Happy 2nd Birthday Solomon

We celebrated Sol’s 2nd birthday on Tuesday and rocked his basketball party Saturday.  The boy was off the charts excited about his basketball party.

To say that he loves basketballs or any ball for that matter, would be a complete understatement.  It’s a true love affair.  As always he started off his birthday with being greeted by a basketball door decorated by his sweet, daddy.

Josh has taken on the roll of “door decorator” and has done me proud.  Sol was so smiley about his door and he and Huddy have shot basketball every day since Tuesday.  In fact, we have been awakened every morning to the sound of balls being thrown against their door.  It’s kind of growing on me.  Of course, we had cake….well a cookie really…for breakfast.  And thanks to a cookie mold I found at Joanns, they looked like none other than basketballs.

The only issue with a cookie instead of cake, is that we had to improvise with a banana to hold the candles.  It worked out well though.  And all the kiddos were excited about the super, sweet breakfast.  Harper even thanked Sol for having a birthday.

Sol also enjoyed his 2 year doctor’s appointment.  Harper was at her little MDO class, so it was just me and the boys.  This was his first doctors appointment since being home that did not consist of a shotfest, which equaled out to a very happy boy.

I don’t normally let them stand in chairs, but at the moment it just captured who they are and just the boy inside them.  After the picture, I had to be mom again and make them “sit on their bottoms”.  And yes, that is a hug from Huddy–AKA The Sleeper Hold.  We then ate some Chic-Fila for lunch because, well, Sol doesn’t have much of an opinion about where he likes to eat yet, so I am taking advantage of it while I can.  And I do so love some Chic-Fila, particularly the Cherry Coke.

His party on Saturday could not have been more fun for him.  We did birthday chalk to keep the tradition alive.

I always make my kids cakes for their birthdays.  This was something my mom did for me and has become very important to me.  With that said, it is becoming more and more difficult with 3 little ones, ages 3 and under to make their cakes, so these days I am opting for cupcakes and easy cupcakes at that.  I knew I wanted them to be basketball themed of course, but did not want to take the time to ice each cupcake like a basketball.

After racking my brain for a bit, I decided to seek out some cookies that I could turn into basketballs.  This was super easy and anyone can do this.  I used 12 off brand fudge stripe cookies and 12 mini vanilla waffers.  I dipped them in orange candy melts earlier this week and stuck them in the refrigerator.  The day of the party, I iced all the cupcakes with some blue frosting and dyed the last of the frosting black and piped on some lines and threw on some orange sprinkles.  Very easy, very quick and Sol was thrilled.

I also do have a love for a good themed goody bag for the little guests at the party.  We still do just family parties, so all the little ones are our nieces and nephews.  I didn’t want to do something too boyish since my nieces are very girly.

I ended up doing a water bottle for each kiddo (Academy Sports clearance section) and then filled them with a basketball whistle (from Hobby Lobby), fun shoe laces (from Walmart), some bubble gum, a basketball cookie and each of the nephews got a mini basketball.

I also stuffed an argyle initial tee in each water bottle as well.  I just can’t seem to let go of the tees and I wanted to use similar argyle that I used on his invitations for the boys tees (it’s a sickness…I know), but then went more girly for the girls.

Everyone had a great time at the party.  Sol lived it up, but was actually more quiet than usual.  He was very soft spoken most of the time and when everyone sang to him, in true Kelley kid fashion, he soaked it up and looked at everyone singing to him.  Made this momma tear up.

He just stared and grinned his little grin, but wouldn’t even blow out his candles.  In fact, Huddy snuck in the blows from a distance and took both candles out.

But Sol didn’t mind at all, just as long as he got some cake he was a happy, happy boy.

And what did he receive for his birthday?  Everyone was just too good to him and he got wonderful presents, but he did receive mostly…

And he could not have been more happier about it.  It was such a great day for Sol and I loved every minute of it for him.

Solomon you are such a sweet, sweet, insanely sweet blessing.  It is a pure honor to be your mom and dad.  We cannot thank God enough for allowing us to be your parents.  We love you tons.  Happy birthday baby boy!





  1. This blessed my heart, Laura. To know Sol’s story and to watch him celebrate his birthday is such a beautiful thing. I thank God that He has given you and your family such amazing gifts!

  2. Happy Birthday!!

    I love that sidewalk chalk idea, I’m going to start doing that for my girls! :O)

    (new reader here)

  3. Aunt Peggie says:

    So sweet, Laura…precious little Sol in a precious family. You are all truly blessed…

  4. Happy Birthday Sol!! Everything looks like bug fun!!
    We also have the same pedi! I can tell by the pics! Greatest pedi office ever!

  5. Margaret Faulks says:

    I’ve been excited about seeing the birthday report and I was not disappointed. Sweet party, pictures and children.

  6. I am in love with the picture of the three of them holding the different balls. Sol’s look is priceless!

  7. I have just become a fan of yours through another friend on FB. I love, love your art! But I especially love, love your post on Sol’s birthday. Made me cry with joy for your blessings. God is truely good.

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