You’re Invited…Please Come!

You guys know I am a huge Noonday Collection supporter.  This company and their artists are the real deal.  They are changing the world.  They are empowering woman and families around the world.  They are linking arms…joining hands…coming along side these woman to help create economic opportunity.  They are my jam.

I’ve found myself going almost exclusively purpose driven shopping when it comes to the gifts we give…minus bigger kiddos and gift cards…and for my own personal style choice.  There are just too many good companies offering good products for good causes.  Noonday is at the top of my shopping list.  If you are a friend or family member of mine there is a high chance you’ve been gifted some killer Noonday.

And if Noonday didn’t get much better, my best friend Ashley went and became an ambassador.  Ashley is my jam too.  We have been friends since my freshman year of high school.  She is the sweetest, the kindest, the truest.  Her heart is amazing.  She kind of digs me too…so much so she’s driving in from her home in Florida to host my Noonday party.  To say I am excited to see her aaaaaand host a Noonday party with her would be such an understatement.  I cannot wait.

Here’s the deal…I’m inviting you to come join us on Thursday, September 11 from 6-9 at our home.  Let’s party hard.  Let’s shop with a purpose.  Let’s use “fashion and design to create economic purpose for the vulnerable.”  Let’s eat and drink and laugh and be merry.  Will you come?  You can bring a friend too!  The more the merrier.

Ashley will be here with all her Noonday supplies and I’ll be wearing a smile and offering you yummy food and drinks.  If you need to come early right after work, come on!  I would love to meet you.  I like to talk and laugh and I promise not to creep you out too much.  If you are not a local, no worries, you can also order online for the party as well.  I will post those details next week.

So mark your calendars and shoot me an email at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com if you have any questions.

Happy Tuesday!

Last Chance…You Rock!!!

Hey everyone…double post day here…because I totally forgot tomorrow is the final day we can place Noonday orders for our show to help get free goods to help raise the funds for 5 tables and 30 chairs for the kiddos at the Ngungwane care point in Swaziland, Africa. #runonsentence  It’s purposeful shopping at it finest.  A win, win.

Here’s how you can order:

1.  Go to

2.  Fill your cart with lots and lots of goodies.

3.  When you check out choose Rebecca Daniels as your ambassador and put Laura Kelley as your trunk show name.

4.  Finish checking out.

5.  Celebrate with cartwheels and high-5s and fist bumps that you bought awesome items and helped support women and families around the world.

Thank you for being awesome and kind and generous!

Happy Tuesday evening.

Hey, Hey, Hey

We had some wonderful items sent in again for the March craft classes.  Thank you again so much to each of the ladies who sent in such lovely items.

Lil’ Hoots Boutique is an etsy shop that just opened in January and sells a variety of things including wreaths, digital prints, jewelry, chalkboards, and photo props! The shop owners Carrie and Shelby are both moms and middle school Language Arts teachers who love creating and crafting! When they aren’t playing with our sweet little boys or grading papers, they are creating fun home decor and other unique items. They love chevron, chalkboards, burlap, bunting, owls, and color!!! They also love making custom orders!  You can check out their Etsy shop here and their Facebook page here.

Dobee Designs is run by Sara in Australia.  She makes a wide variety of adorable items and sent in bookmarks and earrings for the March classes.  What, what!!!  Sara gives a portion of each purchase to My Refuge House.  My Refuge House is a home, located in Cebu, Philippines, that provides holistic care intended to enable the trafficking survivors educationally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally to stand on their own again.  You can also find Dobee Designs on Facebook here.  As always Sara, you are too kind.

Becca of Ruby Lou Writes sent in fantastic prints for everyone.  Becca not long ago started doing hand lettering and fell in love and enjoys gathering inspiration from all over.  I was so excited when she sent in a package full of prints.  They were fun and beautiful.  You can check her Etsy shop out here.

As always, there were also key fobs, Timbali Crafts and Noonday Collection as well.  Everyone needs a key fob and you know Timbali and Noonday have my heart.

And speaking of Noonday…tonight we’re having a Noonday party at our house from 6-8.  You guys I can’t tell you how big I want this party to be.  I want our house filled with woman…I want internet orders from all over the world.  If you are local please come, bring a friend and shop.  Noonday’s new line is crazy good and here’s the deal:  I really, really, really want to turn our Noonday goodies into 5 tables and 30 chairs for our Ngungwane carepoint in Swaziland, Africa.  You can read my post on it HERE.  When you host a Noonday party the more items people buy, the more credit you get to purchase items for yourself.  What we’re going to do is take those items we get on credit and turn around and share those with you guys while raising funds for tables and chairs for Ngungwane.  So the more you purchase the more items we will get to turn into money for these tables and chairs…$610 to be exact.  And if we raise more, then Ngungwane will just get extra.

If you can’t make the party, you can also purchase online at  When you check out just select “Rebecca Daniels” as your ambassador, and type in Laura Kelley and/or Brea Freeman for the Trunk Show name.  This way our show will get credit.  We can shop with purpose and not only help support woman and families around the world, but also buy some tables and chairs while were at it.

Not kidding…I’m over the moon excited about tonight.  Awesome goods and food and people and drinks and no children…what, what (insert raise the roof hands).  Bring yourself and a friend.  It’s sure to be fun.  Shoot me a message if you need more details.

Have an awesome day.

Happy Thursday!

Six Hundred Ten

Last November I went to Swaziland, Africa to meet all the incredible people and kids at our care point Ngungwane through Children’s HopeChest.  Ngungwane is something Josh and I introduced to our previous church and we have sponsor kids at the care point and are still very much connected to this country and all their amazing people.  I really want to go back this year and am working on getting a team together to make this happen.  Excited to see what God has in store.

You can read my posts from Swaziland HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

While I was there I had lots of opportunities to talk with Amy and Steve who work directly with Ngungwane about some specific needs at the care point.  There were several big projects and then they also mentioned needing tables and chairs for the on site building.  This building is used for all types of things, but they now have a preschool teacher coming to the care point 4 days a week for all the littles and they have no tables or chairs.

While in Swaziland, one of the things I felt God really impressing on my heart was just what all He could do through open vessels…flawed people…sinners…who simply say “yes” or “okay God”.  We want to be those flawed, but willing vessels.

We’re having a Noonday party this Thursday, March 27th at our house from 6-8.  Here’s the deal…I talked with CHC this week and Ngungwane’s wish list for the tables and chairs would be 5 tables and 30 chairs.  Each table is $50 and each chair is $12.   That puts us right at $610.  These are good, metal tables and chairs which will last them for a long time.  When you host a Noonday party the more items people buy, the more credit you get to purchase items for yourself.  What we’re going to do is take those items we get on credit and turn around and share those with you guys while raising funds for table and chairs for Ngungwane.  So the more you purchase the more items we will get to turn into money for these tables and chairs.  It’s a win/win.

I would absolutely love to fill our house with women from all over.  I would love to meet you and chat and purchase with purpose together.  Noonday is an absolutely incredible company and there new spring line is off the charts.  So if you want to have a fun girls night come and hang with us and bring a friend.

We’ll have food and drinks for you as well.  So mark your calendars, call your friends, send me a message if you need more information and get ready to have some fashionable fun while helping change the world.

Happy Monday!

A Few Links & Things

So excited to open crafting spots tomorrow.  I have a firm committed 9 spots right now.  This may increase a little depending on responses I get today, but I’ll probably have around 15 spots available for tomorrow.  I will post all the details…how many spots for what days and times.  If I need to just do one class this time around, I’m totally okay with that.  I’m new to all this and just starting out, so I’m going to roll right along with it.  No worries and no stressing.  I completely forgot to factor in it’s spring break the weekend I chose, so that has left a lot of people unable to make one of the March dates, but a hefty wait list for April.  So we shall see how it goes.  Eeek!

Let me see.  So Susan and I are on day 10 of our 21 Day Fix and so far, so good.  I am honestly really loving it.  I would tell you if it was horrible, but it’s not.  And I’m not starving.  Did I want a piece of cheesecake the other night?  Why yes, yes I did, but I’m sticking with the 21 days.  I am eating healthy, drinking my gallon of water every day and getting my workouts in.  My running has lagged because I have noticed I don’t have quite as much energy to get my longer runs in.  But I decided to be okay with that for 21 days.  So I’m not going to hit 70 miles and that is totally okay.  And I can see the results.  It’s hard to argue with something when you can actually see it working.  And our friend Dana has now joined us.  Things like this are so much more fun with friends.



I was asked a little while back to lead a craft session at the Made To Love retreat in Knoxville, Tn in April.  I have never met any of the ladies who are putting it together, so honestly I was a little nervous about committing to something like this…especially when you don’t know anyone.  After more emails flowed in, all the ladies seem super sweet and passionate and like they are working really hard on the retreat.  I think it is going to be a sweet time.  And I may have wrangled Brea into taking the road trip with me.  And I will be teaching a craft session, it will surely be a great time 🙂  Check out the Made To Love site and all the details and maybe I’ll see you there.

Josh Kelley and I have been on a date night roll in 2014.  We made a big, firm decision to make sure we carved this time out for us.  And we permanently lined up Anna…the sweetest baby sitter ever…for the same night every week.  And she’s gold.  And kind.  And responsible.  And last week we had to cancel due to bad weather…and Harper cried…big, big tears.  Anna is just the best and has a mighty big heart too.  Right now she is working on trying to raise $2,200 by March 19th to purchase Bibles for kids in Belle Glade, Fl.  Seriously, what an amazing teen she is.  You can help Anna out with a donation and read all about Anna’s goal HERE.  With just a few dollars we could help purchase lots of Bibles and encourage a teen with a mission minded heart.  Sounds like a win, win.

And last, but certainly not least, Noonday Collection just released their new spring line last week.  By now you have surely heard me talk about Noonday and how amazing I think this company is.  It’s love people.  Big love.  And I’m having a party!  Mark your calendars right this very minute.  Mark them.  Do it.  Get those calendars out.  Get those pens and highlighters.  Thursday, March 27!  You guys, I want this party to be huge.  I want us to rally together in the name of fashion and fun accessories, but most importantly, to empower woman and families around the world.  I want our house busting at the seems with ladies.  I want our trunk keepers website to be over run with internet orders for this party.  Make it a girls night.  Tell your friends.  There will be good, yummy food and drinks and I’m already making my list of all the goodies I’m going to purchase.  The new line is killer.  More details to come!

So just a little housekeeping for today.  You guys bless me in such an amazing way and I am incredibly grateful you stop by for a read.  Here’s to a really great day!

Happy Wednesday!