Christmas Already + Passport

On more than one occasion this week I noticed on Facebook people making status updates about Christmas being just 5 months away…really?  Christmas talk already?  I was a bit perplexed and then I went into Hobby Lobby.

They already have like 10 aisles of Christmas up.  I bet I know what Hobby Lobby’s status update entailed.

I am almost done cutting out all my fabric for Harper’s quilt.  This is the most nerve racking thing I have ever made.  I mean, palms sweating and dripping sweat from my brow.  The pressure is on.  First block…

And I’m pretty sure I am a cheating quilter…I just couldn’t handle measuring out a million squares…my patience was wearing just thinking about it.  And everyone’s advice was, “Measure twice, cut once”.  I now have my own quilting advice, “Measure once, make a template from card stock and use it to cheat with.”  Should I copyright that?

This week Harper had her passport appointment.  When I told her about her “appointment” I got this…

I have not idea why.  Maybe because I used “passport appointment” wording and she had no idea exactly what that was.  After explaining she literally had to do nothing for the appointment, other than stand for a picture, she was okay.  Turns out getting a kid a passport is serious business.  Josh and I both had to go, along with Harper, which meant we were accompanied by two little boy yahoos to the tiny little local post office where we had to stand at one of 3 desks for oh, about 20 minutes during lunch time when everybody and their mom decided to mail something out.  Needless to say Josh and I could not get out of there quick enough.  I felt like the long line of people waiting should have applauded for us when we were finally exited.

And Josh and I are very confident authorities will think we abducted this little brown haired child and are trying to smuggle her out of the country based on her picture alone.  We had a mighty good laugh.

I’m still working on random house projects.  It really pays to have friends with quirky connections.  Like how about…oh say…a wonderful family friend who just so happens to be good friends with a man who collects old junky bike parts…Jackpot!

I am working on lots of donation items this week.  And I was contacted by Kelly with The Sparrow Fund to host a giveaway from their new sweet Etsy store.  You should definitely check out their store and check back Monday for a chance to win some of their goodies.

And I should probably end on a “Hud Climbing” picture.  Sounds good.  Happy Wednesday!


  1. Randi Blanton says:

    I my self have gotten the Christmas bug this week. We operate on a very tight budget around our house, so I am starting a list now so I can purchase things as I find them on sale…

  2. Ooo, ooo, ooo…giveaway is a’ coming! 🙂


  1. […] Needless to say, I came home and immediately started piecing everything together.  Remember those old bike spokes…they finally have a home.  I think it’s pretty stellar…and the boys like it […]

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