So it’s true…A) I own a selfie stick, but it was before you could get them at Walgreens for $9.99 and it’s called the X-Shot…much more sophisticated sounding than selfie stick. And B) I totally took it Swaziland. I had to pack it in my carry on because selfie sticks recently became banned on airplanes and in Disney World 🙂 I have been known the accidentally almost hit waiters or passerbyers while trying to get a shot, so it was probably wise not to take it on the plane.
While at the care point I actually did not use it much. Tons of kiddos plus all of which love having their picture taken plus navigating the selfie stick made me sweat…I imagined injuries…and blood. I did take one selfie on our way to a home visit…in the back of a moving truck…down a really bumpy road…it was awesome!
Our team absolutely took full advantage of the selfie stick when together…especially on our safari. Did I tell you guys we did a safari?!?!?! Oh my word. Probably in the top 10 of the most fun/amazing things I’ve ever done. I mean, you should totally have a selfie stick on hand when you get to pet a wild rhino named Flower because she is “friendly”. And then a “not so friendly” rhino decides to scratch his horn on your jeep. You never pass on that kind of selfie.
Also never pass on selfies when you are left waiting for 40 minutes for the safari jeep to come back and get you and then your guide asks if we mind walking…ummmmmm, are we on game reserve land right now?!?!? Will we be attacked by a cape buffalo or ticked off momma hippo?!?!?
Selfie sticks also come in handy while actually in the safari jeep.
This isn’t a selfie stick photo, but I am holding the selfie stick in my holster…obvs…so I thought it should count and our faces are pretty spot on.
And selfie sticks prove to be invaluable at team lunches. This was a series of photos. I gave direction for each. And clearly the team missed a minor direction I called out.
Everyone just be normal.
Okay a silly one.
Now serious. SERIOUS! Be serious people.
Please tell me that if you were in this series of photos with me you would have done a serious face too?!?!?! Tell me I wouldn’t be the only one because our team really didn’t pick up on my SERIOUS face instruction and they all thought by “serious” I meant “normal”. I mean, you guys, this is my serious face. This is how I break bad news to people and hash out things with our insurance and sternly reprimand our children. Please tell me I’m not alone!?!?!?
This blog post’s main goal is to push you over the edge if you were on one about whether or not to take the $9.99 plunge to purchase a selfie stick. In the end, they are highly beneficial…a tad haphazard and can cause bodily harm, but really really handy!
Happy Wednesday!