Created For Care & Fasting

Hey there!!!  Hope you guys had a good weekend and Monday.  Today is dreary and rainy yet again and I’m sitting on our couch with zero lights on.  I’m still in sweats and I conquered the grocery store with some littles in tow today.  This task always makes me feel super human.

I spent the weekend at Created For Care and it was the bomb!!!  Like I loved loved loved it yet again.  I realized what I love most about C4C is, 1) Our family is “small” sized.  Some of these ladies have like 10-16 kids.  No joke.  2) Everyone else’s families are in therapy too.  I laughed so hard when I shared how excited I was when our therapist told me last time that we had a $96 credit!!!!!  When I said this, I wish you could have heard the other moms…instant jealousy :)…they knew how awesome it was and how it was pretty much like hearing you just won the lottery.  I thought about that moment so much because it just affirmed my heart on so many many levels.  Yah for feeling normal.

The theme for Created For Care is “God writes the best stories.”  It was exactly what my heart needed.  Currently I just have a laundry list of questions for God about why and how and what exactly is He up to.  I got to teach sessions on Bible journaling…2 of which we actually broke down scripture together. I have always dreamed of doing this…of sitting around with other women and taking the exact same set of scriptures, going through them and seeing how God speaks to each individual.  It was pretty much a dream.  I got a little teary about it all because what a gift God gave me in each session.  Just feeling all those feels.

In other news, my people missed me or so they say.  I might have come home to Josh Kelley having rearranged ALL.THE.THINGS!!!!  This is his M.O.  I go out of town and then he changes things around the house or hides throw pillows…he loathes them…or puts away extra blankets where we can’t reach/find them…he thinks we have too many blankets too.  This time it was ART!!!!  We have a gallery wall going up our stairs and the kids are known to knock certain easily-knockable pieces off the wall pretty often.  Well, Josh Kelley had had enough apparently.  Everywhere I looked art had been moved or rearranged.  It stressed me out a bit.  And then I realized he even changed our brand of toilet paper and I laughed…although I’m still thinking/stressing/coming-to-grips-with his other rearrangements.  Alas.

In other news, we started a sugar detox which I then turned into a sugar fast.  Do any of you fast?  I have always been so interested by fasting, but have never actually done it.  I’ve read about it and thought about it and talked to Josh about it before and then this weekend one of the speakers spoke briefly on it and it sealed the deal for me.  I was reading in Exodus 9 and I noticed how when Moses needed something from God…like to stop the hail plague…it says he “stretched out his hands to the Lord.”  I instantly took that up for my fasting mantra.  I have an unhealthy love affair with sugar plus I’m a complete emotional eater and currently is the worst time to do something like this because my emotions are all over the place for so many many many reasons, but I have been stretching my arms out.  Whenever I want that piece of super tasty heart shaped chocolate candy Harper bought for Josh because I just know it will cure what aisles me, I pray instead and tell God I’m reaching out to Him.  I know this probably sounds super dumb, but so far I am really loving it.  I can feel the dependance.  I’ll report back at the end.

So due to no sugar at all, I’m eating lots of veggies which I feel pretty mad about, but today I did discover this.

Game changer for my lunch time.  I did not use the teriyaki sauce though and instead used some oil and garlic and tamari.  So so good.  And quick.  And easy.  I also threw in some leftover chicken from last night’s dinner.  I’m also pre-making smoothies.  Wah-wah.  It’s not anything like pre-making cookies.  Insert sad face emoji.  And there are currently lots and lots of salads in my life, but this too shall pace.


And why yes we do eat 3 dozen eggs each week.  Oy!

Make your own salad night is a regular around our house.  Most of the kids are cool with this, but then there are these 2 littles who aren’t exactly…as in just flat out won’t eat it or most dinners each night for that matter.  I laughed so hard at Amon’s “salad” from last night.  And why yes that is a side of mustard.

 That’s all I’ve got for today.  Hope your Tuesday is carrying on.  Tomorrow is Wednesday which means the next day is Thursday so technically it’s already almost the weekend.  We’ve got this!


  1. My pastor called for a fast of sugar, bread, or soda from January ?th to February 14th. You could choose one or all three. I chose all three. And God has really given me the grace to just say no! 🙂 During this period I have found that I am drawing closer to God. And as you said, and as Exodus references, I’m stretching out my hands to God and He is taking hold and helping me! On another note, where did you learn your lettering techniques? I love, love, love your lettering! Happy Tuesday !

  2. I used to get email updates of your posts, but I haven’t seen any for a while. Did that go away? Thanks in Advance!!

    • Yes, but only accidentally. Currently have no idea why, but I had a friend who does websites take a look and my site needs a big overhaul to get everything back on track. Alas were having to wait until adoption and heart surgeries are taken care of first before moving in that direction. So sorry…I know it’s a pain. Thanks so much for reading though…totally appreciate it.

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