11 Things

1. Solomon needs to be in gymnastic stat.  Like for reals stat.  He is so bendy and flippy and he can jump up and land in the splits and walk on his hands and do a front flip and backflips on our swings and cartwheels for 96% of his days.  The need is legit.  I imagine him bringing home a gold medal one day. 🙂

2. Amon.  I just don’t have enough words for him.

3. Hudson’s little body has really been worn down lately.  It’s crazy hard and sad, but it’s also pretty darn sweet finding him asleep in random places.  Makes him feel little again which I love since he’s pretty much giant now.

4. Hudson and Solomon both bought skateboards with their money recently.  And now the unsafety is on!!!    I cringe at their falls, but they get right back up and go at it again.  A few weekends ago the big kids all created the olympics for us to participate in.  One of the events was butt boarding on their skateboards.  It was hilarious and a tad bit terrifying flying down our driveway going for the gold.

5. During the week I’ve been really trying to make better choices about my food, but come the weekend treats and cookies and delectables of all kinds are hard to resist.  This is currently my weekending balanced breakfast. PS:  If you’re looking for a local gym Main Street Strength & Conditioning is just THE BEST.  I’ve been going for over a year now and could not love it more.  The nicest people around.

6.  I saw this photo on Josh’s phone and it took my breath away.  What I wouldn’t give to hold that boy one more time, kiss his sweet cheeks and stroke his thick, dark hair.  Miss him every single day.  We’re all better having known our Shuai Shuai.

7. Hands down one of my favorite things about our local children’s hospital is that we get to draw on whichever kid’s bed sheets…and the free icees.

8. Even though we were sick on Chinese New Year this year, we still carried on with our mask making tradition.  This year is the Year of the Dog so we crafted up yet another hilariously wonderful mask in honor of the year…and endured countless hot glue gun burns.  Everyone could not get enough of it.  I chuckled each time I found someone wearing it.

9. These two are insanely smitten with one another.  Want a straight shot to Josh Kelley’s heart, get him to talking about his heart warrior boys.  And Amon knows exactly who to ask for things he really wants. 🙂

10. Maybe this is part of Josh’s smitten problem.  Amon still can fall asleep anywhere and at anytime he wishes too.  If only we could all live like Amon.

And 11.  Harper Kelley killing chalk drawing since she could hold a piece of chalk.  This girl.  She’s a keeper.


  1. Lisa gilliam says:

    Love opening your posts Thank you for sharing. If you want send Hudson to open gym day at CheerVille in Hville someday. It has boys and girls. They flip and flop all the while. He is welcome to take tumbling up there. He may have fun.

  2. Love a good random, numbered post 🙂

  3. Your posts draw us right into your home and heart. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your family. How amazing each of you are. Hugs!!!!

  4. Your post are always something I love to read. Love your sweet family. Thanks for always being real even in the crummy times.

  5. Heather Herman says:

    Your random posts are my fave. Ive said it 100x, but I will say it again. Thank you for your real ness and transparency while opening your life to us. You draw us in, every time. Your mask making skills are top notch. I love the pics of everyone wearing it. Sending all my love.

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