14 Months Waiting Art Giveaway


A few really important things have been going on a the Kelley house lately…and when I say important, I mean important.

1)  My friend Courtney let me in on the “Chick-fil-A has Chicken Tortilla Soup” secret.  You should really have this for lunch.  You will thank Courtney later.

2)  Myself, Josh and Harper have been battling to the death over the game of checkers.  We just may all have a competitive streak and turns out this sweet, small, lady Kelley does not take losing in the game of checkers lightly….who knew?!?

3)  Indoor soccer is now my all time favorite sport to watch.  If Coop’s playing, I will be there.  Super fun to watch and I am a yelling aunt…I just can’t help it.

4)  We had another mini bake day with my friend Courtney.

She wanted to learn how to do sugar cookies.

A few unfortunate things may have happened during our mini bake day:

A)  I may have dropped almost an entire tray of freshly baked cookies into the bottom of the hot oven and onto the floor

B)  The proposed dropped cookies may have started not 1, but 2 fires in my oven.

C)  The two above things, may have led me to realize we have no smoke detector in our kitchen


D) All of the above.

And 5)  The wait continues…

Dear God,

Please, oh please, help this to be the last waiting giveaway.

I would love to see my son’s face today.

That would rock.

Love, Laura

And again, like each month, we are celebrating being another month closer to our boy with an art giveaway.

This months pieces is a 11×14 canvas with “The Lord will fight for you…”  Exodus 14:14.

I had such an overwhelming response over the recent canvas I posted with this verse, that I decided it would be the perfect giveaway for this month.

I don’t have anything super fantasticly insightful to write for this month…I just want to see my kids face and get him home…like yesterday.

So here are the deets:

Please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Entry #1 Leave a comment…any ole’ comment will do.

Entry #2 Leave a comment about about how/why God is good.

Entry #3 Share the giveaway on your Facebook status

Entry #4 Share the giveaway on your Twitter status

Again, please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Giveaway will end this Friday, January 20th at midnight and I will announce the winner on Saturday.

And of course, if you are the winner, we will mail your canvas directly to you.

After this wait is over, I would love to see pictures of each of the winners with their canvas…that would make my heart too delighted.

So another month down and another step closer to our boy.  That call and day just cannot get here quick enough.



  1. christine says:

    I love following your stories. YOur a great mom! I hope this is your last giveaway too, although I really want to win!

  2. Wow!!! I seriously LOVE this piece! Seriously! Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. christine says:

    God is good because he provides us with all the joy we need. Circumstances change but He is the real giver of joy.(I am learning this after moving far from friends all that is familiar!)

  4. God continues to remind me that His goodness is not determined by my current circumstances….good or bad. He is always good! Always! I am so thankful for a God that is bigger than I can comprehend!

    Thanks again for the chance….and yes, get that smoke detector! 😉 The baby comes running down the hall saying “eat! eat!” here when ours goes off….not the best sign I suppose, but thought it would comfort you to know others share your culinary talent! 😉 Have a blessed day!

  5. Shared on facebook

  6. What a powerful piece of art! Awesome as usual!

  7. God is so good because he gives each of us a new day! Saw the tortilla soup yesterday but did not get it because I am a tortilla soup snob…btw I made your recipe and it was outstanding. Thanks for sharing…I will have to try the other one out. Have a great day!

  8. Lindsey S. says:

    This is beautiful! I would love to win!

  9. Trisha Benner says:

    This is beautiful! I love it!

  10. Laura, first of all I too “LOVE” the Tortilla Soup at Chick Fil A, the sweetest young man waited on me on a rainy yuck day and talked me into the soup!!! Boy was he right, it was perfect! Second, this canvas is perfect!!!! Beautiful meaningful and since your last post my new verse for the week! I try to have a new one each week to encourage me and others just to know he is by our side, this verse might just make it a month!! Love you and praying for peace within your heart!

  11. God is good because he surrounds me with loving godly people that encourage me and lift me up! And that is amazing!

  12. Love the piece and praying for peace in your wait!

  13. My previous post did not make it…argh

  14. Lindsey S. says:

    God is good because His grace sets us free!

  15. Candy Foster says:

    I love your art.

  16. Sorry about your cookies, but I had to laugh. I once caught a pot on fire and someone yelled “throw salt on it” I started cranking the salt grinder over the flaming pot. Didn’t work.

  17. Another beautiful piece of artwork! You are truly gifted! Thank you for sharing your blog…always makes me strive to be a better person!

  18. Candy Foster says:

    We can count on God’s goodness because He loves us!

  19. Shared on Facebook! 🙂

  20. God is Good! We have to say goodbye to our foster baby very soon. He’s holding me together through it and his family is wonderful which makes it easier .

  21. Shared on FB.

  22. Shared on twitter! 🙂

  23. Love this canvas and the verse!

  24. Amanda Powell says:

    Love this!

  25. God is good … because He said He is. Let’s take Him at His word!

  26. i too wake every morning and beg God to take away the ache in my heart. i may or may not check my email 300 times a day to see if we can see the faces of our sweet ones thousands of miles away….my heart aches for you.sweet one.

  27. Love your work as always!!!!

  28. Shared this on Twitter!

  29. Amanda Powell says:

    God is good because he loves me no matter how I used to b…He still loves me and has changed my life!

  30. Trish Scott says:

    God is good because he loves me on the days that I feel unlovable, he understands me/us when we feel impatient, he hears the desires of my/our hearts and accepts us just the way we are!!!!

  31. Cheryl Stone says:

    I continue to pray for you and I cannot WAIT to make tortilla soup. And it goes without saying that I cannot WAIT to see your sweet boy’s face – we are all waiting with you.

  32. God is good because He IS- his goodness is not based on what He does or does not do- but based upon His very nature

  33. Shared on facebook:)

  34. You inspire me to remain positive when I fell down or when I miss my dad who passed on 2000. I admire your strength and have really looked forward to your daily blog to see how you are doing and how you might lift me up again that day. I pray for you and your family as you continue to heal and know that some days are hard but God is always there to comfort you and hold you in his arms 🙂

  35. I love this…it’s beautiful! Would love to have it on my wall 🙂

  36. This is beautiful !! Would love to win this : )

  37. God is good because He just IS…He is I AM.

  38. I LOVE this verse and need to hear/read it often. This is comment numero uno.

  39. Trisha Benner says:

    shared on FB

  40. This piece is beautiful! You have such a gift.

  41. God is my refuge and strength and has NEVER let me down!

  42. God is SO good because of the crazy amount of grace I receive each day… each moment of each day from Him. I am wretched and He makes me beautiful. I am blown away by His grace.

  43. I love your art, but I especially love this one…I am a music teacher and a church pianists, so this one is beautiful….and the text is especially moving.

  44. I hope you can soon have a “He’s been home 5 months already! giveaway.”

  45. God is so good because he gave his son to die on a cross to save a wretch like me ! Thank
    You for your unconditional love it never ceases to amaze me !

  46. Trisha Benner says:

    God is good because we are given joy in simple things each and every day.

  47. this is amazing! I love this piece!

  48. God is good, all the time. He never gives us more than we can handle or than he can help us through. I can’t imagine how seperated you must feel from your son. I have boys that are 2 and 4 and just cannot imagine being away from them. Praying for strength for you and that your son makes it home safely.

  49. God is good because he shines light on us even in our darkest moments. He has brought me through a year without my mother and best friend, and somehow I can still feel joy. He is good, indeed.

  50. I just posted to my Twitter account… comment numero tres.

  51. I shared this giveaway on facebook

  52. Cheryl Stone says:

    God is good. Given my childhood and adolescence, without the grace of God, there is no telling where I would’ve ended up. As it is, my life has been one of beauty and wonder, love and happiness. I have a husband who defies description and two adult children who are servants in their fields and who I delight in. From a very early age, even before I knew WHO or WHAT God was, I felt His hand guiding me, urging me on to a better life. The more I grew in my knowledge of Him, and the more I learned His ways, the better person I became. I am a constant work in progress, but I know that God is good because He searches us out, and He is constant in His desire for us to be with Him.

  53. Hands down – my favorite blog site!

  54. And now you are posted to my Facebook… comment number 4. Hoping to win!!!

  55. God is good because even though his justice had to kick Adam and Eve out of the garden, his love made them some clothes before they left naked. God is good because he made a way for Abram and Sarah to leave Egypt blessed even though they had to leave because Abram lied. God is good because he restored Job. God is good because he loved, forgave, and blessed a lying, murderous, adulterous King David. I could go on and on!

  56. I don’t tweet a lot, but when I do, it’s something worth tweeting! I love this blog site!

  57. I tweeted about this giveaway!

  58. Kayla Golden says:

    I love this piece, and I love this verse! I especially love the second part of this verse–“you need only to be still.” Being still is definitely not my forte.

  59. I shared on FB.

  60. Your work is beautiful

  61. God is good because He is ever faithful!!!! Love your work, your honesty and praying that you will hear good news SOON!!!!

  62. Love these and would totally put it up as soon as its in my hands!

  63. Kayla Golden says:

    God is good because when I’m frustrated and have no fight left in me, He is already on the other side assuring me that everything will be okay.

  64. Kayla Golden says:

    Shared on Facebook.

  65. God is GOOD because He’s a lover AND a fighter. 😉

  66. Kayla Golden says:

    Tweeted. 🙂

  67. Jen bundy says:

    I love this picture another awesome one

  68. Heather Stennett says:

    LOVE this one!! So grateful for your creativity!

  69. Jen bundy says:

    God is good because he is always there with me sometimes walking beside me sometimes carrying me… He never fails and U am truly blessed to be His child

  70. I shared on Faceb00k!

  71. kristina moreland says:

    The way you are managing your anticipation is inspiring and encouraging. You are such a testimony to waiting in the Lord. I just want to encourage you by telling you how much you encourage others (you probably know, but it’s nice to hear.) Others would get frustrated and angry (which I’m sure happens at times). But your creative outlet and choosing to bless another family with your beautiful art in your time of “bad news” is awesome! Praying that this IS the last month!

  72. Heather Stennett says:

    God is good ALL the time! Today I feel more grateful than ever that His timing and control over my life is such a blessing and is SO good! I’m grateful that He rules this world and my life…and not me!

  73. Heather Stennett says:

    I shared this on facebook!!

  74. tweeted! (I never go on twitter, but I did today- just for you!)

  75. kristina moreland says:

    And God IS good! It’s impossible to leave just one comment why, but I will say today that He is good because our friends who are also adopting from Ethiopia are closer to bringing their two daughters home as well. They brought over some pictures and video of their girls last week. (She is actually how I found your blog. She posts trying to win your art – if I were to win, it’s totally going to her!) But God is good because through people like you and her, our children are able to understand adoption, both in the concrete sense as well as in the spiritual sense. In looking at the pictures of the kids in the orphanage, my 4 year old asked “where is their mommy?” I turned her around and pointed to my friend and said, “right there.” It seemed to click a little more with her. It’s the same with Christ. I can show my children daily that God is “right there” to adopt them into His kingdom!

  76. kristina moreland says:

    oh…and sharing now!

  77. I am seriously in love with this piece!

  78. Joy Gilliam says:

    God has helped me in so many ways. Being a military spouse I live away from my family. All the way in California. Tn will always be my home, but on night when my husband is gone and I am far away from family I find God is always here with me.

  79. Jenn Jones says:

    I think this is my favorite one that you have done! Love it!

  80. What a lovely picture and saying. Loving your talent and praying you see the face of your little one soon.

  81. I LOVE this canvas!!! It’s my favorite one yet!

  82. Cathy Thomas says:

    Thank you so much for pointing me to this verse. I would love to win!!

  83. Cathy Thomas says:

    God is good because He gives me the strength to make it through difficult times…and gives me peace during the process. Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂

  84. Wow!! Each month I see more and more people leaving comments to enter your giveaways! Makes it harder and harder to win! Here’s hoping! And I’m still praying for you and that, “Yucky Grief!”

  85. God is truly amazing and has some magical plan in the wait. We waited for close to two years for our little Ethiopian blessing and although that was our plan…it wasn’t His. Our daughter was waiting for us in India and arrived home just before Christmas! We are so blessed & can’t wait to hear that your wait kid coming to an end! God bless!

  86. Your generosity in the wait continues to inspire me! This canvas is beautiful!!!

  87. God is so GOOD to our family!! We had our first foster baby go home to live with her mommy again on the 23rd of last month. Before she actually left, God sent us a new kiddo on the 20th. He is 2yrs old, and has some issues due to being physically abused. But Friday marks him being with us for a whole month and in this month he has come such a long way!! God is teaching our family a lot through this little boy!! The biggest thing being that we need to remember to take care of ourselves, so we have more to give to our little foster kid!

  88. Amanda Means says:

    Shared on FB!! LOVE your work and this one in paticular!! Your work combines beautiful colors and GOD’S message!!

  89. God is good, and He shows it every day through His creation, His faithfulness, and His mercy. Praying with you that this is the last month waiting to see your son’s face!

  90. Shared on facebook!!

  91. I agree with your ‘mama prayers’ for your son to be where he belongs…soon.
    Beautiful work of art. Would be honored by hanging it in my home.

  92. Ashley Mills says:

    I love my best friend and can’t wait to see her in 9 days!

  93. Ashley Mills says:

    God is good because He is. He can’t be anything else but good. And that is good for us!

  94. I tweeted about your fab giveaway!

  95. Amy Fugate says:

    God is so good to us! It took me having a child of my own with a very stubborn, independent nature to understand how God must feel about us as we try to go our own ways instead of relying on him.

  96. Amanda Means says:

    GOD is GOOD…..
    Because HE gave each and every one of us a talent. That HE sought out poeple who were not perfect.
    HE gives us a foundation in which to live our everyday lives. HE performs miracles and gives us a reason to pray daily!!


  97. Love this piece like all the others! It would look awesome in my freshly painted kitchen! Btw I recently made a chalkboard and it has been sporting your trademark verse “God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine” it warms my heart EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I walk past and read that!

  98. Love the verse and the colors are beautiful! You are very talented!! 🙂

  99. Pat Christiansen says:

    Without God I would be nothing….He has made me what I am today! Love your blog and your Art. Thank you for sharing it with us! Shared on FB 🙂

  100. God is good:
    1. He has held your hand and walked with for over a month of trying to process the unbearable grief
    2. He gave us this awesome avenue of prayer!
    3. He knows the day, hour, minute that your sweet boy will be home with you!

  101. Tweet, tweet, tweely dee

  102. Beautiful piece!

  103. So beautiful and what an amazing verse that is!

  104. Yes, please rush out to chick-fil-a and get the tortilla soup! Delicious! That’s my random comment!

  105. Alicia Wood says:

    We are working on swapping our kids’ bedrooms in order to make room for foster kids. This canvas would look FAB in my daughter/foster daughter’s newly decorated room!! Just sayin’

  106. I love this piece! (:

  107. Alicia Wood says:

    God is good when he gives us what we need and not what we want. My husband and I have previously attempted to adopt. After much heartbreak, we realized the system we were trying to work with was flawed to the point that we may never achieve an adoption through it. We decided to walk away and maybe take it as God’s message to us that adoption just wasn’t his plan for our family. However, over the course of a few months, we realized we weren’t settled with that. We talked and prayed and got educated (talked to friends, met with agencies) and really felt moved to become foster parents. So, in about a month, we should be a licensed foster family. Hopefully, very soon after becoming licensed we will be matched up with some kiddos who are in need of love and stability and we will be able to give them just that. Not to mention a good dose of the gospel!! So God has been good in not giving us what we wanted – an “easy and quick” adoption, but giving us what we need – a desire to reach out to those in need even though it’s gonna hurt sometimes!!

  108. God is good, all the time. He gives me, a sinner, unconditional love. He will never fail me. When I fall because I have relied on the world, He is always there to hold me in His arms.

  109. I love your work and love love this piece!!!

  110. God is good because even on my worst days and at my lowest points, He gives me grace and new mercies every day and He gives me the promise of eternity with Him and my loved ones to look foward to!

  111. Alicia Wood says:

    So I shared ya on my FB!!

  112. God is amazing because even if we fall away from Him, He welcomes us back with open arms and cares for us like no one else. His love is everlasting!

  113. I love you artwork. It is so refreshing. I have been sharing it with my teenage daughter, who is a young artist herself. Now we are both enjoying your work together. Praying that you will get your new little one very soon!

  114. Facebook done!

  115. God is so good in so many ways… He has blessed me with a great family and great friends. He led me on the path of becoming an army wife and tests me in many ways but with each test he shows me the strength I have to keep going and gives me the will to keep on and the faith to know all is going to be okay even though at times it looks like its not. God is my light that keeps me running and keeps me grounded… He is so good…

  116. Sharing on FB!!! How I want this piece!!!

  117. I love reading about and seeing pictures of your sweet family. I pray that your wait ends soon and that you have your sweet little boy in your arms very quickly.

  118. Tweet Tweeted! (:

  119. Kim Craft says:

    Love this! You are an inspiration! I love God because He loves me 100%… Flaws and all!
    I will share on Facebook, and twitter for sure!

  120. God is good! Your post the other day when you showed this piece couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. We are currently in the long process of trying to adopt a little girl. This last week was extremely hard and I was feeling as though I had lost my fight and was ready to give up. I can’t tell you how many times since that day that I have prayed that verse. Thank you so much for sharing it. I am sorry that it came out of your grief, but be encouraged that you are encouraging others. What an amazing piece to have as a visual reminder that God indeed is good.

  121. I LOVE this verse and am so happy to see it on your beautiful art work! Praying for you!

  122. Amy Lambert says:

    Your art is truely inspirational. I love it. Praying you get your sweet baby today!!!!

  123. Amy Lambert says:

    Shared on facebook.

  124. Amy Lambert says:

    God is good because he always understands what I am going through & stays there besides me even when I feel alone.

  125. Praying you see your little one’s face so very soon!

  126. Love this verse and this piece!

  127. love your expression of scripture through art. it really ministers to me. so beautiful.

  128. God is good…all the time. He loves us when we’re so undeserving and seeks us out to have a relationship with us. He saves us from ourselves!

  129. Heather S. says:

    This is a beautiful piece of art and an awesome verse!

  130. As always, I love this one and would love to win!

  131. And shared on facebook.

  132. I hope this is your last waiting month!

  133. God is good, because he put us on an adoption journey, as well, and is keeping us patient as we wait until after my husband gets out of the Army, because his upcoming deployment status keeps us from putting in our application. So, God keeps up patient and trusting in Him, that we will have our daughter in our arms to love on soon enough.

  134. Heather S. says:

    God is so, so good! He has given me an amazing, godly husband and wonderful parents who taught me about my Savior. My husband and I are starting on a journey that seems quite impossible to me – so huge, so insurmountable that I am tempted to quit before I even start. But on Sunday as I was teaching little 3 and 4 year old kiddos about Jesus feeding the 5,000 God reminded me that my impossible situation is quite possible with Him. If he can take 5 loaves and 2 fish and feed that many people, then He can provide for my needs! His love amazes me!

  135. Even in India you have supporters! We love you here! Your art is an inspiration to me and my family (who are in Atlanta). Thank you for continuing the fight for love, the wait. Just as God waits for us….you wait for your beloved treasure. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

    Consider this an entry and I hope this is the LAST one ! *fingers crossed

  136. This piece is beautiful! Love it!

  137. I shared it on FB – Bri Maray.

  138. Your art is beautiful, and I love that you do giveaways each month! I hope you see your baby’s face soon. We’re adopting as well, and the wait is not easy!

  139. Shared on FB!!!!!!

  140. Heather S. says:

    Just posted on facebook – I hope this is the last giveaway for you!!!

  141. Love the verse & colors in the canvas

  142. Love your art work.

  143. God is good because he is our provider. Read in Genesis last week, He remembers his people. I’m thankful that he is for us & with us. I’m so glad that your family is adopting. What a beautiful picture of the gospel

  144. Love this piece…the red petals seem to get larger and more embracing as they go out…just like God’s arms around us!

  145. When we were finally matched with our daughter that we adopted after a very long wait, I saw how amazing and perfect God’s timing is. She could not be more perfect for our family.

  146. God is GOOD because His mercies are new EVERY MORNING!!

  147. Did you mean to write Friday January 20th (not December 20th)?!? Can you tell I really want to win this???

  148. I love all of your work, but this one has captured me!!

  149. One way I know God is good is the way He continues to put encouraging people in my life just when I need it most!

  150. Shared on FB!

  151. Lindsay Cates says:

    Wow what an amazingly beautiful piece of art! You are so gifted!

  152. Lindsay Cates says:

    God is good. He loves no matter how much we mess up or veer from His ways. He always is there for us no matter what we do and His love for us is unconditional.

  153. Praying for you and your sweet family…especially for the 4th little Kelley!

  154. I LOVE the flower on this one! SO pretty! Would be thrillled to win & have this beauty on my wall!

  155. God is good because His strength is what I need today & He is so generous in giving His strength when I ask.

  156. God is good because His will for our life is perfect regardless of our understanding of it!

  157. Marilyn Gregory says:

    A beautiful piece. I would be honored to display it.
    I hope this is your last one also!

  158. shared on fb too

  159. 1. I LOVE this piece. My favorite yet. Great verse and I love the leaves (at least I see them as leaves). I love it.

  160. Love the art and hope your sweet boy is home very, very soon!

  161. 2. God is good by giving me so many things I don’t deserve. The first one that comes to mind is my beautiful, sweet, hilarious son. The next 2 are the twins in my belly. Never thought I wanted twins, but God also gives us blessings we don’t ask for. 🙂

  162. God is good becasue He loves me in spite of my failures!

  163. Entry one.
    Love your art, your heart, …and your chicken taco recipe. 🙂

  164. done on my twitter account

  165. Sweet piece!!!

  166. shared this on facebook

  167. God is Good!!! Because of his Saving Grace!!!

  168. God does fight for us – He definitely fights when we have no more strength to fight for ourselves.

  169. Entry two. God is good. All the time.
    The bible says God is good. Period. It doesn’t say that God is good during some seasons of our lives. It simply and powerfully states that God is good. It doesn’t state that when I feel His presense He is good. It simply and powerfully states that He is good.

    So In my joy (adoption of my 2 foster boys finalized last month), God is good. In my sorrow and sadness (saying good bye to Grandpa the month before) , God is good.

    God is good. When I am crying, God is good. When I am depressed and don’t want to crawl from my bed, God is good. When I am laughing til my iced tea must be spewed from my soul, God is good. God’s goodness is not dependent on my feelings or my awareness or my circumstances. His goodness is part of His character.

    (dont even get me started on the verse: God is love!)

  170. Pretty sure this fantastic art and life-grounding promise needs to be on the wall in my new home. Fingers crossed.

  171. Beautiful piece. I saw this and suddenly my eyes welled with tears. I am not a crier, so that took me by surprise. It does without saying that I would love to hang this is my home. God bless.

  172. Entry 2: God is good and KIND because His mercies are new every morning.

  173. Love the canvas! Seriously amazing!

  174. Entry 3: Reshared on facebook.

  175. God is good because even though I fall short, He loves, cares, and cherishes me!

  176. God is good, because when I have had a terrible day and I don’t treat my kids with the loving-kindness they deserve, my Heavenly Father corrects me- firmly but full of loving-kindness. Good guy, that God of ours. 😉

  177. I hope this is your last giveaway! But, God is Good and He’s got a plan that is Perfect. Hang in there and please, oh please, get a smoke detector in your kitchen!!!!

  178. He loves ME not matter what!!!!!
    Love you artwork – not sure how i stumbled upon your site, but we are “neighbors” – i am new to the Nashville area and an adoptive mom!

  179. lisa gilliam says:

    sweetie ..I too am praying for this boy to hurry and get here…Someday he will know how important he is because so many prayed for him. God knows the hour and the day he will come,,I tell myself this all the time but my flesh is impatient. God is always working on my spirit to “let go” so he can..girl…it is so not easy for this lady..I know you have put your Trust in Him and have pressed on through…I love your art work and it is such a beautiful reminder…put my name in the pot;;;

  180. Chrissy Vas says:

    Maybe I’m on a winning streak:) It could happen

  181. Chrissy Vas says:

    God has given my dad one year with a new liver! It was his “liverversary” last week, praise God!

  182. Ami Jenkins says:

    This is one of my favorites! It is beautiful!

  183. Contessa Miller says:

    Love Love Love this one!! 🙂

  184. Contessa Miller says:


  185. Love this beautiful piece!!!!

  186. Christie hunter says:

    I absolutely love this piece!

  187. God is good because He is ALWAYS there and ALWAYS in control…no matter what. He doesn’t leave us and He’s always got it, even when we don’t!

  188. Christie hunter says:

    God is good because he knows just what we need and when! He always brings me the comfort I need it and I hope for you as well:)

  189. shared on facebook!

  190. Ami Jenkins says:

    I shared on FB!

  191. Ami Jenkins says:

    God is good because he is a faithful God that is unshakeable! He pursues me and surrounds me with godly people who want to invest in our family!

  192. Thomas Jenkins says:

    Entering in hopes of winning this for my wife who loves your art (and her birthday also happens to be this weekend).

  193. Ashton Morgan says:

    Love that verse!

  194. Ashton Morgan says:

    Shared it on twitter!

  195. Ashton Morgan says:

    God is good, because even when people disappoint you, He never does.

  196. Dawn Post says:

    Love it and rejoicing with you that the Lord fights for His kids!

  197. Dawn Post says:

    God is good, He can’t be anything else!

  198. Dawn Post says:

    Happy to share your amazing talents 🙂

  199. Hang in there! Can’t wait to hear the day you see his face! And another beautiful piece that I would LOVE to win! 🙂

  200. Love it!!!!

  201. I love all of your artwork! Every time I see a piece that you’ve made, I want to come over and craft with you! 🙂

  202. God is so good for providing you a talent like this! Picture is AWESOME!

  203. God is good all the time! All the time, God is good!

  204. Shared on FB!

  205. ashley warren says:

    happy tuesday, laura!

  206. ashley warren says:

    God is good because He gave me my family: my boys, my husband, my life….the love of God is so wonderful….

  207. LOVE the giveaway piece and hope I WIN it! 🙂 And I love Chick-fil-a’s chicken tortilla soup!

  208. God is good because of His Grace. What would we do without it? 🙂

  209. Aunt Tootsie says:

    I love this one!

  210. Shared on Facebook. Praying your little boy comes home real soon!

  211. I love reading your blog! I am praying for your wait to be over and your sweet boy in your arms!

  212. God is so good and gives me grace when I know I don’t deserve it!

  213. Shared on Facebook!

  214. posted a tweet!

  215. God is good because his mercies are new each morning. Great is his faithfulness! Praying that TODAY is your day!

  216. I love this! And, for your sake, I’m really hoping it’s the last giveaway you do!

  217. I heard a great message on contentment and needed the reminder that, though God does not give us everything we want, he does give us everything we need. Even your little guy has everything he needs right now! Isn’t God pretty great like that?

  218. Praying your little guy comes home soon!

  219. thevfamily says:

    This would be a fantastic piece for my friend, Sarah. She just found out her little 7 month old has eye cancer, and she and her family certainly need the Lord to fight for them. They are 1 round of chemo into the ordeal and are exhausted. So glad they can rest in the Lord.

  220. thevfamily says:

    God is good because He never leaves us, even when our pain is too great to fathom.

  221. Christa Hailey says:

    Great piece! I love this scripture.

  222. I know what I am having for lunch tomorrow!!!! Chic Filet here I come!

  223. Christa Hailey says:

    God is so good. My little guy ended up in the NICU when he was born with severe jaundice. God was the glue that held my breaking heart together through that ordeal. And then at three weeks old he was back in the hospital to have a blood transfusion because he was severely anemic. God has held our hand through it all and slowly but surely little man is getting better. I thank God everyday for my little miracle that is defying everything the Dr.s have said by growing and passing milestones ahead of time! My Heavenly Father is my Rock.

  224. Christa Hailey says:

    Shared this giveaway on FB!

  225. autumn lane says:

    lp;[pp[lpl[[pllp’l;'[..’,..;/ My daughter just did that. It says here mom really needs/wants this giveaway!!

  226. God is good because he continues to work through Laura Kelley like this-

    Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy,carrying sheaves with him.
    Psalm 126:5&6

  227. autumn lane says:

    I shared on FB thx

  228. I REALLY, REALLY lot this one!! Fingers crossed 🙂

  229. autumn lane says:

    God had blessed with me with so many things i do not deserve. I have health, family, and happy children, A comfortable home, a wonderful job, and lots of great friends to lean on! God is amazing.

  230. God is good b/c he is my constant. When it seems like things are crazy, chaotic, not going the way I think it should be, He is there loving me. Simple, strong, true love. I can always trust that he’s got it taken care and that His plans are far better than mine!

  231. I gladly shared on FB

  232. What a gift you have! I know that wait is ha.ard! But, so worth it. 🙂

  233. I think the verse you chose is great – one way God is good that that He DOES fight for His children. So thankful to have my Father as my protector.

  234. This verse reminds me that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are the SAME! I think sometimes I forget that the same God who fought to protect His people in Israel is the same God I serve today!! Thank you for this reminder!

  235. Oh yea, and I reposted this on FB… ♥

  236. And here’s just a good ‘ole post! (ps. I might be slightly obsessed with your work… SO PRETTY!)

  237. This is my any ole comment…:) I love the verse on this. Its one I randomly opened to once when I was desperately needing someone to fight for me because I was too tired to fight myself.

  238. God is good because He is still there waiting, even after I ignored him and what He was asking me to do for so long.

  239. Shared on Facebook!

  240. Amy J. Buckner says:

    I so enjoy reading the Pitter Patter Art page! It is usually the first thing I look for when I log on to FB 🙂

  241. Amy J. Buckner says:

    God is good because even when I feel like he may not hear me I take just a minute to look at my life and see all those things he does for me everyday! They may not seem like big things but they are HUGE!!! He does supply ALL my needs!

  242. Amy J. Buckner says:

    I shared the giveaway link on my FaceBook page!

  243. Brooke Stroup says:

    Laura, this piece of art is great. Sometimes we all need to be reminded that God is/will fight for us. Praying for you and your family.

  244. Beautiful piece. Love all your work

  245. Love the piece, beautiful as always. Thanks for opportunity to win this. Best of luck for the month of February.

  246. Therese Schulle Stokes says:

    I absolutely love your new favorite verse! And this may be my favorite piece yet 🙂

  247. Therese Schulle Stokes says:

    God is good because he is blessing our family with a fourth baby due in July!

  248. Rebekah Brummel says:

    I love adoption. . . Entry one

  249. Rebekah Brummel says:

    God is SO good because it is only through his awesome power our beautiful son from Ethiopia is in our family

  250. Rebekah Brummel says:

    posting this on facebook. . .

  251. Another piece I love…as usual =)

  252. Shared on Facebook

  253. God is good because in those moments when I begin to despair over the time frame of our adoption journey He continuously picks me up and fills me with hope. After eight months we were finally able to submit our dossier and while it arrived at our agency on Monday, we had to wait for review day on Friday…and it was reviewed and approved that very day without any revisions needed (apparently its rare not to need revisions)…I know that its approval is due to God’s goodness and His answering all our prayer requests concerning that dossier submission…Glory be to God for all things!

  254. Shared the giveaway on facebook =)

  255. Beautiful piece!!

  256. God is good–he is good because he goes before us and prepares a way for us–even when he knows the way might be difficult, he is preparing the way through his loving comfort and the tangible reminders of his presence.

  257. Shared it on my facebook!

  258. Stephanie in NC says:

    I LOVE This!!! Hoping this is your last month to wait for your referral!

  259. Love the verse and all the colors! So pretty!

  260. God is good, “in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17

    🙂 Amanda

  261. Trying again! This time putting my first comment in the correct place!

  262. Stephanie in NC says:

    God is good because he puts angels in place to guide us through rough times. Our earthly angels are led by God to help those of us who need it. I am fortunate to be closer to God because of the last hard few months. If a few people had not been there working with God, I might still be suffering. God is great!!!

  263. Now to tell you that I have shared this on my wall.

  264. God is good because of the peace He leaves in your heart in spite of tough times, injustice, relational problems, and horrific circumstances. It may take you awhile to access His peace, but it is there for the seeker/believer who walks in faith.

  265. I started a fire in the oven once by broiling steak… no good.

  266. God is good because He blesses us at exactly the right time!

  267. Hollie Raymer says:

    Another amazing piece! I am always amazed by your talents, but even more so by your patience! Praying you will not have to wait much longer! Blessings~ Hollie

  268. I can’t wait to see the pictures of your sons homecoming! God be praised! May it be soon!!

  269. God is good because though He holds the worlds in His hands, with every particle, He cares about the smallest detail in our lives. He loves us with a passion that makes no sense. No reason. Just cause we belong to Him. He is merciful and just. He is kind and strong. He has everything but left everything for me.

  270. Praying for your family and your new son!

  271. Exodus 14:14 has been my go to verse this past week. In the midst of CRAZINESS, I have found refuge and strength to get me through the week. I have allowed God to fight for me. Actually, I have gone back and re-read several of your inspiring words. Grief really does stink! But God’s words are always uplifting! Thanks for sharing God’s word.

  272. Posted on facebook!

  273. lauren durbin says:

    I am praying for you.

  274. I love this verse!

  275. God is good because He loves each of us more than we can imagine. He has a plan for our lives and blesses us more that we deserve. 🙂

  276. He is faithful!

  277. jessica ann says:

    Totally Beautiful and inspiring!

  278. Shared on facebook

  279. I’d love to share on Twitter but don’t Tweet!! Sorry!!

  280. God is good in sooooooooooo many ways to my family. Right now He is directing our daughter to adopt #3, this time from Haiti. PTL

  281. I have a feeling I’m going to win this time. Would love one of your pieces of art!! LOVE YOUR WORK.

  282. jessica ann says:

    God is so good. God is good because my family is so much different than it was. Because He is there now. God is good because He has not only restored broken relationships but He has completely healed them. God is oh so good.

  283. Debi Jenkins says:

    Beautiful work as usual!

  284. amy kasari says:

    Beautiful piece of art!

  285. Emily Routh says:

    Love this! Especially with being in the adoption waiting process trying to get them home!

  286. This verse was so special to me during our adoption. I pray that it’s the last month of waiting for you!! I know it’s so hard…

  287. Love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing your family, feelings and experiences with us. You are an inspiring woman! Looking forward to seeing pictures of your little boy when he is finally home soon.

  288. Kristen Jones says:

    LOVE LOVE This piece! This verse is so comforting!

  289. Kristen Jones says:

    God is good because…. while our circumstance may change, He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and His promises to us will never change! AMEN!

  290. Gina Hodges says:

    Thinking of you often and hoping your figuring out your new normal!

  291. This piece is so good. I love the “Blossom” too b/c my future Ethiopian daughter’s name will mean “to bloom”.

  292. Gina Hodges says:

    God is good because He loves me unconditionally…..He sees the depths of my heart and still loves me the same!!!!!!! 🙂

  293. God is good because He has gone before and prepared a room in His house for us. John 14:14 assures us we will see our loved ones again. Grief stinks, but what a joyous day it will be when we are reunited with our loved ones! Until then, He allows us the gift of life, love, and happiness. We can choose to live for Him, because God is good…ALL the time!

  294. God is so good because of everything He blesses us with even when we aren’t deserving of anything more. If he didn’t provide us with anything else besides His promise salvation—He would still be that good! And yet we get blessing beyond blessing.

  295. I am sharing on facebook!

  296. Gina Hodges says:

    Shared on Facebook!!!

  297. This piece just might be my favorite yet! It’s awesome! Thanks so much for the chance to win it!

  298. Your work is amazing, Laura! Really, God has blessed you with so much talent! 🙂

  299. God is good because of His constant promise and His mighty plan for each of our lives. Even though our timing usually isn’t His, we can rest assured that His plan is so much better than anything we could ever come up with!

  300. You are an inspiration!

  301. He continues to fight for me and I am beyond grateful.

  302. Suzanne Bechman says:

    This is my favorite that you have done and one of my favorite verses that has gotten me through so much…praying for you!!

  303. dianna kramel says:

    Love this and all your beautiful pieces. Hope you dont have to wait too much longer.

  304. He stands up for us even when we can’t get up.

  305. Suzanne Bechman says:

    God is good because He went to hell to conquer death and the grave, so that we can be more alive than we are now in heaven!!!

  306. Suzanne Bechman says:

    Sharing on facebook!!

  307. cynthia lewellen says:

    I am going to pray right now that this will be your last give away!! And if I would be the winner, I have a dear, dear friend who needs this verse! Like yesterday! Oh how I will be praying for that date to come NOW!!

  308. cynthia lewellen says:

    God is good because that is who He is regardless of me! God is good – He is faithful to hear my prayers and answer, even when I have to wait. God is good because He chose to call me to Himself and then show me how to grow. How would I live without Him. It wouldn’t be good!!!

  309. Praying you see your son’s face oh so soon!

  310. Love the canvas and love that verse!!

  311. Shared the giveaway on Facebook.

  312. Trisha LeMarbre says:

    Love this piece!! Oh! Laura – I love ANY of your “works!” you are such an awesome talented young lady! God has truly blessed me through your art and your blog! Love you girl!!

  313. charlotte veytovich says:

    Beautiful art work and I love reading your comments. God Bless!

  314. Hoping to win

  315. I want to win at least this one

  316. Hoping to win

  317. God is so good because he blessed me with 3 special miracles when I didn’t deserve any of them. My heart was broken after infertility and miscarriages combined. God made a way for my cup to overflow with busy mommy life.

  318. LOVE the new piece…. well I love them all (what can I say- you have a gift!)

  319. You are so talented – and I love your sense of humor!

  320. Your cookies are (usually) yummy looking!! Love your art work — and it kills me to see The Tennessean every time! Love it!!

  321. Laura, Love the verse on this piece!

  322. God is good because we are home with our son from Ethiopia!!

  323. Daniel Bechman says:

    Your art is very well done and the purpose is clear, thank you for sharing!

  324. While I love the chance at winning one of your fabulous pieces of art each month, I sure do hope this is the last one for you!!

  325. God is so good because we have less than 8 weeks until we meet our 3rd little boy – our little miracle baby!

  326. Shared on FB!

  327. Shared on Twitter

  328. Cassie Kriete says:

    I love your art, your story, and your willingness to put it out there for all of us to see. Every time I see an updated post, I say a little prayer for your family and your son to come home soon.

  329. Cassie Kriete says:

    God is good b/c in time of need and hurt… He always surronds me with the people that love me and don’t give up on me (when I want to give up myself).

  330. Cassie Kriete says:

    posted to FB!

  331. This piece really touched my heart…. I pray that God continues to inspire your creativity so that you can be an inspiration to others and minister to their hearts with your artwork.

  332. This week I am reminded that God is so good! God is fighting for us! He wants to fight for us! Everyone deserves to know how much God loves them and, that even in the darkest of times when we feel the most alone, God is there with us fighting for us. I am saddened that I know people who never knew this. It makes me sad that it took something tragic to wake me up to this and make me realize that God will fight for us. All we have to do is let Him…He is the ultimate fighter and He always wins!

  333. Love this!

  334. posted to fb!

  335. Just stopping by to say hi; hoping your wait is over soon; and thanks for sharing your heart about your mama. i cant even imagine and tear up thinking about my best friend, my mama.

  336. God is always good….even when my husband was in a coma for a week last summer…even when he woke up and could hold our kiddos again…and even the months of hell/rehab/waiting on him to get back to himself that followed.

  337. Your family is beautiful … and I’m praying you see your son’s face very, very soon 🙂

  338. Shared on Twitter

  339. Can’t stop thinking about how good God is because he is FIGHTING FOR US!

  340. oh my, this canvas is beautiful! 🙂

  341. God is good because of the grace He gives us daily…

  342. love this

  343. Facebook share

  344. God is good because he loves us ALL the time

  345. Hope you won’t have a 15 month giveaway, so I should prob just go ahead and win this one, right?

  346. God is good because he is slow to anger and rich in love! Praise Him for that! 🙂

  347. Kelly Beaty says:

    Encouraged by your beautiful heart as you wait upon the Lord.

  348. Kelly Beaty says:

    The last two years have been the most difficult, yet most beautiful, of my life. Beautiful in many ways because I’m finally getting my head and heart around just how good our God is. Well, as near to understanding His goodness as I’m able this side of heaven. God. Is. Good. Period.

  349. Kelly Beaty says:

    I tweeted a link

  350. I NEED this!!! Thanks!!!

  351. kirsten howard says:

    God is good because he takes something Pinterest to connect me to people all over the world … and you …. seriously. I live in Nashville…. now that’s funny.

  352. You have so many wonderful ideas and I love your art! I hope your family does not have to wait much longer!

  353. Here is my first comment! 🙂

  354. God is good because I woke up this morning! We are not promised tomorrow, so today is a/the present!

  355. I know the wait is unbearable, but God is doing a great thing behind the scenes that you get to be a part of! Love this piece

  356. God is good for so many reasons- namely because He is who He says He is! Praise the Lord!

  357. Love this, Laura. I have a great idea of where I’ll put it, if I win!

  358. God is so generous to give us a new start, each and every day. I try not to take this for granted.

  359. Lydia Barnes says:

    Your artwork is simply beautiful.

  360. Lydia Barnes says:

    I shared this giveaway on Facebook

  361. Lydia Barnes says:

    God is so good to me because he allows me to be at home with my 4 children whom I love dearly.

  362. Sherry Dire says:

    What a great post! I loved reading this. It reminded me of my trials adoption my son Travis. It took me three years to get him but I wouldn’t trade one minute of it as I know God was in control. Hang in there!

  363. Love this one!

  364. shared on FB

  365. God is so good because of His steadfast love for me (and you)!

  366. Kim Lavoie says:

    First, I LOVE the tortilla chicken soup! It was fabulous!!!

  367. Kim Lavoie says:

    God is so good to me each day I can barely stand it. He wakes me with his beautiful light, allows me to pray all day (in spurts), allows me to be home with my wonderful boys, has opened some financial gates for me lately, and just loves me for me. I couldn’t ask for anything more. He makes me complete! 🙂

  368. Kim Lavoie says:

    Shared on Facebook! 🙂

  369. Vicki Christiansen says:

    I love Chick Fil A. I could probably eat there every day. No joke.

  370. April Hunt says:

    Sugar cookies are amazing!! 🙂

  371. Vicki Christiansen says:

    God is good because HE allows me to wake up every morning!

  372. April Hunt says:

    God is good because he is my daddy. 🙂

  373. April Hunt says:

    I shared the giveaway on facebook! 🙂

  374. Vicki Christiansen says:

    And I shared on FB.

  375. Love this piece. Would love to win it!

  376. Love your work! Praying for you!

  377. Maribeth Burns says:

    I love this picture and your blog!! You were such an inspiration to me with your random acts of kindness before Christmas. Loved it!!

  378. Kristin M says:

    The waiting is the worst! God’s peace be on you and and your family as you endure it.

  379. my mom makes some pretty awesome sugar cookies, too!

  380. katie madison says:

    God is good because HE created it… good, that is. 😉 Of course, He created all things, from Him all blessings flow, and He works all things for the good. Can’t get any more basic than that, but it requires Faith to see such simplicity. 😉

  381. Kelly uttle says:

    Every time I see your posts, I smile. I asolutely love the way you love life. You, and your entire family are beauiful. Praying for you!.

  382. God is amazing.
    all because He made all of US…not US and THEM. He love US all.

  383. Kristin M says:

    God is good because he always fulfills his promises to us! My daughter (adopted from China) is proof of that for us!

  384. I must try the new soup!

  385. and p.s., i shared on fb 🙂

  386. Maribeth Burns says:

    I just posted your giveaway on my FB page!

  387. I love this verse. We are going through a difficult time with our oldest boy. I feel like we are engaged in a fight for him to get what he needs at school and with doctors. This reminds that when I feel exhausted that the Lord will fight for me and more importantly the Lord will fight for him. I adore this. Thanks so much for sharing this one…and I would love to see it on my wall!!

  388. p.s.s.i just shared on twitter as well 🙂 i am lauralou3179 on twitter 🙂

  389. I love this piece!

  390. LOVE this verse!

  391. Shared on facebook!

  392. God is good, because we can always trust Him…no matter what we see (or can’t see for that matter).

  393. 1. insert random comment here 😉

  394. We are also waiting for a referral. I love the constant reminders He gives me of why His timing is perfect. I tend to try and rush things (like I can :)), but God has been and will continue to be faithful.

  395. I LOVE your pieces…and your motivation behind them is very inspirational!!

  396. ok. i shared on facebook… i hope you get crazy amounts of business for your adoption 🙂

  397. Can I just say…

    God is good all the time
    He put a song of praise in this heart of mine
    God is good all the time
    Through the darkest night, His light will shine
    God is good, God is good all the time

    We sang this song during a mission trip to Venezuela almost ten years ago and your God is good request made me think of it! So God is good because he brings different cultures and backgrounds together in His name! 🙂

  398. lynn evers says:

    I am praying that you will get to meet your son soon!!!

  399. Kelly Tuttle says:

    Because His ways are not our ways…God is good.
    Because when we have a dream or vision, His is bigger…God is good.
    Because He loves us even when we are unlovable…God is good.
    Because He not only can, but always does exceeding abundantly above that which we can think or even imagine…God is good.
    Because we cannot out dream, out love, out give…or out run Him…God is good.

  400. Barbie Gray says:

    Would love to win this!!

  401. I love this!

  402. lynn evers says:

    God is great because he gave his son to die on the cross for all of our sins. How many people who give up their ONLY son for the world!!!!! He is such an awesome God!!!!!

  403. I am new to your blog, and I just love it!!

  404. Thomas Jenkins says:

    God is good because He is faithful in His promises to us!

  405. God is good because he answers prayer…he is always there…and he is patient with my shortcomings!

  406. Your life and art inspire me! Thanks for sharing the day to day stuff!

  407. Sarah McCreary says:

    Beautiful piece! Prayers for strength and courage as our God fights for you and your child.

  408. God is good because He puts up with my pathetic weary soul day after day, renewing me with His endless mercies. Praise God!

  409. Sharing on FB!

  410. lynn evers says:

    Shared on fb. I don’t do Twitter. Sorry 🙁

  411. Shared on facebook!

  412. Entry 1 .. Going to try the soup .. Almost did Monday but chickened out:)

  413. Sarah McCreary says:

    God is good! He made us and calls us His people.

    Psalm 100

    A Psalm of Thanksgiving.
    1 Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands!
    2 Serve the LORD with gladness;
    Come before His presence with singing.
    3 Know that the LORD, He is God;
    It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
    We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
    4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
    And into His courts with praise.
    Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
    5 For the LORD is good;
    His mercy is everlasting,
    And His truth endures to all generations.

  414. I’ve heard about your artwork and we share some of the same friends…your stuff is so amazing!!!! I actually saw on of your pieces in my counselor, Stephanie Finch’s office the other day. LOVE IT ALL GIRL!!! You said to leave a comment of how God is good…where to begin?? He has saved me from the very pit of hell, my own hell that I had created by making some very horrible decisions that cost me my husband and children and almost my life. But He loves me enough to have given me five hundred million chances…and restored to me my precious family…every day He is good, all the time!!!

  415. Be joyful always, pray continuously, and give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ.
    1 Thess 5:17-18

  416. God is good because we have a second healthy baby on the way!

  417. Entry2 .. God is good because he answered my prayer and gave me the husband that I prayed for before I even knew his name:)

  418. Entry2 .. God is good because he answered my prayer and gave me the husband that I prayed for before I even knew his name:)

  419. Maribeth Burns says:

    Just “tweeted”!

  420. Maribeth Burns says:

    Why God is good…..”cause He loves me anyway!!”

  421. LOVE IT!!! One of my favorite verses – and SO true! May God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry! 🙂

  422. Sarah Durany says:

    I would love to win this!

  423. I also hope this is the last month give away (for your sake, not because we don’t LOVE the give aways)

  424. There are SO many reasons why God is good – he brings justice without us having to fight, he provides all of our needs and he continues to comfort us, even in the storm!

  425. why God is good….He cares for the broken hearted!

  426. Jennifer Green says:

    I hope this is your last “waiting giveaway”!! Can’t wait to see pics of your family with your newest little guy. Still praying for you and your family. I always look forward to reading your blogs. 🙂

  427. I shared this on my personal FB page and on the Worthy of the Prize FB page!

  428. I shared this on twitter @wotpministries!

  429. This is absolutely beautiful and perfect timing to read this!!

  430. As for my any ole’ comment… You ROCK! I so look forward to your blog and your wonderful art! I hope you see your little guys face today too!

  431. I love your artwork, but I really really hope this is your last waiting giveaway! And if it isn’t, I’ll be praying that you can rest in God’s perfect timing.

  432. Praying that this is the LAST ONE!!!

  433. God is good in so many ways! My friend had her beautiful healthy baby girl, another friend is undergoing treatment to fight cancer and He has given her the strength she needs, and my Grandmother is celebrating her 74th Birthday – all today!!

  434. Why is God? Because he loves us, and he has given me three precious baby boys! Even if its just a little while, he has blessed my life with them!

  435. God is good because even when I think He is not hearing a word I am crying out, something small happens and I realize that He has been listening all along. Praise God!!!

  436. Shared via Facebook.

  437. Shared on Facebook 🙂

  438. Re-tweeted your giveaway!!

  439. This is beautiful. I love it!

  440. Jennifer Green says:

    Well God is good for soooo many reasons. The one that is closest to my heart and mind right now is how merciful he is in his provisions for us. I struggle with depression and anxiety and he has put so many things right in my face lately that I am so very thankful for.

  441. Jennifer Green says:

    Shared on FB.

  442. Rachel Ward says:

    This nearly took my breath away! This would mean so much to my children and self to be reminded on a daily basis!

  443. Rachel Ward says:

    God is SO very good! No matter your trial or tribulation, He will see you through!

  444. I look forward to reading your blog every day! Love your artwork!

  445. Shared on Facebook!

  446. Katherine Smith says:

    God is good all the time. Although waiting for good things in life is so hard, especially when it comes to family, God tests our patience. The greatest lesson I’ve learned is that all good things are worth waiting for, no matter how hard that waiting is, God never turns his back on you.

  447. Katherine Smith says:

    I love reading your blog. Hope this is your last giveaway for the sake of you and your family. You could teach us all a good bit about patience! Keep your chin up!

  448. I love your work!! It has inspired me to start working on my own art projects; which I have neglected to do since I became a mom. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  449. Good is good for too many reasons, but most recently He has taght me that He is good for breaking my heart for what breaks His. He has taught me that my heart doesn’t break for a negative reasons (such as the smug look that the lady at the grocery store gave me or the nice gesture that the man gave me at the four-way stop), but because he has transformed my heart in such a way that I look at certain situations and my heart bursts with love. I am called to love everyone who is made in His image, so when I see a lonely child my heart breaks because my heart has so much love for that child. And because God is so good when my heart breaks, the love that it was holding onto overflows out of my mouth…God is good because He Tranforms!!

  450. Jaime Whitaker says:

    Praying you hold your sweet little one soon!

  451. Jaime Whitaker says:

    God is good because He is a Go of second chances! He took my broken and made it beautiful!

  452. this is beautiful! i would really love to win this for my friend jamie. her husband passed away on christmas eve this year (he had just turned 37) and she is clinging to her faith right now. trying to understand why this happened to her family and trying to go on with life. she is from tennessee and everything about this picture just screams “jamie” to me. *fingers crossed that i win!* thanks so much for you awesome art!

  453. Love this piece! really hoping i win this one!!!!

  454. God is good for too many reasons to count. His timing is absolutely perfect! Any worry or problem I have had, once I give it to Him, has a solution. It might not be how I pictured it but His way is so much better than anything I could think of! 🙂

  455. That song that says He is good all the time, All the time He is Good rings true. I have experienced in my 46 yrs that we are the recipient of His goodness all the time. And it’s even more better (incorrect grammer) when those really hard times start to make sense or from them we see where God is making better, stronger, softer, kinder, more giving, more appreciative, etc. All of which are oh so hard to see at the time we are experiencing tough times!

  456. christine Fields says:

    shared on facebook as well:))))

  457. God is GOOD b/c He knows what is best for me, is with me ALL the time, knows me like no other…and greatest of all – LOVES ME like no other. Sending blessings to you.

  458. Randi Ross says:

    I love this one so beautiful! you make amazing art! thanks for another chance to win 1!

  459. shared on fb =)

  460. Misty Crosslin says:

    Love the canvas

  461. Misty Crosslin says:

    God’s grace is wonderful and I am thankful for it daily!

  462. I love this piece! My friend who is trying to adopt two children sort of introduced me to your site and your work is very creative and beautiful!

  463. The first thing that I think of when considering God’s goodness is HIS FREE GRACE! Every day I am reminded of how much I do not deserve to be God’s child and the sacrifice that Christ made so that I can be! Just one of the countless ways God is good!

  464. I shared on FB 🙂

  465. Shared on my twitter account too 🙂 Love this piece! SO creative and true!

  466. God is good because he gave me one last chance to say goodbye to my Grandma before she passed away on Sunday. I was able to spend the last few hours of her life right by her side.

  467. Love this!

  468. God is good because we can always depend on His love!

  469. Love the cookie mess…have been there!!

    Hope you’re doing OK!

    My prayers hugs from TX go out to you!

    Thanks for all your great photos and stories!!

    God is good because of the love you share with all of us through your Art work!

    Laura K. from TX

  470. Love your artwork! Thanks for sharing!

  471. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. We just don’t always remember or trust – nNeeded reminded of that today.

  472. Shared on facebook. 🙂

  473. Melissa F says:

    Love it!!!

  474. Melissa F says:

    God is good for so many different reasons but one that I’m so thankful for is His provision! We are needi to move and the door we thought was the right one to walk through slammed shut and I was honestly scared about where we would go. But God was never scared and knew where we’d go- we wound up finding a rental that is going to save us $300 a month which will help us put our daughter in a local Christian school for preschool! He totally provided the best for us!!

  475. God is good, My friend Donna had a transplant and he brought her through it for her to then have 2 strokes. I believe there is a reason he has performed a miracle then to leave us all with heartache. Your art work renews my faith that there is a reason for everything if not to rejoice, but to bring us all together in sad times and happy times…Thank you for your beautiful work. It is so inspiring. Blessings to you 🙂

  476. Shared on FB

  477. cousin Rhonda says:

    Love this piece!

  478. Your artwork is beautiful and inspiring.

  479. Thanks so much for the opportunity to WIN! 🙂 Your art is amazing!

  480. God is SO GOOD! He is ALWAYS there and has carried me through many trials and shared in many joys! SO thankful to know the Lord. I hope I can share His love and be a shining light!

  481. Sharing on facebook!

  482. Beautiful!!

  483. Praying for you in your wait.

  484. God is good in that He sustains me each day in my job, and gives me knowledge to help my patients.

  485. Jennifer Smith says:

    Love this!!! Heading to Nashville this weekend…., SO EXCITED!!!

  486. Jennifer Smith says:

    “God is good, the world He made is extraordinary and His comfort is like nothing else on earth.” This made me think of your quote you say often…. He is good in so many ways… all I need to do is look into everyday things and see what he has blessed us with!!!

  487. Jennifer Smith says:

    Shared 🙂

  488. Laura Sykora says:

    Last night while doing my daily devotions I was reminded how good God is… it said:

    “I will not show you what is on the road ahead, but I will thoroughly equip you for the Journey.”

  489. Thank you for your beautiful work. We are adopting a little girl from Uganda. THIS IS THE VERSE WE PICKED OUT FOR HER IN MARCH to be her life verse!!!!! Such a sweet reminder that He never stops fighting for us. We are waiting on her Visa before we can bring home. Praying for your waiting time as well.

  490. God is so good. He has provided such loving arms to hold and love our girl while we wait. So thankful for His goodness.

  491. Going to share on facebook!

  492. Love this. Hoping your wait is over very soon.

  493. God is good all the time. Even during this time of waiting. I am currently trying to not go crazy waiting for our court date for two beautiful little girls. We were blessed with pictures of the girls today from another traveling parent.

  494. I wish you lived closer to me. 🙂

  495. “When you don’t understand, when you can’t see His plan, when you can’t see His Hand … trust His heart.”

    His Heart is good.

  496. Posted you on my Facebook. 🙂

  497. Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
    This has been the verse I go to often lately. Parenting five teenagers can be challenging but we also are dealing with the extreme acting out behaviors that adopted children often have. I have to remind myself to BE STILL because the Lord is fighting for them. I found such peace once I was able to truly believe that verse. All of our children are in God’s hands and he knows the trauma and baggage that they carry. All things work together for His purpose and I have to remind myself to get out of His way and BE STILL. Praying for you as you wait.

  498. Kelley Leven says:

    My favorite! Love it! And I hope this is your last giveaway too! 😉

  499. I really hope this is your last month waiting for your son! Love, Jo

  500. Dear Laura ~ I have been Praying for your Peace. Oh, He DOES fight for us! I know that He fights for me on the days that I simple cannot do it on my own.
    P.S. I want a cookie!

  501. Tweeted your Giveaway here: https://twitter.com/#!/peasandluvfrmJO/status/159875829592096770

    I also Follow you on Twitter!

  502. Courtney Oldham says:

    I shared this on facebook!!!

  503. Oh, this canvas is GORGEOUS!

  504. Lots of reasons God is good, but here are two things our family is giving thanks for. (1) I got an unexpected one month break from chemo, and (2) my youngest sister gave birth at 31 weeks and her little one weighed 2 lbs 13 oz, but is doing fantastically well.

  505. God is good because He doesn’t give us what we want when we want it. He gives us what we need when the time is perfect.

  506. I think this is my favorite canvas that you have ever made. My heart breaks for you and your family. May you know God’s peace.

  507. God is good because His mercies are new every morning and He restores all things.

  508. Left a link on Facebook.

  509. Announced on twitter!

  510. Cousin Rhonda says:

    God is good. He has provided me with not 1, but 2 relief veterinarians to use when I need a day off or extra help.

  511. Cousin Rhonda says:

    I am posting/sharing on FB

  512. God is good because He is holy. And just. And loving. P.s. I love Zumba!

  513. Heather Kriete says:

    God is good because He is perfect and I can find rest in Him!

  514. I love this!

  515. Tammy Faber says:

    The soup looks so yummy!

  516. Tammy Faber says:

    God is good because He knows exactly what I need, just when I need it. He never lets go!

  517. Thank you so much for sharing this verse! It has become my verse for this next adoption. Being still is HARD!

  518. God is GOOD because He showed me the picture of a beautiful little boy in Haiti and is entrusting me to be his mommy.

  519. Feeling weary and love knowing God is fighting for us – love this give away – thank you!

  520. God is good because he places the lonely in families – like my friend Shawnice has been placed in our family – and He’s sending her to college!!!!

  521. Amanda McMullen says:

    I love this piece and LOVE your blog! Thank you for the chance to win it!

  522. Amanda McMullen says:

    God is good because he never, ever changes… he is always the same. 🙂

  523. Check out this awesome Blog!!!

  524. Check out this awesome Blog!!!

  525. Check out this Awesome Blog!!!!

  526. I am in love with your blog and your cause. We too are wanting to adopt, and cannot wait to get the process started! God bless you and your family! I look forward to following your story.

  527. God is SO good for so many reasons! One of those reasons is the fact that He has awakened a deep desire in me to adopt, love, and care for His precious little ones.

  528. My Prayers are with you and your family and your sweet boy still in Africa. Cant wait till the day I get on here and get to read about you FINALLY bringing him home. Pitterpatterart is the best!!!!

  529. Check out this awesome art giveaway! This is a family awaiting the adoption of their newest blessing!

  530. God is so Good because he will fight for us and all we have to do is be still. I think in the things I am having to deal with now College, Family members being sick, and just living in such a fallen world, having this verse as a reminder is awesome!

  531. Shared on FB!

  532. Waiting….how incredibly hard…I can only relate through fertility issues. What a lucky little boy he will be…

  533. How I am reminded every day, every hour, every minute and even every second that God is good….seeing that oh so sweet smile on my boy’s faces!

  534. umm… this canvas is absolutely beautiful. I need it, badly. I memorized that scripture verse in high school and repeat often. and if I don’t win… I’m adding this on to my list of Laura Kelly items I need when you open up shop. XO

  535. Why is God good? Because even when I don’t want him to be, even when I’m angry or anxious or think I need space… He is always there. Always. And in hindsight, I’m always glad.

  536. I shared this on FB (even though I didn’t want to because I don’t want anyone else to win this. lol)

  537. And I shared the giveaway on facebook 🙂 if only I had a twitter account…

  538. love the canvas

  539. Rachel Palmbush says:

    Love your work and love how you share your life on the blog. God is good because he meets our needs before we even know what we need!

  540. God is good because He loves me, even all of my imperfections.

  541. Love this canvas as much as I do your others! You are sooo talented! Love you blog!

  542. I love your heart and artistic talent! We adopted two beautiful girls from Ethiopia and I can totally relate to the waiting pain! Blessings to your family and I pray that you will find God’s timing to be just perfectly perfect!

  543. WOW! This is an overwhelming amount of responses! HA! Does your email just blow up with notifications of comments? What can you expect with unique and creative hand-made art! Thought I’d give it a chance 🙂 Have a super day Laura! And ZUMBA it up! I too, am SCARED to try it, I have like, -9 ability of rhythm!!

  544. Bethany Downard says:

    love love love your blog and all of your art!

  545. Bethany Downard says:

    God is good because no matter what, He is ALWAYS there with open arms.

  546. Leah Haas says:

    Love your blog and you are inspiring!

  547. God is good all the time. We say that, but when life is really hard, it is hard to truely belive it. But here is what i’ve seen in my life and in other’s =: the tirals we go through now God will use for his glory later. He may use you to minister to someone else later on, because only you know how they are feeling.

  548. God is so good to me because as a single mom, he carries me through it all!!!

  549. this is my favorite pic so far!

  550. God has been good to me lately in my unanswered prayers. I know He is pursuing me through the “no” to so many requests and prayers. It is hard. But I see His hand and trust that He is good.

  551. shared on fb!

  552. this is beautiful piece of art! thank you for the giveaway!

  553. Love love love this piece! God is truly good, isn’t he?

  554. Laura you are so very talented..I wish I could take your pain away. Love you!

  555. Leigh Ann Dukes says:

    I am a first time vistor to your site. You have some amazing work. You have truly been blessed with a wonderful talent. I will be in prayer for you and your family.

  556. I would love love love to win something you make….everything is so beautiful & unique!!

  557. God is so good because He gives us promises for our families like Psalm 112…love that chapter & trying to memorize it!

  558. Leigh Ann Dukes says:

    God is so wonderful. He is always available to offer comfort, peace, or just a shoulder to cry on. Even in the darkest days, He is the one shining light that gives us our silver lining.

  559. Hello! I’ve seen your beautiful artwork a few times through a friend’s blog. Inspiring stuff!

  560. Good is good because he does always fight for us. When we don’t have the strength to do it ourselves we can always lean on him. I’ve seen this countless times through my dear friend who is waiting for a little love or two from Ethiopia. She actually just blogged about this verse, she’s been waiting and trusting in him for her child(ren). I know he’s fighting for her every minute of every day, and I’d love to give this to her as another reminder of that fact. 🙂

  561. Shared on FB!

  562. Love that you incorporated the sheet music!

  563. Your work is absolutely amazing. I am in love with every piece. You are truly blessed!

  564. I love this piece and its message. One of those verses that allows you to “let go” and just trust God and His goodness towards His children.

  565. Two of my favorites…

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

    I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

  566. When I think about God’s goodness, Most often, I find myself focusing on God’s love. I marvel at the fact that God will NEVER love me any more or any less. Notihing I can or will ever do, can or will change God’s love for me.

  567. Shared on FB and Twitter!

  568. Facebook

  569. Oh my heart. I love this. I love the blog. I love the piece. I love that God has given the Kelly family a heart for taking the Gospel to the Nations…or bringing the Nations into your home! Praying with you!

  570. Beautiful art!

  571. God is good, because He is.

  572. CHRIS COOK says:

    I love this!!

  573. jessica ann says:

    Shared on facebook! Absolutely love it.

  574. I have been thinking of you often…hope you are finding some peace! Hugs to you and your wonderful family.

  575. CHRIS COOK says:

    God is good!! He has blessed me with a wonderful family and wonderful friends!

  576. CHRIS COOK says:

    shared on FB

  577. CHRIS COOK says:

    shared on twitter

  578. God is good (oh so good!)…b/c He knows how to create “perfect timing” in our lives.

  579. Love your artwork. Love what it represents.

  580. Shared on FB!

  581. Carol Pardue says:

    Your work is awesome… I love everything about it…. 🙂

  582. i followed your ‘random acts of kindness’ over Christas and thought this was SO neat!

  583. why God is good–>i feel like He has been really challenging me lately with dying to self and furthering His Kingdom…thankful He loves me enough to perfect me!

  584. Kara Freeman says:

    Pick me, pick me! 🙂 Love your work! Even in the midst of your hurting heart, you produce such BEAUTIfUL art!

  585. Shared on Twitter:) @CelesteFR

  586. posted on fb!

  587. Abby Pace says:

    I absolutely got chills when I pulled this up!! Thank you for the chance to win!!

  588. Elizabeth says:

    This is awesome…the music behind it makes me hope to win! Really beautiful.

  589. God is good bc the Gospel is unchanging and permanent while the circumstances of life are shifting. His blood bought promises make good out of all things.

  590. Abby Pace says:

    Why God is Good….For the first time in my 30 years, I have a new hope for my family! God is Good, God is Faithful, God will fight for you!!

  591. Elizabeth says:

    God is Good. So good. His mercies over my life have been unfailing. I am so thankful for His goodness and His faithfulness to be Good. Who else is like Him? There is no God like our God.

  592. The reason I feel God is good today is that he had his hand on my MIL during her liver transplant. we almost lost her twice. She’s still in ICU but she’s stable. <3

  593. I love your artwork and would love a piece of home to hang on my wall here in TX. I HOPE I WIN!!! 🙂

  594. Shared on FB! <3

  595. Trying to post on Twitter…..

  596. angie kahler says:


  597. Kara Freeman says:

    I believe God is ALL things GOOD! He is sooo full of grace and mercy and is the perfect example of Unconditional LOVE! Even in our darkest hours/days He knew before the sins we would commit, and yet He still loves us and gave the one and only ultimate & perfect sacrifice in His Son! Keep the Faith, Laura!

  598. angie kahler says:

    God is good because he knows better then we.

  599. angie kahler says:

    Facebook share

  600. LOVE this piece!!! (then again, love ALL your work! 🙂

  601. Amber Prevo says:

    I love this canvas – and love the truth of what you put on it. Plus the colors totally match our family room : )

  602. Amber Prevo says:

    And a reason God is good is that He has put so many people in our life to walk our adoption journey with who encourage me and remind me of His faithfulness and truth amidst the waiting.

  603. Amber Prevo says:

    shared on facebook!

  604. God is good because He is there when we feel lonely, He holds us up when we feel sick, He comforts us like nobody can. Lately I am feeling like God is Especially good because I am able to feel His presence now more than ever and it is helping to bring me closer and closer to Him.

  605. Susan Little says:

    This canvas is amazing! Praying that this is the last waiting giveaway you’ll have to do’

  606. All of your art is beautiful!

  607. You express a beautiful gift through your artwork. LOVE!

  608. Michelle Wray says:

    Love every peice that you do. On another note…where did you get the owl cookie jar?

  609. God is so good b/c He is in the details. Sometimes we don’t recognize him in the moment, but when we look back, we can see His fingerprints everywhere.iAawo

  610. Michelle Wray says:

    God is good any so many ways. Although, I sometimes battle with certain questions, God always seems to answer in his on way. He has guided my life and brought me so many joys!

  611. Michelle Wray says:

    Shared on FB

  612. eaprayingmom says:

    I love this!

  613. eaprayingmom says:

    God is good because he forgives me daily when i don’t even come close to deserving it!

  614. Susan Little says:

    Just shared on Facebook.

  615. Susan Little says:

    God is good because he let Chick-Fil-A discover that tortilla soup! 🙂 Seriously, though, there is not enough space to list why God is so good! He is good because he led us to an amazing church family and a small group that encourages us to grow in Him. It’s what I have needed after trying it “on my own” for so long! Accountability through believers is just one small way He is good.

  616. Shared on Facebook.

  617. Shared on FB! 🙂

  618. Instead of any plain ole comment…..I want to say I hope your wait to meet your son is soon over and that the pain of your grief lessens.

  619. Sometimes I forget the truth that God is fighting for me. This would be a great reminder to hanging in my home.. 🙂 You rock btw! 🙂

  620. gloria Weber says:


  621. gloria Weber says:

    God is good because He IS good, He is goodness itself

  622. God is good because even when I forget his truths He doesn’t.. He is forever faithful and forever fighting for our attention and love.. That makes Him beyond GOOD.. It makes Him AWESOME!! 🙂

  623. God is good because He loves us so much He sent Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins. And we so do not deserve it! And He could have let us just be His servants in His kingdom (which totally would have been good enough!!) but He ADOPTED US AS SONS! Full rights, full privileges, love unconditionally. He is always for us and nothing He gives is outside of this same love that sent Christ and brought us into His family. He’s pretty awesome. 🙂

  624. It feels like we are kindred spirits. You are waiting for your son from Africa, me a daughter from Haiti, but the wait its difficult and hard.

  625. angie kahler says:

    Tweeted it…although I really don’t have very many followers so not sure it would really matter….but I did it anyway! 😉

  626. I would love to have another piece of yours in my home!

  627. God is Good because He loves me in spite of the fact that I am unworthy of His love and sometimes I even question WHY He loves me…but He still loves me!! WOOT!

  628. sheri dvorak says:

    i love your work. . God is faithful. He has been my rock shield and protector through my cancer ordeal

  629. Kimberly Swingle says:

    I like that I am the 630th comment. that’s a lot of prayers going up for your little boy and your family!

  630. sheri dvorak says:

    i love your work. it is very inspirational

  631. Shared on Facebook 🙂

  632. Stacey Frisbee says:

    I love this new piece, Laura! There are times when that verse needs to be drilled into my head. January has always been a hard month for me. I spend most of the month wanting to crawl in a cocoon and hide from the world. Thanks for the reminder that I’m not alone.

  633. As my students say, God is good everyday. Everyday, God is good.

  634. God is good because we have hope in adoption after infertility.

  635. Kelli Belt says:

    first comment: I need this canvas!!!

  636. God is good b/c even when I don’t have the answer, He does and His answer is better!

  637. Kelli Belt says:

    2nd comment: God is good because he comforts others so they can comfort us. As you openly miss your mom you help me in my grief while I miss my mom. And its like I have a companion in my grief…..I have only brothers and they do the whole grief thing different.

  638. Praying for you!!!

  639. Kelli Belt says:

    3rd comment: Shared the giveaway on facebook 🙂

  640. Amber Smith Clay says:

    Ha, I made cupcakes with a two year old and five year old this past weekend. No fires were started but there was a BIG mess! 🙂 Love the giveaway!

  641. Trisha LeMarbre says:

    Me! Me! Me! Pick ME for the winner!!! PLEASE!!!

  642. Would love to win this…so beautiful!

  643. Just shared on Facebook!

  644. God is so good because…He has died for our sins and I welcome His forgiveness (daily). Plus he threw in a few bonuses with an amazing husband and children!

  645. Valerie Pennington says:

    I’d live to win because your pieces are beautiful & make me smile.

  646. I’M leaving my any ole comment here… :). Love your art and your giveaways.

  647. You are so very talented. I just love your art!

  648. One of the reasons why I love God, is because he STILL answers prayers!!

  649. sara just says:

    love this!!!!

  650. sara just says:

    GOD is good..because he has you in the world.. one rocking awesome, crafty, real and heartfelt sister…..just one reason God is awesome!! Also, have you read 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp…I think if not this would be a great time in your life.. it is a great!

  651. Courtney sims says:

    Love your srt

  652. love the art. count me in.

  653. Courtney sims says:

    God is so good… He understands our prayers even when we can’t find the words to save them.

  654. Courtney sims says:

    I shared on FB = )
    Hope this is your last month!

  655. Marie Tittle says:

    I have been tracking your story and am in love with your work! You are so talented!

  656. Marie Tittle says:

    God is so good because He could have not gotten on the cross and He did…for me and you. My life is forever changed because He lost His.

  657. Marie Tittle says:

    Shared on fb!

  658. God is good because He is the Great Comforter. He has held me close during my saddest and darkes and loneliest days.

  659. I love this canvas! Count me in.

  660. God is good because He first loved us!

  661. Rebecca Ross says:

    Love you…

  662. Rebecca Ross says:

    God is good because His grace is amazing, His mercies are never-ending, and His love is huge. Garrett said He’s good because He helped him to win his Mario game today 🙂 .

  663. Donna Crocker says:

    I love your creativeness !! I have just recently found you on Facebook and I love your blog.

  664. Donna Crocker says:

    Laura, God is good all the time !! God is especially good at this particular moment in time for me because I had a grandson born 6 weeks early on January 16. God us fighting for him and his mother right now. She just graduated nurse practioner takes her state board next week and has an 11 month old daughter. I think this canvas would be absolutely perfect for his nursery – as a reminder that the Lord fought and will continue to fight for him !!

  665. Donna Crocker says:

    I do not have twitter 🙁 but will share on Facebook.

  666. Lydia Storby says:

    I absolutely love this verse, I am so glad you reminded me of it as our church family is in the midst of uncertainty and difficulty to say the least,however not one needs to worry for it is God’s battle to fight. It gives me peace! Thanks for sharing God’s Word…he’s got this!

  667. Hoping you see your babies face very soon. I know the wait is so difficult.

  668. Barbara Elliott says:

    Laura, I just have to tell you that “I Love You”. I am enjoying Pitter Patter so much and am so sorry I didn’t start reading until after your mom got sick. Wow. I have missed to much.

    Blessing Sweet Girl,


  669. God is so good for bringing our Ethiopian. Children home on Thanksgiving!!!!!

  670. Shared on facebook.

  671. Another awesome piece! Blessings, Denise


  1. […] 14 Months Waiting Art Giveaway is still going on.  This 11×14 canvas with, “The Lord will fight for you…” […]

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