FCF Photo Overload

I am alive.  The Kelleys are all intact and just as crazy as ever.  Last week the kids and I spent the weekend and the majority of the week at Fall Creek Falls here in Tennessee with Josh’s family.

(tucked tee…cough, cough)

Josh had to work all week and there was no internet so I declared last week completely free and it was a great decision because by Thursday I was feeling quite toasty done.  Our littlest getting car sick and barfing spaghetti all over the back seat not once but twice in our 2.5 hour drive home in the middle of the night might have done me in.  All that to say, we’ve been home a few days and settling back in.  The end of our week and weekend were filled with laundry and normal everyday ins and outs of summer.

Fall Creek Falls was fantastic.  We swam and hiked and fished and played games and built rock towers and ate yummy food and swam some more and then hiked some more and then ate more yummy food.  By the end of each day all the kids were zonked.  We rocked late nights, semi late mornings…at least kind of late for kiddos…and we played card games like there was no tomorrow.

I made 5 batches of cookies.  I really wish I had thought to count how many cookies we consumed over the course of a week.  There was also gooey butter cake and a legit amount of candy making it’s way around.  We do this cabin thing right.

Not all the Kelleys were able to stay the full time, but when together everyone chipped in and did their bit of parenting.  Everyone helped make meals.  Everyone washed dishes and cleaned up and relaxed.  We had the best time, but we were all ready to see Josh when our time ended.

Now we’ve been in full on celebrating America mode.  In less than 48 hours Josh Kelley’s made two things of homemade ice-cream.  An ice-cream maker was all he wanted for Father’s Day…ask and you shall receive…especially when ice-cream is involved.  Tonight we’ve got ribs and BBQ nachos on the menu plus games and drinks and our own personal amateur fireworks display per Josh, his dad and Amon.  Happy 4th indeed!!

1 Comment

  1. Love all the pictures! Especially the one of all the kids on the rock and the wall of rock in the background – it’s gorgeous! Framer for sure!

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