“The Big One” Noonday Giveaway #5


And the winner of the Festival Bracelet in Navy is…

ELLEN SAYS:  Well, I pretty much love everything on the Sufjan Stevens album. My husband refuses to play it until two weeks before Christmas, though. Almost there!

Ellen A) check your inbox for an email from me and B) your comment made me laugh!

Today is our last giveaway of the week.  I’m sad it has come to an end, but I have had a blast reading all your fun Christmas stuff and mailing out all the fun goodies.  I definitely saved the big one for last.  Up for grabs today is Noonday’s Rustic Leather Tote.

Let’s all take a moment to just soak in the ultimate goodness of this  lovely bag.


Ahhhhhhh!  It’s just beautiful.  I don’t own this one, but boy, oh boy how I wish I did.  Several of my friends have it and it’s crazy gorgeous.  Am I currently gushing too hard on a bag?!?!?!  I think not…I mean, just look at it.  And did I tell you the inside is a white and blue pinstripe?!?!  Sigh.

 2 ways to enter:

1:  Leave a comment…any comment will do.  Maybe share the present you are most excited to give to someone this Christmas.  I love giving gifts so I totally get excited when I think I picked out something extra special for someone.

2.  Share this post via social media…Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, whatever suits your fancy.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

Winner will be announced tomorrow…a Saturday post…hold the phone.

Make sure you follow along on instagram too…I’m @pitterpatterart…to enter to win the Geo Print Leather Wallet.  Just to make sure things are extra fun on Instagram today too…this gorgeous lady is up for grabs as well.  It totally looks like fabric printed, but you guys, this sucker is leather and crazy pretty!


Yesterday we rocked leaving encouraging notes on cars.  The kids loved it and we set off zero car alarms.  All the praise hands.  Solomon insisted he put his “You’re car is cool” note he wrote on this truck.

Today we are sharing sonic happy hour with a stranger.  With our kindness advent I always stress to the kids this is not about us, but others, so they didn’t get donuts when we delivered donuts and they didn’t get a treat for themselves when they picked out something for their friends.  I want them to enjoy giving just to give not because they get something as well, but when we share Sonic happy hour we always do partake in a slushy.  Plus it’s Friday, so hello tradition!

Tomorrow we will be surprising someone with chalk art.  Their driveway victim has been selected and they cannot wait.

Last night was our big Timbali Crafts Christmas party.  Thanks so much to everyone who came out and shopped.  We still have a lot of Timbali available so all you locals, if you’d like to come shop just email me at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com and we’ll make that happen.  This is such a great way to purchase with purpose this Christmas and there’s still plenty of great stuff left.

Have a great weekend.  Happy Friday everyone!


Noonday Giveaway #4 + Encouraging Notes

And the winner of the Velocity Necklace is…

GRETCHEN SAYS:  I don’t really bake and thankfully my son (and the rest of us) absolutely LOVES Puppy Chow. I can do that and something we call “Husker bars.” Otherwise, Grandma usually brings a fun assortment of cookies she makes every Christmas.

Gretchen check your inbox for an email from me.  And now I really want to know what “husker bars” are 🙂

Tonight is the Timbali Party and then tomorrow is the last Noonday Collection Giveaway.  I’ve been to the post office approximately 42 times this week and I am happy to keep going.  Up for grabs today is the Festival Bracelet in Navy.  I bought this one at my last Noonday party and it is officially in heavy rotation.  Love the navy and mint green together.  A good looking bracelet indeed.

2 ways to enter:

1:  Leave a comment…any comment will do.  Maybe share your favorite Christmas song…if you say “Christmas Shoes” we will probably not be friends anymore 🙂

2.  Share this post via social media…Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, whatever suits your fancy.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

Winner will be announced tomorrow and the last giveaway will begin.

Make sure you follow along on instagram too…I’m @pitterpatterart…to enter to win the Minted Necklace.  Mint green is all the rage right now so when choosing items this one was a no brainer.  Wear it as a necklace or wrap it around your wrist for a fun bracelet.

Yesterday we mailed off our mail.  Each kiddo picked someone they wanted to write a letter to and a surprise to go with it.  Harper is my mail/letter writing kid so I wasn’t shocked a bit when she chose multiple people.  It’s one of her little gifts.

And how fun is this, but on our mail kindness advent day we got “Merry Mail” with the cutest little Christmas tree picture and Chickfila card.  Ummmm, Chickfila is definitely one of my love languages. My mom used to tell me all the time “Your words have the power of life and death.”  From the Bible.  And in turn, I say this to my kids about 1000 times a day.  Are we building people up or tearing them down?  I definitely know some people who are using their words to give life and what a blessing it is.

Today for our kindness advent we are leaving encouraging notes on cars.  We wrote all our little notes this morning and will be headed to the community center down our street to set off car alarms 🙂  I pretty much adore kid compliments.

Tomorrow we are sharing Sonic happy hour with a stranger.

And all key fob sets are listed HERE if you would like to purchase some in time for Christmas.

You don’t want to miss tomorrow’s giveaway.  I saved the best two things for last because that’s how Friday’s should be.

Happy Thursday!

Noonday Giveaway #3 + Mail


And the winner of the Feathered Fringe Earrings in Cobalt is…

MELINDA SAYS:  Children’s Christmas program at church on Christmas Eve. Then small open house with some friends and family. Our family tradition that us dear to us…

Melinda check your inbox for an email from me.

Pretty pumped it’s Wednesday…the week is almost through.  Up for grabs today is the Velocity Necklace.  I am a huge fan of this necklace!  It’s so versatile and you can wear it dressed up or dressed down…like with a tee, jeans and converse…not that I’ve done that…just sayin’.  It’s beautiful and hip.  It basically has my heart.

2 ways to enter:

1:  Leave a comment…any comment will do.  Maybe share your favorite baked good to fix at Christmas…no recipe required, but I’m always so intrigued by people’s favorite treats.

2.  Share this post via social media…Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, whatever suits your fancy.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

Winner will be announced tomorrow and the next giveaway will begin…again.

Make sure you follow along on instagram too…I’m @pitterpatterart…to enter to win the Bethie Rope Necklace…a wildly popular Noonday necklace.  My best friend Ashley is a Noonday ambassador and while trying to pick out everything for these giveaways she said I had to get this necklace.  It’s Noondays most popular necklace and goes with everything…it’s Ashley approved.


Today for our kindness advent we are mailing mail.  We did all our card writing last night…it did end in tears for one Kelley kid and a “You’re done.  Go to bed.” from me, but alas, we can’t win them all. #parentingishard  So letters we’re written, fun surprises were chosen and after school we will be headed to the post office to make it all kinds of official.  And yes, Amon even wrote a “letter” to a friend which was seriously the cutest thing ever.

Tomorrow we are leaving encouraging notes on cars.  This is super fun for all those writers and drawers in your family…and we have a house full.

Some random housekeeping:  I was late to the game, but key fob sets are now listed on my “Currently Available” page.  These are ready to ship, so once payment is received I will ship out asap.

Also tomorrow is the Timbali Party.  I started organizing bags yesterday…starting with the 99 cosmetic bags 🙂  I use their cosmetic bag to hold all my Bible journaling supplies.  You can see the one I use HERE.  Tons of food, drinks, laughter, fun, Timbali bags & aprons, door prizes and a random free pile for good measure.  Grab some friends and make it a ladies night.

Thanks for being awesome.  I can’t say enough how much I appreciate your kindness and that you even stop by to read all my randomness.  Hope your day is crazy good.

Happy Wednesday!


Noonday Giveaway #2


And the winner of the Metric Cuff is…

STACY SAYS:  I am excited about a possible date night with my husband this week. Both kids have plans!!

Stacy…check your inbox for an email from me.

Moving right along.

Up for grabs today are the Feathered Fringe Earrings in Cobalt.  You guys!!!!!  I know, I know.  They are too flippin’ cute.  I don’t personally own these just yet, but I have not only purchased them for practically every friend I have, tried them on 5 bajillion times and my best friend Ashley bought them for my birthday, but she lives in Florida, so they haven’t arrived just yet, but again, when they do arrive I am going to wear the fire out of them.  They are light…not heavy at all…and really really really really good looking *insert my best blue steel.

2 ways to enter:

1:  Leave a comment…any comment will do.  Maybe share your favorite Christmas tradition.

2.  Share this post via social media…Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, whatever suits your fancy.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

Winner will be announced tomorrow and the next giveaway will begin.  Is this groundhog’s day?!?!

Make sure you follow along on instagram too…I’m @pitterpatterart…to enter to win the Crescent Moon Earrings.  Tried these on at my latest party and about fell out in the floor.  Crazy adorable.

And today we officially began our kindness advent.  Day one is already in the books.

Fun fact:  If you order in larger quantities from Krispy Kreme call ahead a few days and you will receive a discount.  Raise the donut roof.

We love our public school.  This place is a beating heart for our community and kids.  Teachers are overworked, under paid and stressed out, but everyday they are showing up, doing their gosh darn best and loving our kiddos.  They need to know we are in this with them.  If I could, I would wrap each one of them up in a giant hug and just gush over them, give them a massive pay raise and bake them cookies every single day for the entire school year.  But alas, sometimes we just stock pile the teachers lounge with regular and chocolate glaze donuts and hope they know how much we appreciate them and all their hard work.

Tomorrow we will be mailing out some handmade mail.

Now go spread some kindness party people.

Happy Tuesday!


Advent Ready + Noonday Giveaway


This week is going to be fun.  So many things I am looking forward to.  First, our kindness advent starts tomorrow…December 1…and we are ready.  Every year I change up how I display our advent envelopes at least a smidgen.  This year I just picked a door frame and went to town with washi tape.  Done and done.  Everyone is pumped and can’t wait to begin tomorrow.

Second, I still have lots of stuff available for sale and ready to ship.  There are no key fobs listed yet, but tons of other stuff.  Hoping to get key fobs listed this week.  Check out everything for sale HERE.

Third, this week there will be Noonday Collection giveaways every day…here and on my instgram.  This company is so legit and lovely and changing the world and we get to get in on the world changing too by purchasing with purpose and spreading the Noonday love.  I basically went through and picked some of my most favorite, favorite items…all the heart eyes.

Fourth, the Timbali Crafts party is Thursday.  You guys, come on out and do some shopping.  No ordering…all the bags are at my house so you will leave with your goodies that night.  You can go home and immediately wrap them right up.  I have so much it’s crazy.  I love companies who are changing the world and Timbali is absolutely doing this.  I get nothing for hosting the party…so there are no incentives…other than the privilege of opening up our home, feeding you guys yummy food and drinks, laughing a ton and shopping incredible products created by incredible women in Swaziland, Africa.  Invite your friends and come shop until you drop.  There will be fun door prizes and a giant pile of free stuff as well!!

And fifth, let’s kick this week off right with the first Noonday giveaway.  Up for grabs first in the metric cuff.  No joke…zero exaggeration…I wear this bracelet almost every single day.  It goes with everything and is my favorite!!!

2 ways to enter:

1:  Leave a comment…any comment will do.  Maybe share something you’re looking forward to this week.

2.  Share this post via social media…Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, whatever suits your fancy.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

Winner will be announced tomorrow and the next giveaway will begin.  This is fun, right!?!?!?

Make sure you follow along on instagram too…I’m @pitterpatterart…to enter to win the Funky Paper Bead Bracelet.


Alright…that’s it.  Here’s to a great week.  It’s going to be a good one…I can just feel it.

Happy Monday!


Kindness Advent Prep

So yes it is only September and no my Christmas tree is not already up, but every year when we start our Kindness Advent I get lots and lots of emails and questions and inquiries about how we afford doing a Kindness Advent at Christmas time.  First I will say, this isn’t for everyone…let’s all be okay with everyone doing what works for their own family.  We started doing our Kindness Advent at Christmas time in 2011 right after Mom died.  This was part of my survival mode and honestly I cannot imagine our month of December without it now.  It is important to us.  We are not big spenders in our house so we can be big givers.  Again, I know that is not for everyone, but it’s how our family runs best.  We purposefully have cut out lots of “normal” things so we can free up more funds to give with and feed/keep alive 🙂 a tribe of children on a budget.


With all that said, a Kindness Advent also can not require money.  There are plenty of things you can do which cost zero to show kindness.  Think outside the box.  Our advent typically has a mix of things which require money and do not.  Here’s our list from LAST YEAR.


Right now my mind is already thinking about prep work for our advent.  Ours does require some preparation and thinking.  At the end of summer is right about when my mind starts thinking ahead…not because I’m crazy Christmas person, but because I start being able to purchase some items ahead of time cheaper.  A few examples:

We love to do surprise chalk art and those giant boxes of crayola sidewalk chalk are clearanced right about now.  If you don’t snag one now you can always use a coupon at one of your local craft stores too.

School supplies are still on sale right now as well…all the way from pencils & markers to backpacks & lunch boxes.  This can apply to lots of different ways you can bless people from encouraging sticky notes to your local children’s hospital to all those fabulous teachers in your life.


My niece Campbell and our own kids are selling cookie dough for their schools.  Let the school fundraising begin.  I’m a sucker for supporting our local public schools so you better believe I buy up cookie dough so I can make baking a tad less intense right around Christmas time.  I love to make homemade goodies too, but I also like a quick, easy and delicious cookie treat.  It’s a win/win.

Target has already started running their gift cards on sale.  Yes, gift cards on sale.  Some even $5 off.  The perfect time to purchase one and tuck it away to bless someone later.  I also like to watch for when Kroger offers crazy extra gas points for gift cards and saves me money on gas.  Keep your eyes open for great sales even now to pick up the items your advent might include.

And a little known secret of mine is the Scholastic Warehouse Sale.  I know they have others across the the US including our very own Nashville.  It is my fave.  I get to roam through Scholastic’s warehouse and pick up awesome books and other Scholastic items for 50%-80% off.  Google it and thank me later 🙂


So those are a few of my tips for keeping a Kindness Advent a little more affordable if your’s requires some moola, but remember kindness can be completely free.

Happy Wednesday!



CLICK HERE to check out 2015s list of kindness activities.

December 23

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I cannot even believe it.  Are you done with your shopping/baking/wrapping/etc???  We’re all done, but the boys and I went out this morning to grab some regular house items and it was crazy town.

Today’s kindness advent was painting rocks to leave at our community playground.  This is always a Kelley kid favorite.

Tomorrow we are leaving encouraging notes on cars.

2 Random Fun Things:

1)  Harper had a girls only cousin slumber party last night so we took the boys to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings.  Josh Kelley and myself dig chicken wings, so we were pretty excited to take the boys for the first time.  No lie, as we were walking in the door Hudson casually says, “So do they have anything other than buffalo?”  We died.

Major success.  They ate all their food, we had lots of fun conversations and they all enjoyed sports at every turn.  So fun.

2)  And I did a little more last minute Christmas crafting today.  Silverware I picked up at Goodwill + my metal stamps = more gifts. Inexpensive and lovely.  Harper loves when they match!

Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

Happy Tuesday night!

December 21 & 22

Yesterday’s kindness advent was our Redbox rental goody bag.  A little note, some popcorn, a few $1 boxes of movie candy and a couple of dollars for the next renter.

Today we left sticky notes on the mirrors in a public restroom.  I helped the boys spell all of theres, so I kind of love Harper’s “You are prity.”  Made me smile.

Tomorrow we are painting rocks to leave on the playground!

And I’ll leave with you a few brotherly loving pictures.  They can fight with the best of them, but they love hard as well.

Laura Kelley Fun Fact #37:  When I found out I was pregnant with Harper I begged God to let it be twin boys and even totally convinced myself it was.  Then we had the big ultrasound and found out we were having one girl 🙂  I cried.  Of course I wouldn’t have it any other way now.  No way…Harper is my sanity!  But, I also love that God gave me my twin boys…just later and a bit different.

Amon asked Hudson to sit by him while they ate their breakfast.  Hudson obliged.

Solomon and Hudson watched 1/2 a movie this way.  Made me laugh so hard because they were totally in their movie zone.

Amon and Solomon were having a sweet little moment together the other day as well.  Solomon’s high raised Ethiopian eye brows are my favorite of all time…makes me melt.

And then Amon went back to his crazy self.  Sol is super patient and tolerable of Amon’s toddler antics too.

Now I’m off to do some last minute Christmas baking and enjoy these wild Kelley children.  It’s Christmas week people…enjoy it!

Happy Monday.