Craft Night #2 & Wave Pool

We have been having one fun summer.  And I have also officially closed for new orders.  I am headed to Swaziland at the beginning of August, so to ensure all current orders that have been placed are completed and shipped before I leave, I will be taking no new orders until August.

Some new orders headed out recently.  This cute little puppy tee was ordered by Ashley in Kentucky.  She needed a special 1 year birthday gift.  I really love this shirt and enjoy making it every time.  Thanks so much Ashley.

These two Africa tees headed to Lori in Florida and Elizabeth in Virginia.  Thank you ladies so much…totally appreciate it.

And this 11×14 canvas was ordered by Dwan in Kentucky.  She wanted lots of blues and browns and Ephesians 1:4-5.  Thanks so much for your business Dwan.

Wednesday we had our 2nd craft night with my Bible study.  We are taking a break and just crafting and baking each week for the summer.  This week we made chicken wire frames.  I found the idea here.

We made the project a little easier by just spray painting the frames (everyone bought there’s from Goodwill), stapling chicken wire to the back and then we added little clips here and there to hang up pictures, notes, etc.  We just needed something that was a little quicker for our time, so we dropped a few steps from the super cute original.

I had a little mishap with the yellow glossy spray paint and no paint thinner on hand.  So what’s a girl to do…

…well of course, have your friend Alissa douse your hands in gasoline.  Worked like a charm.  Josh, my environmental scientist husband, later gave me a lecture on how you should never put your hands in a carcinogen (vocab lesson for you).

Everyone’s frames were awesome.  I cannot wait until next week.

And yesterday, to start the weekend off right, we headed to Wave Country.

My wonderful friend Ashley (the stunning lady with the hot pink frame above) works there during the summer as an administrator.  She always asks begs us to come out and see her, so of course Wave Country is on our agenda each summer.

Some people thought I was a little nutty taking 3 kids 4 and under to the wave pool, but it really was awesome.  And every single kid (and adult, for that matter) had a great time.  Harper is at that great age where she likes doing things on her own.  This applies to the pool and apparently water slides as well.  She literally rode the water slide about one bajillion times…over and over and over and over…and so on and so on and so on.

Campbell stayed with her the whole time and there are tons of life guards everywhere, so I had no worries.  Harper rode the water slides non-stop, so I only saw her when the waves would go off in the big pool and she and Campbell would come over to the big pool to swim with us.  They made a deal:  Water slides when the waves were on, Swimming in the big pool when the waves were off.

The boys went down the slides a few times, but absolutely loved the big pool, but only the shallow end, which was perfect.  And the big tubes just made their day.  They would run and jump and splash and just have an all out crazy fun time.

We took lunch with us and stayed for nearly 5 hours or until someone got stung on the foot by a bee (cough, cough…Campbell).

We may even make this a weekly tradition, if Ms. Ashely will still have us 🙂

So for all you locals, I totally recommend going.  We went on a Friday and it wasn’t busy at all.  The staff and lifeguards were great.  The EMT on hand took care of Campbell’s bee sting.  The bathrooms were clean…that is until Huddy peed on the floor…still unsure how he got a stream that high to shoot out of the toilet, hit me in the leg and flood the floor.  There was plenty to do for kids of all ages.  They even have this super cute kiddie pool with mushrooms and dumping buckets.  They have Icees, which was just a bonus to the kids and other good concessions.  And it completely wore my kids out.  Bedtime came at 5:30 and that left the rest of Friday evening for Josh and I to enjoy…quietly and alone.  Happy Friday to us!

Have a great weekend.

1 Comment

  1. Gee, seeing that photo of you Gals with your “bee-u-tee-full” frames, makes me want to be your Friend! I miss having Girlfriends to hang out with! This post made me smile (alot)! But, it also makes me realize how isolated I am. But, that’s not your fault! Just happens to be MY circumstances. Multiple health problems and living in a small town with no friends is hard.
    Still, I love your blog and it always makes me Happy! The waterpark looks like a blast! The kiddo’s seemed to love it. Sorry to read that Campbell got stung!
    Enjoy your weekend! Hugs ~ Jo

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