Feeling Grateful

I know it might seem detached or not so legit when a blogger person says “thank you” to internet readers, but I hope you know I’m totally legit and all types of for realz when I say “Thank you”.  My little piece of the internet is so tiny and small and rambly and unorganized compared to lots of other amazing bloggers out there who are crazy awesome and have ginormous numbers that would blow mine out of the water, so I’m always so humbled when something is so well received or when you guys share such kind and thoughtful things with me or when you choose to share a piece of your story.  It’s a total honor.  Thank you for all the sweetness which came flooding my way yesterday with the announcement of the craft nights I am starting.  I just could never say thank you enough.  God uses each of us to encourage and uplift one another and yesterday you totally made me feel encouraged and uplifted.  Thank you!

The class is filled, but I do have a wait list going, so if you are interested in getting on the wait list just shoot me a message HERE.  The “plan” is once I get February’s class under my belt, I will have 1-2 classes each month.  That is the “plan”, but I choose to use quotations around the word plan because life happens.  Can I get a word up?!?!  But that is my goal.

In other unrelated news, we are on our third snow day.  It’s warming up a bit, but still way too cold for my liking.  We may be getting a little stir crazy.

Clearly we’ve been inside for far too long.  But we’re passing the time with movies and rotating iPad time and crafts and drawing and baths (yes, you read that correctly) and trying to get along and playing and reading.  It’s been fun and intense.

I’m happy to report that our new years resolution for bathing our kids more often is going quite well.  Like today, they all got baths and it’s a Wednesday.  That never happens.  I’m feeling quite proud and accomplished.  We may have made a plan on our chalkboard that mapped out what days are bath days.  No, we are not bathing them every day yet…baby steps folks, baby steps.  Harper reminded me this morning:

H:  “Don’t forget it’s a bath day Mom.”

M:  “Thanks Harper.  I almost forgot.”

H:  “The boys should probably go first since they never got their bath on our last bath day.”

M:  “Oh yeah, you’re totally right.  I completely forgot.  Good thinking.”

Do you see what I’m working with?  Our 6-year-old keeps us in line.  I can’t keep up.  I am clearly not one of those moms who can swing more than 5 children when I’m barely making it with 4 🙂  They would for sure be destined for smellyness.  Oddly enough, we do brush our teeth.  They have a grand total of 0 cavities between the 4 of them. #winning

Now if you will excuse me, we are drawing and cutting out new guns and hot chocolate is on our radar.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. My 6 year old guy likes using his goggles in the tub lately also! It cracks me up! Lately he wants all sorts of things in the tub too. He loves dumping all his marbles in the tub, all his hot wheel cars, or of course all his dinosaurs. Both my kids always act like they hate baths and then never want to get out once they get in. We’re talking about hour long baths at our place. Sometimes they even get the luxury of eating supper in the tub. (That hasn’t happened as often lately after spaghetti got all over in the tub and we had to drain all the water and restart and the spaghetti even got stuck in a hole in a bath pillow.) They almost always need a warm up at the end and sometimes midway through as well. You can do that when they aren’t so frequent. They’re almost like activities a couple times a week for our kids but we don’t even have to leave the house!

  2. Total cuteness! Good luck with the snow days! Hope school is back in soon! Your craft nights are gonna rock and I can’t wait to attend one! And bathing… Really? Especially when you’ve been inside all.day.long!?! #overrated But way to go for making a plan! 😉

  3. Margie Novota says:

    I love the bath schedule! I laugh every time you talk about them getting a bath.
    You have such a big heart!

  4. ONNA WITHROW says:

    Oh, I totally missed this craft night sign up 🙂 So happy for you that it filled up.
    Hopefully I’ll make the next one. Though I could do the wait list I presume 😉

    I love this space of yours and I look forward to it daily and get all giddy when I see that you posted another post 😉

    Happy Wednesday!!

  5. The bath part. Laughing out loud.

  6. I’m not great at bathing my kids either… annnnd 2 out of my 4 have cavities every time we go to the dentist. Best mom award right here! 😉 Hahaha!

  7. I always love your bath reports. My 2 kids are 9 and 5 now so you’d think we would have gotten better but no we still are terrible at remembering to make them take a bath. If the 9 yr old would shower it would help but she’s afraid of spraying water. I finally decided to not make it my goal they both get a bath every time but concentrate on the older one since her hair needs it more. We still pretty much always have bath day after saying the words, “You should have had a bath 2 nights ago. Don’t let us forget tonight!”

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