Busy Is My Middle Name

Sorry it has taken me so long to post, but I have been slammed with orders and still am.  But it is great.  Africa shirts have been shipped all across the US like hotcakes and I am really excited about several new pieces of art that I am currently working on for customers.  I hate to post the same old stuff over and over, but I do just wanted to share 2 kind-of-new orders with you.  The first is a twist on the Africa shirt for Amy in Wisconsin.  She and her husband have adopted a little girl from Guatemala, so she asked if I could do a Guatemala shirt instead of Africa and I was happy to do so.

This next piece was ordered by my cousin Cheryl.  She sent me a list of words that she liked and asked me to do them like the Names of Jesus piece.  I think it turned out great and I hope she loves it.

This week we sent off our dossier.  We are officially done with our part of the process.  Now we sit back, wait,  pray and let our agency get to work.  We do appreciate all the support and prayers.  Thank you.


  1. Julie Snell says:

    Hi! I am adopting from Ethiopia (we are awaiting our court date to adopt two little sisters – ages 5 and 2.5!). I LOVE your shirts. Do you sell them?? I would love one for my bio daughter and I! Let me know – thanks – Julie Snell (juliesnell@picturehealth.net)

  2. You are incredibly talented.

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