Harper’s New Shirts

I must say, I think I’m completely obsessed with my sewing machine.  I use it for everything – Harper’s scrapbook, cards for others, burp cloths and NOW on Harper’s clothes.  Aunt Jen, for Christmas, gave Harper two cute long sleeved shirts that were blank on the front.  So I thought I could jazz them up a bit.  Here are my final prodcuts.  Check out my cute model for the pear shirt.


  1. OK laura you are so stinkin’ talented it makes me SICK!!

  2. How cute! I noticed that pear shirt on the pictures you sent today of the Cheerios caper. Good thing I checked your blog.
    What a cute idea! Good colors, too!

  3. Laura,

    I love Harper’s shirts. I am really loving buying premade clothes and decorating them as well. We need to get together!

    You are so talented! For sure your true gift!!!


    p.s. I saw a shirt/dress on etsy that Harper must have…I will send you the link….:)

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