2011 Check Ya’ Later

What a year.  Wow, wow, wow!  In one way I’m glad to see 2011 go.  We’re moving on to 2012 and hopefully, God willing, the year we will finally bring our son home.  In so many ways I am beyond ready for this new year.

And then again, I’m sad to see 2011 go.  The last time I saw my mom…loved on her, kissed and hugged her, heard her voice and did life with her.  That is a hard one to let go of.

But oh how I long for that sweet boy.  I went back and found a favorite piece from each month of 2011.  Of course, they just so happen to be our “waiting” giveaway canvases.













Each canvas an individual on its own, but made with the same little boy in mind and the 15th Tennessean newspaper…a celebration to being another month closer to him.

So here’s to 2012!

2011 was fun and sad and emotional and hard as hell, but not one thing surprised our God.  And His plan for our life is known totally to Him.  Because of that, I can ring in 2012 with a great hope…a really, really, great hope.

I’m ready for healing…I’m tired of crying…and ready for that phone call and that sweet face and more Kelley adventures.

“God is good, the world He made is extraordinary and His comfort is like nothing else on earth.”


  1. You look beautiful!!!

  2. As always you amaze me, but that smile fake or not will take you through!~God’s love will never fail! He is beside you, carry on girl! You have a world out there waiting on you! Praying your sweet son will come!!!

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