You’re officially invited to June’s Bible Journaling Class. This is a really quick turnaround time for this class so we’re going to see where we land with numbers. Here are the details:
When: Saturday, June 6th
Time: 1pm-4pm
Where: Our house.
Cost: $50
All the money will be used to do some good in this world. March’s class we raised enough money to fund a Fun Day for over 150 kids in Swaziland Africa which will take place on our trip in July. April’s class funds were used to help purchase items and assemble welcome baskets for ladies entering the Magdalene Houses. May’s funds are headed to bless an office of 60 social workers and their supervisors. June’s funds, well, we’re not quite sure where they will be headed yet. We’re praying and brainstorming and keeping our ears and hearts open. I’ll clue you guys in as soon as we know.
This class will be 3 hours in length and we will talk about the process of Bible journaling and I will share how I go about this each day. We will also talk about supplies and tips, tricks and techniques I use. There will be time for questions throughout the class as well as time for you to do some of your own Bible journaling and practicing.
Each person will bring their own supplies. You can read about the supplies I use on THIS POST, but please feel free to bring the items which work for you. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THE ITEMS I USE.
There are 7 spaces still available for this class. If you would like a spot email me at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com or Message Me Here. You can reserve more than one spot, so chat with your family and friends and make it a girls time. This will also be a kid free time…sorry, no kiddos.
I hope you will join me. It has been so great meeting all the different women in so many different walks…so much love. I’m excited as always and can’t wait to see what God has in store for June’s class. Let me know if you have any questions!
Happy Wednesday.
When is your next class?