Harper is 2…Dinomite!

I usually don’t do real personal posts, but Harper just turned 2 and I had to do a post about her birthday. First of all she is a HUGE fan of dinosaurs. She knows 5 different types of dinosaurs and can pick them out of a set and tell you what kind they are. She is quite obsessed, so it only made sense to have a dinosaur party. I made her invitations and made all her little cousins dinosaur shirts for their party favor, along with some initial beanbags for each cousin and some other treats. The girls all got purple dino tees and the boys either got orange or brown depending on their age.

Josh and I decided on three traditions we wanted to do each year for our kid’s birthdays.  We successfully kept all three traditions alive again this year.

1. Decorate their door for their birthday

    2. Chalk on the sidewalk to celebrate

      3. Cake for breakfast on their birthday

        Harper had her party on Saturday and she had the BEST time. Everyone was too good to her and she got lots of very thoughtful gifts, but her favorite part was the cake. Her face while everyone sang to her was priceless and she even gave us all a round of applause afterwards. She had a great birthday. I cannot believe 2 years have gone by. How much fun we have had. We love you Harper.

        Not to leave Hud out…he is such a great little man and oh so busy. He’s not quite crawling, but inchworms and rolls anywhere he needs to get to. He has 2 teeth, eating all types of yummy stuff, is sitting up and likes to pull his bumper down to peek out at you. So, so cute.

        Must I say it, if it’s written all over our faces, we are so blessed and love these kiddos!


        1. I love the pictures! Please fix me a c-d.

        2. Kelly H says:

          Everything is sooooo cute! I love the dino you put on Harper’s door. She looks so excited and happy! How fun!

        3. I’m so sorry that we missed the party. It looks like she had a blast. I hope you videod her reaction when you sang Happy Birthday. Grammy said it was priceless! Love you

        4. So freaking adorable. Love the shirts, love the door, love the sidewalk, love the cake (tell Harper I’ll come over next year for breakfast! HA). You did a great job mom…Harper will treasure these memories for the rest of her life!

        5. Courtney Oldham says:

          While Harper’s dinosaur cake looks amazing, it doesn’t compare to the funfetti cake on Wednesday!!! I’m so excited!!!

        6. Laura, I love when you post pictures and share like this. You are such a wonderful Mom and Josh is a super Dad. I love reading about your family. I can’t wait until the newest one is here. 🙂

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