8 Months Waiting Art Giveaway

We have officially been on the wait list for 8 months now.  I honestly never thought we would be at this point.  Yesterday we got some not-so-encouraging news from our agency.  We received an email saying that we would now probably be looking at a 12 month wait.  WOW!  Not exactly the email I suspected would be coming.  I’ll be honest, it sucks…completely and totally sucks.  I was really, really, super bummed all Friday night.

This morning I called my mom–side note about my mom…she is this amazingly, godly women who is our #1 prayer warrior and everyone should be blessed enough to have a mom like mine– I talked everything over with her and cried a good cry and she reminded me of what I needed to be reminded of.  We need to praise God in good times and in bad and all the while in between.  THAT was what I needed to hear desperately.  So I’m good now.  I will continue to pray and petition God to let us see that sweet face soon and have him home asap, but first and foremost I will praise Him because He is good and great and faithful and we are truly, truly blessed.  And I really like that His ways are not ours…I would have one very messy life if “my way” was always had.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9

Now for the fun stuff.  Our 8 Months Waiting Art Giveaway canvas is a 8×24 canvas with “Where you invest your love, you invest your life” -Mumford & Sons

Funny story about this piece and this may say a little something about our life and my mind lately.  I totally made this thinking we had been waiting 9 months…I have no idea why.  So I used this quote because I loved it, but also because it had 9 words.  So this piece has absolutely nothing to do with the #8…oh well, I do the best with this semi crazy brain I have right now 🙂

So I love this song, but specifically the quote.  As always I used our newspaper from the 15th and I will ship the piece directly to the winner.  This canvas is the largest size I have done for our monthly giveaways so far, 8×24, so it may not be as prettily wrapped as my packages usually are…I like to recycle, so if you win, don’t be alarmed when you receive some wonky box at your front door…this inside is what counts, right?

As always there are lots of ways to enter to win this piece.

PLEASE leave a separate comment for each entry.

-Leave a comment about a person who has really invested or speaks into your life

-Blog about the giveaway

-Share the giveaway on your Facebook

–Share the giveaway on your Twitter

Become a fan on Facebook HERE

Follow on Twitter HERE

-Subscribe to receive PPA updates by email in the right side bar

Giveaway will end Tuesday, July 19th at midnight and I will announce the winner on Wednesday.

So there you have it…I’m a little crazy right now, but hope everyone will like the 8 Months Waiting piece.  And maybe, just maybe, we won’t make it to 9 months!

And how about a few random pictures from the Kelleys before I end this post.

My kids love to play school and house.  They were busy playing when I noticed this little business going on…Harper was sleeping in her “bed” under our desk and Huddy was…well…climbing on top…I swear he shall be the death of me.

Sol has recently really been into cars…specifically lining them up in a row.  He really melts my heart.

Harper is the dancer of the family…unfortunately her dance moves take after me.

We are officially wave pool addicts, thanks to my dear friend Ashley (thanks Ashley).  For real…we have logged some serious hours at the wave pool this summer.  The boys got some major attention and laughs yesterday…I cannot imagine why.

And it’s official…nothing says ‘sexy’ like a dad babysitting his “grandaughter” while perusing the internet on his IPad.  I kind of like you Josh Kelley.

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend and remember giveaway will end Tuesday July 19th at midnight and I will announce the winner that Wednesday.  Happy Saturday!


  1. “We need to praise God in good times and in bad and all the while between.” LOVED this. Your mom is a wise woman. Reminds me of the advice my mom gives. 🙂

  2. It was my pleasure to share this on Facebook. 🙂

  3. I’m a Facebook fan!

  4. Following on the Twitter…lol.

  5. Retweeted!

  6. I am signed up for email updates! Yay!

  7. Love your pictures and your piece this month! Your family is in our prayers and I hope you bring your little one home before the 12 month mark =) We are just in the home study/dossier process ourselves, and are anxious to be on the wait list soon…take care

  8. Love this! My friend Laura has always been there for me since we met 5 years ago. She has really invested in my life and our adoption. I don’t think I could be where I am without her encouragement and support.

  9. My friends have always been there for me. They support our foster care plans and love all my kids like their own!

  10. Love this piece and by the way we are waiting for our daughter who is in India. Don’t know if you remember but we were the ones that met you when getting fingerprinted.

  11. Shared on Facebook!

  12. shared this on fbook.

  13. Subscribed to emails!

  14. I blogged about it! 😀

  15. Shared on FB.

  16. I’m a FB fan!!

  17. Hannah Lara says:

    Love this piece!!! Shared on facebook! 🙂

  18. As always–I know exactly where I’d put this…in every room. Love your art and love what it represents.

  19. Oops…didn’t follow directions: My sister! There’s no one really like a sister-friend. A friend who understands how you got to be the person you are like no one else. Love. that. girl.

  20. Megan B says:

    I am a FB fan. And also, a fan of Mumford and Sons. 🙂

  21. Megan B says:

    I have a co-worker who is really teaching me a lot right now – about trust in God’s sovereignty, even when we don’t necessarily like our situation. And yes, praising him in all things…good and bad.

  22. All good things come to those who wait!! Both of my children are adopted and although it was a longer process with our son, about a year and half-it was worth the wait!! Your child will be worth the wait. Remember, sometimes the answer God gives us is yes, sometimes no, and sometimes not right now but soon!

  23. Saundra says:

    Io shared I
    On facebook. I would love said wonky box to appear on my doorstep. I’d even come pick it up!

  24. Stephanie in Nc says:

    I follow your blog.

  25. Stephanie in Nc says:

    I have posted the give away on my FB page.

  26. Stephanie in Nc says:

    I “Like”d your FB page a few months ago…does that count?

  27. Stephanie in NC says:

    I LOVE this piece! Always hoping I will win….maybe this time! Love your work Laura!

  28. The art is beautiful but the words in this post are what got to me! Amazing! We have to praise Him, even in the storms!

  29. Love this piece! But when do I not love one of your pieces? Know that God’s timing is better than our own. Even when its painful, it’s just a blip in the happiness He will give you for being faithful. Reposting on FB cause it’s awesome.

  30. Amy Colllins-Buckner says:

    I love looking at your art on facebook! I was so hoping to win the last piece but this piece is just as beautiful! You are very talented and I love looking at your family pics. as well!

  31. Forgot to add…. Who speaks into my life? Well there is a little mom who is determined and faithful and creative in her persuit of baby 4. Keep it up Laura. You are a true inspiration for us who might only dream of bringing home another baby!

  32. I’m a facebook fan!

  33. I also follow you on Twitter!

  34. I have a special friend (she’s like the big sister I never had) named Tammy who serves as my spiritual, mothering, and marriage mentor. She has been such a positive influence on my life and I am blessed to live life alongside her!

  35. Shared the giveaway on Facebook!

  36. Randi Blanton says:

    A former co worker who has turned into one of my best friends, even though she is over 25 yrs older than me, speaks into my life. She is like my second mom, I go to her with all of my problems and she tells me all hers. She also loves my daughter as if she were really her granddaughter.

  37. Randi Blanton says:

    I have also shared on Facebook. I love your art, hopefully one day I will have a little extra cash to actually order something! Planning on ordering some items for Christmas presents…

  38. Shared the giveaway on Twitter!

  39. Shared on Facebook!

  40. I love your page and I love your mission! <Liz

  41. I’m a fan on facebook

  42. I’m gonna blog about it!

  43. I get your emails!

  44. And I LOVE your work–gave my husband the gen 2:24 piece you did for me—he is sooooooo picky, and he loved it! I love seeing it every day!!!

  45. Natalie says:

    My friend Sarah speaks truth into my life–reminding me of who God is, who God says I am, and the difference between the world’s lies and God’s truth. She is an encouragement to me! Love this piece, and hope I win it! 🙂

  46. Natalie says:

    shared on facebook!

  47. Natalie says:

    fan on facebook!

  48. and i posted a link on FB:)

  49. O crazy girl.. hang in there. Soon you’ll look back at this time and have your baby boy in your arms. Chin up….

  50. I am so sorry!! I know it stinks 🙂 We saw our daughter’s face in January and wont travel till the end of the year – we are no strangers to the “wait game” either 🙁 LoVe the advice from your mama though! I actually have an adoption friend who is the most encouraging. Having been down the road herself (4 times!) she seems to always know the right things to say at the right times!

    let’s join together & pray for no 9 month piece! Our God IS still in the business of performing miracles!!!!!

  51. My husband continually speaks into my life, he encourages me, lifts me up, helps me (even does the dishes!), makes me laugh nonstop, and most of all provides a Godly foundation for our family. Love your piece and praying your adoption goes ever so smoothly.

  52. I’m signed up for email updates!

  53. Mary Ann O. says:

    Sorry to hear about your email. I would be bummed too, but you have to look forward to happy times, and your mom’s support is truly inspirational.
    My grandmother has been an inspiration to me. At 85 years old, she is very involved in mine and my children’s lives. She loves to have them sleep over and bake cookies and get to share her stories of when she was younger with them. I’m so blessed to have her in our lives!

  54. Mary Ann O. says:

    I am one of your biggest FB fans! I love all your beautiful and inspirational pieces <3

  55. Mary Ann O. says:

    Shared this beautiful piece on my FB wall!

  56. Mary Ann O. says:

    Already a subscriber 🙂

  57. Kelsey Stewart says:

    Shared on facebook!!!

  58. Kelsey Stewart says:

    My mom is super duper amazing as well. She always knows what to say and give the right encouragement! She has helped us through some very hard times with our son and having health problems. Such a blessing to have a great woman of God for a mom!

  59. Already a FB fan and oh, so addicted to PPA!

  60. Just shared on FB!

  61. Love it!!! Hope I win and it’s your last giveaway 😉

  62. Oops! Forgot to say I am sharing on Facebook!

  63. I love love LOVE this piece!! Like seriously love it. 🙂 Also love the picture of your son climbing on top of the desk. Love what kids think to do.

  64. I am loved supported and encouraged by my friends and family. They inspire and hold me up every day:)

  65. My mother speaks into my life. She enables me to see where I need to improve and also where I might actually be doing all right…

  66. Lynette says:

    My IVCF staff worker, Tim Sales, really invested his life into both me and my husband while we were in college. If he didn’t love us like he did, I don’t think we would be where we are today.

  67. The lady I teach Sunday school with has been a mentor to me both spiritually and as a teacher. She has helped me to get a job at a local school and continues to encourage me! I really appreciate her!
    Love the giveaway! Thanks so much!

  68. I am a facebook fan!
    That’s where I saw this awesome piece first! 🙂
    Thanks again!

  69. I also receive your emails!
    I have the quote you used on the “Do Something” page of my blog! Such a good one! Thanks!

  70. I’m a fan on FB.

  71. My mom and dad have made a major investment in my life. So thankful

  72. I’m a fan on FB

  73. And I shared about it on my FB page! LOVE your stuff!!!! You are so talented. You make me miss TN SO MUCH. <3

  74. Heather says:

    I get the email updates.

  75. Heather says:

    My mama and daddy have invested so much into my life. I was just wondering what in the world I would do without them.

  76. my peeps encourage me,,,,so huge! how i love my suburban peeps!

  77. God has brought so many new encouraging friends in my life while we were waiting for the CALL..to go to Uganda. It was amazing how total strangers became such a huge strength to us on our 14 month journey. One special lady invested lots of time just to be that encouragement and just to be my friend. She was a priceless blessing! Hang in there, stay strong and be encouraged!

  78. Mary Leigh brown says:

    My mom!!!!!
    Hope I win!!!!

  79. Laura, I have two friends Peggy and Sherry who tried to comment on your blog. They said it wouldn’t let them? They are very sweet ladies who work at my kids’ school. Can you enter them in the drawing? They are new PPA fans!

  80. Have a dear friend who although we don’t see each other as much as I would love to, has committed to pray for my family every day & I know she does!

  81. thevfamily says:

    I had an uncle growing up that really made time for me, taking on the fatherly role in my life, being that my father passed away when I was little. My uncle will always have a special place in my heart.

  82. thevfamily says:

    I am a FB fan!

  83. I have a good feeling about this one! We just got a referral – talk about a big investment in love and life! What we give to our children is everything. Anyone who gives their time, attention, and unconditional friendship to another, no matter whether blood related or not, is this kind of person. I have had a few close friends who have been this to me, and I hope to teach my kids to be that for others.

  84. I would LOVE to win this! What a great piece!

  85. oops….forgot to mention who speaks into my life….MY MOM!!!
    And I am a FB fan!

  86. Kristy Williams says:

    Love, love that song too! Praying that it’s only 9 months of waiting!

  87. I liked you on Facebook!

  88. FaceBook Fan!

  89. I subscribe to your emails

  90. shared on FB

  91. My hubby, kids, mom, dad, sisters and BFFs are always there in good and bad times. <3

  92. ashley warren says:

    Im a fb fan

  93. Jess soucy says:

    I’m a Facebook fan! And also waiting 8 months!

  94. amy eudy says:

    i’m so sorry for that news. we didn’t adopt internationally and we expected to get both of our little boys just a few days after the youngest was born. the nursery was ready and waiting and so was my heart… and a few days turned into five and a half months. I know that’s still not long compared to how long so many people wait but when your heart is ready and longing to hold your child it can be so, so painful. I’m so thankful you have a wonderful mom who will speak such wise and comforting words into your life. My best friend Sara is one of those people for me. When we realized the boys wouldn’t be coming home as soon as i thought i was devastated and she dropped everything she was doing and came to stay a few days with me and was so encouraging. she always is. I’m praying your wait will end soon!!!

  95. sara just says:

    i am a fan.. and how do they get better and better LOVE this one! -Sara Just

  96. i shared on fb also. thank you for what you do!

  97. Posted on FB!

  98. Signed up for email!

  99. I am a fan on Facebook.

  100. Re-shared on facebook.

  101. I follow PPA on Twitter.

  102. I receive PPA updates via email.

  103. love the art piece!!

  104. This may be my favorite give-away canvas yet!

    The women speaking to me these days are my fellow adoptive parents. I am currently undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer, and they have been amazingly supportive even though we have not met in real life. So many encouraging words, prayers, emails, have been sent my way.

    Praying you won’t have to wait 12 months!

  105. Jennifer Harper says:

    What a great piece of art! Love it!

  106. Amanda Bryant says:

    a person who really speaks into my life is my sweet and dear friend amber. she always tells me the truth in love, even when its hard, and i’m SO thankful for the gift of her friendship.. even from miles away. 🙂

  107. A woman that encourages me lots and lots is my neighbor Kimberly. She lives so sacrificial. 🙂

  108. shared on facebook 🙂

  109. shared on twitter!

  110. Sara Carlile says:

    Oh my goodness, I LOVE this! Some of my dearest friends in my sorority really speak truth in my life constantly. Your mom sounds like a very wise woman 🙂

  111. I’m a facebook fan!!

  112. Sara Carlile says:

    Shared on twitter!

  113. I subscribed to email updates.

  114. I have 2 girlfriends that encourage me just about daily and are prayer warriors for our family!!

  115. Sara Carlile says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  116. Laura, I love your artwork and especially this one! It reminds me of the scripture, “Where your treasures are, there will your heart be”. I’ve shared your blog on my facebook pages. Harper’s hat is on it’s way!! (Well, maybe by tomorrow!). Arlene, The Rosey Posey

  117. Definitely my grandparents – a God-fearing, loving, and faithful couple, invested so much in my life and my families. 50+ years together, still love one another, still like one another!!! ~Amanda B

  118. Mother Teresa is and always will be my inspiration.

  119. I’m a fan on facebook!

  120. Ashley Guerra says:

    I signed up for PPA e-mail updates!

  121. Ashley Guerra says:

    I am a fan on facebook!

  122. Ashley Guerra says:

    I follow you on Twitter

  123. Ashley Guerra says:

    I shared this giveaway on my twitter! Hope some of my friends get to discover your beautiful art too!

  124. Ashley Guerra says:

    My grandmother is someone who I greatly admire and who I know has always looked out for all of us grandkids. She remained extremely strong when my grandpa got cancer and she never complains about anything. I know that anytime I need an extra prayer, she will be the first one and she never misses church. I hope to be like her someday!

  125. I’m your biggest fan. I love this one.

  126. I shared on facebook

  127. Angel Mathieson says:

    I hope all your prayers come true. God is good and He will provide you His best!

  128. My friend, Steph–she is the best, hands-down! Cares about every bit of me and is the best prayer partner a girl could ask for!

  129. I am grateful for my good friend Alicia. She is like my spiritual mother, slightly older than me and always full of encouragement and teaching me something new.

  130. I am a facebook fan!

  131. I’m a fan on facebook 🙂

  132. I am a facebook fan.

  133. I am a twitter fan.

  134. I follow on email too 😉 Can you tell I like this one?

  135. My CG gals. We have been together for 4 years now and are truly invested in each other’s lives. Love doing life with them.

  136. FB fan!

  137. Love getting your emails! You are super talented and love living vicariously through your adoption process. Our (oldest) sweet baby girl will be home 4 years on Aug 8th! Times flies!

  138. Heather says:

    Hang in there. We have been waiting for a referral for almost 7 months now (Ethiopia). So, our hearts wait with you, pray for you and find hope in your posts. BTW- I love this piece! Blessings!

  139. WOW!

  140. Shared your site with my FB friends…saying a special prayer for peace for y’all this month, especially.

  141. Considerate it tweeted 🙂

  142. And now I’m following on Twitter…halfway to “social media” stalker status! 🙂

  143. It’s complete…I like Pitter Patter Art on FB, and in real life too. 🙂

  144. love this! It is beautiful!

  145. Love the piece…hope the waits not the full 12 months! My mom has probably been my biggest “investor” she always know what to say and how to motivate me.

  146. My husband has always been the investor in my life. He accepts me and my quirks for all i am. Despite me frustrating the heck out of him…he always has faith in me and trusts me. When I wanted to start a business of my own, he never asked why or how, just what could he do to help.

  147. I’m already on your email list 🙂 Just think of 9 months waiting like waiting for a baby to be born. your son is on his way and i think it’s wonderful what you’re doing. My brother adopted 2 children from Russia and they are amazing.

  148. I’m also a fan on facebook.

  149. My grandmother has invested SO much into my life. She is such an encouragment and example of investing love into her family.

  150. Courtney Oldham says:

    I shared this on facebook

  151. Courtney Oldham says:

    SGBS has invested time in me and me in them and I’m so glad I did!! I love you girls!

  152. Dolores says:

    follow your blog. I have to read it soon as I receive my email notification. 🙂

  153. Dolores says:

    im also “like” your fb.

  154. Dolores says:

    my two best friends are huge investors in my life. They’ve been there for me during obstacles in my life when family wasn’t.

  155. I thought this verse might be fitting for you: But these things I plan will not happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day.” ~ HABAKKUK 2:3
    I have a wonderful amazing family who speaks truth in me, my dad, my mom, and my sister. Of course, my husband does this for me as well. I’m blessed to be surrounded by a great network of people who love and care for me. Your mom sounds amazing as well. Praying for you.

  156. my dear friend lisa, who has inspired me beyond anyone and anything i ever thought possible. her faith and ability to love stretched me in ways i didn’t think possible. she made me believe in things i never would have given a second thought to before. she’s like….magic. 🙂

  157. katie madison says:

    Another inspiring & beautiful piece! My in-laws really speak love & faith into our lives… they’re supportive & helpful (not to mention over-the-moon in love) with our NINE month old daughter, Genevieve. They live 10 hours from us (we’re a military family), but they’d be on their way here at a moment’s notice if asked. xoxo

  158. Christine Decker says:

    My friend Beth shared the gospel with me in college and continues to speak truth to into my life 20+ years later – what a gift! Shared this on FB.

  159. love this…shared on facebook

  160. katie madison says:

    And I shared on FB! 🙂

  161. right now we are nearing the end (hopefully) of Ethiopian adoption of 2 siblings. I’m loving my friends and all the interest they are taking in the adoption and the encouragement! It sure helps the long wait.

  162. already “like” on facebook!!!!!!

  163. Shared this on FB… but also, the people who invest the most into my life are the obvious (Jesus, hunny, kiddos) but also those people that aren’t expected to be… my patients. Being a Paramedic in Nashville, I get all types of people in the back of my unit- but more times than I can count, I have had that incredible person that reminds me to have faith ALWAYS. Seeing the things some people are going through and how they are able to overcome their struggles and still see God’s love through the rain completely amazes me. This quote really speaks to me because I am very passionate about my work- as a Paramedic, mother, and Christian woman- so my life has been invested in my love. Keeping you and your family in my prayers!

  164. I love this song & this quote! Shared on fb!

  165. I subscribe to emails!

  166. I am a Twitter follower!

  167. Love this post and this piece….we are in the waiting game, too…saw our daughters face for the first time in January and have been working and waiting…probably won’t travel until after the first of the year but like you said, I’m glad we are not in control of our lives – would hate to see the mess we’d be in! I have made some wonderful friends through the adoption journey who have become such wonderful sources of comfort whenever I get down and out. Ok, so maybe that counts as one entry, uh?! lol

  168. Posting on Facebook!! 🙂

  169. I became a facebook fan! Love your stuff! I know the wait is so hard – praying for you!

  170. The person who has really invested in my life is a woman named Deb Gore. Not only was she my 11th and 12th grade Humanities teacher, but she also became my surrogate mother my senior year when my parents moved away. Even though I graduated high school 6 years ago, she is one of the first people I go to for advice, and who I call when I have something joyful to share!

  171. Lora Joy Adzima says:

    I am a FB fan and following on twitter, plus signed up for email updates. I just love your art! So special and meaningful! I especially love this piece. A friend of mine just introduced me to Mumford and Sons. I live them and Awake My Soul is one of my favorites!

    My children inspire me… With their childlike faith, their complete trust. It’s what God desires from us. They inspire me to be a better patent and to love God fully!

    I am praying for your family as you wait 🙂

  172. Samantha ballard says:

    My Husband is my backbone for my daughter and I. Don’t know what I’d do without him.

  173. My friend, Natalie, is just a bit older than me (she’d kill me for saying that), but it was a blessing to watch her parent through Jr. High and High School seasons while mine were still toddlers….I’ve learned so much from her!

  174. I’m a fan on FB, too!

  175. Waiting. Such a theme in adoption, and boy the waiting is HARD! Praying God sustains you during the wait.

  176. Mallory Bilger says:

    This is so beautiful. Praying for your family

  177. Fan on FB

  178. And I follow you on Twitter.

  179. And I get your newsletter!

  180. it’s beautiful!

  181. Sherri James says:

    I’m a facebook fan and following on twitter 🙂

  182. Sara Warren says:

    I am a fan on FB!! A BIG ONE! ha

  183. Sara Warren says:

    I “shared” the giveaway on FB

  184. Sara Warren says:

    I am now a twitter fowllower!

  185. And I posted a link to your giveaway on my FB.

  186. Sara Warren says:

    I shared via twitter!

  187. I follow on Twitter as well!

  188. Sara Warren says:

    I receive PPA emails!

  189. Carol Pardue says:

    I just love all your work and enjoy sharing on FB…IT IS AMAZING……

  190. I shared it (RT) on Twitter too!

  191. meredith robbins says:

    Absolutely love your work!

  192. I’m a fan, on facebook and for reals! 🙂

  193. Vanessa Zein-Eldin says:

    Beautiful… sharing it on my FB page…

  194. Sara Warren says:

    and finally..(since I have done everything except blog (since I don’t have one) to put an entry in for this piece…b/c I love it THAT much!) I have a very special woman in my life that has recently reminded me that I really am a great mom! Even when I have days that I question myself….she reminded me that I am doing what my children need me to do for them to grow as respectful, kind, caring and compassionate individuals. I am their “safe place” and I am a wonderful mom! Thanks, Kelly, for our tearful (uplifting) conversation the other night. I love you!

  195. My sweet husband is always quick to point out lies that I’m believing and point me to the Truth. So grateful for him! 🙂

  196. Love all the work you do!!!!

  197. Fan on FB:)

  198. I am a twitter follower:)

  199. I LOVE this! I love this song and quote! I leave for Ethiopia tomorrow for a two week mission trip to orphanages…do you want me to bring your little man back with me? I so would if i could!!

    The person that has most influenced me are two different mentors in two different seasons in my life. Mrs. Carla through undergrad at UGA and Mrs. Virginia through seminary in Louisville, KY. They showed me what godliness and biblical womanhood looks like and guided my character in many positive ways. Mostly, God used them as a godly family in my life. love them! could go on and on about these two amazing ladies. Love how God provides people like this in our lives (blood related or not!)!!

  200. I follow you on Twitter!!

  201. I am a facebook fan! (duh!)

  202. I subscribe to your PPA updates!!

  203. Just tweeted too!! PRAYING FOR YOU AS WELL!!!

    suzrowe Suzanne Rowe
    Love this blog! pitterpatterart.wordpress.com/2011/07/16/8-m… / join me in praying for @pitterpatterart’s adoption from Ethiopia!
    23 seconds ago Favorite Reply Delete

    what orphanage is your little man at??!

  204. Both my parents inspire/support/uplift/encourage/etc./etc/etc. me. What would we do without those parents?? 🙂 Praying your wait is shorter than expected!

  205. Still praying for you and your family. I love your artwork and share it with as many as I can, as well as your story. Blessings to you.

  206. I’m a fb fan!

  207. Love this! My husband inspires/supports me! We just started the homestudy process to adopt a baby boy from Ethiopia! So excited! 🙂

  208. My friends inspire me and speak so much to me.

  209. Shared on facebook

  210. I have to say my mom. She recently stayed with us for a week, and after observing us, gave me some guidance with such love. If anyone else had said it to me it would have made me angry, but she was right and loves me and wants me to be my best, I’m so glad she loves me enough to tell me things like that.

  211. I absolutely love this piece and I love your family! Shared on FB

  212. I am a facebook fan

  213. Everything you create is so stinkin’ awesome!!! I love this!

  214. Shared on fb!

  215. Alicia T. says:

    FB fan.

  216. Caroline says:

    I am following you on facebook.

  217. Caroline says:

    I follow you on twitter as well.

  218. My best friend, Deb speaks to my life. She was my high school spanish teacher and was immediately a role model. Since then, she has become my best friend and I couldn’t imagine my life without her!

  219. Check out my blog!

  220. I am a new foster parent and lately my kids’ bio mom speaks in my life. Not out loud, but in her diligence to win her kids back. She’s young, but she is strong.

  221. Shared on facebook!!

  222. Liked on FB

  223. Stephanie says:

    I’m a FB Fan! =-) Will post about it…

  224. Right now I am growing closer to a gal from church, and I have began to notice how much I value her friendship and her time and investment into my life with all our conversations.

  225. Stephanie says:

    My mom is also my encourager and the person I would turn to for Godly advice and sometime a quick smack back to reality. =-)

  226. I am a FB fan

  227. Morgan Johnson says:

    Totally sharing on my FB 🙂 LOVVVVVVVE everything you make!

  228. Morgan Johnson says:

    Facebook fan 🙂

  229. Follow on FB – your stuff is great! Love your talent! Praying for your journey as well.

  230. Angie Kahler says:


  231. MaryBeth Freeman says:

    I am a pediatric Occupational Therapist and the children and families that I have had the pleasure of meeting are the ones have taught me so much. I have learned how to be a better therapist, better wife, better mother and just a better person in general because of them! Thank God for leading me to my profession!

  232. Beautiful work, again. I would be blessed to have this in my grandchildrens room. I have a room in my house(use to be my hubbys office.) thant he graciously gave. They are my joy and I have prayed for them for years..It is not that I am so up in years, it is because it was a chore to ge them here. No they are not adopted but my daughter had 5 yrs of infertility and many struggles before the first came..It reminds me of what a gift they are from God.. I thought I would adopt in my youth but it was too expensive for us..So put my name in the hat .praying for that new little one

  233. Ashton Morgan says:

    The Lord has blessed me with many godly men and women in my life, but one person in particular has impacted my life in ways that she would never even know. My birth mother chose to give me up for adoption so that I could have a mom AND a dad. I know this has to have been the hardest thing she had to ever do, but I’m so grateful that she chose to do that. The Lord’s sovereign hand was definitely on my life at that time, and I will be forever impacted by my birth mother.

  234. Ashton Morgan says:

    I’m a FB fan!

  235. Nicole Pelletier says:

    How you inspire people through your blog reminds me of my very dear friend who is also very faithful. She has had a rough time this year dealing with the loss of her grandfather. She just wrote a blog post about how it has brought her closer to God in understanding His love. I think this piece would hold very special meaning for her and there fore I’m entering this contest to give this piece to her. I hope your ‘internal’ gut feeling of 9 months comes true and you get another little blessing to add to your home a little early. If you would like to read her blog post please email me so I can send it to you! Thank you.

  236. Ashton Morgan says:

    I follow you on twitter!

  237. Ashton Morgan says:

    I shared the giveaway on twitter.

  238. Ashton Morgan says:

    I shared the giveaway on facebook.

  239. Ashton Morgan says:

    I get your e-mails.

  240. Ashley Glass says:

    My Granny is the most influential person in my life. She gave her time and energy to allow me to become a Woman of God!!

  241. I get your emails!

  242. Ashley Ginn says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  243. Ashley Ginn says:

    Following on Twitter!

  244. Ashley Ginn says:

    I signed up for email updates!

  245. Amber Smith Clay says:

    Someone who’s invested in my life is my KD. She is a friend who I thank God for everyday. Her daughter Tori was a friend of mine in highschool. The summer between our 10th and 11th grade year Tori died from diabetes complications. Since that time her mother and I have held each other while we’ve cried, celebrated weddings, baby births, and everyday life together. I would love for her Tori to be here today but until we see her again in Heaven we will support each other in prayer and love. Again, I am beyond blessed by her friendship and love!

  246. Amber Smith Clay says:

    Following on facebook and posted a comment!

  247. This would be a wonderful gift for my friend in Nashville. He is always an encourager to me – I’d love to win it for him.

  248. Jaime Whitaker says:

    Love this piece!

  249. Ashton Morgan says:

    I blogged about the giveaway!


  250. Karen Gardner says:

    You all are so close to meeting your sweet son!! HOORay

  251. MamaBear says:

    Prayin’ from Missouri for ya’ll! LOVE your art work! Blessings, Denise

  252. I am so lucky to have had many people along the way invest in my life. Parents, sister, coach. But, I am dearly loved by my husband who by his spirit encourages my heart daily. Thanks for the giveaway.

  253. signed up for email updates

  254. I follow on Facebook!

  255. I follow on Twitter, too!

  256. I subscribed to PPA email updates!

  257. Tweeted about your giveaway

  258. My friend Rene’ really speaks truth into my life…even when I don’t always have the ears or heart to hear it. I am so thankful that her willingness to be honest rises above all else.
    Praise God for that which we do not understand…His ways are always better and more perfect than our own.

  259. Elizabeth Hodge says:

    My mother

  260. Elizabeth Hodge says:

    signed up for the emails

  261. I must saw this is my fav piece to date! Love the quote, print , size! I also thank you for the scripture. I totally needed that today. I had planned to skip this giveaway due to time and the fact that I have never won anything in my entire life but I’m so glad I did not! You never know, you might draw my number!

    The person who is my main uplifter, grounder, humbler would have to be my friend Donita. She always has the right scripture or thought to bring me back to earth!

  262. I’m a FB fan!!

  263. My Mom has been such a strong person in my life. Whenever I need anything she immediately stops what she is doing and helps me out. I am so thankful for her support.

  264. My mom has invested tons of love and support into me! Her model of love taught me how to be a mommy to my four. I know her example of loving others put the desire to adopt into my heart.

  265. I follow you on twittter @vivalameaganx3

  266. I subscribe via e-mail!

  267. Charity Johnson says:

    God will see you through this too! He is always with us every step of the way. Praying for your family.

  268. Hey Laura!

    We finished our referral wait not that long ago, and are now in the marathon wait to get our daughter`s citizenship papers. My wait mantra has been `God`s Perferct Timing`. Helped me through and continues to help me through the crazy wait of international adoption. Hang in there…His timing will be impecible.
    Blessings, Tracey, Ontario Canadai

  269. A.) I love this piece. B.) I would normally go the easy route on this one, but today I will talk about my awesome boss. She is really teaching me everything she knows, mentoring me, pouring into me, so that someday I will be able to rock it out like she does! So thankful for her! And so thankful to have a strong female to look up to in the workplace!

  270. I want to be the kind of mother your mother is…….her wisdom is inspiring…..Thank you so much for sharing!

  271. Beautiful!

  272. Shared about the giveaway on my facebook!


  273. i facebooked the giveaway!

  274. I’ve been very blessed to have many people pour into my life- my parents, my husband, my friends, and mentors. God is good- “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” -Proverbs 27:17

  275. I follow on FB!

  276. Follow on twitter!

  277. Subscribe via email!

  278. i tweeted the giveaway!

  279. my mother-in-law has been a huge influence on my life. she’s the reason i’m a christian and she is the most non-judgemental and helpful person i’ve ever know. she’s wonderful.

  280. i subscribe to your posts!

  281. i follow you on facebook.

  282. i follow you on twitter!

  283. This piece is beautiful! I love it! My husband is the one I would choose. We just celebrated 8 years of marriage and are in the process of adopting our 2nd child. He is definitely invested in me and our family and I love him to pieces! 🙂
    Hope this is the last month you’ll be waiting and you see that sweet baby boy soon! 🙂

  284. Karrie Smith says:

    While God didn’t choose to bless me with a prayer-warrior mom, he did choose my aunt for that purpose. Though my dear aunt passed away almost 7 years ago while I was only 21, her faith-filled life and death are what helped me realize God’s sovereignty in life. Thank you for sharing your story with us al; SO fun and exciting.

  285. Mumford and Sons is one of my favorite bands. I spent two weeks in Africa this summer. A friend of mine is there for 15 months living and working at an orphanage. We spent the two weeks at the orphanage with her. She has been a mentor to me for about 3 years and has invested so much into my life. I would not be who I am today without her.

  286. I follow on facebook already 🙂

  287. I now follow on twitter 🙂

  288. I shared on twitter!!

  289. I subscribed to PPA updates!

  290. My Mother!

  291. I get your email.

  292. What an awesome piece of art — it’s so important to invest in others as well as make sure you have someone investing in you. I have been blessed to have a mentor who has invested much into me. She recently moved and I’m grieving the loss of her in my day to day life!

  293. I’m a FB fan

  294. And, I subscribe to PPA updates by email…and love getting them. 🙂

  295. Lindsay Cates says:

    I am a Facebook fan!

  296. Lindsay Cates says:

    I follow you on twitter!

  297. I am a facebook fan.

  298. I love this piece of art. My grandmother is an incredible inspiration to me. She is a prayer warrior and has played a huge part in my life.

  299. Andrea McGeary says:

    shared on facebook

  300. My grandmother, Clara, has invested a lot of prayer in me!

  301. I tweeted!

  302. And facebooked!

  303. I signed up to follow you on Facebook

  304. I signed up to follow you on twitter

  305. Our church family has invested in my husband and I and our adoption journey in prayer, encouragement, support and financially.

  306. I shared the giveaway on facebook

  307. I shared on twitter

  308. I’m getting PPA updates

  309. I am now a fan on facebook! Love your artwork. We are waiting to bring our baby boy home from Korea…probably another 8 months if we’re lucky.

  310. getting PPA updates

  311. A person whom I could never live without his support and encouragement is my husband. He is my hero. He works hard everyday to provide for our family and give us a wonderful life. Not only that he is supportive of everything a want to pursue. He loves me for who and what I am. If I could give him the world, I would but I do my best to try to give him what I can. I wish he knew what he has done to impact my life…he has no idea. He is a friend, father, husband, and encourager every day…..compleatly doing it all for me unselfishly. I love him because he has made me see the good in life!

    Beautiful art work! Love it!

  312. Wow…great piece! This adoption process has proved to show that there have been an amazing number of people who have invested in me and our family financially and spiritually. When things have been really rough, friends and sometimes strangers who God sent have poured words into my life that were perfect in timing.

  313. I tweeted via @michelle365!

  314. I liked, liked, liked the Facebook group. mmmhmm.

  315. Just subscribed to the blog via the e-mail subscription option.

  316. Why of course I shared it with my friends on Facebook! (smile)

  317. We are sooo sorry to hear about this delay in your adoption. We can honestly say we know how you are feeling. As we are waiting too… For whatever it is worth, after having others pray with me this weekend, Iit occured to me that maybe God isn’t keeping our child from us but he is giving us time to rest and prepare for the arrival. This new perspective is getting my through the week. I know that HE LOVES US! HE LOVES YOU! Again, I am so sorry for your saddness and I will keep you in all of my prayers. Your Sisiter In Christ, Tina

  318. Bumped into this through Henankids and was thrilled to see the Mumford and Sons quote. We love them! Had my son, Nick, become a fan since I don’t Facebook. Will hold you in my prayers as you wait. Having survived the wait twice, I feel your pain 🙂

  319. Subscribed by email as well. Looking forward to seeing what lies next for you…

  320. Dottie Raymer says:

    I liked your fb page, shared on my status. (Glad someone else shared on facebook. I love your art!)

  321. Cathy Thomas says:

    My best friend Tracy invests in my life on a daily basis. I heart her…and might even give this to her if I win!! 😉

  322. Love this!! My parents have always been there for me.

  323. Kristen Jones says:

    HAnds down all time favorite piece you have made!!! And I love all your work! My best friend is the one who can always encourage me and breathes wisdom into my soul. Keep following your mom’s wise wisdom. That sweet little one will not arrive one second sooner than God has planned for your family!

  324. I’m already a facebook fan!

  325. Your latest Twitter follower? Totally me.

  326. Shared on Facebook!

  327. My husband definitely speaks into my life the most and in the best ways. So thankful for him!

  328. I am a facebook fan! 🙂

  329. I subscribe by e-mail!

  330. I’m thankful for a mom who has invested in me and is now investing in my children.

  331. i’m your fan on facebook and a fan of all you do!

  332. Alyssa Lewis says:

    I am commenting on this in an attempt to win the contest, of course, but also to talk about my dad. Everyone always talks about all of the things moms do, and, don’t get me wrong, they definitely should. No one would even be alive without their mother. However, I don’t think fathers get as much credit as they deserve. A dad is an irreplaceable person in a girl’s life, and, even still, at 18, I can honestly say that my dad is my favorite person in the entire world. I know so many fathers who are only fathers because their DNA matches that of their child; their lives are invested in their children not because that is also where their love lies, but only because they’re responsible for providing their children with sustenance. In a few weeks, I will be heading off to college, and as I am preparing myself to leave all of my family, I cannot help but realize all of the things my dad has taught me that I will not be leaving behind. He has shown me nothing but love from the moment I was born(even though he was a little disappointed at first, as I was supposed to be a boy). I know that even when I have my moments when I disrespect him and should not be worthy of his love, he does not withdraw it from me, but loves me more. He truly invests his entire life into mine-not only in providing what is needed to survive physically, but he also provides what is needed for me to survive emotionally and spiritually-which is incredibly important to any child, but especially young women. He has set such an example and standard in place that every man I will ever meet will be measured up against. But most importantly, he has been an example of the love of my Heavenly Father, to Whom I will be eternally grateful for giving me the best daddy in the whole wide world. 🙂

  333. Retweet!

  334. facebook post!

  335. briannegriggs says:

    The one person that continually speaks to my life is my girlfriend Landra. She is full of the Holy Spirit and so wise. I learn a lot from here. She is a wonderful blessing sent straight from God.

  336. briannegriggs says:

    I love your PPA emails and I also have you on RSS on my Google homepage.

  337. The one who speaks into my life is my grandfather who treated me as an angel. I never felt like that ever again after he left.

  338. Following you on FB. I truly wish I win this giveaway for I have a very strong feeling that this is going to be the last ‘waiting’ giveaway.

  339. Delightfully following you on Twitter!

  340. Love this piece!

  341. Just came to you from the Jupin Family blog, and I think I have fallen in love with your work and your adorable family. A person who has spoken into my life is my favorite MOPS mentor, Sandy. Her heart for ministry to moms is so huge, and she always knows just what to say to really cut to the heart of the matter. I am so thankful for her words to me, and I am thankul she has chosen to invest her love and life in moms like me.

  342. Ami Jenkins says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  343. Ami Jenkins says:

    My pastor’s wife as well as some other fellow mamas from my church family!

  344. Leslie Talkington says:

    Love this quote…reminds me of what is iimportant. Shared on Facebook.

  345. I adore this and all of your artwork and have shared via Facebook :). Congrats on getting to the 8 month mark! I am not sure if there is one certain person who has invested or spoke into my life
    as much as a cluster of people who have. It’s like the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”…and to me I have learned from a village of people and each person has spoke and invested into my life. God most certainly speaks into my life daily, but there was a time when I ignored it and now I treasure the ability to acknowledge him more often and pray I am able to listen to the direction and path he has planned.

  346. Loraine K. says:

    This piece is beautiful, just like always 🙂
    As I think about who has invested and spoken intof my life there are many people who come to mind. I am blessed plain and simple. I am forever thankful for each person who took time to speak into my life.
    the person who has blessed me most would have to be my husband. He genuinely loves me and reminds me to love myself. I am a better person for having him in my life. I thank God everyday for blessing me with him

  347. Loraine K. says:

    I subscribe via Facebook:)

  348. Samantha ballard says:

    Love your work, liked the facebook, need a piece for my apartment 😛 Especailly since there won’t be very much longer you’ll be doing this you’ll be busy with a new little one 🙂

  349. Love this piece. It speaks to me this week as I got rid of A LOT of earthly things & moved out of our house awaiting our move to Haiti in October. Love the pictures of your kids, too. Blessings!

  350. My husband has really been inspiring me lately. Besides the usual ways- he spends so much of his time figuring out how to help those in our community who are going without. SO blessed to be married to that man.

  351. following on facebook, too!

  352. Casey Nation says:

    Shared on facebook and on twitter!

  353. Courtney says:

    My husband is the most amazing person – took on a divorcee with two young kids and a huge amount of baggage (my ex-husband murdered one of our children) and completely turned my life around. I was struggling to just survive – paying the bills with no child support (daycare/babysitting for two kids takes a big chunk out of any paycheck), working six days a week and barely getting to even SEE my kids, no sleep due to the stress and depression, and feeling like I was just going through the motions. We’re now happily married, I have time to tend to my garden (I love to garden, but never had the time to keep it up) and homeschool my kids (the way I had always planned), and cook every day. And we’re waiting for our new baby to arrive so we can get the wheels in motion to adopt from Africa, another thing I had always planned but never thought would happened because of my daughter’s murder. Talk about an investment in my life! He truly is God’s gift.

  354. Courtney says:

    And I’m a friend on Facebook. 🙂

  355. Amanda McMullen says:

    I just shared on Facebook and would be so, so stoked to win this. I think it’s my favorite piece yet!

  356. Amanda McMullen says:

    My mom comes to mind when I think about who has really invested in my life… She took so much time when I was younger to teach me and mold me into the person I am today. She allowed me to make mistakes while still protecting me and loving me unconditionally. Whether we are talking about our hair or the depths of the love of Christ, she is one of my favorite people in this world to converse with. She is such a blessing to me. 🙂

  357. Casey Nation says:

    My mentor from my teenage years was with me through every little thing and truly invested tremendously in my life and continues to invest. I thank God for her everyday!

  358. Heather Stennett says:

    I shared this on my facebook!!

  359. My grandmother has always invested in me and my children. Starting with week long summer visits to delivering food as soon as I arrived home from the hospital with both of my boys. She loves me wholely and I wouldn’t know what to do without our weekly lunch dates!

  360. Heather Stennett says:

    The person who has invested most in my life is my mom. My daddy is a pastor, and she has had the honor of becoming a mother figure to many women. She has taught me to become a woman that goes after God with all my heart, how to love and serve my husband, and now how to be a mommy and teach my baby boy about Jesus. She has walked with me through every hardship including my miscarriage and cried with me, but also spoke amazing truth to me. I can’t imagine my life without my mom, and I am truly grateful for her heart and time that she has invested into making me who I am today. I still have much to learn from this lady 🙂

  361. Heather Stennett says:

    This artwork is truly inspiring and such a good reminder! I have never heard the quote, but now can’t get it out of my head! I would LOVE to have this piece in my home!

  362. Love you and praying for you sweet friend. I know how hard it is to wait! But YES his timing is PERFECT!!!

  363. Following you on Twitter now! LOVE this piece too!

  364. shared on FB!

  365. colleen from alabama says:

    I have a long list of women who have practiced Titus 2 in my life! I am so blessed. Right now, Kelly is a mama a few years older than i am with a world of wisdom to share. She is so faithful to give me Biblical perspective and help me to see God’s finger prints on every inch of my life and the life of my family. Like ai said, i am so very blessed

  366. Shared on FB. What an awesome quote.

  367. My husband is my biggest supporter and best friend!

    I love this piece! It makes me think of our homeschool and our adoption. 🙂

  368. I’m a fan on FB.

  369. Signed up for email updates.

  370. Randi Ross says:

    This is a beautiful piece of art! I love it!! My prayers are with you and your family

  371. Lindsay says:

    Facebook fan.

  372. Lindsay says:

    Twitter follower. @lnbeem

  373. I’m Praying THIS will be your Last Month Waiting! And, that I will Win this Last piece of “Waiting Art”! Blessings ~ Jo

  374. I Like (and love) Pitter Patter Art on Facebook!

  375. Lindsay says:

    Tweeted! @lnbeem

  376. I follow PPA on Twitter and Tweeted this Giveaway here: http://twitter.com/#!/peasandluvfrmJO/status/93434199771578368

  377. My Sweet Mama is the person who has touched my life the most. Im So happy that you have YOUR Mama there to Pray you through the good and not so good days!

  378. Lindsay says:
  379. I LOVE your stuff! So happy I saw a post on FB. I shared on FB too, (but secretly hope no one else will enter – isnt’ that so mean?) I wish you lived next door, I would insist you come over and we would throw down the tarps, get out the paints and collage stuff and do some art together. Its amazing and inspiring. May have to get messy tonight!
    I listened to a podcast just last week that talked about how much God asks us to wait. In the waiting on the Messiah, in the waiting on His return, we are always, always, always in the process of waiting. And its so hard and so good for us at the same time. Praying for you and your family that you see the good stuff that comes from waiting and that you draw nearer and more reliant on Him. (And so glad you have that sweet mom to let it all out on when its too much) God bless!

  380. I shared on FB

  381. My wonderful husband always knows the right thing to say.

  382. Kelli Lafranca says:

    My husband always knows what I need to hear, even if it isn’t what I want to hear 🙂

  383. Kelli Lafranca says:

    I’m a follower on Facebook….

  384. Kelli Lafranca says:

    …and I shared this giveaway on Facebook! I hope all my friends check out your site, your art is gorgeous and your stories are inspiring!

  385. Kelli Lafranca says:

    I also follow on Twitter.

  386. Kelli Lafranca says:

    I get your posts via email 🙂

  387. Sarah H says:

    My grandma – she influenced me so much that I still dream about her often, even though she has been gone 12 years. LOVE Mumford, so this piece totally rocks!

  388. I just pinned this on Pinterest and didn’t even realize that it was yours until I looked at it closer. I love this! I’m Bella DeSheles’ mom (from church).


  1. […] midnight.  A sweet 8×24 canvas is up for grabs.  Scroll down to the post below to enter or CLICK HERE!  It’s a good […]

  2. […] came out cute: The last thing I worked on was a Christmas gift for my sister. I was inspired by this piece on Pinterest. Here is my take: I have a few more projects I will work on tomorrow before I have […]

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