Back In Session

It’s true…I won’t lie…I’ve been excited about school starting back because this girl was on the verge, if not quite possible over the verge, of losing her mind this summer.  I adore my kiddos.  I absolutely do.  I love, love, love them something fierce, but it was an emotional and hard summer for us and I had none to little time alone which made thinking and processing really hard.  I hope that makes sense.  So come night time when I should be sleeping my brain would spin and process and think and therefore not sleep.  I’m a bit tired 🙂 but I also love to have fun with my kids so we really tried to make the most of summer and our time together even though it might have driven me into the fetal position a few times.


Today was the first day back.  We met teachers on Monday night.  Harper could not have been more excited.  Hudson was nervous.  Solomon was kind of excited, but not nervous.  We made the decision to put Hudson and Solomon in the same class this year.  We’ve never done that before, but I needed a little break from managing 3 different classrooms for 3 different kiddos.  Call me lazy, whatevs.  I’ve been told it’s a mistake, but truthfully, it’s 2nd grade.  I don’t think anyone will perish and maybe next year we’ll go back to separate classrooms.  For now, we’re rolling with it and I’m quite excited.

Amon was sad after we dropped the kids off in their classrooms.  He really wants to go to school too.  Our littlest insisted Sol or “Shol” as she calls him, needed to come with us.  She kept waving him towards her saying “Come on Shol” as we left their classroom.  It was pretty cute.  We spent our morning making cookies and treats to share with some friends.  I sampled, ummmm, everything so I had a green smoothie for lunch.  I call it balance 🙂

Today was just a 1/2 day which meant it was technically still summer which also meant the wave pool was still open soooooooo of course we went.  We picked the big kids up from school in our swim suits and already pre-sun screened.  Then we nabbed my niece too and off we went.  We partied like it was summer again.  Swimming, snacks, treats and snow cones.  It was the perfect first day of school celebration.

Sidenote:  Today’s snow cone flavor combo was my favorite so far…sour grape and mango.  Perfection.

And now, now I’m swimming in a sea of school paperwork X 3.  One day I imagine there will be amazing technology in place where I can fill out one set of paperwork for all the Kelley kids instead of writing my name, address, phone number and emergency contact 5 bajillion times.  It will happen.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I laugh when people say it’s a bad idea to put siblings together in class. Remember the good ol’ Little House on the Prairie days when EVERYONE was in one classroom? I don’t think that’s one to worry about! They’ll enjoy being together and learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Here’s to a great school year!!!! Hope you get a moment of peace!!!

  2. I hate to tell you, but the technology is out there where you don’t fill out any paperwork for registration! We have a portal, and it copies your information for the siblings after you fill it online for the first student. Love it!

  3. debbie fisher says:

    I have 4 younger siblings and we went to a 2 room country school. We all lived and still love each other, so being in the same room is okay.

    I saw this online and thought of you

  4. Laura,
    You’re such an awesome, creative, compassionate mom/person!
    Have a new blessed school year!

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