
Instagram recap with backstories?  Sure, what the heck.  It’s Monday and I’m already tired and need a nap.  You can find me at pitterpatterart and follow along.

That time I tried taking a sweet sentimental picture of Harper girl and myself.  Only to realize when looking more closely at the photo I apparently was a hater that day and trying to shoot the Instagram world a bird.  It happens.

Tea time because she is easily the most patient big sister with her littlest brother.  You may be shocked to know 🙂 but Amon is not the most well mannered tea guest…demanding he pour his own tea, knocking over cups and saucers left and right, taking Harper’s utensils when she’s not looking.  Another jewel in her crown for not giving him the boot from her room asap.  And come on Belle…put some pants on, it’s a tea party!

Yet another birthday celebration in my esteemed honor.  What a night.  Crazy fun, but I was super bummed at the end of the night when I realized I had lost my beloved Noonday Berry Clustered Bracelet.  I later noticed apparently this happened when excitedly blowing out 32 candles on one single cupcake.  My sweet Everest Bracelet had come unclasped and my Berry is missing!  Say it aint so.  Thank goodness I noticed my Everest unclasped and saved that little gem because hello…it’s seriously my fave!

Side note:  Christmas is right around the corner…only 6 Saturdays to go…mind blown right?!?!?!  Noonday is spot on for the most perfect gifts…shopping with a purpose.  Head over to Ashley’s Noonday Site…load up on goodies…and make sure you choose Ashley Mills as your ambassador.  She’s the best!!!!  End Side Note.

Yet another another birthday celebration.  Courtney = my jam!

Amon wears only hand-me-downs and all is right with the world.  I made this hedgehog shirt for Hudson and I totally love Amon rocking it now.  I do still make tees every now and then so shoot me a message HERE if you would like to order.

This weekend the weather was perfect for roasting hot dogs and marshmallows.  I like the old school jet-puff marshmallows too…they instantly take me straight back to my childhood…give me all the high fructose corn syrup…I don’t even care.  I would also like to point out Hudson is wearing Harper’s pink striped coat and Solomon is wearing her purple ruffle coat.  Also when the fire got low and we were out of wood Josh Kelley threw in a carved pumpkin.  #truestory

And lastly, I feel like I am doing work for the kingdom when I have to take all four kids to the doctors office at the same time.  This happens 99.4% of the time.  May the Lord bless me with many many jewels in my crown for this motherly service.

Another week people.  I predict it will be a crazy, but oh so very good one.

Happy Monday!

11 Things at 10pm

1.  Halloween is in 8 days and we have 0 costumes.  We might just call the whole thing off even though it’s one of my most favorite holidays.  Actually, I take the 0 costumes back because I just remembered Harper has a hand-me-down witch dress.  And sadly, Hudson has moved on past the sheet ghost costume.  I really wanted that one to stick.

2.  Today we got papers which officially made Amon, well, Amon.  He’s bonafide now…Amon Henry Berhane Kelley.  He’s legit.  Only took us a little over 2 years…ha.  We celebrated with Chick-fila for dinner.

3.  Last night Amon was seriously up all night long because he was scared of…wait for it…a snake.  Some of you may remember this video.  I hated myself last night.  I’m exhausted and all night he insisted there was a snake in his bed.  At one point I went in the boys room and he had removed everything from his bed and was just standing there saying “nake, nake, nake.”  I told him there were no snakes in his bed, then started putting everything back in his bed.  Out of no where in the pitch black, Hudson leans over from the top bunk and says, “Mom, I know we can’t take candy from strangers, but what about from Mrs. Hughes?”  Wow.  This is Hudson’s little mind at 3am.  And Mrs. Hughes is his sweet teacher.  I die.

4.  I got out bid on this really awesome tin of 3 different kinds of popcorn in the auction for Jude last night.  I was seriously bummed.  Who knew a tin of popcorn could have such a powerful affect on me.

5.  I might have officially heard enough people make snide remarks about Title 1 public schools.  Our school this year is amazing…and awesome…and diverse…and full of the most special, smart and unique kiddos…and has crazy awesome teachers and staff…and it’s a Title 1 school.  I honestly could not be more happy with where are kids are going to school.  We want community.  We were created for community.  And it’s truly beautiful.  We’re honored to be apart of this school…a total privilege.

6.  Have you heard of Pura Vida bracelets?  My friend Dana passed along their site and here is yet another company giving back.  Love it..and you know I’ll support an arm party any day of the week.

7.  I want joy.  I want so much joy in Christ I just cannot keep it in.  This has been on my heart like crazy.  Being so filled up with Him.  Being so bright…so different…the world can’t help but wonder why.  And then they will see it’s all because of Jesus.  I long and desire for this…for God to absolutely consume every thought, action, word…my entire life.

8.  Finished this book and wow…that’s just about all I can say…and read it!!!!!!

9.  I’ve kind of been on this old school memory lane dessert kick lately.  Chocolate chip cookies, whoopie pies.  Now all I’ve been thinking about is Bunny’s Cake and Gooey Butter Cake.  You guys…this is going to have to happen.  Do me a favor and just pick one…either one…make it, eat it, share it, enjoy it!  You’ll thank me later.

10.  How much do I love watching them play baseball?  A lot!  How much do we all enjoy being at the ballpark?  A lot.  I think it’s just in our blood.

And 11.  I keep asking when we’re going to party?!?!?!?!

Now I really should go to bed.  I’m crossing my fingers there will be no snakes in Amon’s bed tonight.

Peace out!

8 Thoughts On A Friday

Honestly #1.  I want BBQ nachos for dinner.  Courtney introduced me to these a while back and I just can’t quit them.  I go light on the baked beans and always…I repeat always…add jalapeños.  Slam flippin’ dunk.

#2.  It’s October 17th and this momma was crazy thankful it was jeans and sports jersey day at school because Harper, no joke, has ONE long sleeved shirt which is not standard school attire.  Lucky for her I just found a pair of thrifted jeans for her.  Today Amon and I hit up Goodwill and made some fall/winter clothing happen for the big kids.  And I may have high-5ed Amon when the school secretary told me they could just wear a long sleeve shirt under their short sleeved collared shirts.  Hello money saver.

#3.  I puffy heart folded chips.  I’m the crazy person digging through the bag for all those lucky folded food wonders.  If Josh Kelley wants to get to my heart he gives me the folded chips he pulls out.  So naturally when I discovered these at Target, whoa!  They are amazing.  They even stay crunchy longer in soups and chili because they are ALL FOLDED CHIPS.  Life changing.  Hey, it doesn’t take much these days 🙂

#4.  Back to the kids clothes thing…sorting and putting away our kids summer clothes bin makes my OCD crazy heart jump for joy.  All unsalvageable clothes tossed in the trash, all good condition non-keeps in a bag ready for the help center and all the clothes Harper, Hudson and Solomon will probably still be able to wear next year back into the bin.  Magic people, magic.

#5.  Our sink is brimming with all the dishes which need to be hand washed.  Josh Kelley and I have been on a silent stand off on who will be the one to break down and finally wash them.  I’m outing him right now to the interwebs.  I see you JK…I see what you’ve been doing.  We both load and unload the dishwasher, but leave those dang hand washed needy dishes.  Who will be defeated in this battle of the hand washing dishes will?!?!?!  Stay tuned.  Actually I’ll probably lose because again…this girl…semi OCD…it’s been killing me all week.  MUST.STAY.STRONG.

#6.  It’s Sonic Happy Hour Day…which absolutely deserves all capital letters…always on Fridays…always.  Technically this was last weeks Friday order, but I loved how awesome the red, yellow, blue and white looked.  It was maybe my favorite slushy combination we’ve had thus far.  Go forth and happy hour people…it’s Friday.

And who doesn’t collect neat rocks in their upholders to paint at a later date?!?!?!

#7.  Want a super fun and easy craft for your kids…paper, oil pastels and water colors.  Boom.  Done.  They will love your guts and think you are the greatest mom (or dad) in the universe.  It never fails…always a great big hit with the Kelley kids.

#8.  Thought I would end this lovely Friday ramblish post with making you cringe or maybe mini throw up in your mouth.

Yep.  My FIL took this right after Amon fell off some bleachers and hit his head.  No fretting now…he’s totally fine.  Got him checked out by a doctor…did have to pull the “set your alarm for every hour all night long to make sure your kid is still conscious and hasn’t puked in his bed” routine.  But he was good and it’s gone down some.  It is like this smushy gross egg now though which makes me all squeamish.  Never a dull moment with this child!

8 things.  And my brain is spent.  Ready for the weekend.  Hope you enjoy it!

Happy Friday.

Heavy On The Amon

Random collection of Instagram pictures for today…don’t mind if I do.  You can find me at pitterpatterart.

Crazy amazing sky the other morning.  Zero filter needed because, well, it was awesome all on its own.

A super adorable running partner makes 4 miles a little more tolerable.  Especially when he says “I pet” and “monkey” every time he sees a squirrel.

See that bright red cherry icee…that’s almost all the way full…sitting on my Mom’s lovely quilt, well about 2.5 seconds after I took this picture the boy toddler child with the curly hair knocked it over to which he replied, “Wha happen?”  A++ on the talking, F–on the permanent stain.

Have I mentioned lately I like this girl?  Can you tell she’s my sanity?

We almost experienced a random sleeping moment.  So close, but he perked up and started running circles through the kitchen.  And why yes, he does eat lunch on the kitchen floor a lot.

Practice, practice and more practice.  Love focussing in on words God brings to light.

Amon doesn’t believe in a thing called ‘personal space’ and he never meets a man who is a stranger…ladies are a different story.  Amon wore this guy out.  Never really decided how I thought the man felt about it.

Sidenote:  Toddlers in flat bill hats are AWESOME!  End Sidenote.

And you guys, this poor poor dog.  He had no chance.  It reminded me so much of Lenny from Of Mice And Men.  They just couldn’t help themselves.  And don’t you think the “dog” looks more like a cat?!?!?!

You can find me on Instagram at pitterpatterart.

Enjoy your Thursday.  Hey, tomorrow is Friday…[insert raise the roof hands]…things are looking up!

These Days

The days are truly flying by.  I often see the kids doing something and think, “I don’t want to forget this” so I grab my camera or phone and snap a picture.  I find joy in picture taking.  I find joy in capturing one specific moment.  I wish I was better about video.  I’m actually awful at remembering to take videos now that everyone is getting older.  I need to work on that, but hey, you do what you can do.  I want to remember these days.  Change is coming for our family…I can feel it…I can see it and I want to remember us as we are.  I was looking through some of my recent pictures and these jumped out at me as favorites.

Lazy Sunday football and a new Chima Lego game on the iPad which has rocked Solomon & Hudson’s world.

Two boys playing baseball and one girl playing soccer makes for a crazy schedule the majority of the time.  It’s a bit stressful sometimes and then I look at this picture and I see why we love it.  Sweet Gunner loving on Coach Grant as he gives his “good game boys” chat, Trevis representing with his Full Count hat, all those little boys listening and enjoying their after game snack, parents seeing kind coaches, Amon watching on and the comfort of friendship no matter how you played.  Makes me smile.

Gratefulness for my small business and the gift it is to love what I do.  So crazy thankful.

Another picture from the Ngungwane carepoint.  Could I be any more in love with those sweet faces and bright red chairs?!?!?  I was suppose to be back in Swaziland on my birthday again this year, but I couldn’t get the trip minimum I needed for people to make it happen.  Honestly I’ve kind of grieved the trip falling through.  Things just don’t always work out like we think they should.  God is still teaching me to plan in pencil, not Sharpie…a little Shauna Niequist for you today.

This girl.  She gets me.  I get her.  Enough said.

I’m still living in last weekend.  I really like Josh Kelley.

Josh Kelley Fun Fact:  He can walk on his hands.  It’s one of the quirky things which one me over at age 15.

He still random sleeps every once and a while and you better believe I’m going to take a picture of it when he does.  I don’t want to forget this.  It has been one of the funniest/cutest things about Amon.  He’s such a funny and different kind of kid.

These two are climbing fools.  Can’t stop, won’t stop.  We’re going to take them to the climbing gym soon.  It needs to happen.  Every door frame in our house is covered with grimy little boy germs now.  Hello American Ninja Warrior.  Sign them up.

And my people.  The love is pretty dang intense.  We get each other.  We laugh at each other’s jokes and fight hard and act crazy and call each other out on our junk and tell each other Jesus loves us more than anything else in the world and we forgive…a lot.  It’s what family does.  And I could not be more grateful for these 5.

Let me tuck these days away as reminders when the waters aren’t smooth and storms come in hard and knock us flat out.  So thankful for God’s constant and steadfast goodness and mercy and love and grace.

Happy Wednesday!

Lady With Cats

How was your weekend?  Are you ready for this week?  Ours was good and fun and I’m not quite sure if I’m ready for another week to begin or not.  I’m working on breathing easier…taking deep breaths…trying not to be easily overwhelmed…trying to enjoy these busy days because they may be busy, but they are busy with good things and good people and these 5 other humans who make up our home.  It’s good.  It should be enjoyed, so I’m working on really enjoying it…all of it…the good, the bad and the random.

My cousin Amy sent Hudson and Solomon some mini archeological dig kits.  I have to admit I completely got into these.  Sol’s was a shark head that had a real shark tooth hidden in it and Hudson’s was a big spider that had a dead preserved spider.  They had to dig and brush away all the dirt to find the specimens.  Really cool.  Thank you Amy!

We usually try and do donuts for breakfast once on the weekend.  And I usually have strawberries, granola and a dab of yogurt almost everyday for a snack.  We like to keep our food balanced around here 🙂

Amon is the most intense toddler drawer I have ever seen.  He usually gets super close to the paper and pushes down so hard and he has an amazing grip.  Intense kid after my own heart.

I know you were wondering about that blog title, well here it is.  Josh Kelley recently got to come home for lunch.  It was cold in our house and I was working on emails & such on the computer wrapped up tight in my afghan.  He took one look at me and said, “Where are the cats?”

The kids have a special color day every Friday.  Last Friday it was blue day! #nailedit

I would like to briefly acknowledge two things:  #1.  Sol refuses to do something normal with his face or hands when I take his picture and #2.  Sol also has worn his Ethiopian sweat bands for approximately 9,212 consecutive days…sleeps, eats, baths, plays baseball, school…you name it…those Ethiopian sweat bands have done it.

The Noonday party at our house was awesome!!!  Crazy fun.  This was the facial aftermath…too much fun + not enough sleep = hot ladies.

And if you’d like to place an order you still can: go to then when checking out, put “Ashley Mills” in the drop down ambassador name list and “Laura Kelley” under trunk show name.

The weather in Tennessee officially feels like fall.  Signs that fall is right around the corner:  my Kismet bag, a new fallish key fob, my go-to Toms and soccer in full swing.  It’s my favorite season and I couldn’t be more excited about it.

And Josh Kelley and I had a long over due date Saturday night.  The beginning of our date started with me tagging along on one of his 1/2 marathon training runs.  During our run he looked over and said, “Didn’t realize we were both wearing Full Count shirts…isn’t that cute.”  And he couldn’t have changed quick enough.

(These are all Instagram pictures.  You can find me at pitterpatterart to follow along.)

Hope everyone gets their week kicked off good.  Try and enjoy it.

Happy Monday!

Totes Adorbs

I’m alone in our house for the 4th time in 2 weeks.  Holy smokes.  I’m afraid the rapture is coming soon.  It’s amazing.  I am working like crazy and loving every single minute of it.  After Amon ventured off to Mother’s Day Out last week and I blogged about how awesome my day was without him, there was one of those ‘guilty mom articles’ on Facebook and I about punched my computer screen.  I started to feel a twinge guilty for loving my time alone, but then I realized nope…no way…I’m not going to play that game.  I love my kids and I love my job.  Do I love my kids more than my job, yes, but do I still love and enjoy and find value in my job, yes!  What’s with all the moms making moms feel guilty anyways.  Everybody’s doing the best they can…everyone’s best looks different…let’s three cheers for that.  Now I shall exit my soap box.

Okay so, so many random things to tell you today.  Today has been awesome for packing up five thousand name pillows and some art and some key fobs and getting all those shipped out.  If you’ve paid and I’ve completed your order, they are on their way.  Hallelujah.  Car seats were made for more than just holding babies.

My August running mileage was low.  Back injuries are from Satan himself.  I’m feeling so much better and for September I have decided the running IS.On.  Like donkey kong.  Does anyone else say that…it’s on like donkey kong???  We say that way too much in the Kelley house.

Remember the 21 Day Fix I did a while back?  Well, I loved it so much.  It totally changed our eating habits and I picked up so many tips and tricks.  Here’s one of my favorites.  I like to call them “Nut Bags.”  Hilarious right?!?!?  I love when Josh Kelley comes home and I announce, “I made up some more nut bags for the week.”  Just so he know’s there are ample nut bags available.  I die.  Anyways, I pre make these up each week…peanuts, sunflower seeds and pistachios.  Want to know how super crazy I am…each bag has approximately 20 pistachios and 2 tablespoons of peanuts & sunflower seeds mixed.  I’m super cray.  The big thing with the 21 Day Fix was portion control and I loved learning what this actually looks like.  Now if you’ll excuse me I have to devour my Chickfila for lunch.

Every day they play Legos.  I’ve donated almost all their toys because hello, Legos-4-Life.  Everyday they talk about Legos and discuss what they are going to build.  Everyday Hudson talks about his birthday and he waivers between a Star Wars Lego themed cake or a Chima Lego themed cake.  Or, no wait, maybe a Ninjago Lego themed cake.  Everyday he worries and frets over which Lego set to officially ask Josh and I for for his present.  Everyday he asks to look up certain Lego sets on Amazon so he can really examine each piece.  This is stressful legit stuff people.  Oh to be a 5-year-old boy again…wait a second.

This little guy, well he has it made.  Harper is coiled so tightly around his finger.  They will be each other’s man of honor and best woman.  I just know it.

Friends who are fun and nice and easy going and no drama are the best.  Harper and Kylee are a match made in friendship heaven.  The conversations, the play and the laughter is amazing.  I love their little personalties.  They both beamed with time together.  And I so wish everyone could have heard their conversation about their school clothing policy…”Now what’s your school’s policy on shoes?”  Hilarious.

And you should have heard the excitement over matching PJ pants.  The best.

Speaking of friendships…aren’t these two just totes adorbs?!?! #middleschoolslang  They really enjoyed themselves at our First Tennessee Football Game Of The Season Kick Off Fish Fry.  <—–I just made that fancy title up.  I love good friendships.  I’m thinking about making up some Christmas cards with these…maybe “Have a totes adorbs Christmas.”


And thank you for the sweet response to yesterday’s post.  If you missed it you can READ IT HERE.  You guys donated $555 towards our family’s goal of $5K for the American Heart Association in honor of Amon.  For every donation of $15 or more, I will send you a thank you key fob.  If you want to get in on the key fob fun, go to AMON’s PAGE HERE and click the ‘give now’ button in the right hand side bar.  If you’d like your key fob, once you’ve made your donation send me an email at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com with your name and shipping address.  A big huge thank you for everyone who has already donated and for those of you sharing Amon’s story.  We deeply appreciate it.

That’s all I’ve got for today.  Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

Happy Thursday!

So You See…

Tonight Josh Kelley and I have this thing called a date night which we haven’t been on in what seems like forever because of this other thing called life and a whole little quiver of small wild humans, so I’m pretty dang excited.  While making my to-do list for today I thought of some random things I would like to share with you.  They may seem deep and really knowledgeable and if you feel intimated by our family’s grandeur just embrace it 🙂

*I’ve decided I should get myself a new notepad.  More times than I would like to admit I awake and have my hand reminder tattooed directly on my face.  Yesterday my taxes were do.  Got it!  It’s also incredibly awkward taking such a close up selfie of yourself.  I chose not to make eye contact.

*One day this week for lunch I may have combined 3 sets of leftovers into one bowl for my meal.  And it was delicious.  Some of these were also leftovers from last week, but I feel like we really under estimate the shelf life of leftovers.  Plus I microwaved the crap out of it and feel confident that killed anything living I did not want to consume…no mold and no funky smell = you can totally still eat it.  I told Josh this last night and it kind of grossed him out.  Pansy.  I even made him guess which three leftovers I combined…like a fun game.

*This morning as Solomon put his shoes on for school we had this conversation:

Sol: Mom, you are never going to believe what this kid did at school?

Me: (thinking the worst) What?  You gotta tell me if I’m not going to believe it.

Sol:  While we were eating lunch he threw up.

Me:  That is so gross.  Poor kid.  What did you do?

Sol:  Well I didn’t even notice, but I was wondering “What’s that all over his chicken?”

I die.  Kids are gross.  Puke is even grosser.

*I want to make these Texas Sheet Cake Cupcakes like right about now.  I am a lush for some chocolate cake and these look crazy good.  Might try to pull these off this weekend.

(picture source)

*Speech therapy is the bomb.  I’ll be honest in saying I kind of hate doing it twice a week, but we love our therapists and Amon works so hard and it is paying off.  It makes me so teary how far he has come and how he’s just making these leaps and bounds.  Two nights ago I leaned into his bed and gave him his goodnight kiss and said “I love you Amon” just like I do every night, but this time he said “I yuh you” back and I absolutely cried.  Right there, my head pressed against his head, those were the words my heart has been longing to hear from this child.  He had used the potty right before bed so he got a chocolate chip and in my tears I said, “You smell like chocolate.”  And he just nodded his head “yes”.  A moment forever engraved in my mind and heart.  Early intervention and therapists of all shapes and sizes are the BEST!!!

*To follow up that sweet sappy note, next week Amon starts Mother’s Day Out and you guys it will be the first time in 7 years I will be alone…in our house…in the middle of the week…for the day.  No kids at all.  I am dying.  The possibilities are endless.

(Sometimes we eat our lunch in the kitchen floor just because we can.)

*And solely for housekeeping reasons:  If you’ve sent me an email or message using the “Contact Laura” button at the top and I did not reply please know I did not get your message.  I reply to all emails I receive…sometimes it takes me a few days, but I do reply.  I have been having some issues with the button, so please try re-sending it or just email me at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com.

You guys rock.  Thank you for stopping by.  Thank you for reading.  Hope your day is the best.

Happy Thursday!