Alphabet Letters

I haven’t posted one of our weekly crafts in quite some time, so thought I would post what we did for today.

Amon is practically always on my mind.  We are just so close…so so close and yet we are still waiting.  I feel like God is doing some major refining in my heart, which is much needed.  I know He is working on us and in us.  Harper saw me doing the big, ugly cry in the kitchen this morning and all I can do is tell her the truth…”I miss Grammy and I miss Amon.  I just really want him home.”  I feel it’s important for her to know why and for me just to be honest with her.

For today’s craft I wanted it to be about Amon, but something the wee Kelley’s could still claim ownership of…that was the work of their little hands.  We went with alphabet letters.  So so simple.

All you need is traced letters of the word(s) you are spelling out, scissors, glue, crayons/markers, stickers, magazines and stamps.

I let each kiddo decide what letter in Amon’s name they wanted to do and what color they wanted it to be.  Then they cut out their letter.

Then we brainstormed about what words started with their letter and got to work covering our letters in those items.  We pulled out stickers and stamps that began with our certain letter sound and rummaged through magazines looking for items that matched out letter as well.  The boys needed a little more help with figuring out words that began with their letters, but Harper was a champ…and a big help to Huddy and Sol.

Harper decided it would be nice for them to draw something they wanted to do with Amon when he got home too.  She wants to give him his bottle 🙂

They did a really great job.  I got to do the letter ‘O’ since no one else wanted it.  Sol did help me glue things on though.

And then we hung his beautifully, alphabet crafted name on our chalkboard by our kitchen table so we can see it everyday…breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and all the while in between.

Not sure how much longer we can hang in there, but God is so good and I know He’s got this all figured out for us.  CANNOT wait to get that call and buy those tickets.  I need to be on a plane to Ethiopia stat!!!

Happy Tuesday.

1 Comment

  1. God does indeed have it figured out, Laura, right down to laying you on my heart to pray for extra hard yesterday and today. I’ve been praying big, bold prayers for you. Blessings and hugs!!!

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