December 11th

Today for Random Acts of Kindness Advent we bought a gift card at a restaurant and gave it to the next person behind us checking out.  We were in the mood for some breakfast tonight so we headed right down the road to Cracker Barrel.

Today was not the best day, so it was pancakes and chocolate milk all around.

We bought our gift card and decided to give it to the person behind us.

We got a hug.  I like hugs a lot.

Tomorrow we will be…

paying for someone’s Santa picture at the mall.  This one should be so interesting.

Today was an interesting day.  We finally got around to throwing out our Halloween pumpkins.  What, were we the only ones that still had our pumpkins hanging around and completely not rotted?

Harper and I spent a good chunk of the day drawing on our sidewalk.

I just like her a lot!

I personally love the party hats on the Mary and Joseph monsters…since it was Jesus’ birthday, it only makes sense.

And this is just lovely…lovely, lovely, triple lovely.  I completely adore them both.

And how about 2 irrational grief issues I’ve had recently:

#1 I cried over Ozzy Osbourne’s song Mama, I’m Coming Home in the car the other day.  Really?  Yes, really.  Josh laughed.  I am completely aware that it is crazy.  Do I like Ozzy’s music?  No offense Oz, but not really.  Am I semi-irrational?  Heck yes.

#2  I may have become a little foul mouthed over the past month’s happenings…I’m working on it.  Today I went out to pick up a few last things to finish our Christmas shopping.  One of those being a set of extra fine tipped Sharpie pens for my niece Campbell.  I love her!

As I was walking down all these Christmas aisles at different stores I just thought, “This sucks.  Wow does this ever suck.”  Like I’m pretty sure I want to participate zero in Christmas this year.  As I went in Walgreens, the last place on my list to look for Campbell’s pens, I almost yelled profanity in the store 🙂  Like top of my lungs.  I even went so far to think, “I wonder how long it would take for the employees to ask me to leave.”  “Or would they even ask me to leave…would I be ushered from the store.”  “Would they throw me out on my butt like they do in old gangster movies.”

I told my cousin Rebecca about my crazy mind cursing…she thought how funny would it have been once the words had left my mouth if a small child said, “Mommy that’s the nice lady who gave me a balloon the other day.”  I laughed so hard.

So my grief craziness lately has been irrational crying over Ozzy Orbourne songs and almost-public use of profanity 🙂

There I said it.  Grief can make you do funny things.

And don’t forget our 12 Months Waiting Art Giveaway ends tomorrow night at midnight.  You could win this 11×14 canvas.  CLICK HERE to enter to win or scroll down to the December 9th + Giveaway post.

“God is good, the world He made is extraordinary and His comfort is like nothing else on earth.”


  1. Oh, Laura, I love how you express yourself – like wanting to curse out loud or at the top of your lungs – because I know anyone who has gone through grief can totally relate to that.

    I wish I could have blogged some of my feelings out when my husband died or when my Mother died 10 yrs. ago. But the laughing out loud and seeing the humor in your desire to curse – you will be OK – be sure to look back at these blog posts 10 years from now – you will love you, too!!!

  2. Laura your day today made me smile, grieve for you all, and laugh my head off! Hang in there girl. God knows exactly how you are feeling and guess what? He loves you and totally gets it! He knows how much you hate this and want a do over!

    Love you girl!

  3. Amy Lafayette says:

    I just love you, Laura Kelley! I love reading your blog and I love your transparency. I especially love the daily acts of kindness. . . it has given our family a new way to share with others this Christmas season and I must say it is so much fun. You are loved by many. 🙂

  4. I am so proud of you, Laura, for letting your grief out. That is good for you…don’t hold anything back. Wanting to “cuss” I think is totally normal right now. And, not wanting to participate in Christmas is too. But, what I admire so much, is that you are doing things that you do not want to do right now because of your children. It takes a person of much character to be able to do that. As I was reading what Rebecca said to you, I could just visualize a child saying that you were the nice lady who gave him a balloon…how funny that would have been!! Hang in there. We love you and are praying for you and Chris…

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now your talking!!! You are finally grieving! How perfect is the give away verse for what you are going through! Extraordinary!! That is you at this moment and His Comfort….he is still beside you even when you curse! Love it…you are making it through this horrible time! Keep pushing girl…you will get there!

  6. My favorite thing about this post, your pic of you with your cursing word balloon! Rofl!! I can totally relate to that! Felt the same way many times after my Dad’s passing! I also love your daughter’s chalk drawing too!!


  1. […] can get behind some Ozzy Osbourne…especially some Mama I’m Coming Home but Crazy Train is our life this week.  Harper and I leave Saturday morning for Africa, Hudson is […]

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