
Listening:  A little old school Of Monsters and Men.  My Head Is An Animal is one of my most favorite albums.

Eating:  Nothing.  Buuuuuuut, Chicken Enchilada Soup is in the crockpot for dinner tonight.  And I’m making Best Ever Buttermilk Pie for a special birthday guy and car rider line workers this week.  Sweets are my love language…forever and ever amen.

Drinking:  Water.  Always.

Wearing:  Oh geez.  Sweat pants and a tee.  Yesterday I might have worn the same tee I wore on Easter all day…and slept in all night…again.  Hey, it’s hard, busy times around these parts.  Changing clothes is a dang luxury.  If you ever see me out show me grace.

Wanting:  Apparently lots of people who are subscribers to my blog via email are not getting their email updates.  I don’t know why.  Honestly I’m just a little lost when it comes to my blog these days and would like a magic blog fairy to wave her magic wand and fix it all.  The fairy might be a dude too…I don’t know.  I can’t keep up.  I’m trying to figure out why it’s not sending the emails to subscribers.  Apologies for the glitchy situation.  In the mean time you can totally re-subscribe by using the “subscribe” button in the right side bar.  Just put in your email address and hit “SUBSCRIBE”.  ———>

Needing:  To do my Bible study.  Romans has been kicking my tale.  The struggle is real people.  I present Exhibit A…a text exchange between a friend and I.  I never saw the ups and downs of Romans coming.  And yes we do love us some good emoji usage.

Thinking:  Last week we finished up Chapter 4 in You and Me Forever and I cannot quit thinking about this entire chapter.  The whole thing, but these excerpts in particular:

Picture a nice house with a white picket fence and your happy family lounging inside.  Now imagine a full-scale war unfolding just a few blocks away.  Your friends and neighbors are fighting for their lives while you are remodeling your kitchen and hanging your new big screen TV.  You have contractors installing better windows so you can tune out all the noise.  It is a pretty pathetic picture, but it’s an appropriate comparison for the lives that so many Christian couples have chosen. They are ignoring Jesus’ mission in hopes of enjoying life.  Don’t fall for it.  Real life is found in the battle. pg96-97

So what’s the command?  Make disciples.  Our lives should revolve around these two words.  Whether as individuals or as couples, our mission is to make as many disciples as we can during our time on earth.  This takes priority over everything else…The command should dictate everything about your life: where you live, where you work, where you spend your money, how you spend your time-everything! pg98

We often hear the phrase “God first, family second” in church circles.  While we say it a lot, I don’t see how this phrase is actually impacting anyone.  Think about it.  What if you were to switch to a “family first” mentality?  What actions would really have to change? pg117

Enjoying:  Honestly, well, Josh Kelley and I introduced a little something called Whammy Eggs to his family egg hunt this year.  Every year each individual Kelley family fills a plastic bag full of eggs and then we let all the kiddos hunt at Josh’s parents house.

Josh Kelley Fun Fact #3:  He’s the youngest of 4…and everyone is married…and has all these kiddos…so his parents currently have 10 grandkids.

Anyways, this year as we were stuffing our eggs at home Josh suggested we put a burnt out candle in one of them.  And then it all went down hill.  Old banana slices leftover from breakfast…sure.  A popped balloon…why not.  Gravel…yep.  Empty candy wrappers…right on.  A hickory nut…ummmm, okay.  A nub of sidewalk chalk…yes.  Things might have gotten a little weird, but we could not stop cracking up.  And now, every time I think about the kids opening them and yelling “Oooooh an old banana.” or “Hey I got a popped balloon.” I just re-crack up all over again.  You have my permission to pin this…I mean…it’s pretty genius…evil genius…muhuhahahahahaha!

Happy Tuesday!

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  1. Bible study recommendations?!

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