
I’m doing a little super late night blogging here…trying to get it in before midnight.  Today marked the last day of January and tomorrow…as in Friday…is Sol’s birthday.  The night before a birthday always makes for a late night…always.

So one of my goals for 2013 was to set monthly running goals.  There was no rhyme or reason to the number I chose for January…55 miles…but I am happy to report that I logged 58.4 miles.  I picked up some extra miles this week when I started running with my niece Campbell and nephew Cooper…I think I may have found some new running buddies.

Some call it sweating, but I call it glowing.  Boom.

For February I am going to tackle 62 miles…I actually put a little thought into this number, so we’ll see how it goes.

Other than my rad running shoes that I have talked about far too much, my number one running necessity is my headband.  Now I have been through quite a few headbands…I have tried them all and then my Zumba instructor Janet told me about these headbands from banded2gether.com and the great cause they help support.  Well at that moment the heavens opened and a choir of angels began to sing Olivia Newton John’s “Let’s Get Physical”.  These are the best headbands I have ever had and I now own three of them.

The.Best.Headband.Ever.  Serious.  I mean it.  Mark it.  Go check them out.

Tonight we did a little pre-birthday partying at Chuck E Cheese.  We decided to skip out on the craziness of CC on a Friday night…we made such a wise choice.  It was awesome.  When Sol decided that was what he wanted to do for his birthday…pretty sure Josh and I high-fived.  I know there are some haters out there, but goodness, we love Chuck E Cheese.  The pizza.  The games.  The tickets.  The crappy prizes.  The crazy kiddos running mad wild.  The skee ball.  And my infamous battle to break the record on the basketball game.  Tonight the high score was 76…I got 72…two times in a row.  New arch nemesis.  It was all glorious.

That blur is Sol…he was a crazy pitching machine tonight.  Dude’s got an arm.

Now I need to go to bed.  I just finished up Sol’s cupcakes…which I topped with pencil sharpeners.  I’m serious.  You do what you gotta do sometimes.  And Josh just got done putting up his birthday door.

Amon is teething so I’m sure Josh and I will be playing ‘rock, paper, scissors’ in the middle of the night to see who has to get up to handle that little hot mess.  So to bed I go.  Hope you had a good Thursday…the weekend is here.  Word.

Happy Super Late Thursday Night.


  1. Congrats on exceeding your running goal! Happy Birthday to Sol! I also am a fan of the Chuck E. Cheese type places. I love winning tickets and getting to choose a crappy gumball machine-type prize! Skee Ball and Air Hockey are serious business between me and my husband. Serious.
    I’m going to have to try those headbands! I have thick, curly hair and most headbands seem to slide right off and never stay put. These seems promising and if you’re singing their praises, I may have to check them out myself. Thanks for the rec!

  2. One of the things I miss THE MOST about my kids being adults is that we NO LONGER go to Chuck E Cheese. I loved it too – and I am so happy to come out of the closet about. With a grandson due in just 10 short (long?) days, I am looking forward to resurrecting that habit!

    Congrats on the miles and much love to Sol on his birthday – have a wonderful day!

  3. Love the headband, I too cannot keep one on my head to save my life! Will def. try these out 🙂
    Have you ever used a product called Camilia for teething? I can usually only find it at Walgrrens but it works wonders for my trio of teethers & when used like he box mentions they sleep all night!!! It’s homeopathic & does not have belladonna in it, I swear by it & amber necklaces 🙂

  4. Happy Birthday, Sol! I hope we get to see the eraser cupcake toppers! Great job making it work! I have really thin hair and I can never keep a band in my hair either. I’m definitely curious. I also want to try 5-braiding one with cut up t’s. Haven’t done that yet. How do you keep mileage so precisely? Do you have a great trail or do you wear something? We’ve never been to Chuck E. Cheese but my kids always think it looks great if they see an ad. Is there any advice so it’s not really costly? I’m sure my kids would love to just whip through those games in no time! (They usually just get to pretend play when we’re out and about!) Happy birthday weekend!

  5. Love the idea of setting a monthly goal. I have started walking (never been a runner), but it would be fun to track the miles I walk. I mean, I haven’t been doing anything for a very long time. If I walked a mile a day, I could atleast get in 28 miles this month! So imma set a goal of 30… if I go over that then I’ll be so proud! Thanks Laura and HBD Sol!!

  6. Super love Chuck E Cheese! The only reason we act like it’s a big deal when the kids ask to go is because it can get pricey, but otherwise we’re all in. We almost always go on a weekday at 9am as soon as they unlock the door. It’s awesome and we sometimes have the place to ourselves for an hour.

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