And There You Have It

Well wouldn’t you know after mentioning really wanting our I-171H…it arrived…Monday to be exact.  I am so crazy excited I can hardly stand it.  When it showed up, I immediately emailed our Ethiopia director and she said to scan it and email it on over…no need to mail it in…let’s get on that list.  So we are officially waiting.  We have a phone meeting with our director tomorrow to get all the details.  I cannot wait to hear what she has to say.  Let the waiting game begin!

And in other exciting news.  You knew it was coming.

It had to be done.

We could wait no longer.

Yes, the Christmas season has officially begun at the Kelley house.  The tree is up,

the stockings are hung,

the first pan of green Rice Krispies with Christmas sprinkles has been made,

the Little People’s Nativity is being played with and fought over everyday,

the deciding on what to put in our advent wreath this year has begun

and we are listening to Christmas music everyday.

Now if I could only get that one person to commit to Black Friday shopping with me, everything would be ready for the holiday madness to start.


And speaking of madness–I am making major headway on my order list.  Check out recent orders completed.  These sweet Baby Bro and Baby Sis tees are headed to Susan in Iowa.  Thanks so much Susan and hope your little cuties wear them well.

This sweet little 8×10 canvas was ordered by Hannah in Kansas.  She wanted a special canvas with just the right verse for her new little girl’s room.  Thanks so much Hannah.

Abby in Wisconsin ordered a 18×18 Names of Jesus canvas and a 11×14 Names of Jesus piece.  Thanks so much Abby and hope everyone loves their gifts.

This set of key fobs is headed to Jill in Texas.  It was pleasure Jill…thank you.

This key fob is headed to Heather in California.

And this one is headed to Courtney in Virginia.  Thanks so much ladies.

And our adoption tees are on sale for $20 shipped.  Mailing out a bunch tomorrow…buy one and join the club 🙂

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Brian LOVES his adoption tee. He has been wearing it ALL. THE. TIME. as of late. So glad to know thing are going so well…

  2. I love rice krispy treats. Makes a mouth happy =)

  3. Hi! I saw your family on the We are Grafted In site (we are one of the featured fundraising families, too!) I had to comment on your blog b/c our girls are 3 months apart. They are now just turning 4 yrs old. We brought Lindsey home, from China, when she was 11 months old and Lucille was 8 months–I feel your joy and pain!! I would love to keep up with your family and your “twins”!!

    Have a great day! Kelly

  4. regina wilson says:

    LOVE that you have decorated and started celebrating Christmas!! I have also and have had some comments that its too early….is it ever really too early to start decorating..NO!! specially ifyou have kids:)

  5. I am so glad you guys share our love of Christmas! We have our tree up, too. I’ll have to work on the rice krispy treats and some where in the back of my mind i’m thinking about going black friday shopping.
    AND, AND – CONGRATULATIONS on getting one giant step further along in the process! You’re little boy is waiting to be brought home and you guys are getting oh so close to holding him close! Love you guys and praying for you and #4!!!!

  6. Hmmm I can’t wait for Christmas next year, and you are almost selling me on the benefit of an artificial tree. Oooh more time to enjoy it.

    I wish you lived in the area. I would kill to have someone to shop with because it isn’t fun to shop alone. 😉

  7. Just got my tee today! I LOVE it. The colors are amazing! We will be attending a friend’s adoption fundraiser next weekend and you know I’ll be wearing my shirt!

  8. LOVE the camera straps…you are so talented. God gifted you! Enter me to win!

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