Archives for March 2010

Robin and St Patrick

This first order was placed by Heidi in Virginia…again.  Thanks for coming back so quickly Heidi.  This time she wanted an Africa shirt to show some love.  They are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia…hope it goes smoothly.  Fun fact:  this is the first gray Africa shirt I have done.  She also needed a Robin tee for one of her boys who thinks he is Robin.  I love little boys’ imaginations!  Thanks again Heidi and hope your little Robin loves his tee.

This last order was placed by Kristen in Knoxville.  Kristen is actually my sister-in-laws sister…did you follow that?  Her little boy Wade was born on St Patrick’s Day and will soon be celebrating his 1st birthday.  They are having a vintage St Paddy’s party–so fun.  She wanted a cool birthday tee for Wade to sport.  Thanks Kristen and hope the party is a blast.

Lots Of Africa Tees

Just a reminder, I am taking no new orders until further notice. I am just swamped and would like to catch up before starting a new order list.  In the mean time, here are lots of new Africa shirts.  This first tee was ordered by Theresa in California.  Thanks so much Theresa and hope you get to hold your baby girl soon.

Aimee in Texas ordered these next three tees for a friend who is going to be traveling soon to meet her new child in Ethiopia.  Thanks Aimee and hope your friend loves them.

My cousin Karen placed this next order for a friend of hers who is going to pick up her son soon in Ethiopia.  Thanks Karen, again, for your order.

Erin in Missouri ordered this Africa tee to show some adoption love.  Erin will hopefully be meeting her new daughter very soon.  Thanks Erin and best of luck.

And oddly enough, I do not have one of my own Africa shirts.  I just can never seem to find the time.  But if I were to ever find the time, this one would be mine.  This tee is headed to Oregon for an adoption benefit auction.  Hope it sells and makes a family some money to bring their baby home.  Totally love this fabric on the chocolate brown tee.