Archives for May 2016

Floridian Feels + New Online Bible Journaling Class

This past weekend I headed to the sunny state of Florida to teach a Bible journaling class.  Way way fun!!!  My best friend Ashley lives just an hour away from where the class was being held, so I just stayed with her and we drove in my sweet rental car to the class Saturday morning.

I would like to interject three things here:

1)  My Parker Clay bag in above picture is seriously amazing.  My new favorite bag.  And wow, what a company!!!  Check them out for sure.  Quite the awesome purchase with a purpose.

2.  Josh Kelley is my jam.  When I am off doing this wild Bible journaling thing I feel God has called me to, he just steps in and does his thing.  He wrangles our 5 wild small-to-semi-small children and rolls right along.  He owns this dad role and I couldn’t be prouder.

3.  I started reading a new book Friday night in the airport…took Saturday off…and then dove back in Sunday at the airport.  I then read it all night long.  I want to tell you all my feelings about it and then I realized if I did you all would run far far away and never come back.  I am borderline nut job and and trying to come to terms with my self diagnosis.  The book…awesome…my thoughts…insane.  BUT, I am  still writing about them even though my words might never meet another human’s eyes.  And I haven’t written much in my life that didn’t make it here.  I like to share.  I like to be open and yet, this feels like too much.  Too heavy.  So I’m writing for my own sake and for my eyes only which is crazy rare.  Maybe one day and yet again, I honestly hope never.

End interjection.

I try and do my best at good moderation in the eating department, but let’s be real…when something fun comes up like a trip to see your best friend…all deals are off.  Friday night around oh, 11pm I ate THE BEST/WORST burger in all the land.  It made my heart sing.  And the skinny fries which came with it…just shut up right now.  It made me teary eyed.

Saturday we headed out early in the morning and nabbed chicken mini’s for breakfast.  Then on to the class location.  After the class we headed to the beach.  We were hungry, but had managed to grab a slice of pizza and some chips.  This is where I will end actually listing out each and every food which hit my lips this weekend, but I will say an entire full size bag of Funyuns was consumed by two ladies.  The ladies themselves shall remain nameless.  And keep your Judgy McJudgerson comments to your self about some *cough cough people’s love of Funyuns.  Some might compare the crispy fake onion chip to manna.  Jesus himself might even love Funyuns.  No room for judgment people.

We beached it up and then headed off to our greatest adventure yet, IKEA…in our beach gear.  No shame in our game.  Every time I visit Ashley we go to IKEA.  Here’s the deal…she doesn’t like to go alone, I never get to go because we don’t have one and anytime we do go with our husbands they both want to be in and out in no time.  When Ashley and I go together, it’s a 3-4 hour trip minimum.  We look and explore every last Swedish made item.

Picking out a new comforter to replace our old one proved to be excruciating.  Like when I walked away finally I had more questions for God 🙂  So many different options which all feel kind of alike and yet not.  My brain hurt afterwards.  There was so so much feeling going on.

It’s no secret Josh Kelley hates decorative throw pillows.  Like most of the time when I return from a trip he has hidden pillows away.  I’m not suppose to purchase any more, but you see there was this $3.99 decorative pillow which spoke to me immediately.  It called my name.  Ashley and I laughed the whole time because I kept telling her how Josh was going to LOATHE this pillow.  It’s just his hill to die on.  So shortly after posting this picture on Instagram…

I received this text…

If you do not know Josh Kelley then you are missing out on quite the hystericalism. <– real word.

And as you can see I also over purchased again completely over estimating my luggage size again.  It was like Camp Create all over again except this time I had to return items because there was no one to take them off my hands.

Sunday morning I slept in.  Hallelujah praise the Lord.  It was glorious.  I had an afternoon flight so Ashley and I had breakfast and brunch and just lounged around soaking up our last bit of time together. Then it was off to the airport for me.

I did big girl things I’d never done before like rent a car and return it and make my way around an unfamillar city.  Also Ashely is good for my heart.  I went home quite filled up in the encouragement and love department.  She’s good at those things.

Now it’s back to life and back to Monday things.  I have an Online Bible Journaling class ending this Wednesday morning and a new one starting up right afterwards.  Message me HERE if you’d like to get signed up for the online class.  This class will run May 4th-May 18th and as with the first class you will have full access to all the videos and can move through the content at your own pace.

Okay, I think that’s it for this maniac Monday.  Here’s a great week you guys!

Happy Monday.