Finished Piece, New Painting and Just Because

Today I picked up my pottery and I am very pleased with the finished piece. Now I need to find a great place to show it off. So as promised, here is the picture.  Notice the difference between my before and after pictures (see previous post for before pictures).  Paints used on pottery can be very deceiving.  Once they are fired they look totally different.  Picking the pottery up is my favorite part, it’s so exciting to see what it looks like.

Now onto my latest painting…I painted this for a guy who wanted something manly and would go with his new hardwood floors. It’s simple, clean and masculine. I used a new technique with layering, scraping and taping.

And last but not least, Just Because. Here are two of my most recent favorite photos of Harper. I know she has nothing to do with art, but I could not help myself. I love this child.


  1. Becca Overstreet says:

    I loved your blog about the pottery painting! Loved it so much in fact that my husband and I went to paint a few pieces for Christmas presents! I loved the entire experience and the lady that worked there wanted me to tell you thanks for blogging about her shop! Thanks for the lovely idea!

  2. That little Harper is absolutely adorable! She looks pretty spunky to me!

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