17 Months Waiting Art Giveaway

When I wrote yesterday I was ready to make this months giveaway canvas using the verse 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you…”.  But then the day dragged on and I was struck by a new idea.

I loved hearing Priscilla Shirer speak last weekend.  She was amazing and personable and I was really ready and anticipating this great epiphany that was going to rock my world.  When the weekend was over I was surprised with what I came away with.  At one point Priscilla made a comment about why we don’t ask God for unimaginable things…why do we believe He can do miracles in others lives, but not our own…why are we not asking Him for absurd things that seem completely impossible.  I thought about those things yesterday more and more.  Ephesians 3:20 says “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power at work within us…” 

I’ve read that verse a million times, but this time, this time it was wowzers.  Where have I been?  I have been completely underestimating what God can do.  I pray sorry little prayers that aren’t absurd at all.  They’re measly and mock God’s incomparable power.

Honestly, I haven’t even prayed that much for myself in the season I’m venturing through.  I don’t know what to pray.  I literally say to God, “I just don’t know God, I do not know.”  And that’s it.  So I decided I was going to get a notebook and start writing down all these crazy, unimaginable prayers that seem utterly impossible, but to God, are a piece of cake.  I know His answers may be yes or no or wait, but at least I’m praying the absurd.  I’m going to write it down and close the book.  Let it go.  Let God have it and walk away.

I spoke at my Mom’s funeral and one thing I said about her was that she was bold in her faith and powerful in prayer.  I want to be that.  I want the legacy of this powerful prayer warrior and one that wasn’t hindered by her own lack of faith.  I want to leave the measly prayers behind and dive head first into the impossible ones.

So this months giveaway is a 9×12 canvas with “Be Bold” with Ephesians 3:20-21 written around the edge, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power at work within us, to him be glory in the church in Christ Jesus…for ever and ever.”

So here’s how you enter to win:

Please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Entry #1 Leave a comment about an absurd, crazy, unimaginable prayer you have prayed or are praying.  I’m pretty excited about reading these 🙂

Entry #2 Share the giveaway on your personal Facebook status.

Entry #3 Share the giveaway on your personal Twitter status.

Entry #4 Blog about the giveaway.

Again, please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Giveaway will end this Friday, April 20th at midnight and I will announce the winner on Saturday.

And of course, if you are the winner, we will mail your canvas directly to you.

Why can’t He let us see our sweet boy’s face TODAY…why can’t He take the sadness away…why can’t He heal the broken heart…why can’t He mend the broken relationship…why can’t He fix those financial troubles…why can’t He renew the torn marriage…why can’t He heal the ailing body…why can’t He bring the perfect mate…why can’t He rescue the addict…why can’t He provide the most amazing job ever…why can’t He make that couple parents…He can…I’m unsure of His answer…He may open the door, close it or just jam it for a bit, but I know He is mighty enough to do it.  And I’m going to start petitioning Him like mad for what seems completely impossible and absurd.

Here’s to our boy…17 months down.  Happy Tuesday!


  1. Brandie Phillips says:

    LOVE! Sharing on FB. <3 Keep them coming, so inspiring!

  2. Amy Collins-Buckner says:

    I shared the giveaway on my facebook status!

  3. I prayed daily for over a year a for $10,000 check to show up in the mail. No idea why I was praying for that amount, but I was.

    Then I needed surgery. Didn’t have insurance. The bill was $10,000. We got that check in the mail.

  4. Shared on FB

  5. Shared on my page :))

  6. tweeted

  7. Laura Power says:

    My silly prayer is that our new “endeavor” in life is for HIS will…we have decided to raise chickens for eggs and deliver them to our neighbors and family!!!! I pray my chickens will have lots of eggs for everyone! (I PRAY for CHICKENS…LOL!)

  8. I really can’t think off the top of my head something super crazy I have prayed for… I’m sure there has been plenty of things when I was younger (…like prayed that my mom wouldn’t catch me sneaking out of the house when I was a teenager!!), but now I try to save my prayers for things that really need praying for… :))

  9. Brandie Phillips says:

    Our Crazy Prayer…
    My husband and I always pray before each meal, over our big life decision and every night. Normally our prayers are about our blessed life with our child, for a suffering friend or someone in the community, but as of late we have had a new prayer… we have been praying for a change in scenery. We live in a town with less than 2000 ppl. Everyone knows everyone, and of course gossip and negativity run rabidly. We had a very dear friend pass on March 24th in a terrible manner and we have had a hard time coping with his loss. He was the Godfather of our child. A wonderful person, one whom radiated love and happiness, and his loss is definitely felt in this community. So we have been praying that the Lord guide us to a new place, where we will not have to endure the pain of this loss, or hear the ugly things that people will say. We pray that we can find a place to call home, where we can raise our precious baby in a happy, friendly and welcoming environment. It may sound crazy, but we believe that this place is out there and we will be guided to it, as long as we Keep The Faith!

  10. Laura Power says:

    Shared this on my status for facebook 🙂

  11. My moms group prayed a teacher out of our kids school!!! Praise God he was removed!!!

  12. Laura Power says:

    Shared as a tweet on twitter!:)

  13. shared on my FB page!

  14. Laura Power says:

    i shared on my blog.

  15. Jil blunt says:

    I pray that my garden be full and fruitfull and that my ability to use the fruits come through, and that my bread will rise 🙂 yes I pray for my food 🙂 … You are so grand I hope all your prayers come true!

    Always- Jil

  16. Jil blunt says:

    Shared on Face book 🙂

  17. During our first adoption, I wanted a black baby girl. I told our agency black girl 0-3, but we really wanted a baby. Why did I not say what we wanted and trust God? Our daughter was offered to us, (black 9 months old), not by our agency, buy by a chance meeting with her foster mom from a different agency. Um, yeah, GOD! I wouldn’t get real with Him, but He knew our hearts.

    We are beginning our second adoption, and I have a very specific child in mind. I would be open to any race, etc, but I’m dreaming about a baby girl, (under one), who has Spina Bifida, (like our first), and who is hispanic. Like I said, I won’t be turning others away, but there is my bold prayer. 🙂 Late this summer/early fall, Lord willing, we shall see who she is. 🙂

  18. My big prayer was that God would provide financially for our family. My husband is a pastor and was called to start a new church. We were stepping out in faith with no financial support at all. I honestly did not know how this would work. We have 4 kids and lots of expenses just like everyone. Why I even worried about it I don’t know because of course the Lord was faithful and provided. We have stories of there being NO money in the bank and having our rent due in 2 days. Praying money would show up. And of course the EXACT amount we needed showed up. We now have some funding and regular income and I am somewhat sad to not have to be relying on the Lord the way we were. The days the provision would come through humbled me and brought me to tears. So grateful that God would love us so personally. It is a reminder to keep obeying Him and trusting Him in everything. I think I will now pray big things for our church and those in our church. Thanks for sharing this verse!!

  19. Marilyn Gregory says:

    Inspiring as always!

  20. Amy Collins-Buckner says:

    I’m with you…often times I pray that God just knows my heart and my needs since I’m not always sure how to ask. I’m sure He does!

  21. Amazing post!! Even if I don’t win this giveaway, I want to order the piece!! I am going to boldly pray for some specifics about our adoption – starting it early than it looks like we will be able to and for open hearts. And I am going to boldly pray that there is NO 18 month giveaway bc you have your baby boy!!
    I, too, limit God on my requests of Him…but He is GOD!! He CREATED me and my husband and my children and our child that we so badly want home to complete our family. Boldly praying!!! Thanks so much, Laura, for sharing your heart and reminding me of who God is!!

  22. Facebooked it!!!

  23. I needed this today…also learning to pray big prayers with our adoption.

  24. Christine says:

    Crazy prayer would be to make me a great teacher that my kids have a great time with during school. That God would give me creative ways to teach my kids to help them love learning. I dunno if that’s crazy but sometimes it seems like it!!!

  25. Christine says:

    Shared on Facebook :)))

  26. Shared on Facebook. I pray that you see your little boys face soon… so, so soon.

  27. when we got our referral for our little boy in ethiopia, we knew he was our baby but we were so scared because he was so malnourished. he weighed 6 pounds at 6 months old. that night i woke up so scared and was so nervous that he may never smile or sit up or talk. i prayed that God would let him smile. it seemed silly but it was something i really wanted. i had the computer next to me and i checked my email to see pictures of him one more time before i went back to sleep. there in my inbox was an email from our agency director with a new picture of eli SMILING! it was God showing me that he had this all under control. i should have never gotten an email of new pictures the same day as i got my referral and definitely not a 4am. but there they were and i am forever grateful.
    i love your piece because this verse was kind of my mantra throughout our journey. our little 6 pound boy is now a massive 40 pound 2 year old. and we are forever thankful.
    prayers you see your sweet babies face so soon!!!!!

  28. lInda varnado says:

    Thank you, Laura, for the Gift of this post, weighing down this moment with this truth that blows me away bigger EVERY time. God is beyond amazing. God in you is beautiful!

  29. kristen Jones says:

    I am praying for a May court date in Ethiopia! We have been waiting to meet our little boy and we are ready to go! God does care about ALL things… big and small!

  30. Posted about it on FB <3

  31. Stephanie in NC says:

    I have continue to pray that I guide my sons to walk with God and to live the life that would glorify him. My sons adoptions have changed my life. I love every second we are together. This may not be too crazy, but the Lord has worked miracles in my life…

  32. Stephanie in NC says:

    Shared on facebook.

  33. I am pregnant with twins (boy and girl!) and just entered my third trimester. I have had some complications so far, including a lot of pain, numerous contractions, a 4-day stay in the hospital, and surgery for my kidney. My prayer is that these babies will not come until at least week 36 and they will be strong and healthy!

  34. Nancy Austin says:

    In November we decided to move from our small town in Central Oregon to an even smaller town outside Portland. It required that we sell our house. Central Oregon was hit crazy hard in the recent economic upheaval (hence our need to move) and it was completely insane to sell our house but we felt called to leave and knew, absolutely knew, we didn’t want to become landlords. And so we put our forever-house on the market. I prayed with great faith that we would have a full price offer by Christmas. Then I prayed that we would have a full price offer by February. Then we lowered the price. Long story short, yesterday we closed. We are no longer home-owners. And we feel really good about it…answer to prayer good. I will say this–don’t every look to us for real estate advice because we are clearly lacking something in the savvy department–but God has made it okay to sell my dream home; He brought us buyers right when we were going to have to start talking to the mortgage company; He managed every detail in His perfect timing. And I am super thankful.

  35. Nancy Austin says:

    Re-shared on facebook.

  36. This was the Scripture we read in our wedding. 🙂

    When I lost a dear friend almost two years ago to tragic circumstances, I found myself praying a whole lot of “absurd” stuff. My most common prayer was, “God, I don’t care why this happened. Or how it happened. But I know you have the power to bring him back to life again if you want to, so that’s what I’m asking for.” I guess I felt like if Martha could ask Jesus to bring her brother back to life, and He did, then I could ask for the same. My friend didn’t come back to life, but I know I’ll see him again one day and that brings me a lot of comfort.

    Right now my absurd prayers have to do with moving back home so we can be closer to my family and actually signing a publishing contract, a dream I’ve been chasing for the last 14 years. 🙂

    Still praying for the safe and speedy arrival of your little love…

  37. OK, Laura. Here is my obsurd prayer request. My husband and I believe it’s time for us to buy a house near one of our kids. We’ve made 4 attempts and it hasn’t worked yet. We want the Lord’s will but are praying that His will includes a home near one of them.

  38. Shannon stinson says:

    Okay….I am in love with this. I would love to win…who wouldn’t? Is there some way to order a print of this?
    Today i celebrate 8 years of marriage with the man I prayed for……for YEARS! I prayed and prayed and desired the man the Lord wanted for me…and He answered. Through our marriage He blessed me with two beautiful children that should have been medically difficult for me to have. I almost lost my life the night my son was born. He has great purpose in my life…and I may not have always been so bold to ask….but He has been BOLD in the giving. It would be very difficult to deny what He has done for me in this life. He is THE GOD that can do ANYTHING HE WILLS. I love that this print has “keys” a “bird” and the number “17” on it and with the Bible verse it has. They are are so personal to me….it is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart and your gift.

  39. Michelle wraY says:

    I am currently trying to get into school to become a PTA. If this happens, I will not be able to keep my current job and we will go from a 2 income family down to a 1 income family. We will still have all the expenses we have now including child care. I pray daily that God will show me a way to make this work financially. Maybe I should pray for the $10,000 like the lady that previously commented. Or we have actually talked about raising chickens to sell eggs. Maybe this blog was the answer to my prayer:)

  40. Shannon stinson says:

    Shared on my FB page!

  41. Kristy Smith says:

    Shared on FB

  42. Michelle wray says:

    Shared on FB

  43. Blogging is complete. To check it out: theroseyposey.com

  44. Shared the facebook page!! LOVE this piece of your artwork!

  45. sometimes i think because i “thought about it” alot it means that i have prayed for it. i have been reminded lately that i need to plead, beg,cry out to our King. to come boldly before the thrown. praying for you sweet girl. for gentleness in your journey of healing….

  46. My little daughter has some sensory issues and she is constantly jumping, falling to the floor on purpose…..I know she does this stuff to cope, but one night after a REALLY long day, I prayed she would forget how to bounce “for just ONE day”.

    lol…..it had just really been a tough day!

  47. Tamara cosby says:

    I am currently praying for a teaching position. I am praying that I pay attention and don’t get frustrated if God doesn’t give me the position “I want” because He has my best interest at heart. I am praying for peace no matter what happens and for my self-esteem to remain in HIM, not in human hands.

  48. Be Bold reminds me of our friends struggling with cancer. We pray boldly for them!!

  49. cAROL sHORT says:

    I pray for a “financial blessing” everyday! ;0)

  50. Posted on Facebook

  51. Posted on twitter

  52. cAROL sHORT says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  53. Courtney oldham says:

    My absurd and unimaginable prayer is that God removes my sadness and grief over the death of my dad for my wedding day. Not to be stingy, but I also pray that He removes the same sadness and grief from my mom, sister and brother too! I want to feel complete joy on that day, the kind of joy that has been absent since his death.

  54. shared on twitter!

  55. shared on facebook!

  56. after graduation and shortly after starting college, my world got turned upside down and was nowhere near where i thought it’d be. i prayed constantly that things could “go back to normal so that i could have my old life back.” God used that time to shape me, change me, and grow me and everything turned out better than i could have EVER imagined.

  57. Girl…you rocked this one, I’m praying BIGtime..thanks for the giveaway!

  58. My crazy big and not too impossible for my God prayer is that my son (8 months old) will be completely healed of the blood disorder he was born with. It’s a hereditary disorder, and when he gets older he’ll have to have surgery. But I know my God is so much bigger than all that! NOTHING is impossible for God.

  59. jen eccles says:

    sharing this on FB! lovelovelove! your “Be Bold” reminded me of 2 Timothy 1:7…..”For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” what an awesome truth!

  60. Praying that my husband agrees to adopt again…bringing in child #7 🙂

  61. I think often our heart cries out for the unthinkable for us when we are unable to speak it. He hears the desires of our hearts…He knows what we need before we breathe it. And too often, in our weakness and unfaithfulness, we fail to utter it aloud for fear He won’t come through for us. He is our FATHER! You are exactly right. He not only loves us dearly, but is able to do UNIMAGINABLE things. Hang on to this restored faith, and know He loves you and wants greater things for you than you even want for yourself 🙂
    So my UNIMAGINABLE… Child #4 adopted from wherever God sees the need.
    Obstacle…. Hubby says NO MORE

  62. I started a page of “Is anything Too Hard For The Lord” Prayers in my journal back in February (out of reading Gen 18:14.) It was that day that after 5 years of never getting pregnant and 3 years of dealing with doctors not knowing why, we decided to start adoption certification classes. We live as resident directors in a cute quaint apartment in a mens dorm that just meets the adoption spacial requirements…and its hilarious! As much as we are certain of God’s Yes! for us circumstance seems like a no way! We are walking expecting, eyes wide open to see the unbelievable way God will unfold our journey, beyond what we can even try to imagine..btw your “Waiting for You” signs have been such a tangible encouragement for us 🙂

  63. Lisa Russell says:

    Oh, April 20th is my 50th birthday!! Hope I win!! I am praying for my BIL’s salvation. That would be one crazy absurd miracle indeed!!

  64. I pray that one day God will give me the resources and allow me to open my own restaurant. It’s always been a dream of mine since I love to cook!

  65. Lisa Russell says:

    I posted about the giveaway on my Facebook status!

  66. Michele Rees says:

    I have been praying some pretty crazy prayers lately. I pray that my teenage daughter, who has gone off to live with her father, will see how much we love her and come home. I pray that my husband, whose job is about to be phased out, will find something to support us, that won’t make him miserable. But I am also praying as to how/when we can make mission work our lives. I feel an incredible pull to go and share the word of Christ, to do good for others, particularly in Ethiopia/Africa. We have a houseful of kids and responsibilities, but I want God to show me how to make that work!!!! These are some of my current “crazy’ prayers. He has answered some in the past, so I eagerly await my answers for these!!!!

  67. You make me smile with just the simplicity of those two words…be bold. Thank you for sharing your heart and your faith. I have the most absurd idea of owning a coffee shop named the living room. I would love to have a bunch of old couches for people to gather and drink coffee. Totally crazy!

  68. Michele Rees says:

    Shared on facebook!

  69. In November my husband and I completed our second adoption by bringing our sweet, spunky 2 year old daughter (Charu) home from India. (Our journey actually started out in Ethiopia, but God had other plans.) I’m a first grade teacher and so I’m off from school until August. However, I yearn for more time with both of our daughters. I requested another full year off of school and last night I found out that my request has been denied. If I go back to teaching, I’m scared that I will miss even more of my daughter’s life and our attachment might suffer. If I don’t return, adoption #3 will probably not happen. I’m VERY torn…
    My crazy prayer is that the school board somehow changes their mind OR that God gives me a very clear answer as to what He has planned for us!
    I continue to be in awe of your work! May this be the last waiting piece of art!!!

  70. Jennifer Walker says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  71. Kim shepherd says:

    love this piece. beautiful!

  72. i pray for my future kids – my asian daughter and African child. for the orphans God will use us to rescue.

  73. My prayer is that we sell our house super quick. The quicker we do that the sooner we can start adoption #2 so i am hoping, expecting and praying for an unreal sell time in this market 🙂

  74. sharing on facebook now 🙂

  75. Shared on my Facebook status 🙂

  76. My house is an answer to prayer. I prayed for a brick home, with a fireplace, full basement, and an inground pool. My husband thought I was nuts asking God for these things. We finally found our house, it is brick, with a fireplace, a full basement, and an inground pool.

  77. I am praying that God will help me understand. We thought we were following His will, we left and took a chance. But then it all fell apart, the door was slammed in our faces. I believe God brought us here for a reason, i just need to know, what next? Pleas lord restore what the enemy has taken from us. You promised you were making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. I claim that promise.

  78. I tweeted about it 🙂

  79. I have been so exhausted from work and worry, and I am not a morning person, so I hit the snooze button on the alarm. I pray that the alarm does not go off in 9 minutes because I am too tired to get up. I really want to be fortunate enough to win this piece of art. What has been making life so difficult are changes at work, and for several months it has progressed from bad to worse. I started paying really close attention to how much time I had until retirement when things really turned for the worst, and guess what….I had 17 months until retirement. I think this is meant to be mine!! The scripture and the piece itself are quite meaningful during this phase of my journey as well.

  80. Tricia Conrey says:

    I pray DAILY that God will send a buyer for a second house we have for sale so that we can proceed with adoption. PLEASE Lord! Let this be the month that the house sells and may YOU receive ALL the glory!!!

  81. That my China adoption is complete by December… Which is only a 11 months from start to finish 🙂

  82. Loved blogging about it at http://lookingafterjonesy.blogspot.com/
    Thank you for sharing your journey!

  83. Tonya Stookey says:

    Shared on Facebook!!!

  84. Tonya Stookey says:

    To finish college. And one day be a wonderful nurse. A continued pray for me as a single mom.

  85. Nita Reid says:

    My prayer daily is that I will be in God’s will, and do what he lays on my heart. Pray for family and friends that are expecting a new baby soon, for our church to grow in members, family that has loss a loved one this week, for the lost to be saved, which is the most important thing that will ever happen to them. As you can see, there is sooo much, and sooo many too pray for, that we need to be in prayer All the time. I read all the previous posts, and I will keep them all in my prayers. And I give God All the Glory for his Goodness, Grace, and Mercy.

  86. Nita Reid says:

    Posted on Facebook….

  87. Even though I just retired, my kids are raised and I have 4 grandkids, I pray that if it’s God’s will, I would love to adopt a child from Ethiopia. How’s that for a crazy dream. One I’m hoping will come true one day. And what makes it more out there is my husband thinks I’m crazy.

  88. I have been praying a pretty crazy prayer that God would place something on my husband’s heart. I have it on mine & I haven’t said anything to my husband yet…I’m praying that the Lord places it on his heart as well! It’s pretty crazy because it’s a little outside of my husband’s comfort zone so…we shall see!

  89. angela gUnter says:

    I started praying before I even got pregnant with my second child that he or she would be born on my grandmothers birthday. My grandmother was the single most amazing person I have ever known. I loved her something fierce, still do. Funny thing is this prayer didn’t seem super outrageous to me. The way I saw it she was so amazing, why would the Lord not want my child to be born on her birthday?? So thankful that He saw it that way:) My second daughter was born march 5, 2003, 70 years to the day that my grandmother had been born. God has answered some great prayers in my life, but that’s one I’m super thankful for!

  90. Healing for someone I Love,LOVE. Same prayer for 6 years now

  91. Hi Laura- you’ll have to check out what my devotional reading was… so cool reading your blog after reading that same reading. Thank you for speaking honesty and truth.

  92. I posted my devotional on your facebook entry.

  93. Oh I love this! Please oh please pick me! 🙂

    • I am constantly praying that God uses me to do His work regardless of where I am at. The grass is not always greener so I tend to my weeds and sprouts wherever I land and God has been faithful.

  94. Lisa Russell says:

    I just tweeted your giveaway!! Love this piece!!

  95. Kristin Chadwick says:

    My current crazy prayerr has to do with finding and seeing Gods direction for our family and where we should be living and what we should be doing. Since becoming licensed foster parents last year and even just before we became foster parents, God started bringing all kinds of people into my life, in many different ways, that were either adoptive parents, foster parents or foster to adopt parents. I knew God was preparing me for something. And I feel He still is! We feel the desire to move to Colorado to be closer to my mother, my brother and his 2 sons so we can be a better support to my brother and his 2 sons and to also aid in caring for my mentally ill mother. We also feel a strong sense of possibly moving to the Kansas City area to learn more about how to start and adoption agency that is completely a part of the local church; because God tells us in the. Bible that we are to take care of orphans and widows. And in Kansas City, the Intetnational House of Prayer has done this already. It would be ideal to be able to learn from them first hand how to go about replicating that somewhere else. We just dunno where to do this

  96. Kristin Chadwick says:

    I tweeted about the giveaway!

  97. Kristin Chadwick says:

    Just shared about the giveaway on facebook!

  98. Jennifer says:

    This may not sound “crazy” to some – but it does to me as I NEVER thought I would be praying this prayer – but we are currently praying about homeschooling our oldest next year as she begins kindergarten. Scared to death to not do “the norm” – scared to death I am going to mess her up 🙂 – scared to death about what all of our friends will say – just plain scared 🙂 But prayerfully considering what God has for our family and for our precious daughter.

  99. Love, love this painting and the meaning! Just shared on my “Deep in the Heart” Facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Deep-in-the-Heart/145108545514562

  100. Praying for breakthrough with our adoption. Needed this!

  101. Lorie Smith says:

    I guess I’d have to say that right now, I’m just praying for all the students, teachers and parents to get through our FCAT testing at school…it’s a stressful 4 days for the kiddos and as insignificant as it seems, I think it’s a pretty big deal.


  102. sara just says:

    I am praying for my dear friends marriage to be healed….for my sister to bring home a second child….for God to strengthen and lead my husband in his job…for me to be able to graciously guide my children in the ways of faith….and for you, Laura, to continue to see Gods sparkle on a daily basis.
    Thank you for sharing your art and your heart….and helping me to become more fully who I am to be.

  103. We are praying for adoption. Our foster son that we said goodbye to, has come back into the system and back into our home. But in the meantime we accepted a little girl. So now we have both and we are praying for both to stay with us!!!!

  104. Lindsey S. says:

    I don’t now how crazy it is, but it seems insurmountable at the moment. I’ve been praying that my mom will have a change in heart and decide to tell the truth, so that my sister and I don’t have to testify against her at our parents divorce hearing. :/

  105. Shared on FB.

  106. Boldly praying for healing from depression and anxiety in loved ones. Medication certainly helps, but I want healing and wholeness!!

  107. Shared on my FB page!

  108. I’m praying for the strength to step out more with my faith. I have lots of people in my life without faith & I need help reaching them.

  109. I am praying that I can find the right direction to go- finish the adoption process? or halt it? work next year? or not? go to hawaii BY MY SELF? please? 😉

  110. Amy Thompson says:

    I have always felt a calling to be a stay at home mom. I am currently 8 months pregnant and still strongly desire to be able to stay home after our little one arrives in our lives. My husband is looking for a job that will support all three of us and I have been a prayer warrior about this situation. I have also felt a peace that God will work it all out just at the right time. Never have I felt such a calming presence about something SO big in my life. I keep telling my husband that it will work out and I will get to stay home, I am not sure how or when or any of the details (which can be a little scary) but I am completely trusting God to do it! Every night I lay it at the foot of the cross and then sleep as peacefully as one can when 8 months pregnant. I have this verse printed out and taped to my computer at work to remind me when I get stressed and want to give up that God is bigger than ALL I can imagine!

  111. shared on FB

  112. Amy Thompson says:

    Just shared a link on Facebook!

  113. Praying (waiting) for a referral of sibling boys from Ethiopia…BOLD in and of itself! Also praying for a new home by the time we get our boys AND that God would do His mighty work in our hearts while we wait. Thanks, Laura, and Amen.

  114. My favorite saying is pray BIG! Because our God is can do anything, if it is His will. However, I’ve noticed I pray big for everyone but myself. Why, oh why do I do that? I think the funniest thing about one of my prayers is that I prayed repeatedly for God to help me be patient over and over again with someone that was being mean to me (vague description there) and to help me watch my tongue. And He delivered every single time, until finally I realized that I sure was learning to be really patient!! So then I started to pray for my continued patience AND for that person’s heart to be softened. Whew!! Good thing I realized that because my next prayer was to not cause that person bodily harm!! haha 🙂

  115. ps – shared the giving link!

  116. After have 4 miscarriages we prayed for a baby and now we have TWO healthy, beautiful children!

  117. Shared on facebook!

  118. I have two crazy big prayers. First, I am praying that God will bring a child into our home in the next year – either through adoption or getting pregnant. The second is that He will heal my grandmother of cancer so that she can still be around to meet that great-grandbaby! I love the art work 🙂

  119. angie C. says:

    Absurd or crazy prayers???? I don’t know if I have prayed any of those. I do know that I have prayed for many things and God has come shinig through with such a concrete evident answer that it humbles me beyond belief!!! I think I first came across this scripture while doing a Bible study at church and this one was in Priscilla Shirer’s section. Having read it own omy own I might have simply glazed over the profoundness of it’s meaning…..God can {and wants} to do EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY MORE than we can ask!! How awesome is THAT?! God wants to bless us beyond what we are even capable of coming up with! That’s power folks! And beyond power…that’s love….real love….that only come from One who fully understand us in side and out and gave His Son for our salvation! <3

  120. Praying for clear direction in a big life decision. Also praying for new windows and roof. 🙂

  121. posted on facebook

  122. posted on twitter!

  123. brandi harbison says:

    I shared on my FB status!!! LOVE your stuff!!!!

  124. brandi harbison says:

    my crazy prayer sometimes asks God to land in front of me and give me the answer. i know this is NOT imppossible for him as nothing is however, if he did land in front of me i dont know that i would get the answer because i would be passed out 🙂 I love reading your blogs and your art is amazing! Now my prayer will be to win one! 🙂

  125. Amanda Vetetoe says:

    I pray that God will send me a Godly husband that He has made perfect for me…I pray that until I meet this man, that God will continue to work in both of us so that we will be ready to receive the gifts and promises that He has in store for us… I pray for my future family and my desire to one day have children and be able to enjoy the wonderful experience of being a mother.

  126. Amanda Vetetoe says:

    shared on fb!

  127. Charity madson says:

    I shared this giveaway on my FB page!

  128. I am praying for my Dad’s healing from prostate cancer.

  129. I have not been praying for anything unimaginable. But I plan to start now after reading this post. Pretty awesome Ms. Pitter Patter. My prayers have weak and little as well. Cheers! Heres to absurd prayer!:)

  130. Shared on fb. Thanks so much! 🙂

  131. jessica ann says:

    It’s that time again?! Goodness. My craziest prayer was one day when I was about 12. I was mowing lawns all summer long to save money to buy a horse. I begged God every day that he would make the grass grow really really tall really really fast so that I would have to mow again. Ha. Still cracks me up.

  132. For years, I said one day I think I’ll have a little black baby. That comment was so random and then God led us to adopt from Ethiopia. Then I prayed that she would be “like” us. She looks so much like us (round face, big eyes, big eyebrows) with dark skin. People even tell me all the time that she looks like me. God is in the details and I love that!! Now that she is home, I “forget” to pray the absurd prayers and will start doing that again TODAY! First one is…. I pray the Kelleys get that call today!

  133. This is my fav piece to date! I love that verse….it has become my theme verse for the past few years! I find myself praying for God’s will to be done…..which of course is what we all want and what will be done….instead of asking for specific BoLD prayers. This changed recently when we took a huge leap of faith beginning the adoption process again before having the money! If it is HIS will it will happen 🙂

  134. Twitter 🙂

  135. Facebook

  136. I am praying for my sister’s choice in her style of living. Thanks for the giveaway.

  137. Not really anything crazy or absurd, but when I first found out I was pregnant with baby #3 I prayed that this baby would be a little easier on me than baby #2 was. She is now 2.5 weeks old and God has answered my prayer! So far she is not colicky and fussy like her big sister was, so I am very thankful!

  138. Shared on my FB page

  139. Tweeted!

  140. shayna liebengood says:

    I love your work. It amazes me what you do wish I had the talent you do.

  141. Great art!! Very inspiring. 🙂

  142. shared on facebook!

  143. I have prayed for a “fairy godmother” before. It’s all in jest, and occurs when I am feeling overwhelmed and need some help with laundry, cleaning, dishes, etc. Since I know that my Lord has a sense of humor, I feel better talking to Him the same way I’d talk to a friend. “If you could just send a fairy godmother to handle these dishes for me, then I can take care of the laundry.”

  144. Sharing on Facebook now!!

  145. Michelle says:

    Be Bold inspires me to pray that my 20 year old son’s girlfriend isn’t really pregnant. Thank you.

  146. Ok, here I am again hoping to win this one! I LOVE it.
    When my grandmother passed away my sister and I had a dream of opening a retreat center in her honor. Leaving a legacy to our children and our children’s children. Since then, we had our first women’s retreat in March of this year…not at our own facility but at a local retreat center. It was a huge sucess and God showed up in amazing ways. It is so important to dream BIG! Ask God for those desires in our heart because if they line up with His will…..watch out – He will blow your mind.
    Your artwork is inspiring and you have such an amazing heart.

  147. Posting on facebook!!!!

  148. Posting on my blog!!

  149. Michelle says:

    Posted on FB.

  150. Charity madson says:

    My prayer is that it is in Gods will for me to move back to where my true “home” and best friend and family are!

  151. I’ve been praying as each Wednesday has passed that our case would get submitted to embassy. Not that it is really a crazy prayer but as each Wednesday passes I’m starting to feel more crazy. 🙂 I can’t imagine how you are feeling. Still praying you see your son soon! Thankful for your honesty, I really enjoy reading your blog.

  152. Shared on Facebook!

  153. Lisa boyer says:

    I love it!

  154. Praying my husband agrees to host two Latvian orphans this summer, even though financially and logistically it DOES. NOT. MAKE. SENSE! We have a small house and two biological children occupying our bedrooms, but I don’t think God cares about any of that! I know that if we step out in faith he’ll provide the money required to host them and we’ll just need to provide them with love! The deadline to sign up is weeks away, praying these two cuties into my home and also praying every child available for hosting will be chosen!!! Check out New Horizons for Children if you’re interested in hosting!!! Change the life of one child this summer!!!

  155. I’m praying that I get to meet my biological cousins soon. I’ve been on the “search” to meet my biological family for the past three years. Met my birth dad and his side, know my birth mom’s parents, now aiming for the cousins! I have no idea why they are on my heart all the time, but they are!

  156. Love, Love, Love this piece.

    Being a minster’s wife I have prayed for many things. I prayed several years ago for the Lord to open up a church in our hometown. We were serving an a town an hour away, but I wanted to be home. It happened and while we love and miss our old home and church we are glad to be Home.

    Most recently I have prayed that God would provide for our family financially so I can raise our kids and not go to work til they are older. I often pray that one day the door will be open to my dream of owning a bookstore/coffeehouse.

  157. Shared on Facebook! I have so enjoyed following you and your family’s journey. Even though we have never met, you heart and stories are a blessing to me.

  158. My big prayer is about my best friend and I–we are both in our late 20s and single and a great support to each other. My prayer is that we would both meet our husbands at the same time…like within days. His timing will be perfect, but we are praying that his perfect timing would be the same for both of us, and that just as he allowed us to journey through singleness together, that neither of us would be left and that we could journey through dating and marriage together!

  159. Shared it on my facebook!

  160. Today is my 30th birthday and I am going to pray the same prayer as you. I want my phone to ring, our social worker to be on the other line, and to finally have our baby. Wouldn’t that be the lovliest birthday present?

  161. It’s on my facebook!

  162. katie ingram says:

    I have 2 crazy, big prayers. #1 : my moms stage 4 cancer to be COMPLETELY gone and it never returns and she will never have to go through another chemo treatment!! #2: praying for a tall, dark and handsome husband =)

  163. katie ingram says:

    It’s on my facebook=)

  164. katie ingram says:

    it’s on my twitter! (and I don’t have a blog)

  165. Suzanne becHman says:

    Praying for the Lord to do mighty works in the middle school students I teach and in my own children, that they would change a generation and bring revival in this country:-)

  166. Kim Cleveland says:

    I’m praying right now for my husband to find the perfect dream job – one that we don’t even know exists or can’t even comprehend, one where he is respected and encouraged, one where he loves to go into work instead of dreading going, one where he doesn’t have to commute an hour back and forth, and one where he feels like he is providing for his family. I love this verse and love that I serve a God who makes the impossible possible!

  167. a HUGE prayer of mine right now is pouring God’s grace into our children’s lives…2 of whom we brought home from Ethiopia on Thanksgiving Day. It’s been a struggle meshing our 4 children and I’ve been praying for the Lord to guide my steps in training their hearts. It’s only by God’s grace that I have the strength to do this daily.

  168. shared on FB

  169. Reading your blog and some of the other posts has convicted me that I don’t pray enough. Thank you and the rest of you for sharing.

  170. Glenda Clark says:

    Great piece!
    Count me in.

  171. My crazy prayer…

    Embassy approval and heading back to Ethiopia to get our boy in early June. We miss him so much!

  172. For my parents and older brothers to come to know the Lord. For my three girls to stay pure for their future, Christian, God loving, God honoring, God fearing husbands.

  173. lindsey doyle says:

    ~we received legal guardianship of our daughter from uganda in october. we were ready to bring her home and then were denied a visa…heart wrenching…we had to leave her. we prayed and waited. we then applied for a visa for a second time….denied again. months being apart and months spent praying…asking jesus boldly. this past monday we received a notice of APPROVAL OF HER VISA!!!! i am in uganda now just breathing her in. so thankful to finally be bringing her to TN. asking boldly that it might be your turn next. ~

  174. ~ sharing on facebook ~ 🙂

  175. ~ sharing on blog ~ 🙂

  176. Dawn birdsong says:

    I pray for my Mighty Moms ministry….that God would provide(which he has over and over) the food and donations that we need to feed the hungry children in our community! He continually surprises us in ways we will never ever forget! I am in awe of HIS faithfulness! xoxo

  177. Dawn birdsong says:

    Shared your giveaway on Facebook!

  178. I am hoping and wishing that we can begin our adoption process sooner than later.

  179. samantha says:

    shared on facebook! i love this piece (and everything you do, really)! hope i win 🙂

  180. My prayer is that God will send my college-age daughter a God-ly man to sweep her off her feet. Or that her current bf will accept Jesus. I love your blog and how BOLD you are. I am praying that your wait is almost over.

  181. Shared on facebook.

  182. I pray for my wonderful husband….to be 100% tumor-free at his next MRI…even though the doctors say that could never be. HE is the only one who can determine that 🙂

    I also pray for the grief that has overtaken some members of my family since a loss we experienced this year. I pray that they can lean on the Lord to hold them close and fill the void that was left behind….even though they struggle in faith right now.

    PS….I think this is my most favorite piece yet! (although I might say that every time you post a new one…lol, you are just amazing!)

  183. We tried to sell our home for two years then got renters, now we are praying for God to sell our home before we even put it on the market again!

  184. shared on facebook

  185. amanda hill says:

    Shared on Facebook.

  186. amanda hill says:

    I pray for constant financial security. It seems funny when I ask for something for the rest of my life.

  187. dolores barrientez says:

    i love being home with my daughter. yet, i feel that i should be doing something more. i pray every night that im shown my true path in life. i pray that my spouse finds a job that encourages growth and fullfillment. i pray for that dream home so that we may one day become foster parents.

  188. kim fournier says:

    praying for a child through adoption. we will thankfully accept any child but in my mind and heart i picture a 2 year old dark skinned little boy with lovely black kinky hair. =)

  189. I am praying that my husband and I will see eye to eye on the possibility of adoption for our family. I’ve learned that, instead of praying that he will see things my way, to pray that we will see things the same way–even if that means God changes my heart instead of his.

  190. I know that some of my prayers are crazy ( I’ve actually been so deranged in my grief over my father’s death, that I’d pray, literally, that it wasn’t true. That it was all a horriable dream. It’s been a year and a half, and looking back at the wonderful man he is, he truly deserves his reward in life . To have peace, and beauty surround him. To live in God pressence, and see his family again. As hard as it is to accept (Im pretty selfish, and I want him HERE!) The pain he was in, the condition of his mortal body. He no longer has to deal with that. My grief, though healing, has affected my physical health. Right now, my prayer is for my health to be restored, so I could care for my family, and work my home buisness. I pray for these medical bills to subside. I pray to get health insurance, so I can get the proper testing. And above all, I pray for my family, that they can hang in there with me, and hold their own. And of course , I always add my son, Adam, who is overseas serving his country . He’s been away from his wife since last November, and I haven’t seen him since my dads funeral. I pray for his safety and all our servicemen and women….:)

    • TINA EPPLER says:

      I am praying for you sister. Be well and be BOLD in Christ. You are not selfish your post says how much you are blessed by having such a wonderful Dad. Praises to God! He will always provide and care for you. I pray for protection from the enemy and that you will only look to and see God’s plans for you. That he will give you strength and courage to move forward in the plans that he has made for you and your family. In Jesus’ name.

  191. Announced giveaway on Facebook 🙂

  192. I announced your giveaway on Twitter! Oxox

  193. I absolutely love this verse! I think about it often when life just seems impossible. I love thinking and knowing that God can do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine. Right now, my imagination is stuck on just one thing. I want to adopt. I have known that I have wanted this since being a little girl. It’s always been my dream. I am married with two biological sons and I am so ready for this. For whatever reason, my husband is not yet. He wants to adopt too, but I think he wants to get all his ducks in a row first. He has some health issues (which I do not know will ever be solved), and I think he also wants to be in a better financial position. This is so frustrating to me. I have prayed and prayed and then prayed some more about it. He is an amazing father and husband. I love him so much! I just want him to realize the importance of this verse! God can do more that we could ever ask! So that is my crazy prayer request….that God would change his heart and make him ready…so I don’t have to be waiting for waiting for you! Laura, you are so awesome! I so enjoy this blog and I am praying for God to dry all your tears! May he bless you as you so extravagantly bless others!


  194. summer meyer says:

    love this!!!

  195. I blogged about your giveaway @becauseisaidsew@blogspot.com. 🙂

  196. i want a piece of your work!

  197. Michelle says:

    Love it!!

  198. LISA COULTER says:

    Praying to be debt free! Life would look much different without a mortgage payment. I think it keeps us from realizing our dreams!

  199. Love your art!

  200. Kimberly says:

    i’m praying BIG that my friend will get a referral this week. 2 years, 2 months & 3 weeks! (and waiting) If i win, i’ll give this to her

  201. I can’t think of a crazy, absurd prayer I have right now..but am praying for a successful VBAC coming up any day now! Have heard so many stories of momma’s feeling God’s presence, peace and joy in the most incredible way at a time when the pain was the worst!

  202. I can’t think of a crazy, absurd prayer I have right now..but am praying for a successful VBAC coming up any day now! Have heard so many stories of mommas feeling God’s presence, peace and joy in the most incredible way at a time when the pain was the worst!

  203. Shared the giveaway on my Facebook page! 🙂

  204. Brandi lea says:

    The name of your post caught my eye b/c 17 months ago, my life fell apart. It is a long story, of course, but the long and short of it is that I am now free. I was in an abusive marriage for years and now I am free. I may have lost a LOT along the path (both the path of abuse and the path to freedom), but I stand her today free – but longing.

    The secret crazy prayer of my heart is that the Lord would bring beside me the man He has created for me. The man who will love me for me. The man who won’t be scared of my wounds and the wounds of my children. The man who will love the strong me who loves justice and raises money for victims of trafficking. The man who won’t be scared of a girl who does Krav Maga (Israeli hand to hand combat) because she wants to be able to protect girls and go on raids to rescue them out of brothels. The man who won’t feel the need to make me less than I am because I have a powerful personality. The man who won’t be scared of the BIG prayers I pray for the women I work with in Uganda and who will want to jump in and raise money to get more women cows (sounds strange, I know 🙂 The man who won’t be afraid of the dirt of the lives of the women God has brought for me to walk alongside – the broken, the bruised, the abused and abandoned. I pray that He brings THAT MAN to my side as my partner in glorifying Him.

    and my kids pray every day and every night that God will bring them a step dad.

    there is my crazy prayer. be bold. be courageous. be you.

    • TINA EPPLER says:

      Let Jesus be that Husband to you and that father to your children. Then if his plan is to bless you with a man you will recognise him as the right one and be ready to let him join your family. 🙂 <3 God blessings to you and I am so proud of you for stepping out BOLDLY

  205. I’ve been wondering for days what sort of big crazy thing I’m praying about, it all seems crazy and absurd lately. Here it is- I’m praying that somehow we can come home with our child from India in 9 weeks or less (ha! we don’t even have a referral yet!) so that our friends who are leaving to be full time missionaries in Guatemala can be at the airport with us. We were able to see them come home with their son last June, and I can’t imagine them not being at the airport when we come home. Besides our own children, there is no one I’d rather see more that day. Here’s to the absurd!

  206. TINA EPPLER says:

    Dear Laura you are such an inspiration! i have been a follower of your blog for a while now and each time I ck in you are being an amazing, creative, fun and Godly mother! I have one of your camera straps by the way and I love love love it! I pass your info on to everyone who asks about the strap. I am right here with you girl when it comes to being BOLD for the Lord and trusting Him in a BOLD new way. It is our world that teaches us to sit back, try to do all things on our own, and not to trust God in anything. I once heard someone say,’ to not trust God is arrogant’. That is so true…. Really as if we can do better than the creator. It sounds like you were very blessed by a Godly mother and I see you following in her foot steps. Praises to God for that! Be encourage sister He knows your heart and He waits for us all to do what he has planned for us. Big and wonderful plans that He has for you! I am sure you have heard the quote that speaks to, He doesn’t call the equiped, He equips the called! I have a huge testimony as to how I became a believer but the short and most important part part is that 8 years ago, I was 37, married for only 7 months, my husband lost his professional job, and we thought we would never have a child. Through an adoption miracle we were blessed with our son Caleb at the moment of his birth. 5 years later we left to visit Kenya, Africa for a 3 month visit. This turned into 14 months of mission work all because we asked God to show us what we could do for Him. We have suffered many losses and they hurt… a lot! But God blesses us in ways that are bigger and better than we can imagine. I pray for you sweet friend. I know God is in control of everything and I pray for peace and joy to be yours while you are waiting, healing, learning and seeking. Keep your mind and your heart on HIM. Thank you for being a blessing to all of us with your words, attitudes, family and creativity. YOU ROCK! And we shall join together with our sisters in Christ, new and older, far and near, to rejoice in BOLDNESS for Him!

  207. I shared on FB!

  208. barbara elliott says:

    Praying for a child for my daughter and her husband. She is unable to have children and they are in their 40’s and not sure about what to do. Several babies have come and gone in our lives through her prison ministry and she just wants to be in God’s will……..love her and her husband so much and will support whatever they decide.

  209. My prayer is for my family members who at one time followed the LORD but, are now far away from him.

  210. Entry #1 I think the latest crazy prayer I’ve prayed is that God overlook the timeline(1-3 years) we were told of our referral/waiting process of the adoption and bless us with our child much sooner. It seems unimaginable but at the same time, “nothings impossible”… right?

  211. Entry #2…. Happy to share your work on my FB page!!

  212. When I run through our neighborhood, I pray that God might give us one of big houses on the street I like to run on. We live in an old neighborhood and I love it. I love our current house so much, but it is only 1200 sq feet. We have four kids already (2 adopted, 2 homemade) and would really like to add a few more. I have no trouble cramming in a few more kids, but apparently the state of IL does!

  213. My bold prayer, and I imagine you’ve prayed this one too, that despite the wait list and slow down in numbers I’m praying that we see our little one(s) face for the best Christmas present ever…. I am praying, declaring and believing that I will see our newest addition by Christmas as God already knows who they are.

  214. This was a reminder/challenge that many times I put “limits” on God and forget that He does work EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ANYTHING WE COULD ASK OR THINK. I am committing to changing my way of thinking. A private Christian school where I taught in the past owes me $17,000.00+. I choose to believe that God will recover that $$$ for His glory.

  215. Shared on FB.

  216. Just shared on my FB status!

  217. My crazy prayer that is a constant on my mind is that it would be in God’s plan for the pool business that my father and I operate in Dallas, TX would just take off and grow, grow, grow. My Mom was recently laid off and she is now able to help me in watching my girls. What a blessing for me and more for my girls that they get to have that relationship with my Mom that I had with my Gram growing up. My heart hurts just sharing that with you…I hope that it wasn’t incensitive of me, it wasn’t meant to be. So by freeing up my time, although not 100% sure I’m totally ready to be more of a ‘working mom’, I am able to do more to help my Dad keep up with his rigorous schedule. At 63 he is heavy on my mind in the hot hot hot summer months. God is faithful to supply what we need when we need it.

  218. Shared on FB!!!!

  219. I really try not to have crazy prayers. I find that I just pray for knowledge of God’s will for me and the power to carry that out. When I live that way I find more happiness in my life.

  220. you are a bright spot in my week sweetie…even when you feel so down…you really do brighten others lives…..and that is Jesus shining through….

  221. I can’t wait to see the precious face of your baby boy! Thanks for the giveaway!…and I truly pray there isn’t an 18th giveaway!

  222. catheRine says:

    I pray for boldness and confidence to be the wife, mother, and friend God has planned for me to be.

  223. I recently prayed for my grandmother and/or my daughter to send me a sign from heaven. Unfortunately, if they’ve been sending them, I haven’t seen them. 🙁


  1. […] This week has just been crazy…all over the place…up and down…a roller coaster for sure.  But I’m committed to praying these big, absurd, what appears to be impossible prayers.  And I have so loved reading about yours on our 17 Months Waiting Art Giveaway. […]

  2. […] 17 Months Waiting Art Giveaway […]

  3. De-Curled says:

    […] don’t forget our 17 Months Waiting Art Giveaway ends tonight.  CLICK HERE to enter.  I will post the winner […]

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