A Dozen

1. You guys killed it on our Usborne Book Fundraiser.  Like seriously.  We are so blessed by so many people some of whom we’ve never even met.  Thank you a million times over.  And a huge thank you to Suzanne who just blessed our socks off.  We even got free books and the Kelley kids had a massively fun time picking out all their selections.  So so fun!!!!

2. Amon has really been into playing pretend guitar.  It’s a teeny bit hilarious.

3.  This Saturday is our Zumba Fundraiser.  Mark your calendars and tell all your friends.

I’m also making up a few things to raffle off at the Zumba Party like this fun floral set of key fobs, an art piece and maybe even a word pillow.  So excited.

4.  I made my SIL’s pork pot stickers completely solo Saturday night for dinner.  I might have been sweating while making them because I was a tad anxious and nervous I would botch them, but in the end they were a success.  Everyone devoured and Harper even said, “These taste just like Aunt Becky’s.” Success.

5.  My friend Jess hooked our newest boy up with some new clothes.  He currently has only one shirt that my friend Sidney sent him and that’s it.  I’m not sure what exactly I’m waiting on 🙂  Jess made my anxiety level go down a bit though.  He’ll be rocking these for the first time in China.

6.  A friend and her son stopped by briefly today.  We hadn’t seen them in quite a while and her son is from China and the same age as our boy.  I looked at her son and restrained everything within myself to not scoop that kid up and squeeze him into approximately 5,000 pieces.  Just a few minutes after they stopped by Amon came running through the house pushing him on a riding toy.  I could have cried a river.  So many prayers and hopes for another God designed brotherhood…another set of brothers so closely knit together.  I simply cannot wait.

7.  Hudson casually walked over to me to ask something…in our littlest jacket.  I cackled.

8.  Orders.  I’m officially closed for custom orders.  I’ve finished everything up and shipping the last order off tomorrow morning.  I might still make up some random items to help with adoption expenses.  I’ll keep you posted.  Until then you can still snag stationery sets and my online Bible journaling class in my store HERE.  I am shipping out stationery sets the next day…so it’s a really quick turnaround. 🙂


9.  Harper added this to a box of new face products I got recently.  Josh Kelley and I laughed pretty hard.  She didn’t say anything…we just opened the box and it was in there.  I am in love with her wit.

10.  We had a game night with some friends recently and left with a list of new games we loved.  At the top was Quick Cups for the kids.  We snagged it at Target the very next day.  It is SO MUCH FUN!!!!  I even play…and often get beat.  Go get it and play your heart out.

11.  I took this picture then noticed two things: 1.  Amon’s socks are on backwards so the heels of his socks are on the tops of his feet.  And 2.  Our littlest’s shoes are on backwards.  I die.  They are quite the dynamic duo.

And 12.  Amon falling asleep…in church singing.  Because he still does it every now and then and when he does it’s kind of my most favorite thing in the world.  And why does he look so ginormous?!?!?!?  Just stop it time.  Stop it.

Happy Tuesday party people!

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