Archives for March 2016

Let’s Discuss

Instagram:  So this morning I got on Instagram and discovered a whole slew of messages from people from a crazy long time ago…as in 100s of weeks ago.  Whoa!  It was totally bizarre.  Has this every happened to any of you?  They were all messages from people I don’t personally follow and we’re hidden away some how.  My face flushed red as I went through all of them and had to tell people I wasn’t ignoring them about some of the simplest of questions, but that really Instagram was just hiding messages and being its quirky, yet lovable self.  It really is my favorite form of social media.  I try to answer all questions and emails, so if you never hear from me it’s either that I did not receive the email/message or I honestly didn’t see the comment.  I promise I’m not ignoring you 🙂

New Watch:  1/2 marathon training is in full swing which I love, love, love.  Having a routine to follow and goals to meet plus friends, is just straight up a good time.  Crossing out all those little boxes each week on our training schedule is completely lovely.  I recently picked up the Garmin Forerunner 15 My old garmin went out long ago, so it was time (ba dum dum ching) for a new one.  I’d been eyeing the 15 for some time, but never could pull the trigger and then Amazon sent me a happy little message letting me know it was their “Deal of The Day” item.  I bought it up and have loved it ever since.  It’s super easy to use and I love they have sizes now and the bright fun colors.  It tracks our run history so I can go back and view our times, paces, laps, etc.  It does a bunch of other stuff like calories, steps, timer and so on, but what I love most is that it’s simple and easy to use and just right for a runner.

Laundry:  I’m quite sure when I die I will have spent more time doing laundry then anything else.  It makes me sad.  Let’s all talk amongst ourselves about how we all loathe laundry.

Harper’s Fundraising Art: I am going to post all of Harper’s canvases tomorrow. It will be arranged in just one post with all the details.  In the mean time, I have marked down several of my own pieces in hopes of cleaning out my office. You can see all the items which are ready to ship HERE.

Teachers:  I could not adore our teachers any more.  They deserve awards and massages and salary increases and Tahiti vacations and cookies…plates and plates of cookies.  They have a classroom full of kiddos who are all different and on different levels and all learn differently and come from different backgrounds and experiences and need to be loved, encouraged and guided and taught all the things.  I know there will always be a few bad apples in a bunch, but man I am just so proud of the teachers I know and who teach our children.  They love them big and well.  They spend a crazy amount of time preparing and working and researching and learning new things.  They are all in for our kids and that makes me want to cry rivers.

Harper had Tennessee Ready testing last week and this week.  She was cool as a cucumber about it and I accredit her feelings on testing to how Mrs. Hughes is presenting this testing to the kids…even though the results directly impact her.  She could have put the pressure on, but instead she came in with love and assurance and in Harper’s words “We just have to do our best and that’s it.”  Honestly, if my kids never learned a thing, but continued to get these teachers who care and are more concerned about their student’s character, how they treat friends and how they love, then I would just start teaching some math at home 🙂  I sure do hope some of you have those amazing teachers in your life and maybe, some of you are those amazing teachers.  Oh man, just give me all the sweet teachers of the world and I’ll make you cookies forever.

Revelations:  I’m sure you are already over hearing me talk about this Revelations journey of mine, but I seriously just had so much dread and anxiety over it and now, I’m all praise hand emojis for Revelations.  It’s not really light hearted and fun, but it is sooooooo good.  Today’s big takeaway…I desperately need Jesus.  Not like, I just kind of need Him, but DESPERATELY need Him.  I am nothing without Him.  I can do nothing without Him.  He is all that is good in this world and He holds us all in the palm of His hand.  Revelations has changed how I pray.  I’m asking less and praising more because I’m now thinking about how I would actually talk to and praise Him if He were standing right in front of me.  That was a big slap in the face for me.  I want to be the all in person who is just nutso crazy in love with Jesus…singing loud for all to hear. #buddy  I mean, someone make me a ribbon twirly stick thing because I want to wave that wildly too.

And “Be Humble”:  This little 6×6 canvases is up for auction over at TeamBabyBoyd on Instagram.  They are having a giant auction tonight starting at 6pm.  I totally though it started yesterday and while perusing all their amazing items was dumbfounded why no one was bidding on soooooo many great items…then I realized it doesn’t start until today.  Duh. (btw I’m bringing that word back).  So head over and check out all the great goodies up for grabs.  All the money goes towards their adoption.


Happy Tuesday!

*amazon affiliate link

The Good Stuff

Lately I have been easily…ummmm…a bit down and on the edge and emotional.  I have been throwing mini pity parties for myself.  I’ve also just been kind of sad.  I think foster care brings out major heightened emotions in me.  I also think God is working on my heart in big ways.  He’s moving and I don’t necessarily like it or am enjoying it or really welcoming it with open arms.  I can lean towards stubborn, uneasily moved or persuaded and I’m not one to enjoy inconvenience.  So I might not have been the easiest or most enjoyable person to be around in our home lately.

This weekend I really tried to tame my bad attitude and reign in the tears…despite multiple failures.  I’ve been trying to focus my eyes on the good stuff…God’s goodness which is everywhere every single day…my eyes just wander and choose sometimes not to see it.  Yep, the good stuff is always there.

Cookies:  Cookies are part of my love language.  The boys and I made a double batch because we were going to share and you guys, we ate every last one over the course of like 2 days.  We helped ourselves to a scoop of cookie dough and then devoured all the baked cookies.  We couldn’t be stopped.  Josh Kelley said I need to just stop making cookies.  Whatevs.  NEVER I say.  I revolt.  I might have eaten 20 cookies in one day.  This also might not be an exaggeration even though I want to be dishonest and act as if it is.  Oh the cookies shame I carry.  Josh Kelley ate as many if not more {insert Laura throwing Josh under the cookie bus}.

By the way…Amon wore the same clothes all weekend.  We’re out of control around here.

Harper:  All our kids are awesome, but Harper is the oldest and often gets overlooked.  She is a chill kid, easy going and mother hen to a fault.  She carries so much responsibility in our home, but rarely complains.  She often sees something which needs to be done…shoes and socks needed on a littles’ feet when we’re trying to get out the door, picking out clothes for littles, dishes, helping with meals, etc…and just does it.  We say all the time she’s our sanity.  She has welcomed our current littlest into her room and routine and hasn’t missed a beat.  I am head over hills in love with her…especially when she wears Josh Kelley’s safety goggles while riding in his truck.

Cleaning Out:  I am an organizational loving lady.  Nothing gets my heart pumping like cleaning out and straightening up, so when a friend text me about cleaning out her boys’ closets it sent me into overdrive in our own house.  Warm weather is setting in which means it is time to switch over clothes.  All three boys share one dresser and don’t have a closet, so space is limited for clothing.  They really wear the same things over and over again anyways so buying new stuff is impractical for us…plus I have people who pass things down to them.  When they grow out of a size I set aside about 10 shirts and some pants for Amon and then he’s set when that size rolls around for him.  Crazy easy.

 Painting:  Harper is headed to Swaziland, Africa with our team at the end of May.  When we told her she could in fact go on the trip, we also told her she had to help be responsible for her funds.  She was all in.  She has since brainstormed fundraising ideas which included sending out support letters, selling paintings and baking cookies.  She made her own stationary and has been sending out a steady flow of support letters for weeks.  She keeps thinking of new people to ask 🙂 This weekend we started working on her canvases.  After talking through ideas we decided to collaborate on several canvases for her to sell on my site.  Saturday we started painting and it was seriously the best time ever.  We finished up all the pieces today and I must say I am ridiculously smitten with them.  I am going to have a hard time letting them go and even considered purchasing one from her even though we worked on them together.

They are colorful and bright and kind…just like Harper.  As much of her is in them as me.  In fact, collaborating on these canvases made me wish I could collaborate with other artists.  It was insanely fun.  I would do a little and then pass it off to her.  She would do a little and then pass it off to me.  We came back the next day and started into our same routine again.  And then today, same thing.  I wrapped up all my final parts while she was at school and when she got home she set to work to finish everything up and add any last and final details she wanted to.  I cannot wait to share all the pieces with you this week.  I will post them for “by donation” prices this week and all the money will go directly into Harper’s trip fund.  She has been working so hard and it has just been a joy to watch her and work along side her.

Distractions:  Parenting is hard.  Can I get an amen?!?!  Or a very tired and defeated sounding “uh-huh”?!?!  Our littlest is in a hard season right now which can be exhausting.  We like to say she’s either high of the highs or low or the lows…there is no middle ground with her emotions.  Think night and day in a snap of your fingers.  Girl is a firecracker for sure, so when we find something she really loves…It. Is. On!  She has some true loves in her little life including her magna doodle.  Also ColorWonder.  Also Daniel Tiger.  Also sweet treats of all sorts and kinds and varieties.  God bless these gracious distractions.

And Josh Kelley:  This guy.  Man, I just like him.  Let me preface this love gush about my main squeeze with this…marriage is hard people!!!!  Crazy hard.  A sinful human being living with another sinful human being while trying to raise a bunch of small sinful human beings…oy vey!

(photo cred: my BIL Andy)

Josh got away camping this weekend and I could not have loved it more for him.  He works crazy hard at his job and then comes home and works crazy hard some more…baths, dishes, laundry, dinners, littlest diapers (another oy vey), reading stories, playing, guiding, teaching, listening, encouraging…the list could run on a mile long.  Dude works hard so when he gets to take a break I really, really love it for him.  I told him he needs to go camping more often.  Plus, he came home with a ziplock bag full of rainbows.

So this week I’m trying to not have such a piss pour attitude and stop being a giant cry baby.  Ha.  These are real goals in my life people.  Be inspired.

Happy Monday!


Tonight I spent about 30 minutes watching videos from recent Trump rallies…I should have been painting, but apparently I wanted to depress myself.  I pretty much hate politics, but sometimes I feel I need to make myself view things which are really hard to see and also completely relevant to us as human beings created in the image of God.  We need to really see what is going on in our world and then prepare.  It makes me sad we have to prepare our kids for hard and unfair things.

At both Created For Care retreats I listened to Nisia Murray speak on raising black children in today’s world.  Can I say flat out I feel completely ill qualified to do this.  It makes me cry really hard, really big tears just typing it.  There’s nothing I want to get more right and yet I am so insanely scared I am not going to do it well.  So I listen and learn and beg Jesus to allow me to be who He has called me to be and simply that.  I beg Him for wisdom and knowledge.  I beg Him for love and grace and mercy and compassion in our lives and for those around us.  And I thank Him for His faithfulness.

I’ve been thinking about my Mom lately.  I don’t think of myself in grief any more.  I believe God has healed my heart in only a way He can.  Sometimes things still strike me and it makes me sad and I definitely miss her like crazy, but I know she is praising Jesus all the day long.  I miss her wisdom, hugs & kisses, laughter and long talks laying in her bed or surrounding her kitchen table.  I still do things just because I think about her…like only buying Breyer’s Ice cream and dumping a load of hot clothes fresh out of the dryer on top of a kid.  Mom made homemade bread every week.  My Aunt Martha still makes the family recipe and she dropped 3 loaves off at our house a few weeks ago.  The following morning I used an entire loaf for french toast and talk about comfort food…her bread, her bread knife, her skillet, her recipe…I could have sworn Sandra Hall made it herself.

I’ve been thinking a lot about her prayers for us.  My mom didn’t get it all right.  She made lots of mistakes just like the rest of us, but she definitely leaned in on God tight with her prayers.  She prayed and prayed and prayed over us and our spouses and her grandchildren.  And so I’m learning to pray more and more because I’m so lost in parenting most days…in life in general most days.  Some days I feel like I’m getting everything wrong and have about zero clues.  Some days feel far too heavy and like I’m letting this whole little tribe down along with everyone else around me.  Some days just bring me to my knees and all I can do is wave my surrender flag and beg Jesus to just be what we need.  I’m beginning to see that every day should bring me to my knees in surrender before Him.

Tonight we had tacos for dinner.  Our current littlest took 112 timeouts and then an early bed time.  Amon didn’t get treats because he didn’t eat his dinner…yet again.  We watched Diary of A Wimpy Kid which Josh Kelley found at the library.  I popped two bags of microwave popcorn served in Harper’s plastic Gerber bowls from when she was a baby…probably full of BPA.  I opened a large bag of Easter M&Ms along with mini Starbursts and the crowd went wild…minus Amon who was lamenting over his “popcorn only” bowl.  He said repeatedly “Mom, I sorry I not eat my lunch.” 🙂  I’m still looking at a pile of blank canvases and bottles upon bottles of paint because I got “Trumped” tonight.  I’ve checked my email approximately 5000 times this evening and I’ve cried waaaaaaaaay too much over, ummmmm, everything.  I don’t even know anymore and this seems to be a-okay.

When I sat down to read in Revelations 3 today about the church in Sardis I thought God was just going to really speak and move in me and when I finished I thought I had missed it.  Then the passage toiled in my head all day…trying to inspect my life to see where I stood.  Asking myself hard questions isn’t really my favorite thing to do…at all.  Am I the Christian full of vigor and zest and yet dead on the inside?  Am I the one He’s calling to get up on my feet, take a deep breath and maybe there’s some life in me still, but He wouldn’t really know it looking at me?  Or am I still following Him and will walk with Him on parade?  Have I proven my worth?  Will I be one of the conquerors marching in His victory parade?  And I think I’m both.  I think I’m caught in the crossfire.  Some days I’m one and some days I’m the other.  I don’t like it and I’m not proud of it, but it’s where I truthfully landed tonight.  I know who I hope to represent.  And yet I represent all the members in the church of Sardis and I don’t even know how to wrap that thought up neatly because it’s not where I want to admit I fall.

My eyes are completely heavy, my head is in a full on spin and my heart feels tired and hopeful.  What I’m learning is when most things, including myself, make zero sense and seem at odds, God is faithful, right, strong, mighty, constant and forever.  He stands firm, brave, fierce and bold.  He upholds, leads, guides and lifts.  He is the right in the middle of the wrong.  He is bright shining light in the confusing darkness.  He is faithful and true.  He is so flippin’ good and man am I grateful for those truths.


So I am alive and further more all wee-ish Kelleys are still alive as well.  Word.  This is good news 🙂  Our week has been maddening…and not with busyness…just with germs, but I feel like we’re on the upward swing.  Let me get to my rambling for today.

My Bible got another new look.  I’m probably just going to keep adding to it in some form or another.  Acrylic paint keeps things real.  Totally love the teal green dots and it was the easiest thing to do ever!!!!

Harper’s birthday is right around the corner and I just filled my Amazon cart with things like an ESV Journaling Bible, For Girls Like You: A Devotional for Tweens, Micron Assorted Colors Ink Pen Set, and Hollyn’s CD.  The fact that age 9 is practically here is bizarre and yet fantastic all at once.  She is totally my jam and I could not love who she is becoming any more.

Amon is a guys guy.  His top 3 favorite people currently in his life: Big Daddy (hands down), Josh Kelley and Dr. Eidson (his pediatrician).  He talks about them.  Asks me what I think they are doing at random points in our day.  Wonders if any of them have a silver tooth like he does (undeveloped 2 year molar).  And when he’s around them is quite obsessed.  During all doctor’s appointments he slowly creeps in on Dr. Eidson and then casually puts himself IN HIS LAP!!!!  It’s hilarious and a tad creepo, but what can I say…he’s freakin’ adorable.

Revelations is killin’ it.  I am thoroughly enjoying it and I thought for sure I would be completely lost and overwhelmed and stressed to the max and yet, I’m totally the opposite.  There’s a lot of really hard truths to hear, but they are so needed in my ugly heart.  And Francis Chan is literally holding my hand and walking me through every single scripture.  Best.Resource.Ever.

I took the big kids out solo to run a few errands the other day.  I think big kids are crazy great.  I just love them and their personalities and they are fun and they can buckle themselves and they don’t melt in stores and we have the best conversations and they make me laugh so hard.  Don’t get me wrong…everyone in our house still has their moments…including myself and Josh, but man, I sure am enjoying this stage these three are in right now.  Give me all the big kids of the world.

This week has been lacking in the creating department with all the craziness of life, but I’m hoping to bounce back fast.  Harper and I are going to be doing some collaborative canvases to try and help her raise some more Swaziland funds for her trip.  And here are some sweet pieces which headed out recently.  If you’d like to place an order just message me HERE.

I can’t even handle this weeks crazy sweet waiting little guy.  I mean, could he be any cuter!?!?!  No way. Please join me in praying and rallying behind this precious one and his forever family.

*Joshua is a sweet and quiet 4 year old boy. His caretaker reports that he loves to cuddle and play. Joshua was born with binocular corneal leucoma (whitening of corneas), which has caused him to lose sight in both of his eyes; however, because the reason for his leucoma is unknown, it is also unknown until he is further evaluated by doctors if his condition can be treated to some level. At one and a half, he could crawl, respond when others asked for him to share his toys, and look for sources of sound. He is very sensitive to sounds and knows how to locate where sounds are coming from. He is designated by the CCCWA as a special focus file. His file is now a shared file. A family at any stage of the process is eligible to review this file. A grant is available to the family pursuing Joshua’s adoption. Email to learn more about Joshua.*

Our kids come up with some hilarious stuff to pass the time.  This was my most recent favorite game they created.  They gathered all our round fruits, blindfolded each other and then had to guess which was which.  I laughed so hard when I realized what was going down.

And we’ll end with a super safe new sport Amon invented.  We’ll call it Arrow Skateboard Skiing.  It’s a real thing.  Which I put an end to after Josh Kelley pointed out he was going to lose an eye with one bad fall.  Separate we’re only so-so parents, but together we can keep small humans alive.  Ha.

 Hope your week is moving right along.  Tomorrow is Friday and I am insanely pumped.  It’s going to be a good weekend…I can feel it.

Happy Thursday.

*amazon affiliate links

What A Monday + Online Class Update

You guys!!!!!  So the weekend was awesome at Created For Care and I feel like I have lots of things to say and share about it, but man oh man, when Monday rolled around it rolled in hard and fast.  It was full of things like Hand Foot Mouth Disease, a kid’s positive celiac test and another kiddo failing hearing screenings miserably.  Yikes.  Not our best medical day, but definitely not our worst either, so we just rolled with it.

Let me take a minute to address this whole Hand Foot Mouth escapade.  What the what?!?!?!  It’s crazy town you guys.  Harper got it right after we brought Solomon home, but apparently her case was crazy mild because hold the phone…this thing is no joke.  There is crying all day long and gnashing of teeth and tearing of ones onesie sackcloth and the refusing of sleep.  Crazy-to-the-town.  So if you need me I will be trying to pacify a small little one for several days.

 In other news, I am so insanely excited I have a group of ladies testing out my online Bible Journaling class this week.  It’s really happening.  They are logging on and mulling around and watching videos and then relaying to me any issues.  After we get any issues ironed out I will open the class up for registration for the first group.  I can hardly believe this is actually happening.  I have the nicest friend in all the land working on all the techyness of this class.  Cindy is ridiculously talented and has been such a massive help in this endeavor.  THANK YOU CINDY!!!!  If you need web/design work she’s your girl.  You can contact her at  She’s seriously a gem.

I have so many, many other things I want to share…like how I am really enjoying Revelations…whoa now…and my favorite ice cream ever and how Hudson and Solomon were the cutest pups around in their recent school play “Arf” and how Solomon finally lost his first tooth and jerked the thing right out of his own mouth and how I made some new friends and so many many other things.  There are also a 1000 things which feel need to be done and yet, hey, hand foot mouth disease…we hate you.

So how was your weekend?  Tell me all about it.  Eat any good cookies…do share.

Happy Monday.  


Listening:  Just finished listening to Francis Chan talk all about Revelations 1.  I listened to his complete overview yesterday and it gave me the sweats.  I did like it, but there’s still this semi daunting feeling because, ummmmm, it’s flippin’ Revelations.  We shall see.  I do love the way he is breaking everything down because I think no amount of my own personal research would have come out as clear as his.  I hardly ever do a complete chapter in one sitting, but loved today.

Drinking:  Water.  My usual.  I am headed to Georgia bright and early tomorrow morning for another Created For Care weekend and I’ve already decided I’m grabbing Chickfila for lunch with a coke.  We’ve been on an eating out hiatus.  Do you know how much money it costs for a family of 7 to eat out…even somewhere like Chickfila or Sonic or McDonalds?!?!?  A small fortune.  Anyways, I haven’t had Chickfila since October and feel like I might be losing my salvation over it.  Exodus 20:13 says “You shall not murder and must eat Christian chicken at a minimum of every 2 weeks.”  I mean, Chickfila is biblical.

Eating:  Nothing, but still dreaming about Chickfila.

Feeling:  All the feels.  Lately I’ve been the biggest cry baby about my kiddos.  I cried in my Bible journaling class on Saturday when I was talking about a certain entry pertaining to them.  I really am just so thankful I get to mother these small humans even though I don’t always treat them with gratitude.  My attitude can be crap.  This parenting gig is hard as hell, but my heart wants to explode with gratefulness for this journey.

Today I was mailing in our first set of paperwork for our Swaziland trip along with our first payment of $250 each.  Harper was sitting at $81.88 for her fundraising so far. (one of her cousins gave Harper $1.88 of her very own money…cue more tears.)  You guys, I boohoo-ed this morning when she received 2 random paypal donations from sweet blog readers putting her at $266.88.  I wrote her check this morning which such peace and assurance in Him.  I still choke up thinking about the kindness and love these 2 ladies poured out onto my girl.  I told her this morning about the donations and she just couldn’t believe it.  She came over and grabbed me tight around the neck while I cried.  Ha.  I’m obviously completely emotionally stable.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE she is getting to see and experience this kind of support, kindness, love and generosity.  Praying these moments take up residence in her heart and the ripple effect spills over into her own actions.

(photo cred: Shots By Cheyenne)

Weather:  Rainy and cold.  Completely un-matching my sunshine feeling thankfulness today.

Wanting:  Yesterday was Waiting Wednesday…I’m clearly terrible for actually executing this on the correct day of the week…but we are sharing about this little guy again because truthfully he didn’t get too many inquiries and you guys, we want a family for this kid.  We want to share with you about his awesomeness and then we want you to share with your people and maybe if we work collectively together, we can find this sweet boy his forever family.  Please join us in praying over his crazy special life.

**Meet “Shaefer” He is a sweet 8 year old little boy currently in an orphanage with an AWAA partnership. He has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. His file notes high muscular tension of both upper limbs. He received surgery for partial stripping of the left carotid artery on Oct 24 2012 and recovered well. He is receiving rehabilitation. His caretakers describe him as active, ready to smile, and outgoing! His file is special focus which means a family at any stage in the process can pursue him as their son. Please call (800) 429-3369 or email to learn more about Shaefer.**

Needing:  A few gifts.  I am crazy excited about going back to Created For Care tomorrow for so many, many reasons, including the shopping.  I loved last month’s vendors and I’ve made my list for some gifts I need to pick up.  Hello no shipping!  You can read about C4C vendors HERE.  I will be there again solo and I feel it’s highly unlikely I will see my cousin Karen again (although that would be awesome).  Familiar faces are nice…they make you feel comfortable and like you belong.  Feel free to come say Hi…I’d love to meet you.

Thinking:  About our house…and spring because of those crepe myrtles from last spring 🙂  We’ve been here for 10 years now and it’s totally what America has coined a “starter home”, but man, man oh man, has it been just what we needed and even more.  It’s a mansion in world comparison.  We are rich in the eyes of the world.  I do not ever want to forget that.  Our house might appear old and small to some and we might be slightly busting it’s seams, but there is still room and I am so grateful for this place.

Enjoying:  Still with these chips.  I can’t quit them and I never want to.  They own my heart and I don’t even like sweet potatoes.  They make me swoon with their perfect sweet to salty blend and crazy crunchiness.  Crunchy is part of my love language.  I like making myself feel as if I am eating healthy even though I’m sure they are terrible, but, I mean, come on…they are made of sweet potatoes which are a root vegetable which must mean I am getting a full dose of my daily vegetables…minus all that fried oil nonsense.  And “simple truth” practically means organic, except it doesn’t.  Cough, cough.


Tomorrow is Friday party people.  The weekend is upon us.

Happy Thursday.

8 Things

1.  Monday we started 1/2 marathon training.  I’m super excited because both partners in crime who are joining me have never done a 1/2 before.  I am so excited for them and that I get to run the race with them.  Accomplishing things together makes me super happy.  And one of the things I totally love about a training schedule like this is coming home each morning and crossing out that day…it speaks to my organizational heart.

PS: that little black haired baby Josh Kelley is holding is HARPER!!!!  What the what time?!?!

2.  Speaking of Harper…she’s going to Africa this summer and could not be more excited.  When I told her she just smiled and came over and gave me the biggest, sweetest hug.  We want her to take ownership over the trip as well so she is responsible for helping raise her funds.  This is not a cheap trip, but one we feel is incredibly important for her to take.  This will be her second time to Africa, but first to Swaziland.  She’s been brainstorming fundraising ideas…so far she’s made her own stationary and has been writing support letters.  She wants to sell cookies and art too.  We have a plan to collaborate on some colorful pieces and maybe some of you will purchase and help send this girl across oceans.

3.  Saturday we held another Bible journaling class at our house.  It was the sweetest group and sweetest time…it always is.  After every lady leaves I always just sit for a moment and think how dang lucky I am to teach this class.  It is a highlight in my month.  March is going to be a wild month for us, so there will be no class in our house this month.  I will still be traveling to teach the class so if you would like for me to come to you, message me HERE and we’ll work out all the details.

4.  Locals…if you ever need some Timbali Crafts…maybe a last minute gift or a treat-yo-self purchase with a purpose, well I’m your girl.  Just message me and you can come shop your heart out.  Timbali is sold on a volunteer basis so I do not receive any compensation for sales, I simply love these women and their products and use them everyday, so it’s a no brainer to sell them and tell the world.

5.  This picture of Hudson cracks me up.  In the evening, if this kid so much as rests his head he is out…like a light.  He is quite the easy sleeper.

7.  Today I start Revelations.  I am a bit nervous and excited.  My friend Miranda hooked me up with some study videos so I’m hoping this will ease the pain of Revelations.  And after Revelations, here comes Genesis.  I’ve been reading the Bible for around 18 months…started in Matthew…just now starting Revelations.  I have not been fast by any means, but I sure do love reading the Bible now and I’d say that is success.

8.  And orders.  Today I’m working at home alone and it’s going to be quite glorious.  Another name pillow and some key fobs.  Raise the roof.  Here are two cute pillows that headed out bright and early this morning.  Shoot me a message HERE if you’d like to place an order.

Hope everyone’s having a decent week so far.  We’re half way thought it.

Happy Wednesday.

Cookie Low Down

Our current littlest loves cookies.  She also has trouble with the C sound so she calls them “tooties” which is slightly adorable.  For her birthday party I decided to just make lots of cookies and then pile them high in birthday cake form.  The day before when I was making them all she was relentless in the kitchen with me.  “Tootie.  Tootie.  Tootie.”  Over and over and over again.

Our family clearly throws down for desserts.  I laughed after the party thinking I had really over made desserts and then noticed the small little pile of leftover cookies and thought, well maybe not.  Josh Kelley claims it’s because they were all cookies and cookies are easy to eat one after another.  We also had ice-cream and Reeses Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Dip.  I had the dip at Marcie’s house and seriously dreamed about it.  I knew I had to make it asap and sweet mother of pearl is this stuff good.  It makes me teary eyed just thinking about it.  Josh claimed it wasn’t his favorite and yet continued to eat it.  We served it with pretzels.  So so good.

These were my cookie choices.  I wanted something a little different for everyone so each cookie is quite different than the other.

Funfetti Gooey Butter Cookies:  Crazy good.  I triple love Gooey Butter Cookies…they are the lightest, fluffiest cookies in all the land.  Josh and I tried the Funfetti variety again at Marcie’s and I thought Josh was going to eat the whole plate.  They are super delicious.

Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies w/ Fudge Frosting:  Hold the freakin’ phone.  This cookie made me say swear words because it was that delicious.  First, just the peanut butter cookie by itself is awesome, but then sandwich two of them between a yummy chocolate butter cream and I almost died.  Josh Kelley referred to them as an inside out Reeses’ Cup cookie.  So true.  I actually doubled the recipe…used 3 large eggs instead of 4 medium…but did not double the icing and it worked out great.  I might double both next time just so I can pile the icing really high.

Chocolate Chunk Cookie Sticks:  So here’s what happened with these.  First I doubled the recipe because I wanted an 9×13 pan VS an 8×8 pan of these adorable stick cookies.  I added mini semi sweet chocolate chips to the batter and on accident bought dark chocolate chunks for the top instead of milk or semi sweet.  I honestly was not a fan and I also thought it was too vanilla-y.  BUT…everyone else seemed to love them…especially the dark chocolate.  It was crazy.  I didn’t think they would be a hit and yet, they were.  I left the cook time at 20 minutes even for a double batch and the texture was just right. I will make these again because of how much everyone else loved them and because they are the cutest stick cookie ever.

Outrageous Chocolate Cookies:  THESE WERE MY FAVE!!!!  The recipe is a bit temperamental.  Make sure you read all of the directions.  I thought my batter got too hard…I did the minimal bake time 12 minutes because they burn fast…and on my last batch I flattened my cookie dough ball.  When I flattened the dough out I got the cookie of my dreams.  You guys, these are crazy good.  A chocolate lovers dream in cookie form.

 If you are looking for some new cookie recipes to make and share, start with some of these.  They do not disappoint.

Happy Tuesday!