Cookie Therapy

My cool friend Susan gave me this pin.


Susan loves me and gets my mustache quirk.

In my personal, semi partial opinion, I think my new button describes perfectly the wee Kelleys.

I do think they are pretty stache-tastic.

On a total different thought…

I’ve been thinking about going to therapy.  I’ve been up and down and in and out on the idea.  Do I need it?  Can I work out my craziness on my own?  Should I just give it a try and see what happens?  I pretty much think about it a lot…because I think about my Mom every single day, practically all day long.  Everything reminds me of her.

I have been finding more and more that creating is making my head clearer…along with running and Zumba.  I’m not kidding.  Those are my 3 tickets to some sanity.

My sweet, sweet, triple sweet friend Courtney got engaged over the weekend.  She kind of digs sweet treats, so I wanted to make some really special cookies to celebrate such a great weekend for her and her family.  I think it is so important to celebrate others and Courtney definitely deserves some celebrating.

Making these cookies was complete therapy for me.  Using my mind and focusing on someone else…celebrating someone else and their joy.  I love using the creative part of my brain God gave me and I LOVE, LOVE to freehand and draw and doodle…even on cookies.

My mind was clear and I was focused on my friend, her life, her new joy and these cookies.

Not all of the cookies survived…the wee Kelley’s and Josh and myself did have to taste test a few.  And I did make one anchor cookie for my mom…Sol ate it 🙂

So until I make my mind up about therapy…creative therapy and cookie therapy will do.

And super, super congrats Courtney on your engagement.  Completely love & adore you.

Could not be more thrilled for you & Patrick!

Happy Monday!

Pinterest inspiration for some of my cookies:

LOVE tattoo

Heart Doily Cookies

**Update**  I have had several emails and comments about the cookie & icing recipe and tools I used.

The cookie recipe I use is HERE at Sweet Sugarbelle.

The icing recipe I like is HERE at The Decorated Cookie.  I use the Royal Icing (sort of) recipe.

For the actual supplies…The heart plastic cookie cutter I got at one of my SIL’s wedding showers like 15 years ago and the scalloped square cookie cutter came from Walmart.  I use some old vintage Wilton tips that were my moms.  She gave them to me about 10 years ago.  They are way cool.  I’m cheap and usually put my icing in ziplock bags 🙂  And I like AmeriColor food coloring, but do dig Wilton’s aqua colored food coloring (used in the above cookies & purchased at Hobby Lobby).  Hope this helps.


  1. Kelley Leven says:

    Hi Laura. I don’t know you but I do love your art! I stumbled upon your blog about a year ago when I was looking up everything I could on Ethiopian adoptions! Anyways…I think therapy is a great idea. Not because I think you need it but because I think it would just be one more person to tell you that you are doing amazing in this grieving process. You are so strong and it is okay to cry a lot. You are finding ways to release your emotions through exercise and, I think best of all, thinking and doing things for others! You are one cool lady and I know so many people are praying for you.

  2. Hi Laura,
    I’ve been following your blog for a little over a year. Love it. First, I think you’re dealing amazingly well. Your creativity will be such a blessing during the grieving process. If you feel you need therapy, then you should go. My suggestion however, is to go to a Christian or church counselor (even though I’m the office manager for a large group of Counselors). You are so strong and such a beautiful person. I’m praying for you and hopeful your new family member will be joining you soon.

  3. Oops! I forgot to say, Love, Love, Love the cookies. What cookie recipe did you use? They look delicious.

  4. My sister passed away a few years ago and I found therapy really helped. It was nice to talk to someone who would just listen someone who really knew nothing about the situation and could just hear my story and hear my pain. It really really helped. Sometimes you just need a place to cry to scream to laugh to just be and not feel awkward or feel as if you are pittied… I say go for it there is no shame in seeking help so that you can be you … Your Mom was a major part of your life and so you need to grieve and need to let it all out… I hope my thoughts and story helps… Not a day goes by that I dont think of my sister but without some extra help I don’t know if I could have recovered… Thinking of you …

  5. Heather Bailey says:

    Our church has something called Grief Share- and I think alot of bigger churches offer it. It is a 18 week course that you can jump in at any time- all the topics are relevant to grief. It is free- maybe you should check it out. It helps to have others around you who are going through the same stuff.

  6. First of all those cookies are gorgeous! About the therapy, I went to therapy a couple of years ago. I was struggling with infertility and could not be happy in every day situations. I really struggled with going and whether or not I should. I found a great therapist, Martha Austin-White. She is in the Heritage Medical Group at Baptist. She is a Christian and I can not tell you how amazing she was! If you decide to go and want her number, just let me know.

  7. I haven’t met you; but, I love your blog and all it entails! I’m very sorry to read about the passing of your mom. She seemed like a wonderful woman who is greatly loved! My question is related to those wonderful cookies you just made. What kind of icing tools did you use? Wilton set or what?

  8. I took my sister’s death pretty well, but I still went to a group grief group. Looking back, I would have still done fine without it, but I think it is something good to do just in case. Especially since you are a mommy, (I wasn’t at the time). Grief is different when you can’t just let it all out, (as I’m sure you hold back at times because of the kids), and the fact that you need to be on top of your game to be the best mommy ever, (which you are!). Thearpy is something simple that may help, and even if it doesn’t make a huge impact, it still is better to be safe than sorry.

    I’ve said it before, but you really are doing great in this messy grief process!

    Oh and I agree with the above commentor- go to a Christan therapist or Church grief group!

  9. Those cookies are adorable! Almost as adorable as the three mustached bandits 😉

    Choosing to go to therapy can definitely be a difficult decision. It might just be worth checking out and seeing how it goes. It can be really nice to have someone just listen and offer tips for support. If not, I know you’ll get through this, even if the road is long 🙂

  10. Your strength, compassion, creativity, and love for everyone amazes me! I follow many adoption blogs, but yours is seriously one that I can never get enough of. I was so sorry to hear about your mom and your family has been in our prayers ever since. I think it’s wonderful that you have some outlets for your grief…that’s something that’s necessary in times like this. As far as the therapy goes, I think that you will know what’s right for you and your family when the time comes. As for now…keep doing what you need to do to get through each day. And thanks for sharing a little piece of your life with us! Still praying that your newest little blessing shows his face soon!!! HUGS!

  11. LOL I love the mustaches. Your cookies are works of art. Beautiful – just like your heart.

    I’m praying that you will clearly know what is the right choice for you concerning therapy. There’s no right or wrong answer to having it or not. Each of us deals so differently with grief. Big hugs to you, Laura!!!

  12. These cookies are just beautiful. And on the therapy, what could it hurt?

  13. You are so precious and I love your blog and your heart. I know that grieving and processing is just harder when you have 3 little ones and all the life stuff. I have been there and am still dealing with some. In many ways it is great having the kids distract and with running and other stuff kept me above water. Yet sometimes I have to hold a lot so I can function and be the mommy that I need to be. I believe you will be led to the right counselor if you choose that and it might be nice to have a safe place to just talk and heal. Praying for you and I know the Mighty Counselor is so close to you as you deal with this huge loss.

  14. If you ever just need someone to talk to, I’m available! I offer biblical counseling at my church. We all need to talk with someone from time to time to clear and refocus our thoughts. If it helps to have someone you don’t really know, I’m here! Just email me 🙂

  15. Listen to your heart, Sweet Laura. Therapy saved me. The cookies are beautiful. Please, send some my way. : ) Love, Jo

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