Harper {Sigh}

Yesterday I received our CD of pictures in the mail from Cheyenne from Shots by Cheyenne.  If you haven’t heard me sing her photography praises enough, well then just hang tight and you will.  She’s amazing.  And she’s quick.  And she nails it…every time.  I love how she captures our family on that day in time.  It’s always just right and even if everyone’s not looking or smiling or not even looking somewhat normal, I still love the pictures.  They are ALWAYS just sooooo us…and that is totally perfect to me…Every.Single.Time.

I literally cried while scrolling through all the pictures and laughed and then cried some more.  I have so many I want to share, but today I thought I would highlight Harper.

I made a resolution this year that I would have more professional pictures taken and all the years following.  I got on Cheyenne’s books asap last year to make sure I followed through.  I should probably go ahead and book 2014, but don’t want to scare Cheyenne away just yet.

I take pictures all the time, but there is nothing that compares to letting someone else take the reigns and shoot our family all together.  I could never have gotten these shots on my own and as incredible as Cheyenne did.  For that I would pay over and over and over again.  Cheyenne and her talent are priceless to me and our family.  Absolutely.

Off my professional photography soap box and onto Harper:  I’m kind of hung up on her right now.  I guess because she’s finishing up kindergarten this week and she is just getting so big and it makes my heart super sad and super excited to see who God is molding her into.  I usually take Harper to school in the morning and I always pray out loud for her day as we drive through the car rider line.  Yesterday morning I started praying for her day and thanking God for such an amazing kindergarten year and for blessing us with Mrs. Tanner and I immediately just started to bawl and then Harper started crying too.  I felt so bad that I had helped push her towards tears, but she told me how much she was going to miss Mrs. Tanner and what a good year she had had and my heart was just so full.  How blessed we have been this year with an awesome school and teacher.  We really hit the jack pot.  She wiped her eyes with the palms of her hands, smiled and jumped out of the van.  She loves school and I just pray so hard she will keep that love and keep her joy.

When I saw these pictures of us last night I immediately noticed and fell in love with Harper’s joy…that’s all I could think about.  That is Harper.  Our ever running Harper quote is, “She’s just happy to be here.”

I want to freeze time right now.  She is growing so big and so strong.  She is changing right before our eyes and I just want to pour into her and invest in her.  I want her to know that being just her will always be just enough for God.  That’s all He wants her to be.  I want her to know that she is truly beautiful because God created her and there is no one else like her.  I want her to know that God looks on the heart…and that’s what He most adores.  I want her to know that He is crazy about her and in hot pursuit after her heart.  I want her to know that being kind and loving and compassionate and generous is far more important than being first or smartest or prettiest or having the most of anything.  I kind of want to hide her away from the world and keep her pure and innocent, but I know God designed her to step out and change the world and not for me to keep.

I’m having to constantly remind myself that she really isn’t mine, but God’s.  He has His plans for her…He created her…He intricately and purposefully designed her.  What an honor Josh and I have.  Today as her mom I am humbled…like crazy, crazy humbled…to be her mom.  To have a chance to sit and watch His plans unfold for her and try my hardest to invest in her as God would have me as her Mom.  Goodness.  And I’m praying like mad that she keeps her Joy!

Happy Tuesday.


  1. Harper IS just Precious! I see so much of both of her parents in her. It seems like I remember that she was sick the day of this shoot??? Maybe not. But, she definitely LOOKS Happy and Healthy in these photos. She’s got a wonderful Mama to look up to and you are doing a Great Job! Thanks for sharing these treasures. Love you all! ~ Jo

  2. That is the sweetest! She is a JOY and God does have mighty big plans for your girl! You’re an awesome momma and Harper is a lucky little lady! Enjoy your girl!

  3. Laci Wilson says:

    I JUST LOVE HARPER’S JOY that she shares with the world! You are a blessed lady to have her and all your other littles! SHE IS GOING TO BE AN AMAZING WOMAN BECAUSE OF WHAT AN AMAZING WOMAN HER MOTHER IS!!!
    <3 This post and Cheyennes work is always GORGEOUS!!!

  4. 27 years ago, as I was on spring break from Kindergarten, I started sobbing about how I was going to miss my teacher over the summer and when I went to first grade. My mother thought I was crazy, because what kid doesn’t look forward to summer? A few weeks later, my mother told me that they had found out what church my teacher went to and that we were thinking of visiting since we still didn’t have a home church. That very Sunday I woke the family up at 6 am and asked, “When are we going to church?” My family joined the church three weeks later and have been members ever since! And Ms. Mittank, who insists I call her Barbara now that I am 33 (it’s still hard!), is still a part of my life!

  5. Well u made me cry which is not an easy thing to do, well it didn’t used to be before I had my sweet baby girl. I hope and pray like crazy for the same things.

  6. oh my goodness. this brought me to tears. she’s so sweet. babies grow too stinking fast.
    {is that your wedding dress she’s wearing?!}

    • Jess…they grow rapidly fast…it makes me bitter 🙂 And yes, that is my wedding dress. pretty smitten with those shots.

  7. I love the joy that comes from these shots. So precious. My daughter is a little older than Harper and it is so unfair how fast it goes. Parenting my wee ones is the most joyful, painful thing I have ever done. Thank God for memories and being present for making them.

  8. She’s so adorable! And seems like such a devoted big-sis!

    You made me cry with this: “God designed her to step out and change the world and not for me to keep” I will use this as my guide, thanks! Loving it!

  9. Kristin chaDwick says:

    Harper’s pure JOY shows in these pics of her! She literally shines with the JOY that is within her! And I love it! You’re so open, honest and true on your blog, that I feel like I know you and your family intimately and I have never met you!! Lol! My husband just laughs when we pray together and I mention you and your family by name…and talk about you like you live down the street! But it is only because of how your write this blog and share your pictures! He still thinks it’s funny that I am like this with many people I have met on the Internet! Lol! But I have the feeling that if I were to meet you in person we’d have tons of fun together because we have loads in common…and best of all…we’re family because we’re sisters in Christ!

    I also wanted to say, Harper shares a special place in my heart…because she reminds me so much of my precious daughter, Sarah! Hard to believe she is 21 and engaged now! An adult…but always my baby! 😀

  10. What a wonderful post! I am expecting my first child, a girl! Your thoughts about encouraging your daughter to be herself and know that is exactly what God wants for her hit home. I am bookmarking this to remind me of the message I want my own little girl to hear.

  11. I’m sitting at the library just tearing up over this post. So precious. I wish I could say it gets easier with each milestone. I just doesn’t though!

  12. Loved this statement and feel like we as women need to hear this all of our lives, not just as little ones:
    “I want her to know that being kind and loving and compassionate and generous is far more important than being first or smartest or prettiest or having the most of anything”.
    You are a good mama.

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