All The Things

You know I always have things in which I feel need to be reported to the inter webs and you guys.  I swear every time someone tells me they read this bloggedy blog A) It shocks the crap out of me B) It makes me smile and laugh and C) It makes me want to hug that person which I usually impulsly do because let’s be real, it’s not very fancy or professional up in this joint.  You guys are saints.  I digress.

*Our current littlest turned 2 this week which brought on all kinds of emotions.  I’m still processing it all.  It just feels weighty.  In the last 9 days we took away her paci, put her in a big girl bed and started potty training.  We’re kind of a rip the bandaid off VS the slow peel kind of family apparently.  Or like Josh Kelley did one time to our nephew Cooper when he was a tiny thing:

“Okay I’m going to pull it off on 3.  Ready?  1….rip.”  Hahahahahha.

*We’ve been no sugaring it again and we’re having a birthday party Sunday so I bought ingredients to make 5 desserts!!!!!  Yes, 5 desserts…because, yeah, that’s normal.  What is wrong with me??!?!?!  I don’t even know.  Or understand who I am.  Sugary treats are just so tasty.  That’s why I have to cut myself completely off or I go and make 5 desserts PLUS ice-cream for 23 humans…9 of which are little humans…so essentially 18 1/2 full humans and 6 desserts.  Sigh.

*Waiting Wednesday on a Thursday.  You guys, this little dude has my heart in a pile of mush.  What a sweet, sweet thing.  Please pray with me for his forever family.

Meet “Shaefer” He is a sweet 8 year old little boy currently in an orphanage with an AWAA partnership. He has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. His file notes high muscular tension of both upper limbs. He received surgery for partial stripping of the left carotid artery on Oct 24 2012 and recovered well. He is receiving rehabilitation. His caretakers describe him as active, ready to smile, and outgoing! His file is special focus which means a family at any stage in the process can pursue him as their son. Please call (800) 429-3369 or email to learn more about Shaefer.

*Two knew recipes I had to share, well actually three.  One Pan Balsamic Chicken and Veggies…soooooooo good.  While looking at the recipe I realized it called for Italian dressing so I decided to make my own because I didn’t have any and it looked crazy easy and it was.  I used THIS recipe and it’s super good.  I did leave out the parmesan because I didn’t have any of that either.  And I made Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins.  Again, awesome.  Everyone devoured them and some of us might have cut ours in half and lathered on some peanut butter.  I would love to figure out how to sub coconut sugar for honey…any tips?  I’ll give google a whirl too.

*Harper has been practicing her recorder for school.  Every time she learns a new song she gets a different color “belt”.  Yesterday morning I walked in the door and saw her standing there practicing in the kitchen and thought, I hope I don’t forget this.  She’s getting waaaaay big.  It makes me cry/excited.  She’s such a leader in our house being the oldest by a mere 18-months and the responsibility she naturally carries makes me want to squeeze her little body into a 1000 pieces.  We’d never make it without her.

  *I finished up 1 John.  Sometimes I just write out truths…like things I know about God and us that are absolutely true found in scripture.  When I get super anxious…when anxiety sets in hard…I say truths out loud.  What we know about God and what we know Him to be and what we know He says about us is crazy important.  And just so you know, sometimes my Bible journaling is super simple, but still every bit as important.

 *And I’m gearing up for another Bible journaling class tonight and then another Saturday.  Love teaching this class.  Love meeting new ladies.  Everyone is always the kindest.  It’s been a full month of classes, but I couldn’t love it more.  February’s funds went towards purchasing a Fun Day for the kiddos and community at the Ngungwane carepoint in Swaziland, Africa.  We’ll be headed there at the end of May and I love this celebration day.  You can read about last year’s HERE.  And since so many classes we’re on the books this month, we also partnered with Blueprint 58 out of Atlanta, GA and their Five8FMO young moms ministry.  Their goals are to:

FOSTER relationships between young moms and support moms that lead to life-time friendships

EQUIP young moms with basic cooking skills, with an emphasis of nutrition, safety and cleanliness

ENCOURAGE young moms to advocate for themselves and their children

BUILD awareness around the resources available to Young Mothers.

We sent financial support to help with the purchasing of weekly groceries for the girls and to help throw some sweet baby showers.  I am so excited about partnering more with them.  Please check them out on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and TWITTER.

If you’re interested in scheduling a Bible journaling class for you and your friends/small group/church group/whoever…I love coming to you…just message me HERE.

 Happy Thursday!


  1. I read your blog everyday! And I pray for you all lots. I have one of the key fobs you made back when you were giving them away for heart donations and I use it for my work keys, which I carry around all day. It reminds me to pray!

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