Almost There

After we passed court in Ethiopia at the end of June, Amon’s paperwork was processed in our agency’s words “lightning fast.”  And then we hit a road block.  Every child submitted to the US Embassy has to have an updated medical report…just part of the process…and all of Ethiopia was out of one certain chemical needed to process blood work.  Amon’s blood work was then sent to Nairobi, Kenya to be processed.  This caused us to lose the time we had gained with his paperwork being processed so fast.  That was hard.  The wait was hard because we were ahead of the game and then we hit that road block.

But yesterday we got word that his blood work had finally been processed making his medical report complete…and his case was officially submitted to the US Embassy in Addis 🙂  And even better…thanks to a crazy wonderful agency that works beyond hard for their families and their sweet kiddos, the US Embassy and to some awesome government officials Amon’s case is being expedited through embassy.  The timeline goal is that we will be on our way to get him in just a few short weeks…crossing our fingers for 1-2 weeks.  WOW, WOW, WOW!  To even type that seems unreal…the end is in sight.  Honestly I was super hesitant to even put it out there, but if you don’t mind, we covet your prayers for Amon and that everything will go smoothly from here on out.  And that the intended expediting will be just that…fast and quick and in God’s perfect timing.  Thank you so much for joining us on this incredibly, amazing journey.  We’re almost there!

“God is good, the world He made is extraordinary and His comfort in like nothing else on Earth.” -Shauna Niequist

Happy Thursday!


  1. God speed please!!!! Prayers!!!!!

  2. So exciting! Praying you have sweet Amon in your arms again very, very, very soon! I’ve been following your precious family for a long time, and watching y’all get this far gives me hope that our Ethiopian son who we dream about and pray for will actually be a reality for us too someday!

  3. Jennifer says:

    So glad you got word and that it’s finally moving along. Praying that Amon is home soon!

  4. YEA ! ! ! Another answer to many prayers. Can’t wait to see the post that announces your departure to bring sweet Amon home. Praying that it will be very, very soon.

  5. Many prayers being sent your way from Minnesota!!! Can’t wait to hear some really amazing news about you traveling & for the first family picture!!! : ) Hug and prayers as you wait!!!

  6. Prayers from Georgia! Prayers for a speedy end to this long process and prayers for your sweet Amon and prayers for your travels and prayers and prayers and prayers!!! Wonderful news!

  7. Amen! Prayers for that beautiful child and your beautiful family!

  8. ASHley mills says:

    I teared up again reading this even though I already knew all of this. So excited!!!!!!!

  9. Barbara Freeman says:

    Also praying for Amon, you, the family and all involved in this process. Thank You Lord for you’re going to do in providing an increditably fast process now. God is good; His timing is perfect. May God’s perfect peace be yours.

  10. Fellow Tennessean here! Will for sure pray for a speedy process and safe travels! Excited to meet your little one!

  11. Yay for expediting! We used the same awesome agency to bring home our little boys last summer, and were notified within 2 weeks of coming home on trip 1 that we could go back in a few days. We had Court and Embassy within 30days of one another.
    Prayers for your wee family!

  12. Praying in TN that Amon will soon be a Tennessean!! Praying – Praying – Praying!!! Love you girl!

  13. Tonya Stookey says:

    Praying for you, and the family. Trust God, his plan and timing is always in his perfect will. Love the Stookey Family!!!

  14. I am jumping with joy for you guts! He is almost here!

  15. Guys…my kindle is crazy sometimes!

  16. So exciting! Praying it’s soon!

  17. I’m still praying big, bold prayers for you. You all need to be reunited with Amon and get him home. You’re very much on my heart. Hugs!!!

  18. This is great Laura!! Amazing that they can send blood work to another country. Who would have thought?!

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