December 3

Today we showed our appreciation for our trash guy.  He does a great job and always waves to the boys as they watch his big garbage claw come down and lift our garbage can high in the air.  They love it.  And we’ve yet to hear him complain about our topless, broke garbage can which we completely over stuff almost every week because it doesn’t have a top and therefore you can shove all kinds of stuff in there and let it hang out the top.  At first we were ticked the city gave us a topless can, but then we quickly realized it had its benefits…like over stuffing and our Raccoon friend.  But I digress.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned and that’s when you just have to roll with it.  Like this morning…for example.  Josh took Harper to school and the boys road along with him.  I was busy getting things going at our house with Amon and that’s when I heard the trash truck driving past.  And that is also when I noticed his treat sitting on our counter.  I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture as he was picking up our neighbors trash.  You have to capture this kind of stuff…you know, for the record.

I was bummed.  I mean it is only day 3 of this whole kindness advent.  The boys came back and were equally as bummed.  They love the trash guy and his stellar claw.  We talked it over and decided we could maybe catch him on his way down the other side of the street.  And the stake out began.  They were committed.  Like when they went to get dressed I had to take over their post.

Time passed and we were getting close to having to leave for MDO, so we decided to drive around and look for him.  This is what normal people do, correct?  While we were driving Huddy started an intense discussion about who was more important…our trash guy or the mail man?!?!  It was deep.  And intense.  It was finally determined they are equally important because if they neither came our house would be covered in trash…like Amon’s dirty diapers…and smell bad and we would never get fun packages in the mail.  Like I said, deep and intense.

We ended up back at our house without a seeing our trash guy.  We sat in our driveway and then it hit me.  He had yet to pick up the trash on the other side of the street so we snaked our neighbors trashcan.

Dear Neighbor Zandrea,

If you see this, well, we used your trash can.  Hope you don’t mind or feel too used.  Your trash can is way classier than our topless trash can and it was nice not having to duct tape the bag of cookies and Starbucks card to ours.  Thanks for understanding.


The Kelleys & our topless trash can which is completely unsuitable for day 3 of our kindness advent

I don’t want to brag or anything, but I’d like to think we were pretty darn resourceful this morning.  I suppose that is bragging.  Oh well, day 3 is in the bag.

Tomorrow we are shopping for a family for Christmas.  This is one of my most favorites.

In other completely unrelated news, Amon gets that dang red cast off today.  To say I am excited would be completely absurd.  We are elated.  It was suppose to come off next week, but because of double booked doctor’s appointments and all other days next week being booked, we got an early arm release.  Can I get a what,what?!?!?!

Dear Dang Red Cast,

So long sucka!


Amon & his parents

Happy, happy Tuesday!

1 Comment

  1. Tonja bowser says:

    Hey Laura, didn’t you have a post about mini pumpkin muffins with cinnamon a chips? If so can you give me the recipe? Love your blog by the way!!!!!

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