardest or all of that combined…I want them to know how flippin’ proud I am of them and how far a good attitude, sportsmanship and heart will go.  I want them to know that even if they never hit the ball or make a play, that I totally dig them and I’ll always be the loudest one cheering them on.  Even if their team never wins a game, it will be alright, because I am so proud of them for doing something they love to do…and doing it with such sweet dispositions…for cheering on their teammates and one another and respecting their coaches.

Last night they both got hits and I wish I had some how recored their conversation on the way home.  These two…Hudson and Solomon Kelley…their love for each other is fierce and bold and ridiculously grand.  They were both so proud of the other one.  And congratulated each other on the dark car ride home with a mystery airhead in hand.

I have a feeling I will get to be a baseball mom for quite some time.  I have a feeling the love of the game and the ballpark is just in their blood.  And I really like that.

Happy Tuesday.


  1. Tricia Conrey says:

    Oh, baseball! Love, love, love me some baseball. Our oldest plays on a competitive team and I recently read a quote that is SO true: “Baseball doesn’t build character; baseball reveals character.” Swoon.

  2. Oh my heart this is adorable. So cute in their uniforms and huge smiles. Love the pictures and love your teacher friend who always seems to be supporting your precious family.

  3. My baby just turned 5 months old and I already cannot wait until his first year of T-ball! It just seems like the most fun and cutest thing ever! Your boys are super adorable in their uniforms. I can see that picture of the two of them flashing up on the jumbo-tron when they are both playing pro ball one day:)

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