A Long Post

“Our” Internet has been down at our house and I am actually sitting in the parking lot of Panera because they just closed and I didn’t have enough time to finish my post.  There are several things I have been really wanting to post about, just itching to.  First, was my day with my little niece McKinley and all the fun we had.  McKinley is 2 1/2 and a true blast.  Friday, Harper and I spent just about the whole day with McKinley, Jack and Kim.

Harper loves McKinley and was really into Jack, when he was on the floor and she could get her hands on him.  She even knocked his paci right out of his mouth.  I think she’s letting him know early who’s boss.

And then McKinley stayed even longer and decorated cookies with me and then she spent the night with Grammy.  TOO much fun.  McKinley and Jack are super sweet, but McKinley is especially sweet to Harper.  Here’s evidence of all our cookie fun.

I LOVED Mckinley’s concentration.

Yes, Harper is eating a sprinkles bottle.

I also made McKinley a cookie can to carry all her cookies  home in.  She was too cute carrying this with both hands out to Grammy’s car.

So after we made cookies, we decorated some cupcakes and McKinley enjoyed hersef a yummy chocolate cupcake.  Do you think she really enjoyed?  I would say so.

Thanks for a wonderful day McKinley.  I love you!

So next order of business is a recent painting I finished.  I painted this for some parents in North Carolina to welcome there son who should be arriving soon.  I saw this canvas in an art warehouse in Nashville and just had to buy some.  It’s 12×48, so super long and skinny, which I love.  I have been dying to use it, but the opportunity had not come around yet.  I talked with the mother who was placing the order and made the proposal to use this size and she was in.  I really like how it turned out and hope they do too.

Next is just my new favorite picture.  We went to eat at my Mom’s last Saturday for Kim’s birthday.  Before Kim, Chris and Jack arrived this is what I caught on my camera.   Don’t you love it too?  How sweet are these cousins!?!

And lastly, we had our first real snow day today.  Harper liked looking out the window, but we just lounged inside all day.  Carmen joined in, as always.

So thanks for sticking it out for this one.  I warned you that it was a long post.  Also, don’t forget that tomorrow is Valentines Day.  That also means I will be posting the winner of my lemons painting.  So check back.


  1. I love all of the pictures! And the painting is really cute, I know the lady will love it. Happy Valentine’s Day to all 3 of you and I love you so much!

  2. Thanks Aunt Laura for a great day together. I had so much fun! So did Jack & Mommy. -McKinley

    BTW, Mommy thinks your painting turned out great!

  3. Those are three beautiful children right there.

  4. Hey Laura,
    I was just drooling after reading this post and seeling all of those cookie pictures. The cookies looked delicious but the kids photos are cuter. I love that one of McKinley & Harper hugging at the door. So sweet!
    I also noticed the adult hand in the picture of Harper and Jack.
    Looked like someone was there to protect little Jack.
    Keep up the good work and, Happy Valentines Day to all of you.
    Love you

  5. For some reason, I can’t get most of the pics pulled up, but I had to tell you that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the painting and I am so glad you put the red stripe around the outside. I am sure that was a pain in the butt, but it looks so GOOD! Great job!


  1. […] very fun day with Harper & Aunt Laura last week! She did a great post, I’ll let you just catch it there. She took my new favorite picture of my baby girl, you’ll know it when you see it. Thanks Aunt […]

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