December 19

Today for our kindness advent we asked Ms. Flowers about some supplies she needed for her class, went shopping and then delivered them this morning…bright and early…and in PJs.  We completely adore our teachers and want to make sure they know how much we appreciate all they do.  I think this advent will forever remain on the list.

Tomorrow we are delivering cookies and goodies to our pediatricians office.  They take really good care of our kiddos and that totally deserves a cookie.

In other random news…Amon is still randomly falling asleep.  I made Josh watch some fainting goat videos on youtube the other night and we just laughed and laughed.  It’s so Amon.  He loves to lay on our floor vents when the heat comes on and the other day he just fell right asleep.  I love him.

We couldn’t remember what our elf’s name was from last year, so we just re-named him.  Meet Frody.  Huddy came up with it and Harper said she preferred Brody, but we just rolled with it.  He forgets to move…like a lot.  I’m always like, “He must just be tired.”  AKA Josh and I are tired…and forgot.

Christmas lights and letting our kids hang out our van windows like yahoos?  Yes, please.  Before I get emails, these were lights in a little camp ground…not out on a road.  #safetyfirst

I’m still running.  I haven’t been posting about it because I just never remember.  Lately we’ve been braving some cold weather, but cold running is always best with friends.

Susan may win the award for the gift our boys absolutely flip out over this year.  She found army coveralls in their size at a local army surplus store and then went through all their old military patches.  She even found a “Hudson” and a “Kelley”…no Solomon, but he won’t care…he gets his last name…even spelled correctly.  While sewing on the patches I got just down right excited.  They are going to absolutely love these.  I’m thankful for creative, fun friends who love my kids like they are her own.

Speaking of crazy boys…these two have been cracking me up lately.  I took this picture in a store the other day and right after they had an intense conversation about playing weenie ninjas when they got home.  I have no words…and no clue.

And I saves the best for last.  My cousin Rebecca sent me a text yesterday that included this picture and it said, “I asked Grant to write down his iPod password.”  Grant is the sweetest kid and a huge baseball fan and loves Jesus.  I laughed out loud…and continued to laugh every time I looked at it.

That’s it for today.  See you tomorrow.

Happy Thursday.


  1. Hi Laura, I just need to tell you that you and your family bring me joy! I don’t have any clue how I started reading your blog, but I am thankful that I did. You are and always will be ‘the anchor lady’ to my family, and I still can’t see an anchor without thinking of you. Have a VERY blessed christmas! <3
    Crystal (from Canada)

  2. Love this post! Your little family is so fun!!

    You may have posted this before, but where do you get your gigantic pictures printed? They are gorgeous and I know you love a bargain!

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