15 Months Waiting Art Giveaway


Here we are.

15 months on the wait list for our boy.

15 months worth of waiting to be matched with our son.

15 months that have torn, reshaped and refined my heart.

We were placed on the wait list on November 15th, 2010.  That seems like so long ago and so much life has happened.

  We celebrate each month being a little closer to seeing that incredibly, crazy sweet face that I only dream of right now.

Every month I use our local Tennessean paper with the 15th date, then create an art piece with that front page and give it away in honor of our boy.

15 different art pieces created and shared with you kind folks.

This months piece is on a 12×12 canvas with the wording, “Dare to live fully.”  My cousin Rebecca recommended the book One Thousand Gifts and it recently arrived in the mail.  I haven’t even started the book yet, but immediately loved the cover and wording.

I wish I could put into words how my heart feels today, but I know that know matter what I type it would never be able to fully convey how it feels.

I know we are right where God wants us.

I know my son is right where God wants him.

And yet it is still so hard.  So very, very hard doing life without him.

I long for my son.  My heart adores and loves him already.  I have imagined him with all his little details a bajillion times.  I have prayed a million prayers for him.  Given the chance, I would hop a plane this very moment to be with him.

God is preparing our hearts for him and God is also preparing his heart for us.

And so we wait…patiently sometimes and not so patiently others.

And no matter how hard it is…I have to trust in the fact that nothing surprises our God.

He gets this.  And He gets that my heart is about to bust.

I petition Him and pray like mad and with fierce faith that today will be the day.  And then I pray this all over again the next day.

Day after day, month after month.  The day will come, that crazy awesome day will come.  And I have to have faith in that.

So here’s how you enter to win:

Please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Entry #1 Leave a comment…any ole’ comment will do.

Entry #2 Leave a comment about how you are living fully right where God has you.

Entry #3 Share the giveaway on your Facebook status

Entry #4 Share the giveaway on your Twitter status

Again, please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Giveaway will end this Sunday, February 19th at midnight and I will announce the winner on Monday.

And of course, if you are the winner, we will mail your canvas directly to you.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my crazy thoughts for today.  Now I’m off to hang with this cool dude & Batman.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Mary Ann O'Shea says:

    Always a thrlll to see what piece you’ll come up with next, and this is def. one of my faves!

  2. we are 13 months dte this month..:(

  3. Beautiful piece of work, as usual! 🙂

  4. I have been reading Ann Voskamp’s book and I am trying to learn to live fully and be grateful right where God has put me. I have always loved the saying “bloom where you are planted”. And I want to live that out loud.

  5. What an amazing piece! I love it! You are so incredibly gifted and I’m blessed to have come across your blog during our “long” wait. Hang in there and keep the faith!

  6. Love this! Love all of your work!

  7. Tina Menard says:

    SHared on Facebook 🙂

  8. i am living fully right where god has me…in my messes, my weakness and with My God.
    hanging on by his graces.and celebrating his daily gifts to me..btw-i think your grief is making your art more detailed and amazing by the month.

  9. Love this! (as always!)

  10. Thought you could use this encouragement too…a blog post I recently wrote for girlsministry.net 🙂

    Right here, right now…this is where I am. I’m not living in my future dreams, or changing any part of my past days. I’m here. Now. In the Present. And so is my God. Nothing about today surprises Him. Further, as I seek Him, obey Him, and love Him, I can be confident of this: He has me right where He wants me. If I were supposed to be doing anything else, He would have led me there or would be leading me there now. He holds that power. But for today, I am HERE, and that is right where I am supposed to be.

    I think we can oh so quickly become paralyzed with the fear of the unknown. I personally have experienced fears associated with the feeling of being left behind, having not achieved certain life milestones, or even that feeling of the “glass ceiling.” But where I am, this season of life, it’s not unknown to God. He has me here, experiencing these experiences for a reason. He has a purpose…and He’s using me to fulfill it! How awesome is that!?

    So, today, I am left then with a choice. I can choose to live in the now, absorb lessons being taught and pouring myself out in the here and now, or I can stress myself out over what could lie ahead. The latter is foolish. My God knows what is ahead and that’s enough for me. At the end of the day I’d rather be in His will than anywhere else.

    He loves me, cares for me and provides for me. He is my portion

  11. shared on fb.. wish i had twitter for this
    only reason!!:)

  12. I also retweeted you! 🙂

  13. I’m “trying” to live every day fully by not fearing the change that lies ahead and worrying about tomorrow. It’s hard….but HE is faithful!

  14. Mary Ann O'Shea says:

    Right now, I’m living fully where God has me because I know he has a plan for us, and that his plan doesn’t necessarily involve doing the dishes or cleaning up the toys, lol, but rather enjoying my children as they grow each day!

  15. I shared this post on fb! Thank you!

  16. YOu have such a gift!

  17. Mary Ann O'Shea says:

    Shared on FB!

  18. Such a beautiful piece of love ~ continuing to pray for you and your family as you wait patiently on the Lord’s timing

    bamagv at aol dot com

  19. We are leaving to go on the mission field as a full-time missionary family in July and we are trying to live fully & be grateful for every day we have here and every open door God provides for us.

    bamagv at aol dot com

  20. Hang in there! I’ll add you on to my prayer list!

  21. Love this piece and you are such an inspiration… I strive to be half as great as you each day…

  22. Shared on FB 🙂

  23. I’m not exactly in a place in my life that I want to be in right now, but I know God has me here for a reason! I can’t just sit around waiting to be where I want to be, so I choose to live each and every day to it’s fullest. I deserve that and so does my daughter. The Lord has big plans for us, I can feel it!

  24. I love this!! It speaks to me

  25. Everyday I get up and start the adventure that has been bestowed upon me. Whether it be listening to the chatterings of my two boys or getting up extra early to go for a run. I cherish the days I have and try to do with each day something a little more then the day before… God has been so good to me…

  26. Love this!!

  27. I shared on facebook too!

  28. Ashley Johnson says:

    Would love to win! Your work is amazing!

  29. Maggie Hill says:

    Beautiful! I love it.

  30. I read 1000 Gifts last year, and it was such a great reminder to live each day grateful for where God has placed me. In this season of my life: a wife, mommy, and keeper of my home. Not always glamorous, and some days are better than others…but I love it. And I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for it.

  31. Love you 15th month waiting piece.

  32. Shared on fb!

  33. You are wonderful! And I know that God has a special moment planned for you to see that precious baby boy!!!

  34. whoever wins this one is lucky. love it!

  35. shared on FB

  36. My dream is to adopt a child. Issue: All of our children are grown and I have grandkids and my husband is not in the same place in his heart as I am. I really feel it’s what God wants me to do, however, it may be more of my want. (Not sure). So until ……., I know I’m where I need to be. Advocating and helping raise money for others.

  37. God has me right where he wants me right now with three precious baby boys, that I have no idea how long will be my little boys. I know I have to live every moment like its my last with them and make sure I am doing my best! It makes me a better mom, most of the time! Sometimes Im just a nervous wreck, but I have to remember its all in HIS time!

  38. I am trying to live fully by being in the moment when I’m at home with the kids. I recently started reading that book as well, right before I was forced to return it to the library. Now I am waiting for another copy. Love this piece!

  39. posted on Facebook 🙂

  40. oh my gosh! I loooove this one!!!
    Every time your monthly give away rolls around, my heart aches for you. Waiting to see your child’s face is excruciating. Each time that I read your waiting post, I am taken back to that hurt during both of my first two adoptions. I am praying that you see your sweet boys’ face soon!

  41. I’m living fully right where God has me by adopting a little boy from Haiti who is HIV+. It’s scary and fantastic and I’m so thankful that God has chosen to let me parent this amazing little boy.

  42. Oh I know the ache of longing that comes from the wait. Peace be with you!

  43. i love this book! love, love this book. a life-changer for sure!

  44. I am living fully now by choosing the road less traveled. Recently, for me, that meant forgiving someone who has hurt me deeply.

  45. I shared your link on FB. 🙂

  46. learning to live fully in every moment with the sweet boys that we are fostering. we have no idea how long (or short) they will be with us, so we have to be very intentional with the time we are given with them and simply trust God for all the rest.

  47. Tonya Stookey says:

    Love your Art!!! Being a Mom would be where God has me looking toward him!!! Shared on FB!!!

  48. This is by far my favourite of all your pieces. Practicing your doodling has come in handy!

  49. I love your heart and that you post so freely and openly here. beautiful piece, as always.

  50. I would love to win this piece of art!!

  51. I am living fully where God has placed me in nursing school! I have wanted to be a nurse for a long time, and he opened the doors for me to do so! Very thankful!

  52. hope I win

  53. I posted your giveaway on my Fb wall! 🙂

  54. I read One Thousand Gifts last year in book club and it was by far one of our favorites ever. I am trying to live fully right now and be thankful for each day. We are just under 2 months until our wedding day, and the temptation is to wish the time away. I love these days and the excitement that is building as we prepare for our marriage ceremony and enter into this beautiful transition of life. Daily, I say prayers of thanksgiving for my future husband and in-laws.

  55. Shared it

  56. Love this piece!

  57. I am living fully by sharing the gospel more and trying to memorize more scripture!

  58. God called us to be foster parents. Little did I know He would have us take in 3 girls!! Only through His grace can we live fully for Him doing this.

  59. Love it! As always your amazing gift is displayed. Love the quote.

  60. Laura! I have been reading blog for about a year now and I am obsessed with you and your family 🙂 your genuine spirit and real words bring so much light into my day! Right now, God has me in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, finishing my degree. It’s tough being here because I am so ready to graduate and be with my family and boyfriend who are a part of a church plant team in Huntsville. I know that God’s timing and plans are perfect. Thank you for sharing your life Laura! 🙂

  61. Tweeted about your giveaway!

  62. steph moore says:

    Praying for you

  63. it’s on my facebook wall, too!

  64. Tammy Faber says:

    Oh how I love this piece!

  65. Share the giveaway on Facebook!

  66. I want to know how you make this art! I analyze it, and maybe ‘get’ one part of it, but the overall process seems overwhelming for a non-artsy person like me. If you shared with me how, I would not be your competition bc I still couldn’t create like you!

  67. Tammy Faber says:

    I am trying to live fully right where God has me by being is hands and feet in my workplace and in my church. My mission field is not in Africa or some other country – It’s right were I work living and witnessing to those who I work with and sharing the love of Jesus every Sunday at church through serving as the Kid’s Worship Leader.

  68. Joining you in prayer that your little boy comes home soon! xoxo L

  69. I’m living fully right where God has me in that I have a day job that I do not love. I’m taking on line classes to launch an art business. I’m faithful that, if it is God’s will that I take a big step towards self employment, it’ll happen. In the meantime, I run my business on the side through my page and through my Etsy store and take my classes and walk in faith.

  70. In my Bible study group this a.m. I learned this about the word ‘waiting’: it indicates a time when your soul and God’s are being bound together. What He wants you to learn about Him, He can only teach as you are waiting and trusting and depending on Him. Hence, the binding of your heart and His. It makes the waiting so much more meaningful for me (and for you!)!

  71. Shared on Facebook. 🙂

  72. Sharing on Facebook!

  73. Living fully is something that I am struggling with lately. With the birth of our 2nd son 11 weeks ago, I just can’t seem to get grip on life. But after reading today’s post and seeing the art piece, it was just what I needed. I am so thankful for our newest blessing and praise God for him (we miscarried before getting pregnant with him) and my prayer is that as I work into this new life that I do live more fully in God and the blessings that I have in my boys. Thanks for the quote today I needed it.

  74. What a beautiful piece of art!

  75. This is gorgeous- love the detailing on the letters “live!”

  76. Living fully right where we are has been a journey in growth, faith, and trust for our family. I know He is in control and am so thankful for others who are willing to share what He is teaching them also!

  77. I’m living fully right now where God has me- trusting His plan and His timing even though I don’t understand and wish things were different in the middle of this messy, beautiful adoption. Remembering He loves our boy more than we do, and His plan is far better than anything I could dream- even when it seems the mountain is insurmountable!

  78. I can’t wait for you to meet your son! I know how hard waiting can be.

  79. Amanda Means says:

    Entry #1…..You are an amazing person and artist!! You motivate me to want to do more…where I am!!

  80. love this beautiful piece of art! praying you will hear soon!!!!!

  81. Amanda Means says:

    Entry #2……Living fully where GOD has placed me…..I have been blessed with 4 beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband!! God has made me realize that it is not the things in your life that matter..it is the people!! I am teaching my daughters to obey GOD first, then others, then themselves!! We are so very blessed and we need to learn to pay that forward through God’s word and helping others!!

  82. Lisa Russell says:

    I put it as my Facebook Status!

  83. I LOVE the letters in live–great doodling!!

  84. Lisa Russell says:

    Living fully as a stay at home mom and raising my kids to follow Christ!

  85. Laura, I was hoping you wouldn’t have to do a 15 month waiting piece, but I must say this one is fabulous! What an awesome reminder. I pray that you all get your little boy home very soon!

  86. I am living fully in the state God has me–not sure if this state of singleness is temporary or a life-long thing, but it is where God called me for today, so I will live fully in it today!

  87. ount me in. Love the new piece…

  88. Shared on Twitter!

  89. Shared on Facebook!

  90. My family is living fully right where God has us – we are pregnant with baby boy # 3 and are anxiously awaiting his birth!

  91. Amanda Means says:

    Entry #3….Shared on my Facebook Status!!!

  92. Thanks for perfectly saying what I feel.

  93. Love the colors! I struggle daily with living fully in my current job. I know change will come, but I must do the best I can with where I am right now.

  94. Michelle Wray says:

    You are simply amazing!

  95. Michelle Wray says:

    I am living fully right where God has me by knowing that God has a plan for my family and He would never give me more on my plate that I can handle.

  96. Comment #1 – I WANT THIS!!! Not because I deserve it or have something amazing to say……this piece of art just ROCKS and I WANT IT! 🙂 LOL

  97. Hannah Hoggard says:

    Love your work!

  98. So pretty and colorful! Love it!

  99. I’m also waiting for a son from Ethiopia. I’m trying to live fully in the present with my precious kiddos and not wish the waiting time away. This is a great reminder! You inspire me!!!

  100. Comment #2 – Two years ago, my WORLD shook. I had a relatively easy life and my family was torn apart in a horrible divorce. (Not MY family, my parents…..) But God used that moment to help me realize what was important to me and to seize each moment…..to treasure the children God has given me in THIS moment. It is something I struggle with quite often. I really enjoy reading about the things you have done with your children……just crafts and little activities! You inspire me to grow as a Mom!

  101. Love the colors in this one!

  102. We are living fully in our lives as foster parents and homeschooling parents. We’re involved in the launch of Suitcase of Love, to provide suitcases for the children in the foster care system. I’m so excited to see all the bags come in!

  103. Shared on Facebook. 🙂

  104. How gracious and mighty is our God, who knows and prepares your son for you!!! Thank you for sharing your heart on your art!

  105. Shared on FB.

  106. Love it!

  107. Living fully in life right now with three beautiful children and praying for a fourth. Until God says go, we will be right here loving every minute of it.

  108. Shared on facebook.

  109. Very cool idea!

  110. Rebecca Ross says:

    I love this piece; what a great reminder. You continue to amaze me…everything about you! Love you.

  111. Love it!

  112. This week I have been reminded to once again live each day to it’s fullest. A young teenager was killed in a car accident in our town. It has reminded to love each day, no matter what it brings…..a huge mess made by tiny fingers, piles of laundry, reminding our children to pick up, etc. I am going to love these moments because it could all be gone tomorrow.

  113. I ADORE your heart! You have such a blessed little boy in the big, wide world just waiting to come HOME… I know he’s loved simply from your posts! Thank you for reminding me to have faith and hope… but the greatest of these is LOVE!

  114. Vicki Christiansen says:

    LOVE looking at the picture and seeing all the artwork on the wall where the stairs are! It’s beautiful!

  115. … and all of my FB friends love this piece too!

  116. Vicki Christiansen says:

    Shared on FB!

  117. “Live life to the fullest” = “Count your blessings” in my book! Find joy in the little things… I love the list Sara posted! Cleaning up messes made by tiny fingers seems to FILL my evenings!! But I need to remember that I’m blessed to HAVE tiny fingers, things to get messy, a home to shelter messes… ♥

  118. Love love this! Have the perfect spot for it!

  119. We hope to be “actually waiting” soon. Because we are waiting right now 🙂

  120. Vicki Christiansen says:

    I had a simple conversation last week with a dear friend of mine and I was reminded to live life to the fullest. It’s amazing how one simple conversation while walking on a treadmill can give you a new perspective on life.

  121. LOVE this one…fun and beautiful, as usual!

  122. I LOOOOOVE THIS! You are such an inspiration!

  123. That is a wonderful book! Love your art work, as always! Thank you for doing such a special give away.

  124. Trying to live fully by spending quality time with the children i have and enjoying every minute with them (instead of worrying about our next child/adoption and wondering how and where and all the deets like that 🙂

  125. sharing on facebook right now!

  126. Keeping your whole family in my prayers that you will ALL be together soon!

  127. Another beautiful work of art…you continue to amazing me with your talents and how each work of art has such meaning!!!

  128. Living life to the fullest right now by loving on and caring for my two little blessings each day. We may not have the newest styles of clothes or elaborate trips, but we have each others and are making memories every day! I’m just praying that I can stay home next year from teaching to continue to be a mom full-time!

  129. Chrissy V. says:

    Today there is sunshine where I live!!!

  130. Chrissy V. says:

    A group of friends and I started doing the book 7. Less of us, more of Him. The first month is to eat only 7 foods! Day 4…

  131. every day god reveals himself to each of us….we just need to be obedient and respond to him.

  132. living life to the fullest by serving HIM when i can, where i can….

  133. Emily Hall says:

    I love ALL of your work, but this one, this one I MUST HAVE!!! If you are taking special orders, and I don’t win this one, of course, I want to pay you for a replica of this one! I ADORE it!!!

  134. Would love to win! 🙂 I adore your work & think about you many times each day as I use my key fob. You are in my prayers constantly!

  135. I was having a rough, cranky, sad day & I was reading blogs & saw this post. I love the quote & your question got me thinking about how I am going to live fully today. I am going to give myself another hour to relax & recharge & then when my kids get up from their naps I am going to close the computer, ignore the chores, and play with them. I won’t be distracted & I won’t be counting the minutes until I can get up. I am going to do the same puzzle with my 2 year old over & over & over & I am going to play checkers with my 6 year old. I’m going to play!

  136. Im living fully where god where god has me right now. I have spent the last 10 years thinking I will never have a child. PCOS and other problems caused me to have a partial hysterectomy at the age of 21. Never having a regular period and marrying a man with low viable sperm basically wiped the thought out of my head. – Well Im pregnant now, I rejoice everyday that I have been given the opportunity to bring my own child into this world. My doctors are floored and I have had to given up my life in order to insure the safety of this child but I am doing so with no complaints, no sorrows, just a deep thankfulness that god has chosen to give me a chance.

  137. I love this BTW- I live in Columbia. So the header brings a smile to my face. Your art is inspiring. Your life is inspiring. Your attitude is inspiring.

  138. I love this piece. I also just purchase One Thousand Gifts but haven’t started reading it yet. I can’t wait to sit down and read that one!!

  139. Learning to live life to the fullest. God has me on a journey to truly see what I have and not look at what I don’t have. I have come so far, but I have so much farther to go!

  140. Emily Hall says:

    Living fully…God has given me a pretty amazing life! I have beautiful twin boys that will be 3 years old very soon, and a husband, of 10 years, that I love more now that I knew possible. I spend every waking second of the day loving life and my family and thanking God that he put me where I am.

  141. Emily Hall says:

    Shared on my Facebook!!

  142. Shared on Facebook!

  143. Emily Hall says:


  144. love following your blog to read what the kelleys are up to each day!

  145. Seeing Ann Voskamp this weekend at a retreat and am ready to be changed! (Oh, I haven’t read her book yet either, but own it…does that count?) Thank you for all you do!

  146. Living fully in month 10 of waiting for our little baby from Ethiopia. Learning what surrender looks like and hope for miracles too!

  147. Love this! Such a great idea!

  148. I was tired from waking up several times in the night to comfort my little guy (2.5) who was waking crying and wanting to be held at 2am, 3am, 4am. Then reminded myself… how thankful I am to be his mommy and be the one he wants comfort from. Its more than ok that I am tired today. I can choose to live fully, in a means to think beyond myself and my circumstances in a way that honors God.

  149. I shared on FB!

  150. Shannon Decker says:

    Your art gets more beautiful as the days go by. Prayers to you that this will be your last waiting giveaway.

  151. LOVE your work!

  152. man– i love your work– i do have my favs–( love that coffee cup one you did with a psalm…) but this one is definitely one of my favs!!! love the colors!

  153. how i’m living fully…. we are adopting.. once again:).. i’m trying to live FULLY in the present with my kids that are here now- instead of living in the…”when we adopt matthew…”
    i am TRYING to be less on my computer…ARGH and more HERE:)

  154. shared on facebook:) crossed fingers x

  155. Wish I could remember this every day!

  156. I shared on Facebook!

  157. Jennie ours says:

    Love putter patter artwork!

  158. Jennie ours says:

    Living fully in the Lord seeking to find joy in Him while I’m on bedrest while also having a toddler – my Lord is faithful to provide!

  159. I am in waiting process too–and honestly I’m not sure what the goal is–perhaps it’s just to arrive at the place where I can say with authenticity that it is good to wait for the Lord. My head can say that but my heart is taking a little longer to get there! No matter, I am confident of this: God is good, all the time. And all the time…

  160. “Shared” on facebook.

  161. Thank you for such an inspirational act. I understand waiting after 19 months of trying to conceive. I only wish I had found you sooner, because I had a really hard time accepting my situation. (I don’t need to be entered in the drawing)

  162. Jennifer Smith says:

    LOVE IT!!!

  163. Jennifer Smith says:

    SHARED! 🙂

  164. You are such a treasure. I pray that the timing for your child is perfect. That Gods hand is directing each step. That the child meant for your heart is being prepared for you, cared for, protected, nurtured, and that the wait is because His timing is perfect and not because of earthly red tape.

  165. Love this one, but of course, I love them all! Thanks!

  166. Linda Varnado says:

    “Eucharisteo makes the knees the vantage point of a life.” Sleuthing for His glory and His
    will begins on the knees! Praying for your boy
    And praising God for the full beauty he is creating through you as you wait.

  167. Jennifer Smith says:


  168. I’m learning to rely more fully on God to help me be the best teacher I can be for my sweet students! Being reminded that I am not in control. Thanks again!

  169. Marilyn Gregory says:

    Another great picture!

  170. Praying it’s the last waiting giveaway…again :+)

  171. I am living fully right where God has me, as a military wife in a different place than I grew up, as a stay-at-home mom even though I had a job since the day I graduated high school, waiting to start our adoption procedures until my husband gets out of the Army, because we can’t have his upcoming deployment right smack in the middle of our process. So, I live my life where God has me, with what I have been given. But, I will admit, that 18 months has never seemed so far away!

  172. I shared it on FB – ha! Sorry, I don’t know why the detail link for my tweet comment decided to show you the actual tweet on your comments log. My bad! 🙂

  173. Love it, it’s so uplifting and colorful and how could it not inspire you??

  174. me again…I just shared it on FB, too 🙂

  175. Shared it on my facebook!

  176. Hoping this is the last waiting art you have to create! Love the bright colors and quote!

  177. Living life fully by starting the adoption process todat!What a coincidence (ha!) this was your quote for today! love it!

  178. And shared on my facebook…

  179. Pat Christiansen says:

    I love it!!!

  180. Just what I needed to hear as God prepares my family for our daughter;s homecomeing and God prepares her for the love of our family!! It just seems like waiting yet it is mo much deeper.

  181. Hoping good news comes your way sooooon

  182. Pat Christiansen says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  183. Pat Christiansen says:

    I often wonder why I live where we live. I often reminded that God has us here for a reason. So I’m living my life fully where God has me and my family…here.

  184. cynthia Lewellen says:

    What a great statement! I have “seen” that living fully in your family’s life as I’ve become acquainted with you over part of this 15 month wait! And I want to say – God has shown you how to live fully! Thanks for your sharing

  185. jessica ann says:

    This is DEFINITELY my favorite one yet!!!!! Absolutely beautiful!

  186. love love love this one!!

  187. I LOVE your work!! And would love to win this!

  188. Living fully – I am over two months waiting for our court date with no end in sight, waiting on missing documents with no idea when we might get them, it is unbearably difficult but I am trying to truly appreciate this time with my first son before my second son comes home, treasure these moments and be thankful for them

  189. We are also adopting and sitting at number 2…talk about hard to live fully right where you are when part of your heart is on the other side of the world! The only way I can continue to live here and now is by constantly reminding myself that He will keep in perfect peace the ones whose mind is steadfast on the Lord.

  190. Love it and shared it! *sweaty hugs to you* ~Janet

  191. Amy J. Buckner says:

    This is a beautiful piece…of course they all are!

  192. Amy J. Buckner says:

    I am in a situation (job wise) where I actually feel I have little value. But I know I have value and it’s hard sometimes. (confusing, I know)

  193. Amy J. Buckner says:

    I shared the giveaway on facebook!

  194. new to your site…love this!

  195. I’m a new Tennessean…just moved. Living fully in Christ knowing He’s who led us here and will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.

  196. Will be praying for you lil #15 Man!

  197. My husband and I are preparing to move our family to Ethiopia – GOD WILLING – within the next 12-18 months. We will be working with an established ministry in Addis. But….for NOW….we are raising up worldview Christian kids….5 bios and 2 foster to adopt. We are a state licensed foster family AND we take in kids through Safe Families for Children out of Chicago. Christmas this year consisted of NINE delightful children! My van full of children is an easy conversation starter for sharing Christ with people who cross our path.

  198. I don’t “tweet”…..but I shared ya on Facebook!

  199. LOVE this!

  200. Some days I feel I’m living fully and others I feel I need more of a boost. It’s easy to fall into the trap of complacency. Thanks for the encouragement!

  201. Love it!!

  202. I’m learning to CELEBRATE with my family!

  203. So I thought about “living fully where God has you”… and I realized that I am jot. When put this way, I realized that I should spend more time being grateful for where God has me and I should “dare to live fully” more! Thanks you for this 🙂

  204. Oh and as with each piece of art I see you post, I am in awe again 🙂

  205. God has me living in the day by day moments. This is a truly amazing piece from a truly amazing girl!

  206. Amazing as always

  207. Gladly shared on facebook 🙂

  208. And re-tweeted too!

  209. LOVE THIS!

  210. Shared on facebook. 🙂

  211. God is showing me alot about where he wants me to be and how He wants to work through me for His

  212. Right now I am living fully in the place of uncertainty. One month ago, doctors believe that I had a stroke or TIA at the age of 32. Ridiculously scary…and they still don’t know exactly what happened, why it happened, or if it will happen again. So, with amazing and supportive friends, I am putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that God has me right where He wants me right now. Through the questions, the anxiety, the pain. All of it.

  213. Beautiful piece of art – and a great reminder. thanks!

  214. Praying for your journey, love how much you unapologetically share your heart…the joys, the hurts, & your everyday loveliness!

  215. Living fully has been a struggle…lately I’ve left the balls drop to just focus on my babies & hubby. Letting God lead me in a fresh new way has been a life line, so thankful!

  216. Aleece Overturf says:

    Praying for you and your family as you wait for your little boy. How sweet it will be when he is finally with you! It is so encouraging to see how you are using your art as an expression of the faith the Lord is giving you RIGHT NOW! 🙂

  217. love this and hope i win!

  218. God is teaching me to live fully by being still and knowing that He is God. He is teaching me about the freedom of surrender, trust, and dependence.

  219. Shared on facebook!

  220. This one is absolutely amazing!! Love it!! Said a prayer for you tonight 🙂

  221. How beautiful this piece is! Praying that his arrival will come quickly.

  222. Praying your little guy comes home soon! Your little man’s hair looks so cute :o)

  223. I am learning to live fully as a stay at home mom. I am understanding how important my role is in the lives of our children and how my actions and words not only affect them but help shape them into the men they are to become. I am grateful to God for this amazingly difficult yet blessed responsibility.

  224. Shared on Facebook.

  225. I am reading a book right now! It is so good!

  226. I am living life fully by trusting God everyday regardless of my circumstances:)

  227. Christine fields says:


  228. your artwork is an amazing gift from God. may He continue to pour blessings into your life. your art inspires me to go back to drawing!

  229. You’re amazing and I can’t wait to see the little man God has hand picked for your family!!

  230. I recently moved from the town I grew up for a new job and to finish my degree. I left my friends & family to a city where I don’t know anyone. Even though I haven’t met very many people, I plan on living fully by what I have been given. A friend once told me to be bold, be godly, and live joyfully. I plan on doing just that!

  231. This is so cute! I love it! (:

  232. I feel like God has placed me on this college campus for a reason, and my first year here I was afraid to speak up about my beliefs because I wanted to stay under the radar. But as this year of school has been going, God has laid on my heart heavily to not live in a timid way. And to freely express my love for God and others. A life full of love, is a life fully living. (:

  233. Facebook has been update.

  234. I have tweeted it also! (:

  235. Hoping you get to see his sweet face very soon. I can’t imagine waiting for 15 months, but the blessing will be worth the wait!

  236. I am learning to live fully right now as we wait for our daughters to pass court so we can bring them home. At the beginning of the month we were blessed with 5 wonderful days with them. We unfortunately were missing a signature from MOWA and we are currently waiting for that and court to reopen next week. This post hit right to where my heart is now as well. I felt like you were reading my mind. 🙂 We are missing our girls and praying we hear good news very soon.

  237. What a beautiful piece – you are so talented!

  238. I am living life to the fullest by unplugging and enjoying these very special moments with my newborn.

  239. Shared on FB.

  240. I’m praying that this is the LAST giveaway you do! (But it’s a gorgeous piece…well done!)

  241. I also shared on Facebook!

  242. It may sound insignificant right now in light of you and another friend who’s also waiting on their children, but right now I’m literally living right where God wants me. We have 4 children in a very small house, and our church family and our business is in another town about 25 minutes away. While I have often wished we lived in a little more space and a little closer, right now we feel that God has us right where we need to be.

  243. Kelly Tuttle says:

    Love this, love your blog, and all of your work.

  244. Kelly Tuttle says:

    Whatever today brings, it will be for His glory. It may seem wonderful or sad, fabulous or difficult, abundant or unfair. It doesn’t matter, because He is constant and unchanging and promises that all of these things will be made into somethin good, through Him. P.S. I lost my mom 3 years ago yesterday. Still miss her!

  245. I like this one. I mean, I like them all, but this is good. Although you may be waiting on something (aren’t we all?), THIS is where God has you. Right now. So live it. Good stuff.

  246. How I am living in God right now is by being patient and trusting. I have a 3 year-old son and after 2 miscarriages, we are now 4 months pregnant with twins. It’s scary and exciting and . . . scary. haha But I know that God has given us these lives and I am trusting Him to prepare me – spiritually, mentally, physically (please, God, physically!). 🙂

  247. Ami Jenkins says:

    You are so talented! Praying you won’t have to have too many more “waiting” giveaways and can meet your precious baby boy soon!

  248. Ami Jenkins says:

    Shared on FB!

  249. Therese Schulle Stokes says:

    Hoping and praying this is your very last “waiting giveaway”. Beautiful piece . . . I love the doodles!!

  250. Ami Jenkins says:

    I am living fully where God has me right now by simply enjoying my sweet 20 month old son. We are due with baby #2 soon and I want to enjoy each precious day of this one-on-one time I have with my son instead of wanting to fast forward time to meeting our newest babe.

  251. Therese Schulle Stokes says:

    Shared on fb: Free giveaway at Pitter Patter Art 🙂 Beautiful art pieces and for an awesome cause!

  252. love all of your creations! you are so talented~

  253. ~ we are just in the waiting period for our second adoption. waiting in hopeful anticipation… ~

  254. just shared your giveaway ~

  255. LOVE this canvas……..

  256. And sharing on FB 🙂

  257. Katherine Smith says:

    Another beautiful piece 🙂

  258. Katherine Smith says:

    Shared on Facebook 🙂

  259. Katherine Smith says:

    And twitter! God bless

  260. oh sweet girl….this piece rocks…and i am so sorry your pain is so raw….i would love to give this work to a friend of mine who is waiting right along side of me…

  261. beautiful piece

  262. I am living fully by being dedicated to obeying God in EVERYTHING. It is hard sometimes, but it leads to an incredibly abundant and FULL life!

  263. Love this piece! Praying for your family in this time of waiting.

  264. Gorgeous!!! I’m sad each time you have to make another one of these… but we’re all waiting patiently along side you!

  265. I love it!

  266. I am trying to live fully as we wait for our Rwandan adoption to be fulfilled!

  267. Amanda Pickett says:

    My favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11 and I know I am living right where God wants me to be and he has wonderful plans for me. I love all your work, but I especially love this piece.

  268. Love this!

  269. shared on twitter

  270. Such a beautiful piece. Love everything you make!

  271. Just started following you–love this whole concept. We just adopted, and it is the biggest blessing ever!

  272. shared on FB

  273. Since having a baby in the house, I’m trying to live better and be a better example of Him so that our son will be won to Him.

  274. Entry #2 :). My husband is a pastor and we are starting a new church. I know we are right where god wants us because he keeps providing the exact amount we need month after month. My faith is being increased and we are obeying his call for our life. Crazy hard but such a cool place to be!

  275. I am a mom and I feel like this has always been God’s plan for me. I think it is the most important job in the world. Hope your wait is over soon. 🙂

  276. Shared on Facebook! You are soo talented!

  277. Praying for you, your family and your son. 🙂

  278. I am learning to “live fully” by giving up control and walking in faith. It’s a daily struggle for me because I like my control, but the days I start with the Lord and let Him lead the way are always sweet days. Thank you for inspiring me through your art, your words and your faith. 🙂

  279. Shared on Facebook.

  280. Charty Madson says:

    Love this piece! Enjoy seeing all your work, you are very talented!

  281. JamiAnn Hannah says:

    Shared on FB. I would share on Twitter if I had an account.
    I believe our family is right where God wants us. He keeps blessing us even in the hard times when we think he doesnt hear our prayers… He does. When the storm is coming, we stand strong and know that God is still God and he still sits on the throne.
    Your faith and insistance is amazing. You are so encouraging to everyone who reads your blog. John 4:19 says that “we love because he first loved us.” As our father, he teaches to love eachother and as parents we have to teach our children about love. You have went the next step as you are loving underpriviledged children in another county and giving them a christian home to live in and a great love they will one day understand when they come to know Jesus as their Saviour.

  282. I am learning to live in the moment and focus on Christ’s love for me and my family. We are going through a difficult time with extended family and some deep hurts. Clinging to the grace of God and His incredible love.

  283. Christine fields says:

    Living fully after God moves us from friends and family to a new town.God makes no mistakes and us full of mercy. Would not want to be anywhere else than in His plan! Love your blog, praying for your heart since the loss of your mom.

  284. I love all your art.

  285. Love your art work & so enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for being real & inspiring us all to live fully right where we are.

  286. Truly a great piece as always!

  287. Shared with my facebook list:)

  288. Living life fully by putting my life in gods hands. Recently I made a major life decision not sure what would come in the end, but just yesterday I found out my decision was made clear tome that it was the right one. God truly blesses each and everyone of his children. My love for Christ has grown through the power of prayer and great friends and family!

  289. Hope you are having a fantastic Friday!

  290. I’m in the middle of a divorce right now and am still living in the house with my soon to be ex and our kids. It’s definitely not where I want to be right now but I figure my Higher Power has some sort of plan. So I am trying to just treasure the little moments with my kids!!

  291. Shared on Facebook!!

  292. Beautiful…

  293. I know God has a plan and I find myself getting worked up about the decision of when to start having children – will work suffer, do I want to work, do I want to stay home..? So many unknowns but trying to put it back in God’s hands and trust that things will truly work out exactly how he plans!

  294. My husband and I are expecting our first children-twins due in the next few weeks! We are both apprehensive about all the changes that will come with our children and also what will change for us. He is feeling led away from his job, and I’m not sure if God will change my calling on my life (I currently work in a church) when we have little ones to care for. With all this uncertainty I know in my mind that I should be panicked, but God has given me peace. I am able to live, love, and enjoy each day I’ve been given. I know this isn’t from me…I know God has gifted me with peace so that I can live fully in these precious moments of my life. So I am focusing on preparing our home, loving my sweet husband, and staying healthy. That’s a full life 🙂

  295. Hollie Raymer says:

    You make my heart smile! Such faith, patience, and talent! Yet another amazing piece of art! Hug and prayers…

  296. Entry 1- Beautiful and heartbreaking as always. I am praying that this month is your last!

  297. Entry 2- I am living fully in that I am not taking my 2 young kids or my current “layoff” status for granted. I am soaking up the time with my 2 and 3 year old. I am using my time home to try new things- teaching myself how to make beautiful cakes for family and friends, crafting with my littles, baking from scratch. Mostly just enjoying my new roll as “Stay at home mom” to the fullest! Thanks for asking this question to force me to reflect on these things!


  298. entry 3- (comment 300 Winner!) Shared on Facebook!

  299. Please enter me! I would love to win this piece.

  300. Good Gravy Laura!!!!!!! It looks like I’m going to be the 302 comment…..Go girl! Love the piece:)

  301. i wanna win. i have someone i would give this to. i know she would love it.

  302. Love the piece! It takes a lot to live that way but is so worth it!

  303. I don’t know if I’m living fully where God wants me to be, but I’m working on it. This year so far has been an adventure with all the new things He’s placed in front of us…continuing our adoption w/ all the obstacles popping up, new exciting mission opportunities in India, the direction of our family spiritually and possibly school-wise…it’s overwhelming, but exciting and a little scary…I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!

  304. Love seeing your art, but also love seeing your precious family. They make my heart smile!

  305. Jennifer Puckett says:

    love this 🙂

  306. Gina Hodges says:

    This is beautiful!

  307. Gina Hodges says:

    Shared on my facebook!

  308. Another Beautiful Art piece. Will keep you and your family in my prayers that you will soon have your precious little boy…..

  309. Gina Hodges says:

    I am continuing to TRY to live fully just where God wants me to be! Being intentional about being in His Word daily, being intentional about being the kind of wife and parent He wants me to be and being intentional about sharing my love for HIM!

  310. I know God has a plan for me, each and every day, and I pray that I will follow him, and always give God all the honor and Glory…..

  311. Super cool piece as always!

  312. Always happy to share your awesomeness!

  313. Living fully right where God has you is not an easy one…it’s much easier to say you will live fully when the circumstances are “right.” Right now I’m living fully by looking for opportunities to invest in people and organizations that seek to empower the poor and pursue justice.

  314. Christie hunter says:

    This has to be my favorite by far! Love love love it!!

  315. Christie hunter says:

    As always happy to share!

  316. Christie hunter says:

    God works in amazing ways and he has put me in a position for a great job, awesome family, and great friends. I am truly too blessed to be stressed!

  317. I love your work!

  318. shared on FB 🙂

  319. LOVE IT!!!

  320. Posted about it on Facebook!!

  321. L-O-V-E I-T!!!!

  322. what a cool canvas!!! l-o-v-e it!

  323. Beautiful work & very inspiring!

  324. i quit my desk job and started my own baking company…part of living more fully and enjoying this life daily 🙂

  325. Posted to fbook 🙂

  326. Tweeted too 🙂

  327. Shannon Decker says:

    Shared on facebook!

  328. Here is any ol’ comment(:

  329. Love the piece, as always..

  330. Also, I shared on Fb!

  331. Last, but most important, I am living full for my daughter. I had just graduated and moved out on my own, I got my first job, and I had just started classes at college. All of this at seventeen! Then, a few weeks after my eighteenth birthday, my boyfriend and I found out I was expecting. Now I have an 8 month old daughter, I’m a stay at home mom, and I was in a bit of a slump. I had lost all of my “friends” now that I had a baby and felt very left out. Then, I was invited to go to church and something clicked. I started working out recently and made some new friends. Other moms. I am able to be home and raise my daughter and now she is doing better than she had been while I was working. I’m just so much happier. I signed up for college again. I am doing everything I thought I had “lost” and it feels great.

  332. love the art work

  333. i am living life to the fullest in each moment as my 2 yr old runs around yelling no way and my 3 month old cuddles and smiles at me!

  334. As much as I love your give~a~ways, I can’t wait till you have your son in your arms!

  335. Leslie James says:

    Your faith amazes and inspires me!

  336. Cassie Kriete says:

    Love, love, love your stuff…. as always.

  337. Cassie Kriete says:

    I am living fully by facing my stumbling blocks head on, and removing those things that cause the stumbling.

  338. Cassie Kriete says:

    shared on fb.

  339. Love the quote on this one.

  340. I am 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow and am just trying to contain my excitement and anticipation. I am trying to live to the fullest and soak up all the alone time I have with my son because it will all change in a few weeks.

  341. Shared on facebook.

  342. Love your blog and art! Very inspiring!

  343. Beautiful!!

  344. Shannon Decker says:

    Shared on Twitter

  345. Kelly Beaty says:

    What a beautiful piece. I love it.

  346. Kelly Beaty says:

    Right now, I’m working on being more “fully present” with people. Listening completely, fully engaged, letting the conversation sink in. Baby steps, but getting better.

  347. words to live by! <3

  348. the past six months have definitely been a struggle for me in regards to faith and trust in His plan. i lost my son when i was 38 wks and it has been extremely hard to trust (and believe) that things happen for a reason. trying to make the best of an unfortunate situation has been difficult, but i know i have to stay positive and accept the things i cannot change. i would not be able to grow stronger each day if it weren’t for my amazing husband.

  349. Another beautiful piece!

  350. I am living fully where God has placed me by trusting him and following his Word. I truly believe in God’s plan for all of us and even through pain, weakness, stress, and disappointment I try to live life to the fullest and be thankful for each day. Your faith is an inspiration and I will be praying for your family!

  351. Posted on FB!

  352. Posted on Twitter!

  353. I am inspired always by your art and your blog and your faith and your patience and your mommy skills……..and…. and…….:)

  354. Sharing on facebook….now.

  355. Living fully as I trust in God alone and not in man, country, agency, elders, friendships, or soda, etc. Also living fully as I wait. Not stopping life with the three blessings I already have, while I wait on my newest blessing…..

  356. Waiting is hard. I’m being refined in our longer than usual process in Ukraine. He’s preparing that little one’s heart for your family.

  357. lisa gilliam says:

    so excited about this giveaway..as I always am…I know this a crazy thought but i must get some of those mustache molds you made the candy with…we have a mustache fan who needs those…

    love the give aways but praying for this to be one of the last waiting ones you have to do]

  358. lisa gilliam says:

    God has me right where he wants me…well ya know that must be true…He is in control…It is not an easy period aat this time but I am here for a reason..my job is to listen

  359. Love this saying

  360. Just found your blog through a friend. Your family is being prayed upon.

  361. Im living fully everyday with my job….making sure all of our Pre-K children know they are loved. Not one of my children at school will go a day without a hug from me.

  362. shared on facebook

  363. As always, I love your work!

  364. Praying that you get that referral soon!! You inspire me! :))

  365. Your heart is beautiful. It shines right through your smile. What a blessing this will be for your child- to be chosen, out of the millions, to have you as a mom. <3

  366. You AMAZE me! What an inspiration you are to so many!

  367. I am living fully by being a devoted wife and mother. I can’t imagine being anything else! I am keeping a positive attitude even though I am facing some physical issues right now. I am grateful for all of my blessings!

  368. I shared this on facebook. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!

  369. Love this piece!

  370. Living fully by consciously focusing on soaking up those special moments…both the ordinary ones and the extraordinary ones…with my kids, with my husband, with my family and my friends. Life is too short!

  371. This may be my favorite piece of yours yet….and I’m in love with all of them!!

  372. rachels4ut says:

    beautiful work, as always 🙂

  373. I am living fully by being present for my two sons, physically and mentally. I make sure they know how important that they are by giving them my full attention!

  374. Shared on FB!

  375. Michelle wray says:

    Posted on fb

  376. Love!!!! Beautiful!! Each piece you create!

  377. Rachel@LeakyDiaper says:

    Love this. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  378. Rachel@LeakyDiaper says:

    I am a SAHM to a precious 2 & 5 year old. There have been moments, even days when I struggle that we aren’t doing enough in this world. Is it Gods call that we be living here, just doing life, not somewhere exotic ministering to the masses through missions. Then I am gently reminded that Jack & Ellie Grace are my ministry. They are my mission. What I pour into them will multiply exponentially and they will bless this world. Maybe in 5 or 10 years we will be called to something different. But for now we are called to this exact place & I am called to love and nurture these 2 little people. They are my life’s work.

  379. Kim Shepherd says:

    Love this piece

  380. Rachel@LeakyDiaper says:

    Shared on FB.

  381. LindaRosa King says:

    Beautiful , even though we have our ups and downs in life God expects us to keep living. Your art says it all.

  382. You have been on the waitlist since the same week we arrived home with our Ethiopian son. Praying it’s soon. I know you’re more than ready to see his face!

  383. Living fully in knowing His plans are perfectly timed- big decisions ahead- but trying to live each day fully while not dwelling on wanting the answer to “when?”

  384. shared on fb!

  385. Love this by the way

  386. We brought our kiddos home from Ethiopia on Thanksgiving so I’m trying to live fully just raising our 4 kiddos. It’s a joy and a struggle but God is there all the way.

  387. Shared on facebook

  388. tweeted

  389. facebooked

  390. Once again, your talent amazes me!

  391. Right now, I’m kind of stinking at the living fully where God has me… I’m really struggling with our move right now but I do feel like I’m doing a good job of living fully with our son… so I’m kinda winning 🙂

  392. Shared on facebook.

  393. Abby Ammons says:

    I love PitterPatter Art! This is beautiful.


  394. Love your work

  395. Shared on FB.

  396. Abby Ammons says:

    Trying to live completely in this moment by appreciating our military life. Our life has moved us all the way to WA state from TN (one reason I LOVE this piece so much is because of The Tennessean header!), and I miss my family so very much, especially now that we are expecting our first little one in August. But I am so very grateful to have this time *just* with my husband. It truly is a special time in our lives!


  397. Abby Ammons says:

    Oh, I shared it on FB!


  398. Nita McAdoo says:

    This is my first visit. I followed a friend’s post on fb. I’ll visit again soon. Would love to win this canvas. It’s beautiful!

  399. Nita McAdoo says:

    Shared on fb 🙂

  400. Ashley Mills says:

    I love this one!!!!

  401. Trying to live fully where God has us by purposely celebrating my two little boys and hubby while we anxiously wait for our little girl. I want to soak in each and every moment with them and remember how blessed I am!!! LOVE your work ~ LOVE your blog!

  402. I love this quote. I need to remember this when I allow myself to keep myself from moving forward.

  403. I love, love your work but I pray these giveaways will end soon meaning that your wait is over.

  404. I am trying to live fully as a mom of 4 precious kids which sometimes isn’t as easy for me as I wish it was.

  405. amanda williams says:

    Enjoy each day reading to be so touched by the inspiration that the posts give to me ♥

    • amanda williams says:

      Shared on FB. Hoping more and more are touched by this incredible story everyday as it always touches my heart ♥

  406. Lisa boyer says:

    I love this! You are so talented, I think this is my favorite so far!

  407. Lisa boyer says:

    Shared on fb

  408. Lisa boyer says:

    I am a work in progress; everyday I pray God has me doing what I am suppose to be doing, and that I am truly using my talents and abilities the way thr He intended for me to

  409. Shannon Decker says:

    I am living fully right now thanks to my children. No matter how bad of a day I’m having, I can just look in their eyes and be thankful for how truly lucky I am.

  410. This is definitely my favorite so far! I feel like I say that every time you do a new piece, but I absolutely love the colors and the quote on this one. I have the perfect spot for it on my wall! 😉

  411. I am living fully by just diving in. I’m student teaching. I’m in school. I’m married. I’m working two part-time jobs. I feel like my living fully is just diving into my crazy life with open arms and a heart full of faith and enjoying every second of it. When I feel like giving up, I am reminded to just take a deep breath and live fully to the glory of our great God.

  412. I just shared the giveaway on my Facebook.

  413. I just tweeted about the giveaway.

  414. Love your work as always 🙂

  415. #1 PRECIOUS…love all of your work and LOVE that you use it for HIS Glory!!!

  416. #2 Living life fully as a stay at home Mom of two precious gifts…and learning patience as we begin the process bringing our son or daughter home to their forever family…blessings to you!

  417. #3 Its now FB famous!

  418. Thinking of your sweet family as you wait! May God continue to give you patience and may you see your sweet boy’s face soon!

  419. Kim Shepherd says:

    This is truely my favorite piece thus far. Love it

  420. Your posts mean so much to me and so many others ~ I am not living fully right now ~ I have allowed circumstances to prevent that and it’s my fault! UGH! I am so thankful for God’s forgiveness, for His faithfulness, and for Him being all I need~ I need to get that book!

  421. Gratia Strother says:

    I love the way the pattern behind the word “Live” is scalloped like a theatre curtain. The picture behind it looks like a musical act about to perform. It gives that feeling of anticipation that there is something wonderful coming. Reminds me of Romans 8:18 anticipating how God has set his plans before us, revealing them to us completely when we ultimately see Him face to face: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

  422. I have been where you are and I commend you for taking it one day at a time. May God show His face to you on this long path! Blessings!

  423. One way I am trying to live fully is that I am giving up reading my blogs for Lent (starts Wed so I have a couple days to ease into it!). I want to live more fully with my kids and husband and have decided that I love Jesus (and my family) more then blogs so I am jumping in!

  424. Beautiful as always!!

  425. Love your heart! Thanks for sharing it.

  426. love the pattern/doodles(?) on the letters!

  427. Living fully right now to me right now is choosing to see the Joy in things 🙂

  428. Hate that it’s been 15months for you, but you have such a gift (I know that doesn’t help the wait 🙁

  429. Shared on Twitter

  430. As always… love this!

  431. Shared on Facebook!

  432. randy doleman says:

    my wife made me enter for her 🙂 she loves your work and, well, so do i!

  433. I love that you are embracing the wait

  434. Living where God wants us…..we are hoping that God wants us to fully live, in another house! Here’s to being on the market

  435. Shared on FB 🙂

  436. Cinda Nordin says:

    Your art is beautiful!

  437. I think this is my favorite one! Love it! Praying today for your joy. God’s waiting is always for our good. Believe it.

  438. Hollie Raymer says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  439. Shared on fb!!

  440. tweeted. Tweet tweet tweet!

  441. If I’m honest I’m not living fully. I’m waiting. Waiting for a house to be done. Waiting for God to give me clear direction. Waiting for Him to bring the support and community I need. Waiting for go.
    This week I will pray for how to live more fully in the waiting. I needed this. Loving you from afar.

  442. Love this piece! All of your new work seems a little different…and even a little more lovely than before 🙂

  443. Phew…God has definitely put me in a place I would have NEVER imagined 2 years ago, that I’d be today. But, I am learning to trust in Him…and I thank him for the blessings of this ‘place’ he’s put me, and for getting me through some crazy struggles. I try to live fully by counting these blessings every day.

  444. Shared on Facebook 🙂

  445. jessica ann says:

    Right now I am simply trying to live fully through encouragement. My mom is going through something very difficult and I am trying my hardest to stay strong for her. All your creations are so inspiring. I especially love this one. This is what I tell myself every single day and the way that you have placed it onto paper is just beautiful.

  446. bridgette jeffcoat says:

    I cant wait for the day where these dont exist and your sweet boy is at home with you! But until then I will continue to enter these drawings in the hope to win such an awesome piece!!!


  1. […] and our 15 Months Waiting Art Giveaway is still going on.  You can scroll down to the post below or CLICK HERE and enter to win this […]

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