Down With The Sickness

Thank you so much for all the kind words, comments and emails about my sick kiddos.  No sooner than I made my last post about the plague that has hit our house, I began feeling sick and nauseous and currently I am down for the count.  I don’t know exactly what our little family has, but it is AWFUL!  I cannot remember the last time I was this sick and felt this bad.  It’s like really bad food poisoning mixed with the flu and strep.  It’s the ultimate in super bug.  Josh is still not sick…praise God!  And he deserves a medal of some sort.

He has been fantastic with taking care of everyone and he has been awesome at taking pictures for me, since I have been in the bed the majority of the last 3 days.  So here is the kid sick re-cap:  Sol is getting better.  Aunt Jen brought everyone some new ColorWonder fun and bubble gum that made their day.  Josh said she basically threw that bag at our front door and then ran 🙂  Sol held tight to his new markers.

  He’s yo-yo sick right now.  He is pitiful- fever spikes and he is falling asleep randomly one minute,

fever goes down and he is back to playing with Huddy just like he is totally normal,

and then his fever spikes again and he is back to falling asleep in random spots.  Cute, but super sad.

Huddy, well Huddy is still Huddy!  We decided he must just have a weak stomach and is a pity-puker.  Every time he would puke it was when he was watching Harper throw-up.  So I got to where when Harper started to puke, I would tell Huddy to run away and sure enough, no puke from Huddy.  He has been a small rock.  He’s had the fever deal and the diarrhea deal, but is just as happy and as fierce as ever.  Josh calls him his “spirit lifter”.  If anything, I think Huddy has missed having his playmates…I think he’s been lonely.  That has not kept him from getting into mischief all of kinds and eating like a horse.  Literally, no joke, after his last puke he then asked me if he could have a hot dog.  Did you just mini-hurl in your mouth like I did?  It took everything in me not to actually vomit right then and there with his request.

Harper has been the sickest the longest and pretty sure were going to be headed to the doctor tomorrow.  Maybe tomorrow will be a new day.  She has been the most pitiful and super lethargic.

Josh insisted that everyone go outside today to get some fresh air and Vitamin D.  Notice the boys and then notice Harper in the picture.

She is just having a really hard time coming back from all this.  Praying lots and lots for my sweet girl and that tomorrow is a brand new day and she has bounced back like my spunky girl.

It was good to see her smile.  And also on my list of why Josh deserves an award is that he bought a Tennessean paper on the 15th for me.  Yes, we have been on the wait list for 5 months now.  Unfortunately, I was puking my guts up Friday and am still on the mend, so no giveaway piece is ready yet.  But just as soon as our house has recovered we will be having our 5 Months Waiting Giveaway!  So check back soon and hopefully the Kelley’s will be recovered and celebrating in art giveaway style being another month closer to our boy.  Happy Sunday!


  1. Lindsay Lovvorn says:

    I am so sorry you are dealing with all this, Harper looks pitiful!! I hope tomorrow everyone will be better! There is nothing worse than a stomach bug! Praying for you all! Love you girl!

  2. Seriously, my offer stands. I hate you guys are dealing with this!! Please let me know if you need anything!

  3. Aw, poor Sol, Harper, and now you! I hope Josh and Hud stay well.
    Get well soon!!!! Seriously!

  4. Kristy Williams says:

    Wow Laura, what a week and poor Harper! I hope she is all better today and that your house is done with this crazy stuff soon.

  5. Katherine Louw says:

    Emma has missed Harper at “school.” She has been telling me all week how sick all of you are. Hope to see sweet Harper tomorrow, and that everyone is on the mend.

  6. So did Hud use the new markers and color all over himself? 😉 Praying everyone starts feeling better soon!

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