4 Years with Solomon

Four years have come and gone and wow.  Solomon changed our lives yet again, as each Kelley kid does.  Today is his Gotcha Day.  We celebrate today not just as Sol’s day, but as a crazy special day for our entire family.  There are no presents, just lots of celebrating and sweet treats and him picking something special for us to do as a family to celebrate the day he was placed in our arms for forever.  A celebration of our family growing.

All week I’ve kind of been a hot mess crying all the time.  Last year his Gotcha Day was special, but so empty on some accounts because Mom and Amon were missing.  I’ve just been way overwhelmed with God’s goodness this year and just how special and amazing Sol is.  I’ve been way overwhelmed with the honor I have in being his Mom.  God could have picked anyone…anyone in the entire world, but He chose me to be his momma.  That’s insane.  And I’m incredibly grateful, honored and humbled for the chance.

Today I’m just weeping around and soaking up my Solomon.  His name means “wanted” or “longed for” and it just fits him so well.  We were over the moon, madly in love with him when they placed him in our arms.  God had been preparing his heart for us, and our hearts for him.

Harper was crazy about him…like smotheringish.  She had only recently turned two and she could not wait to get her hands on another little brother.  And, well, Huddy…that makes me cry all new tears.  They are my “twins”.  God has bonded Huddy and Sol in a very deep way.  They are seriously the best of friends and have a brotherhood…a kinship…that runs crazy deep.  They discuss what they will be when they grow up and most recently decided on being motorcycle riders so they don’t have to go to college and move out of our house.  They’ve declared they’re never getting married so they can live with each other for forever.  That’s just them.  They love each other deeply.  I prayed for their brotherhood long before we even knew they’d be so close in age and I continue to pray for their brotherhood…that it remains thick and strong and bold and that they would love each other madly for their entire lives.  Sigh.  They just make me all swoony.

Sol is just an awesome kid.  He’s loving and sweet.  He loves hearing about Africa and the more information I can give him, the better.  He’s the reason we’ll find ourselves back in Ethiopia far earlier than we’d planned on going back.  He wants to go so badly and we want to take him.  He’s passionate, proud and sensitive.  He’s determined.  He’d rather drown than come up out of the water without retrieving his dive stick off the floor of the deep end.  He’s daring and a small, little risk taker.  He’ll be our mountain biker or X-Games participant.  He wants to try everything on his own first…a super independent 4-year-old…which me and his teachers are totally thankful for.  He’s bold and won’t be pushed around.  He’s hilarious and will say just about anything to get a laugh.  He enjoys potty words and goes for shock value.  He’ll be Class Clown in high school.  He has one of the best laughs…this deep down, shrill laugh.  He remembers everything.  EVERY.THING.  Be careful what you say around this kid.  He’s affectionate and gives the most sincere hugs and kisses.  He loves spicy food and the color orange.  I love and appreciate every one of his qualities even though some of them drive me crazy or almost give me a heart attack.  It’s just how God designed Sol and I adore His beautiful, unique creation in him.

So Happy Gotcha Day Solomon James Altaseb Kelley.  You are just divine and tender and all boy.  God has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams with you.  Love you like crazy.

Today is a grand day for our family.  Happy Friday.


  1. That last photo, oh man! What a sweet sweet boy. Happy Gotcha Day to your whole family. And thanks for sharing parts of the journey with us!

  2. Love, love, love it! May the Lord keep blessing your sweet family!

  3. Happy “Gotcha Day” Sol. God truly blessed you when he placed you with your mom and dad. I hope you all enjoy this beautiful day!

  4. JAmie J. says:

    Happy Gotcha Day!

  5. cousin amy says:

    OH HAPPY DAY!!!:):)

  6. Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!! Enjoy the day….Big hugs and blessings to all of you 🙂

  7. Happy Gotcha Day to the Kelleys!! Sol is so precious!

  8. KELLYE bELT says:

    Solomon is a precious, precious boy! Happy Gotcha Day, Sweet Sol!

  9. He just looks so full of personality! Makes me smile.

  10. Chelsea says:

    You really need to post a video of the kiddos! I would love to hear some of their sweet laughter! Happy gotcha day! Your sweet babies have lots of prayer over them!

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