Giveaway Tuesday

Our 9 Months Waiting Art giveaway will be posted on Tuesday.  Ideas are already running through my head.

I will re-open for orders on Monday, August 22.  If you decided to place an order, just shoot me an email at that time.  If you decide to order, please be patient with me, while we have a few things planned for our little family in the upcoming September month 🙂

I’ve made quite a few pieces lately…one for a graduate, a few for friends and some for our church’s silent auction.  That’s a quite random assortment:

8×10 canvas Proverbs 31:10

5×5 Today I will Choose Joy

8×10 canvas Courage from To Kill A Mockingbird

12×12 canvas Names of Jesus

8×10 canvas Names of Jesus

We got Harper’s passport this week.  She is for real going to Africa with us and I could not be more excited.

We got a big gallon bag of socks at a yard sale.  They have taken over and I’m just not quite sure how I feel about it.

I took the kids to our church’s consignment sale one afternoon.  I got a big round wooden frame, a small metal folding chair, a gallon bag of antique clothes pins and 1 book.  The kids got cake balls…can’t decide who came out better.

And yes Harper wore her tiara…in public and Sol is sporting the lime green socks with the bows on the back from the above sock picture…I was choosing my battles that day.

Both boys fell asleep in the car.  Never, ever, ever have I been successful with just plopping them down on the couch from a car fall asleep…however, this day equaled success.

I am THE person advertisers make commercials for.  It’s sad to admit, but they get me every time.  I have shed tears over commercials, bought things at 3am when nobody in their right mind should purchase ANYTHING and fallen for their fun jingles and crafty advertising.  For example:  I saw an IHOP commercial…oh my…the pancakes…you know I love pancakes.  And turns out, I just may be an emotional eater and I am any food advertisers best friend right now.  I’m a bit unstable…NEED MY KID HOME LIKE NOW!  But I am also cheap, so what lured me in with the  IHOP commercial was all the “Kids eat free” talk.

I thought “WOW, that’s awesome.”  This little family of 5 is going to eat out for like $15.  Ummm, No!  IHOP “Kids eat free” lurkers, Beware.  It is actually, one free kid meal with each adult entree purchased and unlike most every where else where the kids drink is included with the kids meal, IHOPs kids drinks are like $2 each.  Whammo!  We got slapped with this $30 bill (with tip) and I made a big sad face and felt like I have just been punked.  Note to self:  Don’t ever fall for the “Kids eat free” jingle again.

This is what I found when I walked out the door on Saturday morning…

Good parent or bad parent…I’ll let you be the judge.  I will also let you guess which parent approved this…cough, cough…Josh.

I like this guy.  I like that he says, “Happy Christmas” in lieu of “I love you.”  He has been doing this for about 9 months now.  I sometimes have to say, “Sol, say I love you momma” and then he will say “I love you momma.”  But even when I check on them sometimes before we go to bed and he wakes up…he whispers, “Happy Christmas momma.”  Makes me smile.

Happy Sunday!


  1. I noticed the name on Harper’s passport and I think that’s wicked kewl!! Are you all Kelley’s?? It’s so weird to see someone else who spells it that way!

  2. Last time we got snooked by one of IHOP’s deals we ended up with another baby…maybe TMI, but it’s true 🙂 And actually the best thing we’ve ever gotten “from IHOP”! LOL Love that pic of you and Sol!

  3. I just had to say that I think you’re an amazing Momma and oh so talented!!!! You truly are a Proverbs woman with all that you do!!!! Confession time: It is soooo nice to know that there is someone else out there that falls for sappy commercials and the late night infomercials. :o) Have you fallen for the “Ultimate Slumber Party MUST have?” I have, not 1, but 4 buckwheat pillows, because I “called in the next 2 minutes” and was “one of the first 50 callers” I got to double my order for FREE?! Yeah, I know, pitiful. We no longer have a t.v. in our bedroom. Blessings, Denise

  4. Jessica Robertson says:

    I would love to be reg. for the Tuesday giveaway!! Is this how I do it? Thanks!

  5. Kara Rehfeldt says:

    “today I will choose joy” is my current favorite piece of your art

  6. LOVE the socks and “Happy Christmas” ….well, I actually felt my heart squeeze inside of me when I read that last line about when you check on him at night! Precious beyond words!

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