December 20th

For today’s Random Acts of Kindness Advent we handed out candy canes at our local community center.

The kids loved it.

And turns out not very many parents are around at the community center, so candy canes were like hot cakes.

Tomorrow we will be…

taking some goodies to our local post office…more specifically Ms. Betty and Mr. Ricky.  They always take such good care of us and love on my little ones.  They deserve some extra kindness for sure.

Also our 13 Months Waiting Art Giveaway is still going on.  CLICK HERE or scroll down to the post below to enter.

Giveaway ends tomorrow night at midnight.

“It makes the calendar feel like a minefield, like you’re constantly tiptoeing over explosions of grief until one day you hit one, shattered by what might have been.”  Shauna Niequist on grief

And today marks exactly one month since my mom passed away…I can’t even believe it’s been a month since I talked with her and loved on her.  Seriously seems like yesterday.

I hate this is in the forefront of my mind every single day…1st thought of the day and last thought of the night and all the while in between.

It was raining that morning and I chatted with my best friend Ashley as I drove early to pick up some facial wipes, waterproof mascara and some cute head scarfs for my mom at Target, before heading to the hospital as I did every morning.

I even had to wait for Target to open.

The night before my mom had her head shaved anticipating the radiation she would soon begin.

Before I left the night before, she asked me to bring her some makeup and some earrings…hence the waterproof mascara…can’t be sporting any raccoon cry eyes.

It was the very first morning she had been “back”…was herself mentally and I can’t say how happy I was to see her sitting up in bed working on her sweet friend Roy’s insulin pump and actually getting it to work.  Roy is a diabetic and mom always took the best care of him.  She had just not been entirely there mentally since her 4 day prior brain surgery, so when Roy would ask her about his pump she would look at it and just push the same button over and over again.  That was hard to see because she was sharp…like really sharp.  But this morning, she was pushing all the right buttons and it was working.  She was back.

Roy brought her Cracker Barrel for breakfast…the Smokehouse Breakfast…what Sol and I had eaten with her at Cracker Barrel just 11 days before.

I crawled up in her bed with her, as I did every single day, and gave her some love.  And then began the sweetest moments with my mom.  She asked me to wash her head.  And I stood there smoothing a cloth over her sweet shaved head.  I cleaned her face with a facial wipe and rubbed face lotion on her skin.  I then did her makeup…even curled her eyelashes.  I put in large ball earrings and little diamond studs in her ears.  She was spunky like that…two ear piercings per ear.

I then slipped a silk head scarf over her head.  She said she loved how it felt on her head.  She was just down right beautiful.

I feel blessed to have had this time with her.  I don’t take any of her hospital time for granted.  Some people are gone in an instant and loved ones are left replaying their last day over and over again…no warning at all.  I feel blessed to have had those 7 days.

I hadn’t left her side for a solid 7 days…there first thing in the morning and left only when she was going to bed that night.  I just didn’t want her to be alone.  Plus, I wanted to be there with her.  I told her countless times that there was no where else I would rather be than with her.

My cousins Jan and Michael had just flown in from Texas.  Jan and mom were very best friends.  I trusted Jan and Micheal and felt comfortable enough to leave to go home and get Josh and the kids to come back and see her.  She was sitting in the hallway of the hospital about to start her physical therapy as I walked down the hall to go home.  She yelled down the hall several times, “I love you and call and check to make sure Roy got home okay.”  I yelled back, “I love you too and I will.”

If I could go back, I would crawl up in that wheelchair and let her hold me.  I would tell her how simply and purely wonderful she was.  I would tell her thank you for being such an amazing mom.  There are a million things I would have told her, but I would tell her most how much my heart adores and loves her.

Not even a minute after I sat my purse down at home did my cell phone ring.  It was Jan telling me not to worry, but that mom had collapsed during her physical therapy and she just wanted to let me know.  As I listened to Jan I heard her nurse ask Jan, “Is that her daughter?”  Jan told her yes.  Then the nurse told Jan, “Tell her to come back now.”  Jan relayed the message, I grabbed my purse and drove like mad back to the hospital.  I remember running through the parking lot and thinking, “This may be a little dramatic…me running through the hospital parking lot.”

I remember coming down the hall to her room and there was a “code blue”…doctors and nurses running down the hall to her room and her door was shut…Jan and Michael in the hall.

And within two hours or so she was gone.  A crappy blood clot.  Just like that.

Life changed that day and so did I.  I’m not the same person anymore.  I just don’t think you can be after loosing someone so absolutely close to your heart.

I don’t think I have even finished mourning the fact that she was sick, let alone that she is gone and that I am not the same person anymore.  It’s hard to “get” that mentally.

To me I seem crazy…I’ve never grieved before, so it is all very new.  Life has just seemed so surreal since that day.  Doesn’t even seem or feel real.  Just fake.  Like a puppet show…other people moving you around and making you go through these motions.

I hate that my blog is a bit of a bummer now.  Not everyone wants to read about grief and some girl’s dead mother, but I just can’t do sunshine and rainbows and unicorns right now.  It’s just not currently me.

But what hope I can write about is that I know…I know, I know, I know I will see my mom again.  I have never prayed for Jesus to come back, but now, well now I pray it everyday.  Jesus take us home.  I petition Him and plead and ask and beg for Him to just come on back…and I wait in expectation…everyday.

I seem a bit bizarre now, but man, I am holding on to this hope…like an anchor for my soul.  Sure and strong.  It’s just all I can do.  So everyday I get up and life begins again.

Lamentations 3:22-24

The Lord’s love never ends;
       his mercies never stop.
 23 They are new every morning;
       Lord, your loyalty is great.
 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is mine,
       so I hope in him.”

Oh goodness how this verse was written for me right now.  So here I am…stuck in some crappy grief and I wish I could only write about how stinkin’ wonderful and grand and perfect life is, but it’s just not.  But “God is good, the world He made is extraordinary and His comfort is like nothing else on earth.”  He is sure and strong and just exactly what I need and ready to handle me exactly as I come to Him.


  1. He is SURE and strong. He is sure and STRONG. HE is sUre and strOng. He IS. sure and strong. He is suRE and StrOng.. . . . . You are strong. 🙂

  2. I can so relate to your words. I was just walking in the mall, and it was so surreal. I felt like I was in a bubble that separated me from everyone. Maybe that bubble is what grief feels like. My Dad taught me many things, but not how to live in a world with him missing.

  3. I think not a person would be reading your blog if it was unicorns and rainbows and sunshine sweet girl. The thoughts and memories and those moment by moment knock you on your knees times are precious to share. They help the other people going through a loss right now, they help those that will go through a loss in the future, and they help us that went through a loss a few or many years ago. What a sweet recap of your day. So thrilled that you’re journaling every moment – those will be precious accounts in the years to come. Praying for you Laura – much much love!

  4. I know it’s not easy for you everyday to go through something like this but I recently went through 3 losses in a month and a half! My grandad, a close friend, and then my husbands grandad! You are so right that we shouldn’t take things for granted and we should live everyday as it were the last because it CAN be taken away in an instant! Praying for you!!

  5. I’ve followed your blog for some time and have always been inspired by your sweet acts of kindness and not just at Christmas… But have never been so moved as you have shared the loss of your sweet momma. Even in your sorrow You wear HIM well. Thanks for sharing the blah days with us too n praying for you to feel HELD.

  6. Oh sweet, sweet, sweet sister in Christ. My heart aches for you. I sit here with tears streaming down my face after reading this blog….because I know. I know that exact place you are right now. Not with my Mom…but with my brother. I have shared with you before about losing him. I am 9 1/2 years down this road God has chosen for me to travel down, 9 1/2 years into my new journey of life. Everything you say I still feel at times. I feel like my brother was just a dream most of the time…but I KNOW he wasn’t. Grief is so different for everyone. Don’t feel rushed to get over these feelings…work your way through them. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. And if they don’t want to read your feelings on losing your Mom….your best friend….well, then they don’t have to. YOU let it out, because you NEED to do that. I will be praying for you. Hang in there. Before I go I just want to share a verse with you that I JUST found and that I could have used 9 1/2 years ago….but I firmly believe that God gives you what you need when you need it and 9 1/2 years ago I probably would have just shook my fist at him…because I was angry. Psalm 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” May you feel his arms around you…may you close your eyes and envision your Mom dancing with Jesus…..GOSH! Can you imagine that!! HOW AWESOME will it be to join them one day!!! Love and hugs ~Shelley P.S. I pray every day that Jesus takes us home too!!! <3

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your last precious moments with your mom. Our God can redeem everything. And He is… Love to you and yours this Christmas.

  8. Keep sharing your heart and feelings… Grief is a rollercoaster and your right you will never be the same. You will have to make a new normal,but only when you are ready.
    I have learned that at times Life just sucks. Things do not seem fair,BUT God is in control and that he loves me no matter what and that He is big enough to handle all my emotions.
    I am praying for you all as you enter Christmas without your sweet mom. Hang in there. Remember sometimes it’s all about minute by minute living.

  9. You write wonderfully. You look just like your mom, too. I had never really grieved as an adult until last year. My grandparents passed away when I was middle school and early high school and they were long sicknesses. A year ago, we went through a similar “sudden” death with a short sickness (MRSA) and it shook me to the core. I still can’t believe she’s gone. Susan was like a second mom to me, adored my children like her own grandbabies, and her life was cut way too short…. on her granddaughter’s 3rd birthday. It is surreal and the grief was hard. Your blog is not a “downer,” it is called LIFE. It’s part of you and it’s a place to let it all out and let us help you grieve and grieve with you. Stay strong. God has a plan.

  10. Wow, thanks for being so honest. You had me in tears. God bless you!

  11. Melissa Mortenson says:

    I too pray everyday that Jesus will come to take us home. I cannot even begin to imagine life without my mom and I cannot even begin to imagine the grief, the pain that you must feel. Our family has been praying for you and will continue to do so…we specifically pray that you will feel His arms wrapped around you, holding you close…

  12. Thank you for sharing your feelings and your grief with us, your readers. You have brought tears that I can’t give you a hug. Your mother is so beautiful and your love for her even more so.

  13. You are so loved and prayed for all the way in California! Your life, faith, and willingness to be transparent is HUGE! Your mom is dancing with Jesus in heaven:)

  14. Praying for you and crying with you this morning, Laura!!

  15. As usual I woke up this am and read your post. All I can say is wow. My heart is heavy for you. You are leaning on the Almighty one, clinging for dear life going through each day. I hope I can do that when my dark days come.
    Thank you for sharing your intimate thoughts as you travel this path of grief.

  16. Julie Holland says:

    Laura, As I told you last week when I saw you at Brea’s, I do understand and can relate so much to your words each day and what your heart is feeling. I remember telling Eddie in the days and weeks after my Mother died that time just didn’t feel real anymore — as you said you go through the motions and life continues on, but a big piece of my heart and my life wasn’t there anymore and I honestly just didn’t know how to deal with that, and I too just missed her so much. It will be 6 years on January 3 since I lost my Mom. I still think of her and miss her every day. She would be so proud of Anna, Isaac and Luke, she would love the four other beautiful great-grandchildren she never met, she would love that Christmas is here again — I could go on and on, but I know (like you) that she is in Heaven, no more pain, no more sickness, completely healed and new again. I am so thankful that I have that assurance! Oh how I pray that God will comfort your sweet heart, that the days to come will get easier. Hugs. JuJu

    What a wonderful God we have — He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does He do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4

  17. Incredibly beautiful Laura. Thank you for sharing these secret places of your heart. Your momma was & would be so incredibly proud of you – how you are clinging to the the Father, just. as. she. taught. you. Someone told me recently that the grief just becomes a part of you – she motioned like her body just closed in around it, embracing it & growing around it- not like the raw wound it is now on the outside. “It will never leave but it just becomes a part of you,” she said after losing her father two years ago. I too, think how more than ever, I’m just ready for Christ to come back. I can’t bear the thought of our children walking where we are walking right now. But He is SO GOOD. So we cling to that, it’s the only way. I love you.

  18. Thank you for sharing your heart! Beautiful words. Praying for His return!!!

  19. “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
    There is definitely power in prayer and God will listen. His time is HIs own and all we can do is wait and know that He is in control of all things. Until then, I continue to lift you and your family up in prayer daily. May you be blessed in abundance as you have lived your life blessing others.

    “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
    The Lord is always close to those who call upon Him. Continue to keep the faith. God will provide!

  20. Lindsay Baker Lovvorn says:

    Laura I have thought of you so much over the last month! I am so sad for you and reading this breaks my heart for you! I cherish you still just like I did when we were the best of friends! Your mom was one of the most amazing women I have ever known and hugging her at Ashleys wedding was amazing! She just whispered, I have missed you for so long! Tears came to my eyes! So many wonderful memories with her and you! I know if anyone has the faith to get through this, you do…be the best mother you can be for your children. You have so much faith and I know you want to see your mom but the world can not lose two Godly women, your children need you and the one you are waiting for needs you! WE all need Laura Thomas Kelley! Your mom is with you everyday and if you listen really hard, I know she is talking and guiding you each and every day! I love you and I am praying for you and your family everyday! You are the strongest woman I know!

  21. Haven’t been to your blog in a really long time, and just learned about losing your mom. I’m so very sorry. Your love for her and hers for you is just steeped in this post. Thank you for sharing it with us and sharing this personal pain with us. Your blog is not a downer. It is real and it is a reminder for those who still have their mothers here to cherish each moment. I hope that writing about it is a teensy bit cathartic. I know you are carrying on her legacy to your own family. God bless and cherish those pictures and memories of a mama who loved you with all her heart.

  22. Choking back the tears while I’m sitting here in the glass place getting my windshield repaired. Praying for you and Chris.

  23. Thank you for sharing about the final days with your mom with such authenticity. I read this with tears in my eyes. I am so heavy-hearted for you and I’ve never even met you. Praying for God’s supernatural comfort for you in these hard days. You have carried on some special traditions with your kids this month and I’m sure your mom would be so proud of the way you creating special times for them. Not to mention the service things you’ve done this month. I know you may feel like you are going through the motions, and time feels fake, but her legacy is obviously living on in you.



  1. […] night I was reading Laura Kelley’s Blog – Pitter Patter Art.  If you’re not familiar with her blog, go there asap!  She’s amazing & […]

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