Hello Monday!

You guys this week could not possibly get much crazier.  School is legit in session along with little league baseball, soccer season, work, work and more work and Josh’s fall league.  We are officially for realz crazy town.  Our children will never, I repeat never, do more than one extra curricular activity.  I would die.  There’s no way I could pull it off.  One is enough…and God forbid the boys ever be on different teams.  When that day arrives, we are screwed.  I won’t be able to handle it.

It was nice to have a pretty chill weekend before this insane week commenced.

I got a little work done.

Full Count’s fall league started up this weekend and it was a hot one.  We tried to make it through a double header, but ended up peacing out after the first game.  It was too flippin’ hot.

We made these cookies and I threw in an insane amount of sprinkles because we can.

Harper colored her heart out.

We enjoyed one of our nieces’ birthday party and then made a late night Target run.  It’s really funny shopping with our kids past their bedtimes…they are beyond goofy and hilarious.  And look at my twins.

Then Saturday night Hudson woke up with a mean asthma attack and we struggled to get it under control and then ended up in the doctors office for a good chunk of time Sunday.  They pumped this guy full of some serious meds.  Dude just could not breathe.  #awesome

Oddly enough this is the second weekend in a row we’ve had medical issues.  Last weekend it was Amon, a crushed flower pot on his foot and a giant laceration.  Why was he carrying around a flower pot, well that is the question I would like answered myself.  Washi tape for the win on keeping blood from dripping all over our car on the ride to get him all fixed up.

So how was your weekend?  I hope it was really great.  A pick me up.  The encouragement you needed to plow through another week.

Most of these pictures are from my Instagram.  You can find me at pitterpatterart.  I haven’t done a giveaway in a while, so I’m going to do my best to do one on my Instagram this week.  It’s sure to be fun.  I’ll keep you posted.

Happy Monday.

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